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Corporate Governance


N. Kalyani Kousika

Case study 1

Q) What are the issues of integrity, ethics and law posed in the case study? What options does
the company have, and what should it do and why?
A) The case study presents a complex interplay of integrity, ethics, and law. On the integrity
front, the company has established a positive reputation by providing jobs and being a
responsible corporate citizen, but it faces an ethical dilemma regarding the by-product
discharged into the town river. The reported illnesses raise ethical concerns about the
potential harm caused by the by-product, despite its current legal compliance.
From an ethical standpoint, the company has a responsibility to prioritize the health and well-
being of the community over cost considerations. Options for the company include investing
in research to assess the actual impact of the by-product on the environment and public
health, implementing environmentally friendly manufacturing processes, or finding
alternative ways to manage the by-product.
Ethically, the company should prioritize the health and safety of the community, even if it
means incurring additional costs. Proactively addressing the issue demonstrates a
commitment to ethical business practices and upholds the company's integrity. Additionally,
working towards compliance with or exceeding anti-pollution laws ensures legal adherence
while reinforcing the company's ethical stance. Overall, a responsible approach aligns with
the company's positive reputation and long-term sustainability, maintaining the loyalty of
both employees and the community.
Case study 2

Q) What are the issues of integrity, ethics and law posed in the case study? What options do
the teacher and the student have, and what should they do and why?
A) The case study presents ethical, integrity, and legal dilemmas for both the teacher and the
student. From an integrity perspective, the teacher inadvertently compromised the fairness of
the assessment by briefly posting the test with answers. Although the error was rectified
promptly, the potential exists for an unfair advantage for the student who downloaded the
original test. The teacher now faces an ethical challenge in ensuring the integrity of the
assessment process for all students.
On the student's part, downloading the test with answers raises ethical concerns regarding
adherence to the Student Code of Ethics, which prohibits taking a test when there is reason to
believe confidential information about the answers is possessed. This situation places the
student in a dilemma between academic integrity and potentially gaining an unfair advantage.
The teacher's options include addressing the situation openly with the entire class, perhaps
providing a different form of assessment to ensure fairness and emphasizing the importance
of academic honesty. The teacher must also consider reporting the incident to the appropriate
authorities as per institutional policies. From an ethical standpoint, transparency and fairness
should guide the teacher's actions, prioritizing the academic integrity of the course.
The student's options include disclosing the accidental download to the teacher and refraining
from using any knowledge gained from the original test during the subsequent assessment.
Adhering to the Student Code of Ethics is paramount, and the student should consider
reporting the accidental download independently if necessary.
In conclusion, both the teacher and the student must act with integrity, transparency, and
fairness to uphold the ethical standards and academic integrity of the educational institution.
Reporting and addressing the incident promptly and transparently will contribute to
maintaining a just and equitable learning environment.
Case study 3

Q) What are the issues of integrity, ethics and law posed in the case study? What options does
the woman have, and what should she do and why?
A) This case study raises significant concerns regarding integrity, ethics, and the law within
the context of workplace sexual harassment. From an integrity standpoint, the woman faces a
moral dilemma as the proposed settlement requires her to affirm that the executive did
nothing wrong, potentially compromising her truth and the broader issue of justice. The
ethics of the situation are complicated by the confidentiality clause, which silences the victim
and potentially shields the executive from accountability for his actions.
Legally, the large settlement amount and the company's desire to retain the executive suggest
a potential history of misconduct, creating a situation where the company may be knowingly
shielding an offender from legal consequences. The legal obligation to dismiss the executive
may be indicative of a broader corporate responsibility to address systemic issues.
The woman's options include rejecting the settlement and pursuing a more just resolution,
such as exposing the executive's behavior through legal channels or seeking a settlement that
does not require her to deny the wrongdoing. Alternatively, she can consult with her lawyer to
explore options for holding the company accountable for its potential complicity in covering
up the executive's actions.
Ultimately, the woman should prioritize her own well-being, justice, and the prevention of
further harm by choosing an ethical course of action that aligns with her values. This may
involve pushing for a settlement agreement that allows her to speak truthfully about the
incident or pursuing legal avenues to ensure accountability for the executive and the
company. By doing so, she not only upholds her integrity but also contributes to a safer and
more just workplace for others.

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