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School Based Assessment

Treasure Beach

Topic: What are the effects of sea level rise on the tourism community of Treasure Beach, St.
Elizabeth Jamaica and what measures can be taken to reduce these harmful these harmful.

Candidate Name:
Candidate #:
School: Munro College
Centre #:
Teacher: Mr. Pusey
Year of exam: 2021
Territory: Jamaica



To be completed by March 15 of the year of the examination. Insert at cover of field study report.
Make a duplicate copy of this sheet. Your teacher will return a copy to you.

CANDIDATE’S NAME: Nicholas Watson REGISTRATION NUMBER: ______________________

GENERAL TOPIC OF INTEREST: Environmental Degradation (Sea level rise)


What are the effects of sea level rise on the tourism community of Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth Jamaica
and what measures can be taken to reduce these harmful these harmful.


(A) What is the purpose of your Study? The purpose of my study is to explain what sea level rise is and
what procedures can be carried out to decrease the effects of sea level rise

(B) How will you obtain data? I will obtain the data by using Questionnaires.

(C) How do you intend to present the data and findings in your report? I intend to represent my data by
using charts, graphs, photographs, tables and sketches.
LOCATION OF THE STUDY AREA: St. Elizabeth, Jamaica

EQUIPMENT/RESOURCES REQUIRED: Map of study area, Notepad, camera, questionnaire

ANTICIPATED CHALLENGES: Weather conditions, Transportation difficulties and Covid-19



Revised: 2013-09-24
Table of Contents

Content Pages


Aim of Study ___________________________________________________ 2

Location of Study Area____________________________________________3-5

Methodology ____________________________________________________ 6

Presentation and Analysis of Data ___________________________________ 7-12

Conclusion _____________________________________________________ 13

Bibliography ____________________________________________________14

Appendix ______________________________________________________ 15-16


Sea-level rise is one of the most significant effects of climate change. High projected rates of

future sea-level rise have captured the attention of the world. Particularly, countries which are

located in low-lying areas as well as small islands are concerned that their land areas would be

decreased due to inundation and coastal erosion and, at worst, a large proportion of their

population may be forced to migrate to other countries. Treasure Beach one of the most laid back

place in all of Jamaica. This is the ideal place to relax and take a break from the hustle of

everyday life. They aren’t any large hotels and water sports; however, they are plenty of

hammocks, deserted beaches and friendly residents to help you pass the day.

This study is to seek and gather information about sea level rise is and what procedures or

solutions can be implemented to decrease the effects of sea level rise on the tourism community

of Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth Jamaica. Also to assess the negative impacts of sea level rise on

the community. The location is a suitable and convenient area for study in terms of accessibility

and offers the opportunity to apply appropriate content.

Aim of study

To identify and discuss the negative effects of sea level rise on the tourism community of
Treasure Beach St. Elizabeth Jamaica and the measures that can be taken to reduce these harmful
Location of field Study


Data collection was carried out using questionnaires, observation, and photographs. Information

will also be taken from secondary sources. The researcher decided to select the households and

residents by the process of random selection. The researcher also utilized interviews in order to

collect data from the respondents. The questionnaires were organized and distributed to the

selected participants. All questions that were on the questionnaires were clearly stated to prevent

confusion so that they could be easily answered by the respondents.


The location chosen to conduct this research was in the community of Treasure Beach which is

located in St. Elizabeth.


The questionnaires were distributed on September 25, 2020 at 9 am and were collected on

October 7 at 3 pm.
Percentage of people that believe sea level rise is affecting
the community of Treasure Beach St. Elizabeth Jamaica



No Yes

Figure 1 is a Pie chart showing percentage of respondents that believe that sea level rise is
affecting the community of Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth Jamaica.

From the data obtained it was evident that 80% of respondents believe that sea level rise
is affecting the community of Treasure Beach, while 20% believe it will not affect the
Percentage of People that think sea level rise will affect
Tourism and tourist arrivals in the community of
Treasure Beach



Yes No

Figure 2 is a Pie chart showing percentage of people that believe that sea level rise will
affect tourism and tourist arrivals in the community of Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth.

From the data obtained it was evident that 90% of respondents think sea level rise will
affect the tourism and by extension tourist arrivals to community of Treasure Beach, while
10% believe it will not affect the impact tourism operations.
Bar Graphing Showing Amenities Present In Treasure Beach,
St. Elizabeth Jamaica







Schools Churches Resorts Beaches Recreational Areas


Figure 3 is a bar graph showing the amenities present in the community of Treasure Beach,
St. Elizabeth, Jamaica.

From the data obtained the respondents listed that the following amenities were present
in the community of Treasure Beach: 35% chose resorts, 25% chose beaches, 15%
chose churches,15% chose recreational areas and 10% chose schools.
Ways respondents believe that sea level rise is affecting the
community of Treasure Beach


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Impacts of Sea level Rise

Figure 4 is a bar graph showing ways in which respondents believe sea level rise is affecting
the community of Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth Jamaica.

From the data obtained the respondents listed the following ways that sea level rise is
affecting the community of Treasure Beach: 35% chose damage to coastal infrastructure,
30% chose damage from storms and hurricanes, 20% chose coastal flooding, 10% chose
loss of cultural assets and 5% choose total loss of beach area.

Plate 1 showing shoreline next to Jakes Hotel Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica

The photograph above shows the shoreline next to the Jakes Hotel, currently there are
signs of sea level rise and coastal erosion, from the questionnaires issued it was
understood that the area years ago this area was used to play football and persons where able to
walk along the coast.
Plate 2 showing the famous Jakes Hotel in Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica

The photograph above shows the famous Jakes hotel in Treasure Beach, the hotel
employs quite a few persons from the community in the tourism industry, the hotel is
located along the coastline and is experiencing coastal erosion from sea level rise. If no
plans are put in place to protect the shoreline the business could be impacted as their
property maybe be damaged from sea level rise and coastal erosion.
Plate 3 showing a property located next to the shoreline in Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth,

The photograph above shows a property located next to the shoreline, this property is at threat to
sea level rise, powerful hurricanes and storms that may affect the area. Residents have also
complained that there have been instances of coastal flooding along the shoreline in the
Plate 4 showing the shoreline of the beach area in Treasure Beach, St. Elizabeth,

The photograph above shows the beach area of the Treasure Beach community, this
area is used for tourist purposes to attract people to visit. If it is not protected it will be
eroded and be depleted therefore the arrival of tourists will decrease.
Plate 5 showing the famous Jack Sprat Restaurant located along the shoreline of Treasure

The photograph above shows the famous jack sprat restaurant located along the
shoreline the area might be impacted by sea level rise if the levels of the ocean continues
to rise at the projected rate by extension it may also be impacted by powerful hurricanes
and storms.
Ways in which the respondents believe we make protect the
area from sea level rise






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Combating Sea Level

Figure 5 is a bar graph showing the ways in which respondents believe we make protect the
area from sea level rise.

From the data obtained the respondents listed the following ways that we may protect the
area from sea level rise: 30% chose building coastal defences, 25% chose artificial coral
reefs, 15% chose public education, 10% chose relocating buildings and houses, 10%
chose policy changes, 5% chose policy changes and 5% chose land use zoning and 5%
chose beach nourishment.
Do you believe the government can do more in helping to
protect the community of Treasure Beach from sea level




Figure 6 is a pie chart that shows that the respondents believe that government should do
more in helping to protect the community of Treasure Beach from sea level rise.

Pie chart showing responds who believe that the government should do more in order to
protect the community of Treasure Beach from sea level rise. 80% of the respondents
believe that the government should do more while 20% indicated that there is nothing
much the government can do.
Analysis and Discussion

Sea level rise is an increase in the level world’s oceans. Sea level rise leaves consequences on

Earth and its inhabitants. Consequences such as devastating effects on coastal habitats,

destructive erosion, wetland flooding and the loss of habitat for fish, birds, and plants. Sea level

rise is caused mainly by thermal expansion of sea water as it warms up, melting of land ice and

changes in the amount of water stored on land. Based on the research that was conducted the

following were findings from the study from the data 80% of the respondents believed sea level

rise is affecting the community of Treasure beach while 20% believe it will not.

The majority of respondents believe that sea level rise affecting the community of Treasure

Beach. Sea level rise is already being felt by residents and other people in the community. It is

invading coastal areas causing coastal erosion which is eroding the shoreline. Places where

residents could walk before, they can no longer walk there because of the severe eroding.

Amenities like resorts, schools and other recreational areas are being affected. Tourist attractions

such as restaurants and other infrastructure and other businesses on coastal area will be damaged

severely if the eroding continues. The leading ways residents and visitors of the community

believe sea level rise affecting the community is by the damage done to coastal infrastructure and

damage from storm and hurricanes according to the data collected the greatest effect of sea level

rise on the community was damage to coastal infrastructure as stated by 35% of the respondents

Tourist arrivals will also be greatly affected 90% of the respondents stated that they believe sea

level rise will affect the tourism aspect of the community.

As sea levels continue to rise and cause problems for individuals and businesses, more and more

concerned citizens are calling for local politicians to take action solutions should be put in place

to protect the shoreline. Most residents believe we can protect the area by building coastal

defences and the use of artificial coral reefs. Some ways that the respondents believe that the area

may be protected from sea level rise is as follows : 30% chose building coastal defences, 25%

chose artificial coral reefs, 15% chose public education, 10% chose relocating buildings and

houses, 10% chose policy changes, 5% chose policy changes and 5% chose land use zoning and

5% chose beach nourishment. Sea level rise solutions can save communities and habitats, but they

take time to implement. From seawalls to living shorelines, a brief look at the different solutions,

and their timelines, that coastal cities have turned to in response to sea level rise. According to the

website, “”, we can implement solutions such as natural structures such as barrier

islands, oyster and coral reefs, mangroves, sea grass, and salt marshes can work alone or in unison

with built infrastructure, like seawalls, to absorb storm surge.


The aim of this study and data collection was to identify and discuss the negative effects of sea
level rise on the tourism community of Treasure Beach St. Elizabeth Jamaica and the measures
that can be taken to reduce these harmful effects. When sea levels rise as rapidly as they have
been, even a small increase can have devastating effects on coastal habitats farther inland, it
can cause destructive erosion, wetland flooding, aquifer and agricultural soil contamination
with salt, and lost habitat for fish, birds, and plants. One solution that cities employ to decrease
flooding from tides and storms is constructing seawalls. Similar to seawalls, beaches and dunes
can act as a natural wall and reduce the impact of storm surge. The bigger the beach or larger the
dune, the more water can be stopped from reaching homes and roads. Towns can add sand to
make beaches bigger or to prevent them from eroding. Using this type of natural infrastructure
can protect against flooding while maintaining beaches for the community to enjoy.

Turner, R. (2021, January 25). Climate Change: Global Sea Level: NOAA Retrieved February 1, 2021, from
Foundation, F. S. (2018, November 24). Solving for Sea Level Rise. Retrieved
February 1, 2021, from
Nunez, C. (2019, February 27). Sea level rise, explained. Retrieved February 1,
2021, from

Geography Field Study Questionnaire/Interview Sheet

Natural Hazards
Sea Level Rise
Research Topic : What are the effects of sea level rise on the tourism community of Treasure
Beach, St. Elizabeth Jamaica and what measures can be taken to reduce these harmful effects.

Instructions: This questionnaire is being executed to complete the Geography School Based
Assessment required by the Caribbean Examinations Council to be done by all Geography
students. You are being asked to complete the questions below, you are not required to mention
your name. All the information that will be collected will be kept anonymous and will be used
solely for the purposes of completing the School Based Assessment.

1. Gender: ( ) male ( ) female

2. To which age group do you belong ?

( ) 15-19
( ) 20- 25
( ) 26 – 30
( ) Over 30

3. Are you a? ( ) resident ( ) Visitor business owner ( ) ?

4. Are you originally from this community ?

( ) Yes No ( )

5. If you were not born in this town, why did you move here?

6. What are the amenities present in the community of Treasure Beach ?

( ) Schools
( ) Churches
( ) Resorts
( ) Beaches
( ) Recreational Area (Parks, attractions, football field etc.)
( ) Other ______________

7. Do you believe that the community is being threaten by sea level rise?
( ) Yes ( ) No

8. Do you believe that the waves coming on to the shoreline have gotten more powerful over the
( ) Yes ( ) No

9. In what ways do you believe that sea level rise is affecting the community of Treasure
Beach ?
( ) Loss of cultural assets
( ) Coastal Flooding
( ) Total loss of beach area
( ) Damage from hurricanes and storms
( ) Damage to coastal infrastructure (Hotels, restaurants etc.)
( ) Other ________________________________

10 . Do you think sea level rise will affect tourism and tourist arrivals in the community of
Treasure Beach ?
( ) Yes ( ) No

11 . Do you believe that the residents and businesses owners are serious about the issue of sea
level rise ?
( ) Yes ( ) No

12. Do you believe that your actions have contributed to global warming leading to sea level
rise ?

( ) Yes ( ) No

13. Do you believe plans should be in place to protect our coastal communities including
Treasure Beach from the effects of sea level rise ?
( ) Yes ( ) No
Why ?

14. Do you believe the community of Treasure Beach is important to the tourism industry of
Jamaica ?
15. Are you aware of any plans or initiatives that have been implemented to protect the
community of Treasure Beach from the effects of sea level rise ?
( ) Yes ( ) No
If yes how

16. In what way can we lessen the impact of sea level rise on our coastal communities including
the community of Treasure Beach ?
( ) Relocation of buildings ( Houses and businesses)
( ) Building of coastal defenses
( ) Policy changes to include sea level rise on coastal areas
( ) Public education
( ) Land use zoning laws
( ) Beach nourishment
( ) Artificial coral reefs

17. In what ways are the business owners and homes owners along the shoreline protecting their
properties from sea level rise and coastal flooding ?

18. Do you believe coral reefs will help to slow the rate of sea level rise and protect the coastal
areas of the community ?
( ) Yes ( ) No
19. What are the community members doing to protect the coral reefs along the shoreline ?

20. Do you believe the government can do more in helping to protect the community of Treasure
Beach from sea level rise and why ?

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