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Class IX
Topic: Drainage (TERM 2)

Q.I Objective Based Questions:

1. Which of the following is not a major river system in South India?
a) Godavari
b) Krishna
c) Cauvery
d) Tapti
2. Which of the following rivers originates from the Amarkantak plateau?
a) Ganga
b) Godavari
c) Narmada
d) Krishna
3. The Kaveri River flows through which states of India?
a) Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
b) Tamil Nadu and Karnataka
c) Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh
d) Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
4. The Mahanadi River flows through which of the following states?
a) Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra
b) Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
c) Odisha and Chhattisgarh
d) Rajasthan and Gujarat
5. Which River forms the famous Jog Falls in Karnataka?
a) Ganga
b) Godavari
c) Krishna
d) Sharavathi
6. Which of the following is not a Himalayan River?
a) Brahmaputra
b) Indus
c) Ganga
d) Krishna
7. The Narmada and Tapti rivers flow into which body of water?
a) Bay of Bengal
b) Arabian Sea
c) Indian Ocean
d) Gulf of Cambay
8. The river known as the "Dakshin Ganga" (South Ganga) is:
a) Godavari
b) Krishna
c) Mahanadi
d) Tapti
9. The river that flows through the Thar Desert in India is:
a) Yamuna
b) Luni
c) Sabarmati
d) Betwa
10. The river that forms the famous Bhakra Nangal Dam in India is:
a) Yamuna
b) Sutlej
c) Beas
d) Chenab
11. Which of the following rivers is known as the "River of Sorrow"?
a) Brahmaputra
b) Ganga
c) Yamuna
d) Indus
12. The river Indus originates from:
a) Mansarovar Lake
b) Kailash Mountain
c) Rohtang Pass
d) Siachen Glacier
13. Which of the following rivers does not originate from the Western Ghats?
a) Krishna
b) Narmada
c) Tapti
d) Godavari
14. The river that forms the famous Dhuandhar Falls in India is:
a) Ganga
b) Godavari
c) Narmada
d) Krishna
15. The river that originates from the Gangotri Glacier in Uttarakhand is:
a) Ganga
b) Brahmaputra
c) Yamuna
d) Chenab
Q.II Very Short Answer Type Questions:
1. What do Himalayan rivers do in their upper course.
2. What is the world's largest drainage basin?
3. Why are most of the Himalayan river’s perennial?
4. Which two Himalayan rivers originate from the north of the mountain
5. Which are the important features formed by the rivers in its middle course?
6. Where does river Indus drain? Through which states of India does this river
7. What is Indus Water Treaty?
8. Which is the largest river basin in India?
9. Name the two headstreams of river Ganga. Where do they meet to form
10. Where is the origin of river Yamuna? Where does it meet river Ganga?
11. Which is the northern most point of Ganga delta?
12. Name the delta formed by the Ganga and the Brahmaputra.
13. Why does river Ganga form large meanders?
14. What does the Brahmaputra in its Tibetan part have less silt, despite a longer
15. Name the important feature formed by river Brahmaputra in Assam. Also
name the world's largest riverine island formed by the Brahmaputra.
16. From where does river Krishna rise? What are its tributaries?
17. Name the waterfall made by river Kaveri.
18. Name the smaller east flowing rivers and west flowing rivers.
19. Where does the river Godavari originate from? What is its length? Name the
tributaries of river Godavari.
20. Which is the largest saltwater lake in India?
21. Where is Sambhar Lake located?
22. In which state is the Wular lake located?
Q.III Short Answer Type Questions:
1. What is meant by water divide? Give an example. Explain the term water
divide with example. What is its significance?
2. Define the term drainage. What is meant by a drainage basin?
3. Peninsular rivers are not navigable. Explain why.
4. Define a river system and describe two characteristics of river Indus.
5. How do the Himalayan rivers perform erosional activities and form
depositional features?
6. In which state of India, river Brahmaputra has a braided channel in its entire
length? Why does this river carry a large volume of water and silt in India
compared to Tibet?
7. Write short notes on Sunderban delta.
8. Describe any three important features of the Mahanadi Basin.
9. Difference between the Narmada and Tapi Basin.
10. Distinguish between a delta and an estuary.
11. Why is the Godavari River known as Dakshin Ganga'?
12. Describe any three features of peninsular rivers.
13. Why and how man-made lakes created? Give an example.
Q.IV Long Answer Type Question:
1. What are the various drainage patterns formed by the rivers? Explain why.
2. Explain the course of river Ganga and Brahmaputra. Why does every year the
Brahmaputra River causes floods?
3. Describe the Indus River system from origin point to ocean meeting point in
4. Differentiate between the Ganga and the Godavari River system.
5. Compare the east flowing and the west flowing rivers of the Peninsular
6. From the point of view of agriculture, western Peninsular rivers are less
important and moreover these are not navigable. Analyse the reasons behind it.
7. Discuss the significant difference between the Himalayan and the Peninsular
8. Lakes are of great value to human beings. Explain the statement with
State some economic benefits of lakes?
9. The activities of Ganga Action Plan (GAP) phase-I, initiated in 1985 were
declared as merged to National River Conservation Plan (NCRP). Why? Write
its major achievements.
10. Describe the major steps taken by the government of India to control the
pollution level in River Ganga.

Very Short Answers-

1. In their upper course, Himalayan rivers flow swiftly carrying large amounts of

2. The Amazon River basin is the world's largest drainage basin.

3. Most Himalayan rivers are perennial due to continuous snow and glacier melt
in their upper reaches.
4. The Indus and Sutlej rivers originate from the north of the Himalayan
mountain ranges.
5. Rivers in their middle course form features like meanders and ox-bow lakes.
6. The river Indus drains into the Arabian Sea and flows through the states of
Jammu and Kashmir.
7. The Indus Water Treaty is an agreement between India and Pakistan regarding
the sharing of the Indus River's waters.
8. The Ganges-Brahmaputra basin is the largest river basin in India.
9. The headstreams of the river Ganga are the Bhagirathi and the Alaknanda,
meeting at Devprayag to form the Ganga.
10. The Yamuna originates from the Yamunotri Glacier and meets the Ganga at
Allahabad (Prayagraj).
11. The northernmost point of the Ganga delta is in Bangladesh.
12. The Ganges-Brahmaputra delta is known as the Sundarbans Delta.
13. River Ganga forms large meanders due to its gentle slope in the plains.
14. The Brahmaputra in its Tibetan part has less silt because of rocky terrain and
less vegetation.
15. The Brahmaputra in Assam forms the Majuli Island, the world's largest riverine
16. The river Krishna rises from the Western Ghats, and its tributaries include the
Bhima and Tungabhadra rivers.
17. The Shivanasamudra Falls is a famous waterfall on the river Kaveri.
18. East flowing rivers include Godavari, Krishna, and Kaveri, while west flowing
rivers include Narmada and Tapi.
19. The river Godavari originates from the Brahmagiri mountain, has a length of
about 1,465 kilometers, and its tributaries include the Pranhita and Manjira
20. Chilika Lake is the largest saltwater lake in India.
21. Sambhar Lake is located in the state of Rajasthan.
22. Wular Lake is located in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Short Answer

1. **Water divide:** A boundary separating drainage areas; e.g., Western Ghats

divide rivers flowing west into the Arabian Sea and east into the Bay of Bengal;
its significance lies in directing water flow.

2. **Drainage:** Movement of water; a drainage basin is an area drained by a

river system.

3. **Peninsular rivers not navigable:** Due to steep terrain and irregular flow

4. **River system:** Main river and tributaries; Indus characteristics include

Tibetan origin and flow through Pakistan.
5. **Himalayan rivers erosional activities:** Erode through glaciers, forming
features like alluvial fans and deltas.

6. **Brahmaputra in Assam:** Braided channel; higher water volume due to

monsoon-fed Himalayan tributaries.

7. **Sundarbans Delta:** Formed by Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna rivers;

known for mangrove forests.

8. **Mahanadi Basin features:** Hirakud Dam, Paradip deltaic region, Chilika

9. **Narmada and Tapi Basin difference:** Narmada has a rift valley, flows
west; Tapi is shorter, flows to Arabian Sea.

10. **Delta vs. Estuary:** Delta is sediment deposit at river mouth; estuary is
coastal water mixing freshwater with seawater.

11. **Godavari as Dakshin Ganga:** Longest river in peninsular India, akin to

Ganges in the north.

12. **Peninsular rivers features:** Rapids, waterfalls, meandering courses.

13. **Man-made lakes creation:** For purposes like irrigation and power
generation; e.g., Bhakra-Nangal Dam creating Govind Sagar Lake.


1. Rivers form various drainage patterns, such as dendritic, trellis, radial, and
rectangular, based on underlying geological structures and terrain

2. The Ganga flows from the Gangotri Glacier to the Bay of Bengal, while the
Brahmaputra originates in Tibet and traverses through Assam; Brahmaputra
causes annual floods due to heavy monsoon rains and snowmelt in the
3. The Indus River system begins in Tibet, flows through India and Pakistan, and
drains into the Arabian Sea; it is crucial for agriculture and sustains the Indus
Valley Civilization.
4. Ganga and Godavari differ in length, drainage area, and the regions they
traverse; Ganga flows through northern India, while Godavari is peninsular,
covering central and southern India.
5. East flowing rivers like Godavari and Krishna flow towards the Bay of Bengal,
while west flowing rivers like Narmada and Tapi move towards the Arabian
6. Western Peninsular rivers are less important for agriculture and navigation
due to seasonal flow, rocky terrain, and lack of perennial water sources.
7. Lakes are valuable for human activities, providing water for drinking, irrigation,
fisheries, and recreational purposes; for example, Dal Lake in Kashmir supports
tourism and the economy.
8. Ganga Action Plan (GAP) phase-I activities were merged into the National
River Conservation Plan (NCRP) to streamline efforts and enhance efficiency in
addressing Ganga's pollution issues; major achievements include the
construction of sewage treatment plants and pollution abatement projects.

9. The government of India has taken steps to control Ganga pollution, including
setting up sewage treatment plants, promoting eco-friendly cremation
practices, and implementing regulations for industrial discharge.

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