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Name (Optional): ______________________ Date______ Score______

This questionnaire will help determine the awareness of Basic Software Cellphone Maintenance among Grade 12 ICT
students of General Santos City National High School.
Instruction: Please answer the following questions based on your current level of awareness on basic software
maintenance. Encircle the correct answer. There are no right or wrong answers; your honest response will greatly contribute to the
success of our study. Thank you for your cooperation.

1. Your phone antivirus app detects and quarantines a potential threat. What would you do next to optimize the security of your
a. Ignore the threat; antivirus apps often give false alarms
b. Uninstall the antivirus app to avoid unnecessary warnings
c. Investigate the threat and take appropriate actions, such as removing or isolating it
d. Continue using the phone without addressing the detected threat
2. Why is it essential to periodically scan and remove viruses from your smartphone for optimal performance and security?
a. Viruses only affect aesthetics, not performance
b. To enhance the phone’s appearance and theme
c. Viruses can compromise security and degrade performance
d. Scanning for viruses is unnecessary on smartphones
3. You have identified a potentially harmful file on your computer. What should you do next?
a. Open the file to investigate its contents.
b. Delete the file immediately.
c. Move the file to a different location on your computer.
d. Quarantine the file using antivirus software.
4. Your phone starts displaying unusual behavior after downloading a new app. How would you optimize your device’s security
without compromising functionality?
a. Continue using the app despite the issues
b. Disable the antivirus app to allow the new app to function smoothly
c. Uninstall the new app and perform a comprehensive virus scan
d. Share the app with friends to see if they encounter similar problems
5. Your friend’s phone is behaving strangely, and they suspect a virus. How would you guide them to optimize their device’s
performance and security?
a. Suggest they ignore the issue; viruses don’t affect phone performance
b. Advise them to download more apps for better protection
c. Recommend a reputable antivirus app and perform a thorough scan
d. Tell them to share sensitive information with you for analysis
6. You have noticed that some of your apps are not working properly or have stopped updating altogether. To resolve this issue,
you should:
a. Go to the App Store on your device and select "Updates" to see if any updates are available for your apps
b. Disable automatic app updates in your device's settings and manually update each app as needed
c. Delete and reinstall the not working apps from the Play Store
d. Contact the app developers for assistance with resolving the issue
7. Your smartphone has received a software update, but you are unsure whether to install it right away. To determine whether the
update is necessary, you should:
a. Check the release notes for the update to see what changes and improvements have been made
b. Wait a few days to see if any major issues are reported by other users before installing the update
c. Install the update as soon as possible to ensure your device is running the latest software
d. Contact the manufacturer's customer support for guidance on whether to install the update
8. What could happen if you consistently ignore software updates on your cellphone?
a. The device becomes waterproof.
b. Improved performance and speed.
c. Vulnerable to security threats.
d. The device gains extra storage space.
9. Your phone prompts you to update multiple apps simultaneously. What would be your approach to optimize the updating
a. Update only the most frequently used apps
b. Delay updates to a later time
c. Update all apps at once for comprehensive improvements
d. Avoid updating any apps to prevent potential issues
10. What is the most important thing to keep in mind when updating your cellphone's software?
a. Make sure your device is connected to a stable Wi-Fi network
b. Back up your data before the update
c. Disable all running apps before the update
d. All of the above
11. If a phone experiences sluggish performance, how might cleaning unnecessary files help address the issue?
a. It does not affect performance
b. Frees up system resources for smoother operation
c. Slows down the phone further
d. Increases the likelihood of software crashes
12. What is the main purpose of cleaning unnecessary and temporary files?
a. To improve the performance of the computer system
b. To save storage space
c. To prevent malware attacks
d. To optimize the internet connection
13. You have noticed that your smartphone is displaying a message about low disk space, even though you have recently deleted
some files. To address this issue, you should:
a. Go to your device's settings and select "Backup" to ensure that System Backup is turned on and up-to-date
b. Restart your smartphone to free up some temporary system files
c. Use a third-party cleaning tool to scan your smartphone for unnecessary or temporary files and delete them
d. Use the built-in Storage settings in your smartphone's operating system to scan for and delete unnecessary or
temporary files
14. You have noticed that some of your apps are not functioning properly, even after restarting your smartphone. To address this
issue, you should:
a. Go to your device's settings and select "System Backup" to ensure that Backup is turned on and up-to-date
b. Clear the cache of the problematic apps by going to their settings within the App Store
c. Uninstall and reinstall the problematic apps from the App Store
d. Contact the manufacturer's customer support for assistance with resolving app-related issues or addressing low disk space
15. What is the primary purpose of cleaning unnecessary and temporary files on a smartphone?
a. To free up storage space
b. To increase screen brightness
c. To improve camera quality
d. To enhance gaming performance
16. You have noticed that your smartphone's battery life is shorter than usual. To optimize your system software and improve
battery life, you should:
a. Go to your device's settings and select "Battery" to see which apps are using the most battery and adjust their usage
b. Turn off features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and cellular data when they are not in use to conserve battery life
c. Go to your device's settings and select "General" > "Software Update" to ensure that your system software is up-to-
date with the latest battery optimization features
d. Consider purchasing a smartphone with a larger battery capacity or a battery case to extend your device's battery
17. What role does background app management play in optimizing battery life?
a. It has no impact on battery life
b. Keeps apps running continuously for better performance
c. Prevents unnecessary apps from running in the background
d. Enhances multitasking capabilities
18. After disabling several background apps, you notice a significant improvement in battery life but some sacrifice in
multitasking capabilities. Explain your decision-making process and how you would further optimize the system software.
a. Enable more live wallpapers
b. Install more widgets
c. Re-enable background apps for multitasking
d. Keep background apps disabled for better battery life
19. Your phone frequently overheats, impacting both battery life and performance. Propose a strategy to optimize the system
software and address the overheating issue.
a. Use resource-intensive apps
b. Enable more live wallpapers
c. Clear app cache regularly
d. Disable unused background processes
20. Your phone’s battery drains rapidly, affecting daily use. What would you do to optimize the system software for improved
battery performance?
a. Increase screen brightness
b. Install more apps
c. Clear app cache
d. Optimize Battery Power
Chapter IV


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered in this study. The

various results were presented through the succeeding tables and figures with corresponding


Table 1.

The level of awareness on basic software cellphone maintenance among Grade 12 students

before watching the instructional video

Indicators Frequency Percentage Description

A. Scanning and removing
1. Your phone antivirus app 54 54% Low Competency
detects and quarantines a
potential threat. What would
you do next to optimize the
security of your cellphone?
2. Why is it essential to 28 28% Low Competency
periodically scan and remove
viruses from your smartphone
for optimal performance and
3. You have identified a 28 28% Low Competency
potentially harmful file on your
cellphone. What should you do
4. Your phone starts displaying 46 46% Low Competency
unusual behavior after
downloading a new app. How
would you optimize your
device’s security without
compromising functionality?
5. Your friend’s phone is 48 48% Low Competency
behaving strangely, and they
suspect it is a virus. How
would you guide them to
optimize their device’s
performance and security?
MEAN 40.8 Low Competency
B. Updating software
system and application
6. You have noticed that some 44 44% Low Competency
of your apps are not working
properly or have stopped
updating altogether. To
resolve this issue, you should:
7. Your smartphone has 10 10% Low Competency
received a software update,
but you are unsure whether to
install it right away. To
determine whether the
update is necessary, you
8. What could happen if you 43 43% Low Competency
consistently ignore software
updates on your cellphone?
9. Your phone prompts you to 34 34% Low Competency
update multiple apps
simultaneously. What would
be your approach to optimize
the updating process?
10. What is the most 26 26% Low Competency
important thing to keep in
mind when updating your
cellphone's software?
MEAN 31.40 Low Competency
C. Free Fonts
11. If a phone experiences a 40 40% Low Competency
sluggish performance, how
might cleaning unnecessary
files help address the issue?
12. What is the main purpose 34 34% Low Competency
of cleaning unnecessary and
temporary files?
13. You have noticed that your 26 26% Low Competency
smartphone is displaying a
message about low disk space,
even though you have
recently deleted some files. To
address this issue, you should:
14. You have noticed that 16 16% Low Competency
some of your apps are not
functioning properly, even
after restarting your
smartphone. To address this
issue, you should:
15. What is the primary 32 32% Low Competency
purpose of cleaning
unnecessary and temporary
files on a smartphone?
MEAN 29.6 Low Competency

D. Optimizing software

16. You have noticed that your 19 19 Low Competency

smartphone's battery life is
shorter than usual. To
optimize your system software
and improve battery life, you
17. What role does 25 25 Low Competency
background app management
play in optimizing battery life?
18. After disabling several 26 26 Low Competency
background apps, you notice a
significant improvement in
battery life but some sacrifice
in multitasking capabilities.
Explain your decision-making
process and how you would
further optimize the system
19. Your phone frequently 41 41 Low Competency
overheats, impacting both
battery life and performance.
Propose a strategy to optimize
the system software and
address the overheating issue.
20. Your phone’s battery 42 42 Low Competency
drains rapidly, affecting daily
use. What would you do to
optimize the system software
for improved battery
Mean 30.6 Low Competency

Overall MEAN 33.10 Low Competency

Table 1 shows the level of awareness on basic software cellphone maintenance among

Grade 12 students before watching the instructional video. The data were analyzed using

frequency distribution and percentages. The results revealed that the respondents demonstrated a

low level of awareness when it came to scanning and removing virus (40%), updating software

system and application (31%), cleaning unnecessary and temporary file (30%), optimizing

software (31%). Overall, the respondent demonstrated an 33% level of awareness, which is

classified as low.

In terms of scanning and removing virus, questions “1. Your phone antivirus app detects

and quarantines a potential threat. What would you do next to optimize the security of your

phone?”, “2. Why is it essential to periodically scan and remove viruses from your smartphone for

optimal performance and security?”, “3. You have identified a potentially harmful file on your

cellphone. What should you do next?”, “4. Your phone starts displaying unusual behavior after

downloading a new app. How would you optimize your device’s security without compromising

functionality?”, and “5. Your friend’s phone is behaving strangely, and they suspect a virus. How

would you guide them to optimize their device’s performance and security?” got low competency.
Question 1 got a frequency of 54 with a percentage of 54%, question 2 got a frequency of 28 with

a percentage of 28%, question 3 got a frequency of 28 with a percentage of 28%, question 4 got a

frequency of 46 with a percentage of 46%, and question 5 got a frequency of 48 with a percentage

of 48% resulted in low competency. Generally, scan and remove virus got an overall mean of 40%

and this was interpreted as moderate competency which means students are not aware on how to

scan and remove virus.

In updating software system and application, questions “6. You have noticed that some of

your apps are not working properly or have stopped updating altogether. To resolve this issue, you

should:”, “7. Your smartphone has received a software update, but you are unsure whether to

install it right away. To determine whether the update is necessary, you should:”, “8. What could

happen if you consistently ignore software updates on your cellphone?”, Your phone prompts you

to update multiple apps simultaneously. What would be your approach to optimize the updating

process?”, and “10. What is the most important thing to keep in mind when updating your

cellphone's software?” All got low competency with frequencies of 44, 10, 43, 34, 26 and

percentages of 44%, 10%, 43%, 34%, and 26%. Generally, updating software system and

application got an overall mean of 31% which means that students are not aware on updating

software system and application on cellphone.

In terms of cleaning unnecessary and temporary file, students have a low competency in “11. If

a phone experiences sluggish performance, how might cleaning unnecessary files help address

the issue?” with a frequency of 40 and percentage of 40, “12. What is the main purpose of

cleaning unnecessary and temporary files?” with 34 frequency and 34% percentage, “13. You

have noticed that your smartphone is displaying a message about low disk space, even though

you have recently deleted some files. To address this issue, you should:” with 26 frequency and a

percentage of 26%, “14. You have noticed that some of your apps are not functioning properly,

even after restarting your smartphone. To address this issue, you should:” with a frequency of 16

and 16% percentage, and “15. What is the primary purpose of cleaning unnecessary and

temporary files on a smartphone?” with 32 frequency and 32% percentage. Generally, cleaning
unnecessary and temporary file got an overall mean of 30% which can be interpreted as low

competency. This means that Grade 12 students are not aware on cleaning unnecessary and

temporary file.

In terms of optimizing software, questions “16. You have noticed that your smartphone's

battery life is shorter than usual. To optimize your system software and improve battery life, you

should:”, “17. What role does background app management play in optimizing battery life?”, “18.

After disabling several background apps, you notice a significant improvement in battery life but

some sacrifice in multitasking capabilities. Explain your decision-making process and how you

would further optimize the system software.”, “19 Your phone frequently overheats, impacting both

battery life and performance. Propose a strategy to optimize the system software and address the

overheating issue.”, and “20. Your phone’s battery drains rapidly, affecting daily use. What would

you do to optimize the system software for improved battery performance?” got low competency.

Question 1 got a frequency of 19 with a percentage of 19%, question 2 got a frequency of 25 with

a percentage of 25%, question 3 got a frequency of 26 with a percentage of 26%, question 4 got a

frequency of 41 with a percentage of 41%, and question 5 got a frequency of 42 with a percentage

of 43% resulted in low competency. Generally, scan and remove virus got an overall mean of 31%

and this was interpreted as moderate competency which means students are not aware on how to

scan and remove virus.

Since the respondents demonstrated an Overall Mean of 33% level of awareness, this

implies that they are not perceptive and not informed about basic software cellphone maintenance.

Therefore, they are prone to encounter problems on their cellphone such as slow performance,

malware, freezing, and security breaches.

The Importance of basic software cellphone maintenance is highlighted in various studies.

For example, a study conducted by Garcia et al. (2020) emphasized the significance of basic

cellphone maintenance awareness in ensuring optimal device performance and security. Their

research underscored the correlation between low awareness levels and increased susceptibility

to issues such as slow performance, malware infections, system freezing, and security breaches.
In addition to the studie mentioned above, Sanders et al. (2017) found that a significant

portion of cellphone performance issues and security breaches could be attributed to the presence

of viruses and malware. Furthermore, neglecting virus scanning leaves devices vulnerable to data

theft and other malicious activities. Educating users about the importance of antivirus software and

regular scanning routines is crucial in mitigating these risks.

In a study by Molinaro (2022), underscored the detrimental impact of accumulating

unnecessary and temporary files on cellphone performance. These files not only consume

valuable storage space but also contribute to system slowdowns and instability. Effective cleaning

and management of such files through built-in system tools or third-party applications are essential

to maintain optimal device performance over time. Educating users about the consequences of file

clutter and promoting regular cleanup practices can significantly enhance the longevity of their


Moreover, Austin (202) has emphasized the critical role of software updates in addressing

security vulnerabilities and improving system stability. Outdated software versions are often

susceptible to exploitation by hackers and cybercriminals, posing significant risks to user data and

privacy. Therefore, timely installation of operating system and application updates is paramount to

safeguarding against security breaches and ensuring the smooth functioning of cellphones. Efforts

to raise awareness about the importance of software updates and facilitate their implementation

are essential in mitigating security threats and enhancing user experience.

On the other hand, Hort et al. (2022) have highlighted various optimization techniques, such

as disabling unused background processes and adjusting display settings, that can significantly

improve the efficiency of cellphones. Furthermore, optimizing software can help reduce instances

of system lag, overheating, and battery drain, thereby enhancing user satisfy action and

prolonging device lifespan. Educating users about optimization strategies tailored to their specific

devices and usage patterns can empower them to optimize performance and maximize the utility

of their cellphones.
Table 2.

The level of awareness on basic software cellphone maintenance among Grade 12 students

after watching the instructional video

Indicators Frequency Percentage Description

A. Scanning and removing
1. Your phone antivirus app 90 90% Very High
detects and quarantines a Competency
potential threat. What would
you do next to optimize the
security of your cellphone?
2. Why is it essential to 79 79% High Competency
periodically scan and remove
viruses from your smartphone
for optimal performance and
3. You have identified a 78 78% High Competency
potentially harmful file on your
cellphone. What should you do
4. Your phone starts displaying 78 78% High Competency
unusual behavior after
downloading a new app. How
would you optimize your
device’s security without
compromising functionality?
5. Your friend’s phone is 79 79% High Competency
behaving strangely, and they
suspect it is a virus. How
would you guide them to
optimize their device’s
performance and security?
MEAN 80.8 High Competency
B. Updating software
system and application
6. You have noticed that some 81 81% High Competency
of your apps are not working
properly or have stopped
updating altogether. To
resolve this issue, you should:
7. Your smartphone has 89 89% High Competency
received a software update,
but you are unsure whether to
install it right away. To
determine whether the
update is necessary, you
8. What could happen if you 90 90% Very High
consistently ignore software Competency
updates on your cellphone?
9. Your phone prompts you to 79 79% High Competency
update multiple apps
simultaneously. What would
be your approach to optimize
the updating process?
10. What is the most 78 78% High Competency
important thing to keep in
mind when updating your
cellphone's software?
MEAN 83.4 High Competency
C. Free Fonts
11. If a phone experiences a 77 77% High Competency
sluggish performance, how
might cleaning unnecessary
files help address the issue?
12. What is the main purpose 78 78% High Competency
of cleaning unnecessary and
temporary files?
13. You have noticed that your 85 85% High Competency
smartphone is displaying a
message about low disk space,
even though you have
recently deleted some files. To
address this issue, you should:
14. You have noticed that 72 72% High Competency
some of your apps are not
functioning properly, even
after restarting your
smartphone. To address this
issue, you should:
15. What is the primary 80 80% High Competency
purpose of cleaning
unnecessary and temporary
files on a smartphone?
MEAN 78.4 High Competency

D. Optimizing software

16. You have noticed that 81 81% High Competency

your smartphone's battery life
is shorter than usual. To
optimize your system software
and improve battery life, you
17. What role does 74 74% High Competency
background app management
play in optimizing battery life?
18. After disabling several 76 76% High Competency
background apps, you notice a
significant improvement in
battery life but some sacrifice
in multitasking capabilities.
Explain your decision-making
process and how you would
further optimize the system
19. Your phone frequently 89 89% High Competency
overheats, impacting both
battery life and performance.
Propose a strategy to optimize
the system software and
address the overheating issue.
20. Your phone’s battery 83 83% High Competency
drains rapidly, affecting daily
use. What would you do to
optimize the system software
for improved battery
Mean 80.6 High Competency

Overall MEAN 80.8 High Competency

Table 2 shows the level of awareness on basic software cellphone maintenance among

Grade 12 students before watching the instructional video. The data were analyzed using

frequency distribution and percentages. The results revealed that the respondents demonstrated a

very high level of awareness when it came to scanning and removing virus (80%), updating

software system and application (83%), cleaning unnecessary and temporary file (78%),

optimizing software (80%). Overall, the respondent demonstrated an 80% level of awareness,

which is classified as very high.

In terms of scanning and removing virus, questions “1. Your phone antivirus app detects

and quarantines a potential threat. What would you do next to optimize the security of your

phone?”, “2. Why is it essential to periodically scan and remove viruses from your smartphone for

optimal performance and security?”, “3. You have identified a potentially harmful file on your

cellphone. What should you do next?”, “4. Your phone starts displaying unusual behavior after

downloading a new app. How would you optimize your device’s security without compromising

functionality?”, and “5. Your friend’s phone is behaving strangely, and they suspect a virus. How

would you guide them to optimize their device’s performance and security?” got low competency.

Question 1 got a frequency of 90 with a percentage of 90%, question 2 got a frequency of 79 with

a percentage of 79%, question 3 got a frequency of 78 with a percentage of 78%, question 4 got a

frequency of 78 with a percentage of 78%, and question 5 got a frequency of 79 with a percentage

of 79% resulted in low competency. Generally, scan and remove virus got an overall mean of 80%
and this was interpreted as moderate competency which means students are aware on how to

scan and remove virus.

In updating software system and application, questions “6. You have noticed that some of

your apps are not working properly or have stopped updating altogether. To resolve this issue, you

should:”, “7. Your smartphone has received a software update, but you are unsure whether to

install it right away. To determine whether the update is necessary, you should:”, “8. What could

happen if you consistently ignore software updates on your cellphone?”, Your phone prompts you

to update multiple apps simultaneously. What would be your approach to optimize the updating

process?”, and “10. What is the most important thing to keep in mind when updating your

cellphone's software?” All got low competency with frequencies of 81, 89, 90, 79, 78 and

percentages of 81%, 89%, 90%, 79%, and 78%. Generally, updating software system and

application got an overall mean of 83% which means that students are aware on updating

software system and application on cellphone.

In terms of cleaning unnecessary and temporary file, students have a low competency in “11. If

a phone experiences sluggish performance, how might cleaning unnecessary files help address

the issue?” with a frequency of 77 and percentage of 77%, “12. What is the main purpose of

cleaning unnecessary and temporary files?” with 78 frequency and 78% percentage, “13. You

have noticed that your smartphone is displaying a message about low disk space, even though

you have recently deleted some files. To address this issue, you should:” with 85 frequency and a

percentage of 85%, “14. You have noticed that some of your apps are not functioning properly,

even after restarting your smartphone. To address this issue, you should:” with a frequency of 72

and 72% percentage, and “15. What is the primary purpose of cleaning unnecessary and

temporary files on a smartphone?” with 80 frequency and 80% percentage. Generally, cleaning

unnecessary and temporary file got an overall mean of 78% which can be interpreted as low

competency. This means that Grade 12 students are not aware on cleaning unnecessary and

temporary file.
In terms of optimizing software, questions “16. You have noticed that your smartphone's

battery life is shorter than usual. To optimize your system software and improve battery life, you

should:”, “17. What role does background app management play in optimizing battery life?”, “18.

After disabling several background apps, you notice a significant improvement in battery life but

some sacrifice in multitasking capabilities. Explain your decision-making process and how you

would further optimize the system software.”, “19 Your phone frequently overheats, impacting both

battery life and performance. Propose a strategy to optimize the system software and address the

overheating issue.”, and “20. Your phone’s battery drains rapidly, affecting daily use. What would

you do to optimize the system software for improved battery performance?” got low competency.

Question 16 got a frequency of 81 with a percentage of 81%, question 17 got a frequency of 74

with a percentage of 74%, question 18 got a frequency of 76 with a percentage of 76%, question

19 got a frequency of 89 with a percentage of 89%, and question 20 got a frequency of 83 with a

percentage of 43% resulted in low competency. Generally, scan and remove virus got an overall

mean of 80% and this was interpreted as moderate competency which means students are not

aware on how to scan and remove virus.

Since the respondents demonstrated an Overall Mean of 80% level of awareness, this

implies that they are more perceptive and well-informed about basic software cellphone

maintenance. Therefore, they are less prone to encounter problems on their cellphone such as

slow performance, malware, freezing, and security breaches.

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