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Digital marketing planning

RACE planning: your companion to
creating or updating your online
marketing strategy

Author: Dr. Dave

Part of the Digital Marketing Strategy and Planning Toolkit
digital channels are still relatively new and fast-
How to use this RACE Thanks for downloading this Smart Insights changing, so many businesses haven’t responded
Planning Template template and congratulations on taking steps to
improve your digital strategy! We hope you find
adequately and their business is at risk.

it useful when creating or refining your plans to All businesses need an agile approach to improve.
make better use of the fantastic opportunities Our unique RACE planning framework, shown on
available from digital marketing. It’s a short the next page, is divided into 25 key optimisation
sample of our in-depth actionable advice for activities explained in our member resources.
marketers including 7 Steps guides; marketing
templates and online training courses. We believe that businesses need to first define a
separate digital plan to quantify the case for
Our recent research showed that shockingly, investment in digital marketing and change your
many organisations are doing digital marketing, approach to managing digital marketing. Then
but they don’t have a strategy. The reality is that move to a better integrated approach where it’s
part of your marketing strategy.

Does your organisation have a clearly defined

RECOMMENDATION digital marketing strategy?
Create a detailed digital marketing plan
defining the digital channel strategy for each Yes - it's integrated into our
34% marketing strategy
major market/proposition to provide focus and
direction for the future. Yes - it's defined in a separate
50% document
Make sure your digital plan is well integrated No - we are doing digital
marketing, but no defined strategy
with all marketing communications and aligns
with your business objectives. 16%

Deliverable: Digital Marketing Plan u. Use

our workbook available to premium members.

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& �Smart



Key Measures:
Publish and promote your content, allow sharing • Unique visitors
to other outposts, networks and influencers. Draw
• Value per visit
people to your content hub ..
• Fans/Followers

Key Measures:
Be worth finding via clear customer journeys and a • Leads/Lead conversion rate
content hub that is relevant, inspirational. useful and
• Time on site
creates leads
• Shares/comments/likes

Key Measures:
Captilalise on marketing investment using CRO, marketing • Sales (on and offline-influence)
automation and remarketing to ensure contextual relevance
• Revenue/Profit
drives conversion
• Average Order Value

5 Customer Key Measures:

Advocacy Thrilled customers are key to social media marketing, social
•• proof, repeat sales and referral. Start your marketing here! Repeat Purchase (Lifetime Value)
,p..• .. •
:' '
Satisfaction and Loyalty

0'"1' . . .. ,, I

Review marketplace and set objectives
Create digital strategy
Create a digital
marketing strategy Start with these key activities to define your
digital opportunity through marketplace analysis:
Review your digital proposition and communicate
it using digital targeting techniques:

☐ 1. Review digital marketing capabilities ☐ Select target market segments and personas.
☐ 2. Analyse performance using KPI dashboards Define digital targeting approaches
after customising analytics for your business ☐ Define your online value proposition (OVP)
☐ 3. Summarize customer insight in customer including review of business and revenue
personas and customer journey maps model, brand positioning and integration with
traditional channels
☐ 4. Audit brand and benchmark competitors
☐ Review marketing mix for online options for
☐ 5. Review influencer outreach, co-marketing the 4Ps - Product, Price, Promotion and Place
and intermediaries
☐ 6. Define SMART objectives with conversion ACTION
spreadsheet models to quantify opportunity
Implement and manage digital marketing

Make smart budget investments and optimise

your digital communications across 25 key
customer touchpoint interactions covered by:
STRUCTURE YOUR PLANS TO DEFINE ☐ Reach: Build your audience by
SMART objectives integrating paid, owned and earned
THE OPPORTUNITY, STRATEGY AND Activities to optimize media

ACTION Defined deliverables
☐ Act: Using content marketing and persuasion
to prompt brand interaction and leads
Your Digital Plan will be more believable if you
have SMART objectives for each part of the ☐ Convert: Use conversion rate optimization
to boost online and offline sales
RACE customer lifecyle.
☐ Engage: Develop customer loyalty and repeat
Deliverable: Use summary tables to link your sales
strategies, KPIs and actions as shown in our
premium - Example Digital Marketing Plan u
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Grow your audience


Select the best communications options
Reach involves building awareness of your
brand, products and services on other websites Your online customer acquisition strategy should:
and in offline media to build traffic to different ☐ Define key brand messages to grow audience
web presences like your main site, microsites or awareness, familiarity and purchase intent
social media pages. It involves maximising reach
using continuous inbound communications and ☐ Select relevant media and targeting
planned campaigns to create multiple interactions ☐ Link to your content marketing strategy (Act)
using different paid, owned and earned ☐ Prioritise channel media spend, summarized
media touchpoints. in a conversion-based media plan and budget

Define your online audience potential Optimise your digital communications
Set realistic targets for building traffic, awareness Work on optimising content marketing to support
and social media followers key digital communications for your business:
☐ Define KPI dashboards to review effectiveness ☐ PR, influencer outreach and SEO
Ensure you harness customer purchase intent of current digital media in analytics
as they seek information about products ☐ Optimize Google AdWords (paid search)
☐ Review current use of digital media and ☐ Review opportunities from Display Advertising
through ‘always-on’ communications to reach opportunities to improve
your audience through Search and Social media ☐ Review relevance of affiliate and partner
☐ Set VQVC (volume, quality, value, cost) marketing
marketing fuelled by content marketing.
objectives using conversion budget models
☐ Social media marketing optimization
Deliverable: Online Customer Acquisition Plan u
(Available to Business premium members)

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Encourage brand
interactions and


Prioritise content marketing and customer
Act is short for Interact. It’s a separate stage journeys
from conversion since encouraging interactions
on websites and in social media to generate
☐ Define customer personas
leads is a big challenge for online marketers. It’s
about persuading site visitors or prospects to ☐ Define content marketing plan
take the next step, the next Action on their ☐ Create website and martech improvement
journey when they reach your site or social plan including lead profiling
network presence.
OPPORTUNITY Manage content marketing and lead
Identify best options to increase lead generation
☐ Create campaign plan, editorial calendar and
DEVELOP A CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY ☐ Review customer journeys for desktop-mobile outreach plan
visits using analytics and feedback tools ☐ Create content assets including video
A content marketing strategy will integrate ☐ Review social media and mobile marketing marketing
your online communications to fuel lead platform engagement ☐ Improve landing pages and site page
generation and power inbound marketing to ☐ Define goals, events and dashboards for templates. Personalised onboarding.
grow your reach measuring customer interactions

Deliverable: Content Marketing Strategy u

Available for premium members of Smart

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Increase sales


Create an approach for conversion
This is the conversion from lead to sale. It involves rate optimisation
getting your audience to take that vital next
step which turns them into paying customers
☐ Define online conversion rate optimisation
whether the payment is taken through online
(CRO) approach
Ecommerce transactions, or offline channels.
☐ Define how key online communications
(search, email, social, mobile) drive sales
OPPORTUNITY ☐ Define offline integration paths to purchase
Review focus to increase conversion to sale
☐ Create and review site conversion funnels and ACTION
paths to purchase (online and offline) and Manage continuous improvement of
RECOMMENDATION quantify targets for incremental revenue conversion
☐ Review multichannel (omni-channel)
Set up a CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation) interactions to increase revenue per visit ☐ Implement CRO through test plan for AB and
programme. Many businesses still don’t invest ☐ Review analytics and customer feedback multivariate site tests and experiments
in structured tests to optimise their websites
☐ Implement lead retargeting programme using
to maximize online sales or referrals to other
site personalization, display retargeting and
channels. Don’t leak customers. behavioural email programme
☐ Optimise ROPO behaviour
Deliverables: CRO Plan - see member guide u (Research Online-Purchase Offline)
Available in Business premium membership.

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Build customer
loyalty and


ENGAGEMENT Define plan to improve
customer retention and engagement
This is long-term engagement that is, developing
a relationship with first-time buyers to build ☐ Create customer engagement plan
customer loyalty as repeat purchases using
☐ Create online personalisation and
communications on your site, social presence,
merchandising plan for incremental revenue
email and direct interaction. We’re also looking
to build advocacy or recommendations through ☐ Create customer contact plan (email
‘word-of-mouth’. marketing and social media marketing)

Implement online customer
Review potential to increase customer
communications plan
RECOMMENDATION activity levels

Create a Customer Lifecycle ☐ Review customer loyalty using RFM ☐ Implement or refine personalization rules on
desktop and mobile sites
Communications Plan analysis for interactions and sales. Quantify
incremental revenue potential ☐ Customer onboarding including event-trig-
gered personalized emails and enewsletters
Map all customer touchpoints to create a plan ☐ Review customer satisfaction drivers
to use Marketing Automation to deliver ☐ Review effectiveness of customer ☐ Manage social media and email campaigns for
personalised relevant messages by Email, customer engagement and advocacy
Social Media and Web.

Deliverable: Customer Retention Plan u

Available in Business premium membership.

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WHAT NEXT Smart Insights premium membership options
How to take your digital Smart Insights premium member resources support you to get better results from your
marketing to the next marketing. Choose from these membership options. Each includes actionable
templates, calculators, guides and e-learning.
10 actionable toolkits ideal for hands-on marketers working across digital tactics who want to learn
the latest best practices or use a more strategic approach.

Monthly and annual options available – View pricing options u

10 additional toolkits designed for marketing teams to improve their lifecycle marketing activities as
part of digital transformation. Includes industry sector-specific resources for agencies, B2B, financial
DIGITAL STRATEGY TOOLKIT services, retail, travel and not-for-profit.

Premium members can download examples View all toolkits and member resources u
and editable templates including Powerpoint, Join over 150,000 Smart Insights members from over 100 countries who use our resources to plan, manage
Word and Excel templates to rapidly help build and optimize their marketing.
your marketing plan and explain to colleagues
Digital Marketing Toolkit u Learn more about getting business membership for your team – View membership benefits u
Available in Business premium membership

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