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Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play a crucial role in modern agriculture. Here’s how:

1. Data Processing and Management: ICTs aid in the processing, management, and exchange of data,
information, or knowledge. They include a broad range of technologies, such as traditional
telecommunications, television, radio, cell phones, smart devices, computers, the internet, sensors,
Geographic Information Systems, satellites, etc.

2. Decision Support System for Farmers: ICTs serve as a decision support system for farmers, keeping them
updated with recent information about weather, agriculture, and advanced ways of enhancing crop quality
and production.

3. Improved Communication and Service Delivery: The adoption of ICTs has facilitated better
communication and ensured the delivery of services and information to people who previously lacked

4. Integration of Sophisticated Technologies: Modern agriculture requires the integration of sophisticated

technologies such as temperature and moisture sensors, robots, GPS technology, and aerial images. ICT
helps meet this demand.

5. Empowering Smallholder Agriculture: In developing countries, ICT in agriculture provides farmers with
vital information pertaining to sowing, crop protection, and improving soil fertility. This enables them to
improve agricultural productivity.

6. Risk Management: Weather-related advisories and alerts help farmers prepare for sporadic events such as
floods, drought, or even pest and disease outbreaks, thus preventing significant crop loss.

7. Increased Productivity and Income: Many ICT interventions have been developed and tested around the
world to help agriculturists improve their livelihoods through increased agricultural productivity and

In summary, ICT has unleashed incredible potential to improve agriculture, and it has found a foothold even in
poor smallholder farms. It has reduced information and transaction costs, streamlined service delivery, generated
new job opportunities, and created new revenue streams.

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