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Performance Task Number 1

My Data

Distance from your knees to the ground A = _________
Distance from your belly button to the ground B = _________
Distance from the top of your head to your belly button C = _________
Distance from your wrist to your elbows D = _________
Length of your hand E = _________
Refer to the figure below:
F = _________
G = _________
H = _________
Get the ratio of the following and round-off your answer to the nearest ten thousandths
1. B ÷ C = _______
2. B ÷ A = _______
3. D ÷ E = _______
4. G ÷ F = _______
5. H ÷ G = _______

What can you say about the ratios from numbers 1 to 5?


Write your conclusion on how evident is golden ratio on the human body.

Name: _______________________________
Course: ______________________________
Class Schedule: ________________________

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