Reliability Analysis of Next-Generation CBTC

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3, MARCH 2019

Reliability Analysis of Next-Generation CBTC

Data Communication Systems
Li Zhu , Dingyi Yao, and Hongli Zhao

Abstract—Communication-based train control (CBTC) systems transit system under the premise of safe train operation. Over
are automated train control systems using wireless communica- the last decade, Communication-based train control (CBTC)
tions. The normal operation of CBTC systems depends on a reliable has been widely used in mass transit systems for its lower cost,
data communication system. The existing CBTC data communi-
cation system are based on train-to-ground communication, which greater passenger capacity and higher efficiency.
suffers from too many subsystem interfaces and makes ground CBTC systems are automated train control systems of rail-
equipment extremely complicated. In next-generation CBTC sys- way systems [3] in which the data communication system plays
tems, train-to-train communication is adopted with the advan- the key role to enable a wide range of safety [4], [5]. As a key
tages of higher efficiency and briefer system structure. Although subsystem of CBTC, data communication system connects all
train-to-train communication based CBTC systems has been im-
plemented in urban rail systems. The data communication system the subsystems together. In existing CBTC systems, train ground
reliability has not been studied before. In this paper, the next gen- communication are the most crucial part of data communication
eration CBTC data communication system reliability is modeled systems. This is because the information trains needed to achieve
with Deterministic and stochastic Petri nets (DSPNs). We design accurate control are from the ground equipment, and the train
a next generation CBTC data communication system using LTE need to report its own state to the ground equipment. Both of
technologies, and set up laboratory test environment to test system
performance. The performance data is converted as DSPN model these two interactions are through train ground communication.
parameters to evaluate system reliability. With the tested system This kind of design comply with commercial product standard,
performance measures, we evaluate the reliability of data commu- which make the system easy to implement. However, it creates
nication scenarios, which includes the reconnection and handoff too many interfaces between subsystems, which makes ground
scenarios. Extensive simulation results are then given to illustrate equipment extremely complicated. It also leads to a large num-
the system reliability, which considers both the train to train com-
munication link and train to ground communication link. ber of real-time interactions among subsystems, poor operability
and efficiency. These shortcomings of existing CBTC systems
Index Terms—CBTC, data communication system, LTE, arouse the concern of scholars in the field of train control. Peo-
ple begin to devote themselves to studying the next generation
CBTC data communication system using train-to-train commu-
I. INTRODUCTION nication. With the adoption of train to train communication, the
next generation CBTC system can overcome most of the prob-
ITH the characteristics of large volume, fast speed, high
W frequency and punctuality, urban rail transit system has
become the best solution to relieve urban traffic congestion [1],
lems in existing system without sacrifice system performance. It
has become a new direction for research on train control system
of urban rail transit in this century.
[2]. To ensure the normal operation of the urban rail system,
CBTC systems are typical complex distributed real-time sys-
a safe and reliable train control system is needed. As the core
tems. The normal operation of the system is dependent on a sta-
system of urban rail transit, train control system controls the
ble, real-time, secure and reliable data communication system.
direction and speed of train to ensure the interval between trains,
Substantial researches have been done on data communication
and improve the efficiency and transport capacity of the rail
system performance analysis and optimization [6]–[13]. Data
communication system performance tests have also been car-
Manuscript received March 17, 2018; revised May 22, 2018 and July 20, ried out under indoor or outdoor environment. For example, in
2018; accepted July 28, 2018. Date of publication September 13, 2018; date
of current version March 14, 2019. This work was supported in part by the [14], the real LTE based system is built on the ring rail line in
Beijing Natural Science Foundation (L161006, L171004), in part by the National Beijing to perform the field test. The test results analysis illus-
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61603026 and 61790573, trates the disadvantages of using LTE in urban rail, and gives
in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under
Grants 2018JBM076 and 2018JBZ002 and projects RCS2017ZZ003, and in part some advises for LTE-M based system design in engineering.
by the Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Rail Transit Automation and Control. In [15], [16], a laboratory test environment and a real field test
The review of this paper was coordinated by the Guest Editors of the Special environment are set up. Test results show that the handoff perfor-
Issue on Smart Rail Mobility. (Corresponding author: Li Zhu.)
The authors are with the State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and mance of TD-LTE meets the demands of urban rail transit sys-
Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China (e-mail:,zhulibjtu@ tems. Our previous works [17]–[20] design and optimize com-;; munication protocol stacks based on MIMO enabled WLAN
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) to improve
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2018.2870053 the CBTC system performance. The authors of [21] study the

0018-9545 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

deployment of access points in train control data communication 2) We design an LTE based next generation CBTC data
systems and improve the reliability of train control systems by communication system, and set up laboratory test environ-
improving the deployment of access points. The above research ment to test system performance. The performance data is dis-
tests and studies the CBTC data communication system perfor- cussed, and converted as model parameters to evaluate system
mance. However, none of them carry out a comprehensive test reliability.
according to the train control requirement. The system reliabil- 3) The data communication scenarios which includes link re-
ity, which is the crucial system measures is also ignored in these connection, handoff and communication system reliability are
works. modeled with Deterministic and stochastic Petri nets (DSPNs).
In addition to the researches about the data communication DSPN is one kind of timed transition Petri nets that provides
system performance optimization. System reliability is the other a unified framework for performance and reliability analysis of
important measure of data communication system, since it have computer and communication systems. It is recognized as a use-
a severe impact on the safety and stability of the train con- ful modeling technique because of their capability to represent
trol system, which is of great significance to the entire system constant delays which appear in many practical systems. In this
[22]–[25]. CBTC data communication system reliability in tra- paper, we use DSPN to model the next generation CBTC data
ditional CBTC system has been widely studied in recent years. communication system reliability.
Literature [26], [27] focus on performance of the wireless LAN 4) With the tested system performance measures, we first an-
(WLAN) based CBTC systems with ideal channels. Referring alyze the data communication scenarios reliability. Extensive
to the modelling process in literature [28], the dependability un- simulation results are then given to illustrate the system reli-
der various transmission conditions is modeled and evaluated in ability, which considers both the train to train communication
[24]. In literature [29], the Markov model of DCS structure is es- link and train to ground communication link.
tablished for the redundant and non-redundant structure of DCS The rest of this paper is structured as follows. The next gen-
(Data Communication System) system in CBTC system in order eration CBTC system based on train-to-train communication
to analyze the reliability and availability. The effect of different is described in Section II. In Section III, we design the next
system redundancy and the relationship between the availability generation CBTC data communication system using LTE tech-
of DCS system and the speed of train is also discussed. Exist- nologies, and system performance is tested in a laboratory envi-
ing literature based on the theoretical analysis or field test of ronment. The DSPN reliability model is established and solved
the tunnel environment sets up a variety of signal transmission for the designed system in Section IV. Some numerical results
and attenuation models in refs [30], [31] for dependability anal- are discussed in Section V. Finally, in Section VI, we present
ysis. References [30]–[33] test the influences of straights and the conclusions and future works.
corners in different environment on signals, and summarize the
basic principles of network. Reference [34] introduces a wire- II. THE RELIABILITY DEFINITION OF NEXT GENERATION
less signal attenuation based on ray-tracing simulation exploit- CBTC DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS
ing CBTC radio system test platform for long AP field strength
distribution and interference tests. And several key indicators A. The Next Generation CBTC System Structure
of wireless communication capacity are pointed out in literature The basic structure of existing CBTC systems is shown in
[35], [36] for the reliability and availability of wireless commu- Fig. 1a. It mainly includes data communication system (DCS),
nications that have been greatly improved and widely used in automatic train supervision (ATS) system, computer interlock-
CBTC [37]. ing (CI), zone controller (ZC) and vehicle on board controller
The data communication system in next generation CBTC (VOBC). In existing CBTC system, automatic train supervi-
systems has significant changes compared with existing CBTC sion(ATS) sends route messages to the zone controller (ZC)
systems, and its reliability should be studied urgently. So far as through backbone network. Thereafter the zone controller for-
we know, there are few researches about the data communication mulates movement authority (MA) according to the location
system reliability in next generation CBTC systems. Although reports of all the traveling trains as well as the condition of
extensive researches have been done to assess the reliability of trackside controllers, and then transmits MAs to each train. The
existing CBTC data communication systems, the existing ana- VOBC on each train control the speed of the train based on its
lytical methods cannot be used directly to analyze the reliability own position and the received MAs.
of the next generation CBTC data communication. In addition, The basic architecture of next generation CBTC systems is
the system performance parameters that used to evaluate sys- shown in Fig. 1b. Compared with existing train control sys-
tem reliability have not been tested thoroughly. In this paper, the tems, zone controller (ZC) and CI function are integrated in
reliability analysis of next generation CBTC system based on trains and trackside controllers in the next generation train con-
train-to-train communication is conducted. The contributions of trol system, which eliminates the need for existing unneces-
this paper are as follows, sary subsystems. In addition, ATS communicates directly with
1) We describe the framework of next generation CBTC sys- VOBC and sends routing information to VOBC. VOBC can
tems, and the data communication system based on train-to-train straightforwardly control the rotation and opening of the turnout
communication process is explained with details. In addition, according to the route information. In the meantime, another
the data communication system reliability is defined according major advantage of the new system is the direct communica-
to CBTC system principle. tion between trains. Each train obtain the front train states and

Fig. 2. Data communication system reliability defninition.

communication terminals available within a certain period of

time T . Therefore, we define the data communication reliability
in next generation CBTC system as the probability when one
communication terminal can successfully receive information
from the other communication terminal within time window T .
The time window starts when terminals receive a packet from
other terminals. As shown in Fig. 2, in CBTC systems, it is con-
sidered that data packets are exchanged at every communication
period. When the time between two consecutive received data
Fig. 1. The structure of existing and next generation CBTC system. packets is less than time window T , the data communication
system is considered to be reliable, otherwise it is unreliable.

calculates its movement authority (MA) without the assistance

of ZC or other servers. This new design tremendously simpli- III. DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE TEST OF NEXT GENERATION
fies the communication system complexity by retrenching the CBTC DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM BASED ON LTE
process of train communication and reducing system coupling As the mainstream of the fourth generation communication
degree, improving the performance of entire system. technology, LTE can achieve a faster data rate, more stable hand-
One of the critical part of next generation CBTC system is the off and lower transmission delay. It has strong anti-interference
data communication system. Data communication reliability is ability, priority protection mechanism, strong mobile access,
the most important measure in CBTC system. This is because good maintainability, and high system reliability. Due to its ad-
when communication link is not available when needed, trains vantages in high mobile environment, LTE has become a popular
may not be able to successfully obtain the front train state, and wireless technology in urban rail transit system. Therefore, in
control command are not able to be transmitted to trackside this paper, we take LTE to build a next generation CBTC data
equipment. It will have a significantly negative impact on train communication system, and test system performance.
control performance. Therefor, data communication system re-
liability need to be defined and evaluated to guarantee CBTC A. The Next Generation CBTC Data Communication
system performance. System Based on LTE
We use the devise LTE Evolved Packet Core (EPC), Baseband
B. The Next Generation CBTC Data Communication
Unit (BBU), Radio Remote Unit (RRU), and Terminal Access
System Reliability Definition Unit (TAU) to build the next generation CBTC data communi-
In next generation CBTC systems, based on the position of cation system. The system can be logically divided into three
all the trains and obstacles alone the rail, each train compute its parts: core layer, access layer and TAU layer. The core layer is
MA. The ATP on the train computes the real-time braking curve the key part of entire wireless network, completes the collection
according to the newest received MA. Once the train velocity and distribution of wireless transmission data, and interconnects
reaches the target velocity on the braking curve, the ATP will with other service subsystems to provide them with reliable bidi-
start braking to protect the train from traveling out of its MA. rectional data communication services. The core layer includes
According to the principle of next generation CBTC systems, the EPC and the control center of CBTC. The access layer is LTE
it is desirable to maintain the communication link between two base stations that provide wireless access services along the rail.

It has interface with the EPC, and provide data access service for
TAU. The access layer includes BBU and RRU. BBU handles
the baseband signal and connects RRU through the fiber. RRU
converts the baseband signal to an optical signal and zooms it in
at the other end. RRU communicates with the TAU through air
interface. The terminal layer consists of vehicle-mounted wire-
less terminals and is used to connect to the trackside wireless
To realize data communication of different subsystems in
CBTC systems, train-to-train communication and train-to-
ground communication are both used in next generation CBTC
system. Therefore, we need to evaluate the reliability of these
two kinds of communication link to evaluate system reliability.
As described in the last section, the defined system reliability
is mainly dependent on the end to end communication interrup-
tion or latency, which are caused by connection loss or handoff.
Therefore, we build a laboratory test environment to test the
interruption time caused in these two scenarios. Details about
test configuration and test results will be described in the next
section. Fig. 3. Test topology diagram of interruption time caused by connection loss.

B. Performance Tests of Next Generation CBTC Data

Communication System Based on LTE
The purpose of performance parameter test is to simulate
the communication links in the next generation CBTC data
communication system to obtain the system communication
performance parameters. In this paper, we use the channel sim-
ulator, programmable attenuator, fixed attenuator and other ex-
perimental equipment to simulate the communication link. The
communication interruption time caused by connection loss and
handoff are tested under the simulated link.
1) Test of Interruption Time Caused by Connection Loss: In
urban rail transit environment, mobile stations on trains will
inevitably encounter poor channel states and lose the communi-
cation connection. Communication interruption will be caused Fig. 4. Interruption time caused by connection loss.
when the mobile station try to reestablish a communication link.
This section is dedicated to do the interruption time performance the attenuation, fading, delay, and Doppler frequency shift char-
test when the connection is lost. acteristics of wireless single-channel transmission during train
In order to test system performance by simulating real urban operation. In order to test the LTE-based communication link
rail environment. We set up an indoor test system using profes- capability in a high-speed environment, we use the EB Propsim
sional test devices. The communication test topology between channel simulator to simulate a train speed of 160 km/h.
the train and ground terminal is shown in Fig. 3. It consists of When communication connection is lost, the system will au-
three parts. PC1 represents the ground equipment and PC2 rep- tomatically start reconnection process. The signaling analyzers
resents the train equipment. Between trains and the ground is an can be used to observe the signaling interaction of the recon-
analog communication environment that is bridged by EuBUS nection process, which is used to perform statistical analysis on
and EB Propsim, where EuBUS is a programable attenuator, the reconnection delay of the system. The interruption time of
and EB Propsim is the channel simulator. 100 reconnections are collected and illustrated in Fig. 4.
The ground terminal represented by PC1 includes EPC, BBU 2) Test of Interruption Time Caused by Handoff: In LTE
and RRU. The train equipment is composed of PC and Customer based CBTC data communication systems, base stations are de-
Premise Equipment(CPE). The use of wireless outdoor CPE ployed approximately every 1.2 km. With trains travel 160 km/h,
can increase the transmission distance between wireless base handoff happens quite often in CBTC systems. The impor-
stations and clients. The analog communications environment tant parameter is the communication interruption when handoff
consists of EuBUS, EB Propsim, and power dividers. The Eu- happens.
BUS programmable attenuator simulates the large-scale fading In order to test handoff interruption in indoor environment.
of train signals. As a channel simulator, EB Propsim simulates We set up an laboratory test system to simulate the real
the propagation environment by pre-calculating files to simulate handoff scenario. The test system topology is shown in Fig. 5.


The system reliability is mainly dependent on various com-
munication scenarios. The scenarios mainly includes the com-
munication interruption caused by connection loss and handoff.
Therefore, before constructing the DSPN model for the CBTC
data communication system, we need to first obtain the scenario
reliability which is dependent on interruption time caused by
connection loss or handoff. In this section, we first introduce the
concept of DSPN. Then, we depict the reliability model of two
communication scenarios (reconnection and handoff process)
using DSPN. With the communication scenario model results,
an integrated DSPN reliability model that described the next
generation CBTC data communication system is given at last.

A. Introduction to Deterministic and Stochastic Petri

Nets (DSPNs)
In 1962, Carl Adam Petri proposed the use of Petri nets to
Fig. 5. Test topology diagram of interruption time caused by handoff. simulate the communication system in his Ph.D. thesis “Au-
tomata Communication” [38]. After years of development, it is
not only a model tool, but also a theory with rich connotation.
A Petri net is a directed graph with two types of nodes called
places and transitions, which are represented by circles and
bars [38]. Arcs connect places to transitions, and are associated
with a non-negative integer, which is referred as weight. Places
present the system state variables, while transitions present the
actions that trigger system state variation. A place may contain
tokens that are represented by dots in the Petri net. A transition
is enabled if the number of tokens in each of its input places is
greater than the weight of its corresponding input arc.
In 1987, M. A. Marsan proposed an expanded Petri nets DSPN
Fig. 6. Response time performance. [39]. DSPN has the advantages of parallelism, uncertainty, asyn-
chronous description and analysis capabilities. The delay of the
network transition can be constant or random variables with
PC1 represents the ground equipment and PC2 represents the exponential distribution, which is very suitable for the problem
train equipment. BBU1 and RRU1 constitute the community expression in CBTC data communication systems. According
A, BBU2 and RRU2 constitute the community B by Network to the randomness and real-time requirements of the next gener-
Management System (NMS), and PC1 controls the base sta- ation CBTC data communication system, this paper uses DSPN
tion. In the analog communication environment, the EuBUS to model the system reliability.
programmable attenuator is required to simulate the large-scale
fading of the communication signal. The periodic variation of
the EuBUS programmable attenuator is set so that the TAU B. DSPN Model of the Reconnection Scenario
receives signals from two RRUs to achieve a handoff every The reliability of the communication link is closely related to
10 seconds. The EB Propsim channel simulator is still used to whether the communication connection is established. There-
simulate the train speed of 160 km/h. The power divider is used fore, in this section, we build a reconnection DSPN model ac-
as a combiner to combine two signals from two RRUs, and then cording to the process of reconnection after connection loss. The
outputs the dual channel signal to the isolator. The isolator is reconnection model is shown in Fig. 7. The tokens in the place
used to isolate uplink and downlink signal. Normalsystem and NormalConnection represent the communi-
We take IxChariot to conduct the test and obtain the trans- cation node on the train, and the transition stands for the incident
mission delay of a given traffic. IxChariot is a popular commu- that train experiences. In this DSPN model, the dotted arc with
nication system performance test tool, and it has been widely an arrow is a conditional arc., which the arc are triggered when
used in diverse networks. We set the traffic transmission rate to there is a token in the input place of the arrow. Normally, the
be 256 kbps and data packets to be 400 Btytes. As shown in train is in normal operation place named NormalSystem. The
Fig. 6 The tested handoff interruption is basically concentrated system will encounter a connection loss in a certain probabil-
in range from 50 ms to 80 ms, and the average handoff delay is ity. Then the token will be transited to reconnection prepara-
62 ms. tion place Reconnection by firing transition ConnectionBurs.

reconnection delay is exponentially distributed with parameter

λt = 1/E(X) = 52.6315789, where E(X) is the delay expec-
tations of reconnection. All the DSPN model transition param-
eters are shown in Table I.

C. DSPN Model of the Handoff Scenario

The DSPN model of handoff is shown in Fig. 8. The token
in the place NormalSystem represents the train, and the token
in Normalhandoff represents the system. The places represent
the status of the train or system. Transitions represent events
experienced by the train. The default state of train is in normal
condition. At every interval time waitingTime, when the train
arrives at the switch triggering point SwitchPoint, the train is
transited to handoff execution state Timetohandoff via the trig-
Fig. 7. DSPN model of failure and reconnection recovery.
ger transition. In the handoff process, the system has a certain
probability of successful handoff and then returns to the normal
state NormalSystem. Otherwise, if the system encounters sud-
den deterioration caused by environmental factors, it will enter
After the reestablishment of the connection request is initiated,
the BadCondition state through the transition handofftimeout
the system has a certain probability within a period of time to
and immediately re-enters to Timetohandoff via handoffretry.
trigger the connect transition so that the token enters the state
Then, the system proceeds to the next handoff procedure at-
CSuccess which can presents connection establishment success,
tempt. When the train cannot handoff normally due to poor
and then the system reverts to the normal state NormalIystem
handoff conditions, the system status changes from the normal
after transition Ti1. Otherwise, if the system fails to establish
state Normalhandoff to HandoffFailure.
a connection within the specified time, the train will enter into
There are mainly two model parameters. The first parame-
the connection failure state CFailure through the transition fail.
ter is the transition parameter handoffprb. It means the time
At the same time, the connection failure makes the system con-
takes for tokens transition from place Timetohandoff to Hand-
nection flag change from a normal status NormalConnection to
offstart, which is converted from the test results of interruption
ConnectionFailure status, which is recorded as a failed connec-
time caused by handoff. The signal process analysis results indi-
tion. Subsequently, the system initiates the reconnection process
cates that the handoff fails only once when it happens. It means
via Ti2 for the next connection attempt. Therefore, the token in
the average probability that one successful handoff happens is
place ConnectionFailure directly represents the probability of
P rh = 1 − 1/2000 in unit time. When we set the unit time to be
system connection failure.
one second, and the probability that successful handoff happens
There are mainly two model parameters. The first parameter
is assumed to be exponentially distributed with CDF function
is the transition parameter connectionBurst. It is means the time
Ft (x) = 1 − e−xλt , the distribution parameter λt can be approx-
takes for tokens transition from place NormalSystem to Recon-
imately calculated as λt = P rh = 1.0005. 1/λt is the transition
nection, which is converted from the test of interruption time
parameter handoffprb, and it means the token will transition to
caused by connection loss. We record the LTE signal, and look
the next place with an average transition time of 1/λt .
up the signal process when the connection is lost. The signal pro-
The second parameter is the transition parameter handoffexe-
cess analysis result indicates that the connection loss happens
cution. It means the time takes for tokens transition from place
10 times when 105 packets are received in the test. It means the
Handoffstart to Normalsystem, which is converted from the test
average probability of connection loss P rl is 10−4 in unit time.
results of interruption time caused by handoff. According to
When we set the unit time to be one second, and the probability
the tested results shown, the average handoff delay is 62 ms.
of connection loss is assumed to be exponentially distributed
Assuming the reconnection interruption obeys the exponential
with CDF function Ft (x) = 1 − e−xλt , the distribution param-
distribution Ft (x) = 1 − e−xλt , the handoff delay is exponen-
eter λt can be approximately calculated as λt = P rl = 10−4 .
tially distributed with parameter λt = 1/E(X) = 16.09 , where
1/λt is the transition parameter connectionBurst, and it means
E(X) is the handoff delay expectations. All the DSPN model
the token will transition to the next place with an average tran-
transition parameters are shown in Table II.
sition time 1/λt .
The second parameter is the transition parameter connect. It
means the time takes for tokens transition from place Recon- D. DSPN Model of the Next Generation CBTC Data
nection to CSuccess, which is also converted from the test of Communication Systems
interruption time caused by connection loss. According to the We define the data communication reliability in next gen-
tested results shown in Fig. 4, the average delay of the system eration CBTC system as the probability when trains can suc-
reconnection is 19 ms. Assuming the reconnection interrup- cessfully receive the train state from the front train within time
tion obeys the exponential distribution Ft (x) = 1 − e−xλt , the window T . When the time between two consecutive received



Success_eNB1, Tn2 data goes through connection loss or hand-

off, and tokens go back to initial state before going through
place Failure_eNB1.
When the token goes to place Success_eNB1, Base
Station 1 state change from Idle_eNB1 to Busy_eNB1. When the
link between base station and the front train is normal, the token
represent data will go through normal transition process, and ar-
rived at place Success_ForwardTrain. Otherwise system will go
into place Failure_ForwardTrain, the token represent data will
go through transition Tn5 and goes back to the initial state, and
the front train state will change from place Null_FrontTrain to
DataReceived_FrontTrain.The front train will forward the data
through eNB2 after it receives data sent from the following train.
In the same way, the link between base station and the front train
can be normal or encounter connection loss or handoff, and the
tokens will go through different place transitions.
When the data is not transmitted between trains within the
stipulated time, the train to train communication link transitions
Fig. 8. DSPN model of handoff procedure.
from NormalOperation to SystemFailure. Therefore, the prob-
ability that the tokens stays in place SystemFailure is system
reliability when train to train communication are considered.
data packets is greater than time window T , the data communica- We need to point out that the exponential distribution param-
tion system is considered to be unreliable. Given this definition, eters of the transitions Tn1, Tn3, Tn5 and Tn7 are derived from
we model the next generation CBTC DCS using DSPN model. the two communication scenarios connection loss and handoff,
As we introduced in Subsection III-A, train to train commu- which is described in last two sections.
nication and train to ground communication are both used in The train to ground communication link serve for the traffic
next generation CBTC system. Therefore, we need to evaluate between train equipment and trackside equipment. The DSPN
the reliability of these two kind of communication link in this reliability model for the train to ground communication link
subsection. is shown in Fig. 10. The token in the place Train represents
The DSPN model for the train to train communication link the communication data and the token in NormalTGOperation
is shown in Fig. 9. The system is in normal operation state represents the state of the system communication. During the
by default. The communication link between the Following- train-ground communication, trains will send data to the rele-
Train and the Base Station 1 will encounter connection loss vant trackside controller TracksideController based on various
or handoff with certain probability, so does the link between information collected on trains. The data will reaches the track-
the FrontTrain and the base station. Transition Tn1 means data side controller TracksideController with a certain probability,
successfully received by base station without going through and then the trackside controller will return ACK message to
handoff and connection loss, and the token goes to place Train immediately. If the trackside controller fails to respond the

Fig. 9. Train-train DSPN model of next generation train control data communication systems.

normal state NormalTGOperation to the failed state TGOpera-


E. DSPN Model Solutions

As shown in Figs. 7–10, the number of deterministic tran-
sitions for each marking is at most one in our DSPN models.
According to [40], if at most one deterministic transition is
allowed to be enabled in each marking, the marking-process
{Ξ(t), t > 0} is a Markov Regenerative Process (MRGP), and
the state probabilities of a DSPN can be obtained analytically
rather than by simulation. We take the DSPN model in Fig. 9 as
an example to prove it.
Let Ω be the set of all markings of the DSPN in Fig. 9. It
is also the state space of the marking process of the DSPN.
Fig. 10. Train-ground DSPN model of next generation train control data
communication systems.
Consider a sequence {ρn , n > 0}, of epochs in the DSPN
Suppose Ξ(ρn ) = m,
message within a certain period of time, the failed state will be 1) ρn +l will be defined only if a state change occurs at ρn .
reached. When there is a token in the Failure state, it indicates Otherwise, we set ρn +l = ∞.
that the communication between the train and ground commu- 2) If a deterministic transition is enabled, define ρn +l to be
nication fails, and the communication state changes from the the time when the deterministic transition fires.

Given the definition of {ρn , n > 0}, and Λn = Ξ(ρn ).

{(Λn , ρn ), n ≥ 0} embedded in the marking process of DSPN
turns out to be a Markov renewal sequence, i.e.,
P {Λn +1 = j, ρn +1 − ρn ≤ t |
Λn = i, ρn , Λn −1 , ρn −1 , . . . , Λ0 , ρ0 }
= P {Λn +1 = j, ρn +1 − ρn ≤ t | Λn = i}
= P {Λ1 = j, ρ1 ≤ t | Λ0 = i}. (1)
As can be observed from Equation (1), with the his-
tory of {Ξ(u), 0 < u < ρn , Ξ(ρn ) = i}, the stochastic behav-
ior of {Ξ(ρn + t) > 0, t ≥ 0} is only dependent on Ξ(ρn ) = i.
{Ξ(ρn + t) > 0, t ≥ 0 | Ξ(u), 0 < u < ρn , Ξ(ρn ) = i}
Fig. 11. Train-to-train communication link reliability under different recon-
= {Ξ(ρn + t) > 0, t ≥ 0 | Ξ(ρn ) = i} nection interruption time.
= {Ξ(t) > 0, t ≥ 0 | Ξ(0) = i}, (2)
where = denotes equality in distribution. Equation (2) proves
that {Ξ(t), t > 0} is an Markov Regenerative Process.
Once we prove that the marking process under a DSPN is an
Markov Regenerative Process, the fraction of time the marking
process spends in state j, can be computed described in [40]. It
is also the steady state probability p = (pj ) of the MRGP that
we want to obtain.


In order to analyze the reliability of next generation CBTC
data communication systems, we conduct the reliability analy-
sis using the parameters tested in the designed LTE based data
communication system in this section. We use π tool to conduct
the numerical computing. π tool is a Petri Net software devel- Fig. 12. Train-to-ground communication link reliability under different re-
connection interruption time.
oped by iQST (Institute for Quality, Safety and Transportation),
Brunswick University. π tool provides a streamlined interface
for creating comprehensive system models based on Petri nets. window is fixed. This is because the system reliability is
It allows a visualized simulation (token game), an analysis of the highly dependent on communication interruption time. An
model and the identification of deadlocks, which are included increase of interruption time will increase the probability that
in the model. one communication node successfully receive the correct data
Using the parameters tested in Subsection III-B, the reliability packet from the other node within a certain period of time.
of the train-to-train communication link and the train-to-ground Meanwhile, when the reconnection interruption time is con-
communication under different reconnection interruption time stant, the reliability of both train-train communication system
are simulated, the results are shown in Figs. 11 and 12. As and train-ground communication system increases when we
shown in the figure, for the train-to-train communication link, increase the time window value. This is because the system
given time window T = 2 s, and average interruption time probability is defined as the probability when one communi-
20ms, the system reliability is greater than 99.995%. This cation terminal can successfully receive information from the
means for a train-to-train communication link, the probability other communication terminal within time window. When we
that one train can receive the information of other trains increase the time window value, this probability will increase
within 2 s is greater than 99.995%. For the train-to-ground as well.
communication link, given time window T = 2 s, and average The reliability of the train-to-train communication and train-
interruption time 20 ms, the system reliability is greater than to-ground communication link with different interval between
99.998%. This means for a train-to-ground communication handoffs are presented in Figs. 13 and 14. The simulation re-
link, the probability that the trackside controller can receive the sults show that when the time window is fixed, the reliabil-
information of trains within 2 s is greater than 99.998%. The ity of both train-to-train communication and train-to-ground
reliability of both train-to-train data communication link communication link increases with the decrease of handoff oc-
and train-to-ground communication link decreases with the currence frequency. This is because the system reliability is
increase of reconnection interruption time when the time highly dependent on the interruption time caused by handoff.

many subsystem interfaces and makes ground equipment

extremely complicated. With the adoption of train-to-train
communication, the next generation CBTC system can over-
come most of the problems in existing system without sac-
rifice system performance. There are few researches about the
data communication system reliability in next generation CBTC
system. In this paper, the next generation CBTC data commu-
nication system reliability was modeled with Deterministic and
stochastic Petri nets (DSPNs). We set up a laboratory test envi-
ronment to test the next generation CBTC data communication
system performance, and the performance data was converted as
DSPN model parameters to evaluate system reliability. With the
tested system performance measures, we analyzed the reliability
of data communication scenarios, which includes the reconnec-
tion and handoff scenarios. Extensive simulation results was
then conducted to illustrate the system reliability, which con-
siders both the train to train communication link and train to
ground communication link.
Fig. 13. Handoff occurrence frequency impacts on train-to-train communica- In the future, we are going to extend the DSPN model with
tion link reliability. more train control function. The train control system reliability
measures will be integrated into DSPN model. Comparing the
DSPN model results with other reliability analysis tool will also
be one part of our future works.

The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regard-
ing the publication of this paper.

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