Types of Fillings

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type filling should not be frozen.


common are vanilla, lemon,


that contains

least a minute to thicken to its fullest. If it is not boiled

containing cornstarch, flour, and egg yolks. Any filling

similar to pudding. The custard is a cooked filling

boil slowly, to prevent scorching and then boiled for at

enough, it may thin out when it cools. It can be

Custard filling is a smooth, creamy type filling


cornstarch or flour must be



and chocolate. A custard



brought to a




There are many fruits that can be cooked into a

Tilling for cakes that will provide the cake with an extra

Special flavor. Some of the common fruits used are

Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, peaches,

Apricots, and rhubarb. When using fruit fillings, a piping

Of frosting is applied on top of the layer around the

Outer edge of the cake to act as a dam to hold the

Filling in between the layers. Fresh fruit can also be

Added between the layers but this type of cake should

Only be assembled within a few hours of eating it.

The fruit continues to ripen even when refrigerated and

Its juices will begin to soak into the cake. |If the cake

Has a cooked fruit filling that does not contain eggs. It

Can be stored at room temperature for up to 2 davs.

Refrigerate for longer storage


Many times the same frosting used to frost the

cakes is used for the filling between layers. This is a

great way to add flavor and moistness to the cake.

Some of the common frosting types that are also used

as fillings are butter cream, boiled, cream cheese,

whipped cream, and ganache. Cakes with frosting

fillings should be stored according to the type of

frosting being used


Jelly, jam, or preserved can be used to add an

easy fruit flavored filling to a cake. You can add flavor

to the cake without any additional preparation. When

using jelly filling on a layer cake, use a piping of

frosting around the edge of the layer to keep the jelly,

jam, or preserves confined and then select your

favorite flavor and spread it on the layer inside the

piped frosting. Cakes with this type of filling can be

stored at room temperature for up to 4 days as long as

the frosting can be stored at room temperature. The

filling can be refrigerated if the frosting on the cake

calls for it.

Whipped Cream

A filling using whipped cream provides a light

Fluffy filing with a delicate flavor. Whipped creams are

Sometimes stabilized by adding gelatine to make them

Hold up better. A cake with whipped cream filling

Should be refrigerated and served the same day that it

Is made.

Glazes and Syrups

Glazes and syrups can also be used as fillings but will not provide for a filing

with any thickness. They do provide extra flavor and help seal in the moisture of the

cake. The cake can be stored at room temperature when the filling is a glaze or

syrup unless the cake or frosting requires refrigeration.

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