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Examination conducted in July 2022
BBA OE 4118 - Entrepreneurship Development
Hours: 1 1/2 hr Max Marks: 35
This paper contains _____ printed pages and four parts

Section A
I. Answer any five questions each question carries one marks (5x1=5)

1. What is Business Opportunity?

2. Who is an Intrapreneur?
3. List the type of Industrial estates.
4. Mention any 2 sources of business idea.
5. Who is a Fabian entrepreneur?
6. Expand SIDBI and SFC
7. Give any 2 competency required for an entrepreneur

Section B
II. Answer any one questions each question carries five marks (1x5=5)

8. Explain the procedure for starting up a new venture.

9. Elucidate the role of entrepreneurship in economic development

Section C
III. Answer any one question each question carries ten marks (1x10=10)

10. Define Entrepreneur. Explain different types of entrepreneurs with suitable example.
11. Write a short note on PM MUDRA Yojana. Explain its objectives and procedures for
obtaining loan under MUDRA Yojana

Section D

IV. 12. Answer the question given below the question carries fifteen marks.
Ms Vanitha is a homemaker and is enthusiastic to start own pastry shop in Bangalore.
What are the opportunities and challenges to start the business under current business
environment? (7 marks ) Prepare a suitable business plan for the business (8marks)

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