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CUSTOMER MHP Implementation Version 1.

Osmosys end-to-end MHP solution proposal

1. Introduction
Osmosys and partners propose to make available to broadcaster all the necessary
software for creating, play-out and execution of MHP content. This solution is suitable
for use in MHP trials and subsequent deployment.

We can as a united group (Osmosys and partners) provide a ‘total systems’ approach
that will give a ‘plug & play’ methodology that will allow the path to deployment of an
MHP ‘open standard’ enabled system; We would see the following components:

1. Osmosys MHP middleware

2. Osmosys navigator and Tattoo
3. Osmosys SDK
4. Third party MHP play out system

2. Company background
The ‘Digital TV Market’ is completely fragmented with ‘Proprietary
Middleware’interactive TV solutions such as: OpenTV, Liberate, MediaHighway,
MicrosoftTV, NDSCore, etc. The DVB ( Consortium addressed this issue
and published via ETSI, the Open Standard DVB-MHP Specification; this was
consequently adopted by CableLabs ( in the USA for the basis of

Osmosys S.A. was created in order to focus on providing these latest generations of
'Open Standard Middleware Solutions and Services' for the fast growing Interactive TV
market. Headquartered in Geneva - Switzerland with its R&D & Customer Care centres
in Poland, Osmosys is opening a USA subsidiary in San Jose California and will also
expand into Asia in the very near future.

Osmosys has been selected by leading companies in the Silicon, CE and STB markets
and has completed successful ports on a mix of 'Reference Platforms' and 'Market
Implemented' MHP enabled receivers.

Osmosys can now boast the most deployed 'Open Standard Middleware' in the world.

Osmosys MHP products are deployed in both free to air and pay-tv environments on
terrestrial, cable and satellite network.

December 9, 2003 Page 1 of 26

3. Osmosys MHP solution components
3.1 Osmosys MHP middleware,
This implementation proposed is MHP 1.0.3, which is often considered the fastest MHP
and robust version available and is offered at retail stores in Finland, Germany,
Belgium and Italy (running on hardware from ADB, Philips, Homecast, Skardin,
Opentech, Thomson and several other local brands) as well as the initial field trials in 3
regions of Spain and in Austria). Osmosys middleware is also present on a pay-tv cable
network in Belgium.

Integration of Osmosys stack on a STB manufacturer is made through the porting

of the Osmosys PIL (Platform Independent Layer) which separates the Low Level
Drivers and Operating System from the High Level Software (MHP) and to that
effect have the possibility to have for the same/similar hardware.

Osmosys is also licensing its middleware stacks to the following Silicon

Manufacturers in order to make this DVB requirement a reality at the Chip level
and to commoditise the MHP and MHP stacks: STMicroelectronics, Broadcom,
ATI, IBM, Connexant.

3.2 Osmosys Navigator and Tattoo

Osmosys Navigator
The Osmosys Navigator operates with the award-winning Osmosys MHP/OCAP
middleware to provide a complete software solution for digital receivers. The Osmosys
Navigator allows the end-user to intuitively install, operate and manage the receiver.

Examples - Channel Banner and Main Menu screens

The Osmosys Navigator can also be easily customised to your specific needs. Without
changing a line of code, you can completely alter the look and feel of the Osmosys
Navigator and tune its behaviour. For example, the Osmosys Navigator can easily be
customised to match existing products on your network or in your product range. As a
reliable and thoroughly tested solution it cuts development and support costs to an
absolute minimum.

Proposed features are:

• Channel banner providing while ‘zapping’ channel information, now & next program
guide on broadcast services
• Favourite channels management
• Extensive and clear Menu System through which the user can manage the receiver
• Automatic scanning, software upgrade (DVB SSU),
• Quarter screen TV
• MHP Applications Manager gives the user control over downloadable
• Configurable look & feel and menus
• Modify or add on-screen languages, audio and subtitles
• Dynamic and/or multiple “look and feel”
• Teletext support


Osmosys navigator Config. files

Navigator - configurable look and feel

Technical Specification

• Osmosys NAVIGATOR is a 100% Java embedded application

• PNG, JPEG, MPEG graphics format supported
• MHP palette, 8, 16, 32-bit graphics support
• ASCII, UTF-8 text format supported
• Default look & feel provided
• Osmosys STB software loader included
• Available for all Osmosys middleware supported platforms

Osmosys Tattoo
Customise the Osmosys NAVIGATOR in minutes without any coding!
Osmosys TATTOO is an intuitive and easy to use editing tool for rapid creation of your
own look & feel for any Osmosys-powered digital receiver.
A user can modify each screen with a few mouse clicks taking advantage of the
WYSIWYG visual preview. Use of templates makes the development even faster.
The new look & feel can be easily deployed on top of the existing Osmosys
The approach delivers dramatic cost reduction for the development and testing phase,
and allows excellent time-to-market benefits.

TATOO Editing Environment

Proposed features:
• Powerful TATTOO objects allow effective editing and management of screen layouts
and graphical elements
• Visual Preview speeds-up the development process, bringing excellent results
quickly and efficiently
• Language Manager makes it easy to create multilingual user interfaces
• A set of examples and a tutorial accompanies the TATTOO toolkit

Development process with TATTOO:

A typical scenario consists of a few, quick steps.

• Preparation of the graphical assets i.e. background images, logos, etc.
• Look and feel editing using TATTOO objects
• Creation of the appropriate language file(s)
• Above components can be then uploaded to the STB to give to the Osmosys
NAVIGATOR a new appearance.

TATTOO enables the

user to exploit the
power of the Osmosys


Osmosys navigator Config. files

Development process with TATTOO

Technical Specification
• ASCII, UTF-8 text format
• PNG, JPEG, GIF, MPEG graphic formats
• MHP palette, 8, 16, 32-bit graphics
• Requirements: 64 MB RAM, 1 MB disk space
• Osmosys STB software loader included

3.3 Osmosys SDK

OSMOSYS SDK 2.0 is a complete Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for
development and testing of MHP & OCAP applications on Windows based PC systems.
It is seamlessly integrated with Eclipse, a well-known free Java IDE.
SDK 2.0 Software Development Environment

Key Features

• Creator Wizards to jump-start creating applications

• Full Tutorial showing how to create xlets from scratch and ending with a working
xlet on STB
• New functionality added to Eclipse IDE, enabling the user to access various
technical STB log information - such as STB messages, memory usage and threads
• Full OSMOSYS MHP4Win and OCAP4Win bundled with SDK 2.0, enabling emulation
of an STB on a PC
• Dynamic upgrade of SDK within Eclipse thanks to the plug-ins architecture
• Easily connect to real Set Top Boxes
• Virtual on-screen RCU for sending commands to a real or emulated STB
• Simple installation
• System Requirements: Windows 2000/XP, 1GHz minimum (1.5GHz recommended),

Osmosys Developer Program

OSMOSYS SDK 2.0 is offered with a customer service called “OSMOSYS Developer
Program” where developers can benefit from the OSMOSYS technical and business

The developer program proposes 3 types of services:

• Information - Applications developers can take advantage of the OSMOSYS
information channel and get technical newsletters, access to the developer forum
and regularly receive market analysis on the MHP/OCAP market.
• Education - training course. Once a month, OSMOSYS provides an MHP or OCAP
course for application developers. The courses proposed have different levels from
beginner to expert.
• Marketing and sales support - Additionally to the information, education and
technical support service, OSMOSYS opens its product line - the “OSMOSYS
applications portfolio” to third party applications developers who can promote and
sell their own interactive developments through the worldwide OSMOSYS sales and
marketing channels.

Furthermore Osmosys also propose MHP training sessions. Two types of trainings are
proposed: a 2-day MHP Introduction and a 3-day MHP developer workshop.
The MHP Introduction will explore the MHP 1.0.x standard: what’s provided in the MHP
interface, what’s possible now and what will be possible in future versions (MHP 1.1 &
2.0). At the end of the two days you will not only have a thorough insight into the
architecture and functionality of an MHP-compliant solution, but also get an inside view
on a set of real-life case studies.

The 3-day MHP developer workshop is oriented to (Java) developers and/or architects
who want to start building MHP services. This hands-on track will teach you how to
create an Xlet, how to build your own UI components and how you can use and extend
the HAVi toolset. Moreover you will learn to write applications which will make full-use
of the return-channel architecture of the current range of MHP-STB’s. This workshop is
a hands-on practical workshop based around the development of fully working MHP
services. Strong emphasis is laid on practical exercises and working examples. Basic
knowledge of Java is necessary for the Technical workshop.
In case Java knowledge is missing in your team, we also provide a 2-day MHP-oriented
Java crash-course that will get you on track to follow the complete MHP workshop.
Finally, depending on the importance your organization is considering today MHP, an
executive briefing can be given at management level to explain the basics of MHP

Courses are available in our offices or on an on-site basis at customer’s premises.

Osmosys is working today with various authoring tools such as Cardinal, Ensequence,
Emuse, Sublime, TeleAuthor and Prime TV.
Such tool is not offered in the following proposal however it can be integrated upon
customer request.

3.4 XXXXX playout system

See document: CORAL_MHP_Product_Technical_Specifications_OM_3.pdf

4. Osmosys solution pricing

The pricing of the products is organized as the following:

License fees
Customization fees
Support fees

Osmosys solution component Price ($) comment

Osmosys middleware netwrok license Free of charge
Osmosys middleware STB royalty Free of charge Up to 2000 STBs.
From 2001 to 250k : $ $$$
250k to 500k: $ $$$
500k to 1000k: $ $$$
1000k to 2000k: $ $$$
2000k and more: $ $$$
Osmosys middleware STB porting $$$$
Osmosys navigator $$$$ One time license fee
Osmosys Tattoo $$$$ For two seats
Osmosys SDK $$$$ For 10 seats
Osmosys software customizations $$$$ NRE Daily rate for any additional
features or changes on the
current system following the
specifications of the Italian dtt
network, otherwise ???? per may
Osmosys support & maintenance $$$$ Per year recurrent

Osmosys MHP training (2 days) $$$$ For 10 attendees. Exclusive of

-Introduction Training Room facilities
Osmosys MHP training (3days) - $$$$ For 10 attendees. Exclusive of
Development Training Room facilities
On –site Implementation + $$$$
Installation + Configuration during
Trial period
XXXXX OPAL MHP TNM-5341 $$$$ Per server (2RU, 40Mbps, 30
XXXXX support & maintenance $$$$ XXXXX shall apply standard
services customer care support for XXXXX
systems that are purchased by
BROADCASTER during the
warranty period
T XXXXX Installation 49, $$$$
PC and peripheral Hardware $$$$
Server hardware – 3units + OS $$$$
New Digital Content + $$$$
Market Survey $$$$ 2000 household detailed survey

Total : Rm $$$$

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