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• all privileges of the Manager, but with

these restrictions: • there are no restrictions
in the number of Master
• restricted to assigning and changing
codes (as long as they
Master User Codes belonging to those with
don’t exceed the number
Authority Levels of Master and below
of codes remaining in the
(i.e. User, Arm Only, and Maid)
• access to designated partitions
• arming and disarming
• bypassing zones
• access to designated partitions
• viewing system status, trouble, and • there are no restrictions
alarm memory in the number of User
• resetting the Switched Auxiliary codes (as long as they
Output don’t exceed the number
• activating designated Utility Outputs of codes remaining in the
• specific control of system)
upload/downloading activities
• administering selected system tests,
except Walk Testing
• there are no restrictions
in the number of Arm
Only codes (as long as
they don’t exceed the
number of codes
remaining in the system)
• Arm Only codes are
Arm Only • arming one (or more) partitions
useful for workers who
arrive when the premises
are already open but,
because they are last to
leave, they’re given the
responsibility to close
the premises
• the Maid code is a
temporary code which
will be immediately
deleted from the system
• used for one-time arming in one or once it has been used to
more partitions arm
Maid • if first used to disarm the system, the • typically used
Maid code may be used once for residentially for maids,
subsequent arming home attendants, and
repairmen who must
enter the premises
before the owner(s)
• typically used to enable
the operation of a device
UO Only • used to operate a Utility Output only
controlled by a utility
output (i.e., a door, etc)

The activities in this section allow for:

• the assignment of Authority Levels • viewing and re-assigning the Grand Master
• the Partition assignment(s) for each User code
Code • choosing the Installer and Sub-Installer access
• codes, and determining the Code Length
With the display showing:
press [ENTER] to begin. The first sub-category, AUTHORITY, will appear on the display. You may access it by
pressing [ENTER], OR by pressing the [1] key.

Installation and Programming Manual 71

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
4 1 AUTHORITY USER § used for designating the Authority Level for each of
the 98 User Codes (which excludes the Grand Master
code–whose Authority Level is fixed)
§ the programmable Authority Levels are:
Manager, Master, User, Arm Only, and Maid
§ from the above display:
1. use the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys to position the cursor
under the first digit of the User Code to which you wish
to assign an Authority Level
2. enter the appropriate two-digit User Code
3. with the cursor positioned under the Authority Level, use
either [STAY] or [ARM] to select the Authority Level
intended for the designated User Code
4. press [ENTER] to advance to the next User Code, or
S ] key to return to the previous level
press the [S
4 2 PARTITION PARTITION § used to assign the partition(s) in which all User
Codes (except for the Grand Master) will operate
§ from the above display:
1. use the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys to position the cursor
under the first digit of the User Code to which you wish
to assign access to one (or more) Partition(s)
2. enter the appropriate two-digit User Code and
press [ENTER]
P=12345678 C=xx
3. from the above display, designate the partition(s) for
which the designated user may have access by using
the [STAY] key to toggle between YES (Y) or NO (,),
and either the [STAT] or [BYP] keys to move the
cursor left or right, respectively, as you make your
choices; note that “non-partitioned” system are
considered to use “Partition 1”
4. press [ENTER] to access another User Code
5. repeat steps 1 through 5, as required, until all
User Codes used in the system are assigned to the
appropriate partition(s)
6. when done, press the [S] key to return to the previous

Installation and Programming Manual 72

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
4 3 GRAND MASTER 1234 § the Grand Master is the UserCode with the highest
Authority Level (see page 71)
§ the system’s owner/chief user can assign and modify
the Grand Master code as a function of the User
Functions mode; alternatively, the Grand Master’s
code may be set by the installation company
§ to do so, use the keypad’s (0-9) keys and, if
necessary, the UP- and DOWN-arrow keys, to
overwrite the default code; press [ENTER] when
4 4 INSTALLER 0296 § the Installer Code allows entry into the
Installer Programming mode, and the subsequent
modification of all system parameters
§ it’s wise to change the factory default of “0296” to a
designation unique to the panel and/or to the
appropriate alarm company personnel; to do so:
1. use the keypad’s (0-9) keys and, if necessary, the
UP-and DOWN-arrow keys,to overwrite the default
code; press [ENTER]
2. carefully confirm your selection by re-entering the
same code and pressing [ENTER]
3. once done, press the [S S ] key to return to the previous

Installation and Programming Manual 73

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
4 5 SUB-INSTALLER 0299 § the Sub-Installer Code allows for limited access
within the Installer Programming mode
§ an individual given the Sub-Installer code can be
thought of as an assistant to the “lead” Installer–but
being restricted to changing only selected
programming parameters
§ it’s the job of the individual with the Installer Code to
determine the Sub-Installer’s restrictions; doing so
will be discussed in the section below
§ first, it’s wise to change the factory default of “0299”
to a designation unique to the panel and/or to those
who may serve as “sub-installers” in your alarm
company; to do so:
1. use the keypad’s (0-9) keys and, if necessary, the
UP- and DOWN-arrow keys, to overwrite the default
code; press [ENTER]
2. when done, press the [S] key to return to the previous

Setting the Sub-Installer’s Programming Restrictions

1. if necessary, exit the Installer Programming mode; to “high” a level to perform Sub-Installer restrictions;
do so, press the [SS ] key until the display no longer press [ENTER] to seek a “lower”
changes; then press [0] sub-category.
2. at this display, 8. when done, press the [S S ] key, as required, to exit
DO YOU WANT TO the “Customize” mode; at the display:
determine whether you need to save any
programmed data, use the [STAY] key to toggle
press the [STAY] key to change the “N” to a “Y”
between “Y” and “N”; press [ENTER] and press [ENTER]
3. from the “normal” (user’s) display, enter the 9. at the display:
“CUSTOMIZE” mode by pressing [S S ], [7], [3] DO YOU WANT
4. enter the Installer Code (NOT the Sub-Installer TO SAVE MENU? Y
Code) and press [ENTER]
5. refer to the Installer Programming Map on press [ENTER] to save your changes; at this
page 37; select (with either the UP- or DOWN-arrow point, a Sub-Installer’s access to the “X-ed”
keys or “Quick Keys”) one of the seven main categories will not be permitted
programming classifications listed in the “HOME” 10. press the [SS] key twice to return to the normal
column–within which you want to restrict a (user’s) display
Sub-Installer’s access 11. to use a Sub-Installer Code, from the “normal”
6. using pages 37 and 38 as an aid, use the arrow S ], [7], [2];. at this display:
(user’s) display, press [S
keys, “Quick Keys” and the [ENTER] key to navigate SUB-INST. CODE:
through and select the sub-category beneath the
chosen programming classification until you reach a
level for which you desire to set Sub-Installer enter the Sub-Installer’s access code, and press
restrictions [ENTER]
7. press the [STAY] key and observe the lower left of 12. Installer Programming will be available to the
the display; if the number listed changes to an “X”, Sub-Installer, but on a restricted basis,
that sub-category will NOT be available to a conforming to the choices made in step 7
Sub-Installer; to reverse the process, press [STAY]
again; if, at any time, pressing [STAY] produces
three short “beeps”, you are at too

Installation and Programming Manual 74

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
4 6 CODE LENGTH --- • the Code Length specifies the number of digits
(either 4 or 6) which must be used by the Grand
Master, Manager, and Master Codes
• all other codes (i.e. User, Arm Only, Maid) may be
between one-digit and the number of digits
specified through this parameter
• press [ENTER] to make your selection
4 6 1 4 digits 4
§ use either the DOWN-arrow or UP-arrow keys to
display either 4-digit or 6-digit codes as described
§ press [ENTER]
§ if you make a change in the Code Length, the
following display will appear:
§ use the [STAY] key to change the default “N”, if
4 6 2 6 digits desired;
§ press [ENTER]
NOTE 1: if the Code Length parameter is changed
after any User Codes have already been stored, they
may have to be changed to conform to the new
NOTE 2: if a 6-digit Code Length is selected, system
default codes like 1-2-3-4, 0-2-9-6, and 0-2-9-9 will
become 1-2-3-4-0-0, 0-2-9-6-0-0, and 0-2-9-9-0-0,
NOTE 3: REMEMBER–only authorized system users
(i.e. Grand Master, Manager, Master) may determine
the numbers which comprise the actual User Code(s)

Installation and Programming Manual 75

5) Dialer
The following table provides instructions for programming all relevant information required for the ORBIT-Pro to
contact the Central Station and successfully transmit data
With the display showing:
press [ENTER] to begin. The first sub-category, TEL. NUMBERS will appear on the display. You may enter it by
pressing [ENTER] OR by pressing the [1] key.

Quick Key Item Default Explanation

5 TELEPHONE --- • specifies the following telephone number(s):
NUMBERS • that of the Central Station(s) to which
• the ORBIT-Pro will send its reports
• that used by the ORBIT-Pro to call back
• the Alarm Company’s computer when
• remote Upload/Download operations are
• performed with the Call-Back U/D option
• (see below, and page 80)
5 1 1 MS Tel. No. 1 --- § 1st Central (Monitoring) Station telephone number;
§ you may enter up to 16 digits; include any dialing
prefix(es) and area code
5 1 2 MS Tel. No. 2 --- § 2nd Central (Monitoring) Station telephone number;
§ you may enter up to 16 digits; include any dialing
prefix(es) and area code
5 1 3 MS Tel. No. 3 --- § 3rd Central (Monitoring) Station telephone number;
§ you may enter up to 16 digits; include any dialing
prefix(es) and area code
5 1 4 Remote U/D --- § specifies the phone number used to provide for
Telephone No. higher security U/D operations (see Callback U/D) on
page 80)
§ this is the telephone number to which the alarm
company’s computer, equipped with the
Upload/Download software, will be connected
§ you may enter up to 16 digits; be sure to include any
calling prefixes and an area code if needed.

5 2 ACCOUNTS --- § specifies the customer’s Central Station

Account Number.
5 2 Customer Account --- § for each of up to eight Central Station accounts
Number(s) (e.g. one for each partition), specify the 6-digit
Customer Account Number assigned by the
Central Station
§ use the keypad’s (0-9) keys and, if necessary, the
UP- and DOWN-arrow keys, to select and enter the
account number
§ press [ENTER] when done
§ S ] key to return to the previous level
press the [S

Installation and Programming Manual 76


Quick Key Item Default Definition
5 3 COMMUNICATION --- for each Central Station account in the installation,
FORMAT choose the Communication Format, as specified by
the Central Station, for reporting customer alarms,
troubles, tests, and other events
5 3 1 For 1st Telephone 0000 § refer to the information in the table below and enter
Number: the 4-digit Format Code corresponding to the
communication protocol required by the
Central Station Receiver associated with the
1st MS Telephone Number, above.
5 3 2 For 2nd Telephone 0000 § as above, for the receiver associated with the
Number: 2nd MS Telephone Number
5 3 3 For 3rd Telephone 0000 § as above, for the receiver associated with the
Number: 3rd MS Telephone Number
4. Contact the Central Station monitoring the customer account(s) you are programming.
5. Obtain the Communication Format(s) being used by the digital receiver(s) processing each account.
6. For SIA and Contact I.D. formats refer to Auto Codes (on page 87).
7. Note the corresponding 4-digit Format Code(s) in the right-hand column.
8. Use the keypad’s (0-9) keys and, if necessary, the UP- and DOWN-arrow keys to position the cursor.
Enter the proper code accordingly for the Central Station’s Telephone Numbers, above, and press
Communication Formats Format Code
Simple Pulse Protocols:
Silent Knight/ADEMCO Slow 010F
Silent Knight/ADEMCO Slow–Extended 014F
Radionics/DCI/Franklin Slow 0117
Silent Knight Fast 010E
Silent Knight Fast–Extended 014E
Sescoa/Franklin/Vertex/DCI Fast 0116
Sescoa/Franklin/Vertex/DCI–Extended 0156
Universal High Speed–Non-Extended 0112
Radionics Protocols:
Radionics, 20 PPS handshake at 1400 Hz 0202
handshake at 2300 Hz 0212
Radionics, 20 PPS–Extended handshake at 1400 Hz 0242
handshake at 2300 Hz 0252
Radionics, 40 PPS handshake at 1400 Hz 0200
handshake at 2300 Hz 0210
Radionics, 40 PPS–Extended handshake at 1400 Hz 0240
handshake at 2300 Hz 0250
Radionics, 40 PPS, with Parity handshake at 1400 Hz 0220
handshake at 2300 Hz 0230
Radionics, 40 PPS–Extended, with Parity handshake at 1400 Hz 0260
handshake at 2300 Hz 0270
Other Protocols:
Sescoa, Super Fast, with Parity 4 + 3 + Parity 0331
Sescoa, Super Fast, with Parity + ETX 4 + 3 + Parity 03B1
ADEMCO Express 4 + 2+ Parity 0520
ADEMCO Contact (Point) ID DTMF, Parity 0420
Sweden Robofon 0600
SIA Level I + II 0700

Installation and Programming Manual 77

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
5 4 ACCESS AND ID --- specifies the Access and ID Codes required for
successful remote communication (using Rokonet’s
Upload/Download software) between the Alarm
Company and the Installation
5 4 1 Access Code 5678 § select a 4-digit Access Code which will be stored in
the ORBIT-Pro
§ this same code must subsequently be entered into
the corresponding account profile created for the
installation in the Upload/Download software
§ for successful remote communication to take place
between the Alarm Company and the Installation, this
Access Code (along with the ID Code, see below),
must match
§ although it’s not required, it may be best to select a
different 4-digit Access Code for each installation.
5 4 2 ID code 0001 § the ID Code can be thought of as an extension of the
Access Code, above
§ this same ID Code must subsequently be entered
into the account’s profile in the Upload/Download
§ for successful remote communication to take place
between the Alarm Company and the Installation, this
ID Code (along with the Access Code, see above),
must match
§ some dealers use the customer’s Central Station
Account Number for the ID Code, but any 4-digit code
unique to the installation will suffice
5 4 3 MS Lock 000000 § MS Lock is a security function used in conjunction
with Rokonet’s Upload/Download Software (Version
2.3 or greater)
§ through the software, it is designed to provide
greater proprietary security when viewing several
Central Station parameters
§ it is NOT necessary to change the MS Lock default
value within Installer Programming; instead, the
procedure may be performed from the
Upload/Download Software and then downloaded
to the ORBIT-Pro
§ for additional information, refer to the
Upload/Download Programming Manual

Installation and Programming Manual 78

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
5 5 CONTROLS --- controls aspects of the ORBIT-Pro’s dialer operation
5 5 01 MS Enable YES if YES:
enables communication with the Central Station to
report alarm, trouble, and supervisory events
if NO:
no communication with the Central Station is possible;
choose NO for installations which are NOT monitored
by a Central Station
5 5 02 FM Enable YES if YES:
enables “Follow Me” communication (see below)
if NO:
disables “Follow Me” communication
Follow Me
In addition to Central Station reporting, the ORBIT-Pro employs a Follow-Me feature, in which
a standard phone call–reporting a system event–can be made to a designated phone number.
This procedure is generally useful for informing a homeowner at work, or a business owner at
home, that there has been an alarm at a specific premises. There are two variations of the
Follow-Me operation:
using a standard phone call:
§ in the first, the Follow-Me call conveys a series of tones representing the active alarm
(e.g. burglary or fire) and can be employed in a partition-by-partition basis
§ the selected phone number(s) being called are programmed by accessing the User
Functions Mode (see User Functions in the ORBIT-Pro User’s Manual)
using a phone call to a pager:
§ the Follow-Me call can go to a pager, which, if numeric or alphanumeric, can display
specific event (e.g. alarm, arm/disarm) and partition information
5 5 03 U/D Enable YES if YES:
§ permits remote communication between the Alarm
Company and the ORBIT-Pro through the
Upload/Download Software
§ doing so permits the modification of an installation’s
configuration, obtaining status information, and
issuing panel commands–all through remote means
if NO:
disables remote communication as described above
5 5 04 Call Delay YES if YES:
event reports to the Central Station are delayed for
15 seconds after they’re detected
if NO:
event reports are sent immediately
5 5 05 Dial Tone YES if YES:
wait a short, selectable, interval (see page 82) to
detect dial tone before dialing the Central Station
if NO:
dial without waiting

Installation and Programming Manual 79

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
CONTROLS (cont’d)
5 5 06 Call Save NO if YES:
to reduce Central Station “traffic”, the system holds all
* non-urgent events (e.g. opening/closing reports, test
transmissions) for up to 12 hours and sends them as a
group at a less busy, programmable (e.g. at night) time
(see Periodic Test) on page 86
if NO:
all events are sent as they occur
5 5 07 User Initiated Call YES if YES:
in order for a remote Upload/Download session to take
* place, a system’s user must initiate the process by
entering specific keypad commands in the User
Functions mode (see the ORBIT-Pro User’s Manual)
if NO:
remote Upload/Download operations are possible
without requiring the user’s participation
5 5 08 Call Back U/D YES if YES:
enables greater security for remote Upload/Download
* operations by requiring the ORBIT-Pro to call back the
pre-programmed telephone number (see Remote U/D
Tel No. on page 76) to which the Alarm Company’s
Upload/Download computer is connected
if NO:
§ the Alarm Company’s computer simply calls the
account for which Upload/Download operations are
§ a subsequent callback to a designated number is not
5 5 09 Auto Batch NO if YES:
§ use if unattended Upload/Download operations are
* desired
§ the Upload/Download software has the capability of
downloading previously-programmed installation data
from the Alarm Company to an account if the call is
initiated by the account
§ by enabling Auto Batch (selecting YES), the ORBIT-
Pro will call the Alarm Company’s computer at
the time specified in U/D Test under Periodic Test
(see page 86)
§ for Auto Batch to work, the computer must:
§ be turned on
§ be connected to the telephone line
§ have its Upload/Download software loaded
§ for detailed information on Auto Batch, see the
§ ORBIT-Pro Upload/Download Software Manual
if NO:
§ the Auto Batch mode is disabled

* Not for UL Installations

Installation and Programming Manual 80

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
CONTROLS (cont’d)
5 5 10 Answering Machine YES if YES:
Override § enables the Answering Machine Override–a feature
used to present an answering machine at the
Not for UL customer’s premises from interfering with remote
Installations Upload/Download operations
§ if enabled, the following sequence occurs whenever
a remote communication session is initiated:
§ the Upload/Download software at the alarm
company calls the account with which remote
communication is desired
§ the software hangs up after one ring is generated
§ the ORBIT-Pro interprets the single ring as an
instruction to answer, on the first ring, the next
phone call occurring within one minute
§ within one minute of its initial call, the U/D Software
calls the account again
§ the ORBIT-Pro picks up this call on the first ring,
thus bypassing any interaction with the answering
§ remote communication can subsequently take place
if NO:
remote communication takes place in the standard
manner (see page 80 for details)
5 5 11 UL Installation NO if YES:
disables features inappropriate for UL Listed
if NO:
no features are disabled
5 5 12 Show Kissoff NO if YES:
all five LEDs on the right side of the keypad(s) will light
for one second when the dialer, after successfully
transmitting data to the monitoring facility, receives the
“kissoff” signal from the Central Station’s receiver
if NO:
there will be no annunciation of the “kissoff” signal
when received by the dialer
5 5 13 Show Handshake NO if YES:
all five LEDs on the right side of the keypad(s) will light
for one second when the dialer, after connecting with
the monitoring facility, receives the “handshake” signal
from the Central Station’s receiver
if NO:
there will be no annunciation of the “handshake” signal
when received by the dialer
5 5 14 Audible Kiss off NO if YES:
there will be an audible annunciation when the dialer,
after successfully transmitting data to the monitoring
facility, receives the “kissoff” signal from the Central
Station’s receiver
if NO:
there will be no audible annunciation of the “kissoff”

Installation and Programming Manual 81

Quick Key Item Default Range Explanation
5 6 PARAMETERS -- - controls additional aspects of the
ORBIT-Pro’s dialer operation
5 6 1 MS Retries 03 sets the number of times the ORBIT-Pro will
01-15 redial the Central Station after failing to establish
successful communication
5 6 2 FM Retries 03 01-15 sets the number of times the Follow-Me phone
number is redialed after failing to establish
successful communication
5 6 3 Rings to U/D 12 rings 01-15 § sets the number of rings that the ORBIT-
Pro must detect before answering an
incoming call (i.e. for remote programming
§ note that if the Answering Machine
Override is enabled (see page 80), any
entry made to this parameter will be
§ refers to the number of seconds the ORBIT-Pro
will wait if the Dial Tone parameter is enabled (see
page 79)
5 6 4 Dial-tone Time ---
§ press [ENTER] and select, by using either the
DOWN-or UP-arrow keys, either 6 or 9 seconds,
Pressing [ENTER] selects this option and “deselects”
5 6 4 1 wait 6 seconds 4 9 seconds
Pressing [ENTER] selects this option and “deselects”
5 6 4 2 wait 9 seconds ---
6 seconds
§ refers to the number of seconds the ORBIT-Pro
will wait between attempts at redialing the same
5 6 5 Redial Wait --- phone number
§ applies to both the MS Retries and the FM Retries
parameters, above
Pressing [ENTER] selects this option and “deselects”
5 6 5 1 wait 30 seconds 4 60 seconds
Pressing [ENTER] selects this option and “deselects”
5 6 5 2 wait 60 seconds
30 seconds
used to select the dialing method;. your choice must be
5 6 6 Dialing Method compatible with the type of phone service available at the
protected premises
DTMF Pressing [ENTER] selects this option and “deselects”
5 6 6 1
(Touch Tone )
® 4 Pulse@20 BPS and Pulse@10BPS
Pulse @ 20 BPS Pressing [ENTER] selects this option and “deselects”
5 6 6 2
(pulses per second) DTMF and Pulse@10BPS
Pulse @ 10 BPS Pressing [ENTER] selects this option and “deselects”
5 6 6 3
(pulses per second) DTMF and Pulse@20BPS
§ if pulse dialing has been selected, one of the
following choices will come into play
5 6 7 Pulse Duty Cycle
§ choose the proper dialing duty-cycle for the location,
as described below:
5 6 7 1 67/33% Typically used in European telephone systems
5 6 7 2 61/39% 4 Typically used in USA telephone systems
§ a “swinger” is a repeated violation of the same
§ zone–often resulting in nuisance alarms–which is
usually due to a malfunction, an environmental
problem, or the improper installation of a detector or
Swinger Limit
5 6 8 00 sensor
(Swinger Shutdown) § this parameter specifies the number of violations of
the same zone which will be annunciated and
reported during a single armed period–before the
zone will be automatically bypassed.

Installation and Programming Manual 82

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
permits the routing of specified events to up
5 7 REPORT SPLIT --- to three Central Station Receivers
used to report Arming/Disarming (i.e. Closings/Openings)
5 7 1 MS ARM/DISARM --- events to the Central Station
for each of the six reporting options below, use the
UP- or DOWN-arrow keys to scroll to the desired choice
and press [ENTER]
5 7 1 1 Do Not Call § do NOT report Openings and Closings
§ report Openings and Closings to the 1st Telephone
5 7 1 2 Call 1st Number (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station
Receiver, see page 76)
§ report Openings and Closings to the 2nd Telephone
5 7 1 3 Call 2nd Number (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station
Receiver, see page 76)
§ report Openings and Closings to the 3rd Telephone
5 7 1 4 Call 3rd Number (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station
Receiver, see page 76)
§ report Openings and Closings to ALL Telephone
5 7 1 5 Call All Numbers (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station
Receivers, see page 76)
§ report Openings and Closings to the 1st Telephone
Number (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station
Receiver, see page 76); if communication is
5 7 1 6 1st Backup 2nd 4 unsuccessful, call the 2nd Telephone Number (i.e. the
corresponding Central Station Receiver, see page
5 7 2 MS URGENT --- used to report urgent (alarm) events to the Central Station
for each of the six reporting options below, use the
UP- or DOWN-arrow keys to scroll to the desired choice
and press [ENTER]
5 7 2 1 Do Not Call do NOT report urgent (alarm) events to the Central Station
Report urgent (alarm) events to the 1st Telephone Number
5 7 2 2 Call 1st (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station Receiver, see
page 76)
report urgent (alarm) events to the 2nd Telephone Number
5 7 2 3 Call 2nd (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station Receiver, see
page 76)
report urgent (alarm) events to the 3 Telephone Number
5 7 2 4 Call 3 (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station Receiver, see
page 76)
Report urgent (alarm) events to ALL Telephone Numbers
5 7 2 5 Call All (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station Receivers, see
page 76);
Report urgent (alarm) events to the 1st Telephone Number
(i.e. to the corresponding Central Station Receiver, see
5 7 2 6 1st Backup 2nd 4 page 76); if communication is unsuccessful, call the 2
Telephone Number (i.e. the corresponding Central Station
Receiver, see Page 76)

Installation and Programming Manual 83

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
used to report non-urgent events (e.g. supervisory and
5 7 3 MS NON-URGENT ---
test reports) to the Central Station
for each of the six reporting options below, use the
--- UP- or DOWN-arrow keys to scroll to the desired choice
and press [ENTER]
§ do NOT report non-urgent events to the
5 7 3 1 Do Not Call Central Station
§ report non-urgent events to the 1st Telephone
5 7 3 2 Call 1st Number (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station
Receiver, see page 76)
§ report non-urgent events to the 2nd Telephone
5 7 3 3 Call 2nd Number (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station
Receiver, see page 76)
§ report non-urgent events to the 3rd Telephone
5 7 3 4 Call 3rd Number (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station
Receiver, see page 76)
§ report non-urgent events to ALL Telephone Numbers
5 7 3 5 Call All (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station Receivers,
see page 76)
§ report non-urgent events to the 1st Telephone
Number (i.e. to the corresponding Central Station
Receiver, see page 76); if communication is
5 7 3 6 1st Backup 2nd 4 unsuccessful, call the 2nd Telephone Number (i.e. the
corresponding Central Station Receiver, see page
§ specifies how calls to “Follow Me” recipients will be
§ note that “Follow Me” (FM Enable) must first be
enabled (see page 79) before any calls can be made
5 7 4 FOLLOW ME --- § it is the user’s responsibility to program any “Follow
Me” Phone Numbers
§ such numbers are programmed by accessing the
User Functions mode (see the section on User
Functions, in the ORBIT-Pro User’s Manual)
For each of the six reporting options below, use the
or DOWN-arrow keys to scroll to the desired choice and
Press [ENTER]
5 7 4 1 Do Not Call Do not make any “Follow Me” calls
Call only the “Follow Me” Phone Number specified for
5 7 4 2 By Partition 4 the partition experiencing an alarm
In the event of an alarm on any partition, call the “Follow
5 7 4 3 Call All Me” Phone Number(s) specified for ALL partitions
experiencing an alarm

Installation and Programming Manual 84

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
5 8 ALARM RESTORE --- • specifies under what conditions an
Alarm Restoral will be reported
• such reporting informs the Central Station that
the specified condition(s) which occurred during
the alarm has changed
• if Restoral reports are to be sent, they have to be
assigned a valid reporting code (see the
Reporting Codes section on page 88)
for each of the three reporting options below, use the UP-or DOWN-arrow keys to scroll to the
desired choice and press [ENTER]
On BTO Report the restoral after the audible alarm “times out”
5 8 1 (BTO=Bell Time Out)
Not for UL Installations
report the restoral when the zone responsible for the alarm
5 8 2 Follow Zone returns to its non-violated (secured) state
report the restoral when the system (or the partition in
5 8 3 At Disarm which the alarm occurred) is disarmed–even if the sounder
has already “timed out”

Installation and Programming Manual 85

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
5 9 1 MS Test --- § for ORBIT-Pro Test (Non-Urgent) Reports to the
designated Central Station Receiver (see page 76),
designate the specific time and daily interval that
such reports will take place
§ note that if Test Reports are to be sent, they have to
be assigned a valid reporting code (see below) which
must be recognized by the Central Station monitoring
the account(s)
§ set the Test Time and Daily Interval for
Test Reporting to the Central Station by following the
directions below:
HR=00 MIN=00 D:0
§ use the keypad’s numeric keys (0-9) and its UP- and
DOWN-arrow keys to enter the specified time-of-day
(in 24-Hr format) when a Test Report should be sent
§ use the table below to specify the daily testing
intervals (D)–effective from the day of programming:
0 never 4 every 4th day
H every hour 5 every 5th day
1 every day 6 every 6th day
2 every other day 7 once a week
3 every 3rd day
5 9 2 UD Test --- § the U/D Test refers to the specific time and interval
that Auto Batch downloading is scheduled
§ refer to the Auto Batch parameter on page 80 for
additional information
§ for detailed information, see the ORBIT-Pro
Upload/Download Software Manual)
§ set the time and daily interval at which the Auto Batch
mode is to occur; this is the time (and day) when the
customer’s ORBIT-Pro will automatically call the
alarm company’s computer, effective from the day of
HR=00 MIN=00 D:0
§ use the keypad’s numeric keys (0-9) and its UP- and
DOWN-arrow keys to enter the specified time-of-day
(in 24-Hr format) when an automatic download should
§ use the table below to specify the daily downloading
intervals (D)–effective from the day of programming:
0 never 4 every 4th day
1 every day 5 every 5th day
2 every other day 6 every 6th day
3 every 3 day 7 every 7th day

Installation and Programming Manual 86

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
5 0 AUTO CODES --- • applicable when using the following
Central Station formats:
• ADEMCO Contact ID
• also provides a function to reset all Central
Station reporting codes to “00” without the need
to restore factory defaults (see below)
5 0 1 Contact ID --- § if selected, automatically causes the ORBIT-Pro to
allocate the relevant reporting codes supporting
ADEMCO Contact (Point) I.D.
§ pressing [ENTER] selects this option and “deselects”
SIA, below
§ at this display:
[STAY] and [ENTER] to confirm your choice
§ press [SS] to return to the previous programming level
5 0 2 SIA --- § if selected, automatically causes the ORBIT-Pro to
allocate the relevant reporting codes supporting the
SIA (Security Industry Association) format
§ pressing [ENTER] selects this option and “deselects”
Contact I.D., above
§ at this display:

[STAY] and [ENTER] to confirm your choice

§ press [SS] to return to the previous programming level
5 0 3 Delete All --- § if selected, automatically causes the ORBIT-Pro to
reset, to “00”, all previously-programmed Central
Station reporting codes (see pages 88 through 98)
§ doing so does NOT cause any other programmed
values to change
§ pressing [ENTER] selects this option and displays
press [STAY] and [ENTER] to confirm your choice
§ S] to return to the previous programming level
press [S

Installation and Programming Manual 87

6) Report Codes
This section provides you with the opportunity to program the codes that will be transmitted by the ORBIT-Pro
when it has events to report (e.g. alarms, troubles, restores, supervisory, and tests, etc.) to the Central Station.
Note the following:
• The codes specified for each type of event transmission are a function of the Central Station’s own policies.
Before programming any codes for the following events, be sure to check with them to make sure you
understand their protocols.
• While most Communication Formats (see page 77) support the Reporting Codes programmed on the
following pages–some do not. Check with the Central Station monitoring your ORBIT-Pro accounts to
determine if the Communication Format being used requires such programming.
• As an example, the ADEMCO Contact (Point) I.D. and SIA formats support their own reporting code
allocations. If either of these formats is used, the programming steps found in this section become
• Using a “double-zero” (00) for any event will prevent a report from being generated.
The following table provides instructions for programming the many event codes supported by the ORBIT-Pro.
With the display showing:
press [ENTER] to begin. The first sub-category, EMERGENCY KEYS will
INSTALLER PROG: appear on the display. You may enter it by pressing [ENTER] OR by pressing
6)REPORT CODES×× the [1] key.


Quick Key Item Default Explanation

6 1 EMERGENCY --- • used to define the codes transmitted to the
KEYS Central Station when an alarm is sent (i.e. Police,
Fire, and Auxiliary emergency) via a keypad’s
Emergency Keys
• use the keypad’s (0-9) keys to enter the
designated code
• if necessary, use the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys to
reposition the cursor
• press [ENTER] to complete the process
6 1 1 Alarm --- below, enter the 2-digit code for each of the
keypad-generated alarms
if this event is not to be transmitted, use the “00”
6 1 1 1 Auxiliary emergency 00 for reporting a keypad-generated Auxiliary Emergency
6 1 1 2 Panic 00 for reporting a keypad-generated Police Emergency
6 1 1 3 Fire 00 for reporting a keypad-generated Fire Emergency
for reporting a keypad-generated Duress Emergency
6 1 1 4 Duress 00
(consult the ORBIT-Pro’s User’s Manual )
§ below, enter the 2-digit code used to report a restoral,
6 1 2 Restore ---
if desired, of the above keypad emergencies
for reporting the restoral of a keypad-generated
6 1 2 1 Auxiliary emergency 00
Auxiliary Emergency
for reporting the restoral of a keypad-generated
6 1 2 2 Panic 00
Police Emergency
for reporting the restoral of a keypad-generated
6 1 2 3 Fire 00
Fire Emergency
for reporting the restoral of a keypad-generated
6 1 2 4 Duress 00
Duress Emergency

Installation and Programming Manual 88

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
6 2 ZONES --- used to report the codes generated when an alarm
(or alarm restoral) is sent due to the violation of an
armed zone
6 2 1 Alarm --- § press [ENTER] to:
§ enter the 2-digit zone number and the corresponding
§ 2-digit reporting code used to represent an alarm on
the designated zone
§ if this event is not to be transmitted, use the “00”
§ press [ENTER] to continue, or press the [S S] key to
return to the previous programming level
00 § code used to represent an alarm on the designated
6 2 2 Alarm Restore --- § press [ENTER] to:
00 § code used to represent an alarm restoral on
the designated zone
6 2 3 Trouble § press [ENTER] to:
00 § code used to represent a Day Zone violation during
the disarmed period
§ a wireless zone trouble caused by a supervision
§ failure
6 2 4 Trouble Restore/
§ press [ENTER] to:
00 § code for each zone-generated trouble (as described
above) restoral
6 2 5 Bypass § press [ENTER] to:
00 § code used to represent the selective bypassing (or
force arming) of one (or more) zones
6 2 6 Tamper --- § press [ENTER] to:
00 § code used to represent a tamper condition resulting
from a violation of a tamper switch on a DEOL
resistor zone
§ note that even if the zone is bypassed–for which such
a tamper switch is a component–both the tamper
switch and the reporting code will be unaffected
6 2 7 Tamper Restore --- § press [ENTER] to:
00 § code used to represent the restoral-to-normal of a
tamper condition resulting from the violation of a
tamper switch on a DEOL resistor zone
6 2 8 Low Battery --- § press [ENTER] to:
00 § code used to represent a low battery condition in the
affected wireless transmitter
6 2 9 Low Battery Restore --- § press [ENTER] to:
00 § code used to represent the correction of the low
battery condition in the affected wireless transmitter

Installation and Programming Manual 89

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
6 3 ACCESSORY --- • used to report the codes generated when the
TAMPER tamper switch on a system accessory (i.e. a
Keypad or Expansion Module) is violated
(or restored)
• keypads have built-in tamper switches
• many Expansion Modules (e.g. Utility Outputs
and Power Supplies) permit the connection of
an external tamper switch
• press [ENTER] to begin
addresses the tamper codes and their restorals given to
6 3 1 Keypad ---
system keypad(s); press [ENTER]
6 3 1 1 Tamper --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the keypad’s 2-digit physical I.D. (e.g. 01) and
the corresponding 2-digit report code used to
represent a tamper condition on the designated
Keypad Tamper
--- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the keypad’s 2-digit physical I.D. (e.g. 01) and
the corresponding 2-digit report code used to
represent the restoral-to-normal of the tamper
Utility Output --- addresses the tamper codes and their restorals given to
Module Utility Output modules; press [ENTER]
Tamper --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the UO’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the
corresponding 2-digit report code used to represent a
tamper condition on the designated Utility Output
Utility Output Module
§ press [ENTER] to begin
Tamper Restore
00 § enter the UO’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the
corresponding 2-digit report code used to represent
the restoral-to-normal of the tamper condition
Addresses the tamper codes and their restorals given to
6 3 3 Power Supply Module ---
Power Supply modules; press [ENTER]
6 3 3 1 Tamper --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the Power Supply’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the
corresponding 2-digit report code used to represent a
tamper condition on the designated Power Supply
Power Supply
Module Tamper --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the Power Supply’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the
corresponding 2-digit report code used to represent
the restoral-to-normal of the tamper condition
Addresses the tamper codes and their restorals given to
Event Logger ---
Event Logging modules; press [ENTER]
Tamper --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the 2-digit report code used to represent a
tamper condition on the Event Logging module
Event Logging
Module Tamper § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the 2-digit report code used to represent the
restoral-to-normal of the tamper condition

Installation and Programming Manual 90

Wireless Button
Accessory addresses the tamper codes and their restorals given to
6 3 5 --- any wireless buttons used in the installation; press
Not for UL [ENTER]
6 3 5 1 Tamper --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the Wireless Button’s 1-digit I.D. and the
corresponding 2-digit report code used to represent a
tamper condition
Wireless Button
Accessory --- § press [ENTER] to begin
Tamper Restore
00 § enter the Wireless Button’s 1-digit I.D. and the
corresponding 2-digit report code used to represent
the restoral-to-normal of the tamper condition
Wireless Zone
Expansion Module
addresses the tamper codes and their restorals given to
Event Logging modules; press [ENTER]
Not for UL
Tamper --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the Zone Expander’s 1-digit physical I.D. and
the corresponding 2-digit report code used to
represent a tamper condition on the designated Zone
Wireless Zone Module
§ press [ENTER] to begin
Tamper Restore
00 § enter the Zone Expander’s 1-digit physical I.D. and
the corresponding 2-digit report code used to
represent a restoral-to-normal of the tamper condition
on the designated Zone Expander

Installation and Programming Manual 91

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
• used to report the codes generated when the
following series of troubles related to the Main
6 4
TROUBLE --- Board’s (system) operation is detected
(or restored)
• press [ENTER] to begin
addresses the trouble codes assigned to the
6 4 1 Troubles ---
ORBIT-Pro’s Main Board; press [ENTER]
§ report code used to represent the detection of a weak
6 4 1 1 Low Battery 00
(or missing) standby battery wired to the Main Panel
§ report code used to represent a trouble condition
Bell 00 involving the supervision of an external sounder wired
to the Main Panel
§ report code used to represent a trouble condition
6 4 1 3 Phone 00 related to the supervision of the telephone service
supplied to the ORBIT-Pro
§ report code used to represent a trouble condition
AC Loss 00
related to the AC Power supplied to the ORBIT-Pro
§ report code used to represent a trouble condition
AUX Fail 00 related to the loss of Auxiliary Power (either
continuous or switched) supplied by the ORBIT-Pro
§ report code used to represent a trouble condition
6 4 1 6 Clock Not Set 00
caused by a “Clock Not Set”
§ report code used to represent a trouble condition
BUS Fail 00
related to a failure in the system’s 4-wire BUS
§ report code used to represent the repeated use of an
6 4 1 8 False Code 00
incorrect User Code to disarm the system

addresses the trouble restoral codes assigned to the

6 4 2 Trouble Restorals ---
ORBIT-Pro’s Main Board; press [ENTER]
§ report code used to represent the restoral-to-normal
6 4 2 1 Low Battery 00 of a weak (or missing) standby battery wired to the
Main Panel
§ report code used to represent the restoral-to-normal
6 4 2 2 Bell 00 of a supervisory condition involving an external
sounder wired to the Main Board
§ report code used to represent the restoral-to-normal
6 4 2 3 Phone 00 of a supervisory condition involving the telephone
service supplied to the ORBIT-Pro
§ report code used to represent a restoral-to-normal of
6 4 2 4 AC 00
the AC Power supplied to the ORBIT-Pro
§ report code used to represent a restoral-to-normal of
6 4 2 5 AUX 00 the Auxiliary Power (either continuous or switched)
supplied by the ORBIT-Pro
§ enter the 2-digit report code used to represent the
6 4 2 6 Clock Is Set 00 correction of a condition in which the system’s clock
was not set
§ report code used to represent a restoral-to-normal of
6 4 2 7 BUS Comm 00
the system’s 4-wire BUS
§ report code used to represent the viewing (by the
6 4 2 8 False Code 00 User within the View Trouble menu–see the ORBIT-
Pro User’s Manual) for additional information

Installation and Programming Manual 92

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
• used to report the codes generated when the
POWER SUPPLY following series of troubles related to the
6 5 ACCESSORY --- operation of the Power Supply Accessory
MODULE TROUBLE Module is detected (or restored)
• press [ENTER] to begin
addresses the trouble codes assigned to the
6 5 1 --- Power Supply Accessory Module;
Press [ENTER]
Low Battery § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the PS Module’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the 2-
digit report code used to represent the detection of a
6 5 1 1
weak (or missing) standby battery wired to the
Bell --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the PS Module’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the 2-
digit report code used to represent a trouble
6 5 1 2
condition involving the supervision of an external
sounder wired to the module
AC Loss --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the PS Module’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the 2-
digit report code used to represent a trouble
6 5 1 3
condition related to the AC Power supplied to the
AUX Fail --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the PS Module’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the 2-
digit report code used to represent a trouble
6 5 1 4
condition related to the loss of Auxiliary Power
supplied by the module

Installation and Programming Manual 93

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
• used to report the codes generated when the
following series of troubles related to the
--- operation of the Power Supply Accessory Module
is detected (or restored)
• press [ENTER] to begin
addresses the trouble restoral codes assigned to
6 5 2 Trouble Restorals --- the Power Supply Accessory Module;
press [ENTER]
Low Battery --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the PS Module’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the 2-
digit report code used to represent the restoral-to-
6 5 2 1
normal of a weak (or missing) standby battery wired
to the module
Bell --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the PS Module’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the 2-
digit report code used to represent the restoral-to-
6 5 2 2
normal of a supervisory condition involving an
external sounder wired to the module
AC --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the PS Module’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the 2-
6 5 2 3 digit report code used to represent the restoral-to-
normal of the AC Power supplied to the module
AUX --- § press [ENTER] to begin
00 § enter the PS Module’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the 2-
6 5 2 4 digit report code used to represent the restoral-to-
normal of the Auxiliary Power supplied by the module

Installation and Programming Manual 94

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
ARM (CLOSING) --- • used to report the Closing Signals generated
CODES when the system is ARMED (closed)–under a
variety of conditions)
• press [ENTER] to begin
ARM ---
User Armed --- § press [ENTER]
00 § enter the 2-digit User Code (e.g. 03) and the 2-digit
6 6 1 report code representing a system arming (closing)
event by a particular user
Keyswitch Armed * --- § press [ENTER]
00 § enter the 2-digit report code used when the system is
6 6 2 armed via a keyswitch
§ note that no specific user identification is possible
Auto Armed --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system is Auto-Armed as
a result of a previously-scheduled user-determined
6 6 3 § note that no specific user identification is possible–
see the ORBIT-Pro User’s Manual for additional
Remote Armed --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system is Remotely-
6 6 4 Armed as a result of actions performed by the Alarm
Company using its Upload/Download software
Quick Armed --- § press [ENTER]
00 § enter the 2-digit report code used when the system is
6 6 5 Quick-Armed
§ note that no specific user identification is possible
Force Armed * --- § press [ENTER]
6 6 6 00 § report code used when the system is Force-Armed
“Wireless Button”
--- § press [ENTER]
Armed *
00 § enter the 2-digit Wireless Button I.D. (e.g. 02) and the
6 6 7 2-digit report code to be generated when the system
is armed with this device

* Not for UL Installations

Installation and Programming Manual 95

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
DISARM --- • used to report the Opening Signals generated
(OPENING) when the system is DISARMED (opened)–under a
CODES variety of conditions)
• press [ENTER] to begin
User Disarmed --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code representing a system disarming
6 7 1
(opening) event by a particular user
Keyswitch Disarmed * --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system is disarmed via a
6 7 2 keyswitch
§ note that no specific user identification is possible
Auto Disarmed --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system is Auto-Disarmed
as a result of a previously-scheduled user-determined
§ note that no specific user identification is possible–
see the ORBIT-Pro User’s Manual for additional
Remote Disarmed --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system is Remotely-
6 7 4 Disarmed as a result of actions performed by the
Alarm Company using its Upload/Download software
“Wireless Button”
--- § press [ENTER]
Disarmed *
00 § report code to be generated when the system is
6 7 5
disarmed with this device
MISCELLANEOUS --- • used to report miscellaneous events to the
Central Station
• press [ENTER] to begin
Enter Programming --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system’s Installer
Programming Mode is entered–either locally (via the
LCD Keypad), or remotely (via the Upload/Download
Exit Programming --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system’s Installer
Programming Mode is terminated–either locally (via
6 8 2
the LCD Keypad), or remotely (via the
Upload/Download software)
Periodic MS Test --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system’s periodic Central
6 8 3 Station (MS) Test transmissions take place (refer to
page 86 for a detailed explanation)
Periodic U/D Test * --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system’s periodic
6 8 4 Upload/Download (Auto Batch) transmissions take
Call Back Request --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system automatically calls
6 8 5 back the Alarm Company’s Upload/Download
System Reset --- § press [ENTER]

* Not for UL Installations

Installation and Programming Manual 96

00 § report code used when the system is manually reset
6 8 6
using the ORBIT-Pro’s DEFAULT (J2) jumper
Abort Alarm --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system sends an ABORT
6 8 7 message to the Central Station [see abort alarm in
system control for additional details]
Self-Test OK --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system sends a
6 8 8 confirmation of a successful “Zone Self-Test”
§ [see page 57 for additional details]
Self-Test Failure --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system sends a
6 8 9 verification of an unsuccessful “Zone Self-Test”
§ [see page 57 for additional details
Cancel Report --- § press [ENTER]
00 § report code used when the system sends a user-
initiated cancellation of an alarm in progress
6 8 0
§ [see the ORBIT-Pro User’s Manual for additional

SPECIAL --- • use this area to supply any converted codes

COMMUNICATION which are necessary for those Central Station
Communication Formats requiring 3-digit Event
• refer to the ORBIT-Pro Installer Programming
Worksheets for additional information
• press [ENTER] to begin

Installation and Programming Manual 97

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
ACCESSORY CODE --- • use this area to supply the reporting codes
governing the operation of these system ORBIT-
Not for UL Pro accessories:
Installations • Wireless Zone Expansion Module
• Wireless Button Module
• Wireless Button
• Printer Module
• press [ENTER] to begin
Wireless Zone
--- § press [ENTER] to access each sub-category, below
§ enter the Wireless Zone Expander’s 1-digit physical
I.D., along with the 2-digit report code used to
6 0 1 1 Jamming Trouble 00 represent the module’s detection of “jamming”
interference, according to the parameters established
on page 40
§ enter the Wireless Zone Expander’s 1-digit physical
Jamming Trouble I.D., along with the 2-digit report code used to
6 0 1 2 00
Restore represent the restoral-to-normal of the detection of
interference, above
Wireless Button
6 --- § press [ENTER] to access each sub-category, below
§ using either the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys, enter the
Wireless Button Module’s 1-digit I.D., along with the
2-digit report code used to represent the module’s
detection of “jamming” interference, according to the
6 0 2 1 Jamming Trouble 00 parameters established on page 40
§ if this event is not to be transmitted, use the “00”
§ press the [TT ] key to return to the previous
programming level
§ using either the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys, enter the
Wireless Button Module’s 1-digit I.D., along with the
2-digit report code used to represent the restoral-
Jamming Trouble to-normal of the detection of interference, above
6 0 2 2 00
Restore § if this event is not to be transmitted, use the “00”
§ press the [TT ] key to return to the previous
programming level

Installation and Programming Manual 98

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
Wireless Button * --- § press [ENTER] to access each sub-category, below
Wireless Button Low § report code used to represent its low battery
6 0 3 1 00
Battery * condition
Wireless Button Low report code used to represent the correction of its low
6 0 3 2 00
Battery Restore * battery condition
Printer Module * --- § press [ENTER] to access each sub-category, below
§ enter the Printer Module’s 1-digit physical I.D. and
the 2-digit report code used to represent the
incidence of a printing difficulty, as detected by the
Printer Trouble
§ if this event is not to be transmitted, use the “00”
§ press the [SS ] key to return to the previous
programming level
§ using either the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys, enter the
§ Printer Module’s 1-digit physical I.D. and the 2-
§ report code used to represent the restoral-to-
Printer Trouble Restore
§ of the printing difficulty, above
§ if this event is not to be transmitted, use the “00”
§ press the [SS ] key to return to the previous
programming level
report code used to represent a full buffer in the module
Printer Buffer Full
(reflecting a printing difficulty)
Printer Buffer Full code used to represent the restoral-to-normal of the
Restore module’s buffer

* Not for UL Installations

Installation and Programming Manual 99

7) Accessories
This section of Installer Programming makes it possible for the ORBIT-Pro to recognize when both Keypads and/or
Expansion Modules are added to, or deleted from, the installation. Also accessible from within this section are
some system tests which permit you to verify those keypads and modules which have been installed–by checking
their presence and the quality of their connections to the 4-wire BUS. Walk Testing, another system check (which is
not a part of these tests, see page 109), can be easily performed from within the ORBIT-Pro’s User Functions

With the display showing:

press [ENTER] to begin. The first sub-category, ADD/DELETE MODULES will
INSTALLER PROG: appear on the display. You may enter it by pressing [ENTER] OR by pressing
7)ACCESSORIES × the [1] key.

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
• used to add or delete Keypads and Expansion
7 --- Modules to and from the system
• press [ENTER] to begin
7 1 1 Keypad NONE at this display:
§ using either the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys, position
the cursor over the Keypad I.D. number for which you
wish to assign (or delete) a keypad
§ the first keypad must be assigned to the first I.D.
number, which is “01”
§ be sure that the keypad’s physical I.D. number has
been “DIP-switch” programmed accordingly, per the
instructions on page 15
§ with the cursor positioned over the “TYPE” field,
press the [STAY] key to toggle between and choose
among the four selections given:
! LCD (any LCD Keypad)
! KP08 (the 8 LED Keypad)
! KP16 (the 16 LED Keypad)
§ once the proper selection is made, press the
[ENTER] key to store your choice
§ proceed to ASSIGNING A PARTITION on page 101

§ the following display will appear if a keypad is

found and “NONE” has been selected; if so:
§ press [ENTER] to return to the prior display
§ OR
§ press the [STAY] key to select “Y”, and press
§ [ENTER] to confirm the delete

Installation and Programming Manual 100

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
MODULE (cont’d) ---
7 1 1 Keypad (cont’d) NONE ASSIGNING A PARTITION:
KEYP=01 PAR= 1
§ using the keypad’s [1] through [8] keys, assign
“Keypad 01” to the desired partition
§ note that “non-partitioned” systems are regarded
as “Partition 1”
§ press [ENTER] to have your choice accepted
at this display:
P=12345678 KP=xx
§ use the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys to position the
cursor beneath the numbers of any and all partition(s)
for which it’s desired that this keypad display its alarms
and its entry/exit delay countdowns (along with related
piezo beeps)
§ for each such partition, use the [STAY] key to toggle
between “Y” (YES) and“, ,” (NO), in terms of such
§ press [ENTER] to repeat the process for any other
keypads in the system; up to the system’s maximum
of 16
§ once done, press the [S S ] key to return to the
previous programming level

Installation and Programming Manual 101

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
MODULE (cont’d) ---
7 1 2 Zone Expander NONE at this display:
§ using either the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys, position
the cursor over the Zone Expander’s I.D. number for
which you wish to assign (or delete) such a unit
§ the first ZE must be assigned to the first I.D. number,
which is “1”
§ be sure that the ZE’s physical I.D. number has been
“DIP-switch” programmed, accordingly, per the
instructions on page 15
§ with the cursor positioned over the “TYPE” field,
press the [STAY] key to toggle between and choose
among the five selections given:
! ZE08 (an 8 Hardwired-Zone Expander)
! ZE16 (a 16 Hardwired-Zone Expander)
! WZ08 (an 8 Wireless-Zone Expander)
! WZ16 (a 16 Wireless-Zone Expander)
§ once the proper selection is made, press [ENTER] to
store your choice and to repeat the process for any
other Zone Expanders in the system; up to the
system’s maximum of 8
§ once done, press the [SS ] key to return to the previous
programming level
the following display will appear if a

Zone Expander is found and “NONE” has been selected;
if so:
§ press [ENTER] to return to the prior display
§ press the [STAY] key to select “Y”, and press
[ENTER] to confirm the delete

Installation and Programming Manual 102

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
MODULE (cont’d) ---
7 1 3 Utility Output Module NONE at this display:
§ using either the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys, position
the cursor over the Utility Output’s I.D. number for
which you wish to assign (or delete) such a unit
§ the first UO must be assigned to the first I.D. number,
which is “1”
§ be sure that the UO’s physical I.D. number has been
“DIP-switch” programmed, accordingly, per the
instructions on page 15
§ with the cursor positioned over the “TYPE” field,
press the [STAY] key to toggle between and choose
among the four selections given:
§ UO04 (a 4-Output Relay-Type Unit)
§ UO08 (an 8-Output Solid-State Type Unit)
§ XO08 (the X-10 Transmitting Module)
§ once the proper selection is made, press
[ENTER] to store your choice and to repeat
the process for any other Utility Output Modules
in the system; up to the system’s maximum of 8
§ once done, press [SS ] to return to the previous
programming level
the following display will appear if a Utility Output

Module is found and “NONE” has been selected; if so:

§ press [ENTER] to return to the prior display
§ press [STAY] to select “Y”, and press [ENTER] to
confirm the delete

Installation and Programming Manual 103


Quick Key Item Default Explanation

MODULE (cont’d) ---
7 1 4 Power Supply Module NONE at this display:
§ using either the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys, position
the cursor over the Power Supply Module’s I.D.
number for which you wish to assign (or delete) such
a unit
§ the first PS must be assigned to the first I.D.
number, which is “1”
§ be sure that the PS’s physical I.D. number has
been “DIP-switch” programmed, accordingly, per the
instructions on page 15
§ with the cursor positioned over the “TYPE” field,
press [STAY] to choose either “NONE” or PS01 (the
only Power Supply Module)
§ once the proper selection is made, press [ENTER] to
store your choice; if “NONE” was selected, skip the
next step
§ if “PS01” was selected, the following display will

§ if a bell, siren, or loudspeaker will be connected to

the Power Supply Module, press [STAY] to select
“Y”; otherwise, press [ENTER]

NOTE: If “Yes” is chosen, the system will look for, detect,

and annunciate any problems in the sounder circuit.
§ repeat the process for any other Power Supply
Modules in the system; up to the system’s maximum
of 8
§ once done, press [S S ] to return to the previous
programming level
the following display will appear if a

Power Supply Module is found and “NONE” has been

selected; if so:
§ press [ENTER] to return to the prior display
§ press [STAY] to select “Y”, and press [ENTER] to
confirm the delete

Installation and Programming Manual 104

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
MODULE (cont’d) ---
7 1 5 Event Logging NONE at this display:
§ with the cursor positioned over the “TYPE” field,
press the [STAY] key to toggle between and choose
among the four selections given:
§ LOG1 (built-in 128 Event Log)
§ LOG2 (external 512 Event Log Module)
§ LOG3 (external 999 Event Log Module)
§ once the proper selection is made, press [ENTER] to
store your choice
the following display will appear if an
“Event Logger” is found and “NONE” has been selected;
if so:
§ press [ENTER] to return to the prior display
§ press [STAY] to select “Y”, and press [ENTER] to
confirm the delete

Installation and Programming Manual 105

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
MODULE (cont’d) ---
7 1 6 Wireless Button NONE the Wireless Button Module is a wireless receiver add-on
Module designed to process signals from up to eight handheld
Wireless Button (arm/disarm/panic) transmitters
Not for UL at this display:
Installations WL BUTTON MODL:
§ using either the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys, position
the cursor over the Wireless Button Module’s I.D.
number for which you wish to assign (or delete) such
a unit
§ the first (or only) Wireless Button Module must be
assigned to the first I.D. number, which is “1”
§ be sure that the selected Wireless Button Module has
been physically programmed with the same I.D.
according to the supplied instructions
§ with the cursor positioned over the “TYPE” field, press
[STAY] to choose either “NONE” or WBT8 (the only
such module); see the note on the next page
§ at this display, you will begin to assign any
§ individual handheld Wireless Buttons to one (or more)
of the system’s partitions
§ to do so, use either the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys to
position the cursor over the field corresponding to the
Wireless Button’s I.D
§ enter the I.D. number of the first button transmitter
you wish to assign
§ position the cursor over the Partition field and enter
the number (from 1-8) of the partition to which the
Wireless Button will be assigned; press [ENTER]
§ repeat the process for any other Wireless Button
Modules and Wireless Buttons intended for the
§ once done, press [S S ] to return to the previous
programming level

Installation and Programming Manual 106

Quick Key Item Default Explanation
--- Wireless Button Module (cont’d)
MODULE (cont’d)
the following display will appear if a Wireless
Button Module is found and “NONE” has been selected;
if so:
• press [ENTER] to return to the prior display
• press the [STAY] key to select “Y”, and press
[ENTER] to confirm the delete
7 1 7 Printer Module NONE at this display:
Not for UL ID=1 TYPE= NONE
• using either the UP- or DOWN-arrow keys, position the
cursor over the Printer Module’s I.D. number for which
you wish to assign (or delete) such a unit
• the first (or only) Printer Module must be assigned to
the first I.D. number, which is “1” (the system can
support two such modules)
• with the cursor positioned over the “TYPE” field, press
the [STAY] key to toggle between and choose among
the four selections given:
• PRNE (prints Panel Events)
• PRNA (prints Access Control Events)
• PRN2 (prints both of the above events)
• once the proper selection is made, press [ENTER] to
store your choice and to repeat the process for if there
is a second Printer Module in the system
• once done, press the [S S ] key to return to the previous
programming level
the following display will appear if a Printer
Module is found and “NONE” has been selected; if so:
• press [ENTER] to return to the prior display
• press the [STAY] key to select “Y”, and press
[ENTER] to confirm the delete

Installation and Programming Manual 107

Quick Key Item Explanation
provides a convenient listing of all of the system’s
Keypads and Expansion Modules

§ from this display, press [ENTER] 2)VERIFY MDL ×

§ scroll down the list of displayed LCD :01 = LCD ↓
accessory devices to ascertain
that all Keypads and Expansion VERIFY MODULE:
Modules in the installation have KP08:02 = KP08 ×
been specified correctly
§ the system will display the
programmed device, its address, VERIFY MODULE:
and whether or not it’s found on UO04:01 = UO04 ×
the BUS
§ doing so helps you to identify
programming mistakes VERIFY MODULE:
XO08:02 = XO08 ↑

provides a convenient method of checking for effective

BUS TEST communication between the Main Board and each of the
system’s Keypads and Expansion Modules

§ from this display, press [ENTER] ACCESSORIES:

§ BUS Testing begins 2)BUS TEST ×

7 3 § checks for irregularities in the

connections between the devices BUS COM QUALITY:
on the BUS LCD :01 = 100% ↓
§ the system will display the
programmed device, it’s address, BUS COM QUALITY:
and the quality of the UO04:01 = 100% ×
communication, expressed as a
percentage BUS COM QUALITY:
§ a result of less than 100% means KP08:02 = 100% ×
that there are BUS connection
problems (e.g. bad wiring, or VERIFY MODULE:
cabling located in a harsh
electrical environment) XO08:02 = 100% ↑

Installation and Programming Manual 108

Quick Key Item Explanation
BUS SCANNING scans the BUS and reports all modules found

§ from this display, press [ENTER] ACCESSORIES:

§ BUS Scanning begins 4)BUS SCANNING ×

7 4
§ scroll down the list of displayed
accessory devices to ascertain BUS SCANNING
that all Keypads and Expansion TYP=KP08 ID=02 ×
Modules in the installation have
been detected by the scan
§ the system will display the
programmed device and, its TYP=UO04 ID=01 ×
TYP=XO08 ID=02 ↑

As a form of system maintenance, comprehensive Walk-Testing should be part of the procedures performed in
any installation–at the time of its completion, and periodically–by both the dealer and the customer.
When conducted within the User Functions mode, Walk-Testing permits any of the ORBIT-Pro’s keypads
(whose “Local Buzzers” have been enabled under User Functions–see the ORBIT-Pro User’s Manual) to briefly
annunciate any and all zones which have been violated during the test. Once done, you can use the keypad’s
UP- or DOWN-arrow keys to scroll through a list of the zones, which have been logged during the test.

Installation and Programming Manual 109

8) Miscellaneous
This section of Installer Programming makes it possible for the ORBIT-Pro to allocate the data it receives from any
of the system’s Wireless Buttons–in a process often referred to as “learning-in”. For the system to utilize any
Wireless Button, it needs to have installed both the Wireless Expansion Module, along with the Wireless Button
Module. For additional information, consult the instructions supplied with the Wireless Button Module and the
Wireless Buttons.

With the display showing:

press [ENTER] to begin. The only sub-category, WIRELESS BUTTON
INSTALLER PROG: ALLOCATION will appear on the display. You may enter it by pressing
8)MISCELLANEOUS×× [ENTER] OR by pressing the [1] key.

Quick Key Item Explanation
8 MISCELLANEOUS allows for the “learning in” of wireless button transmitters
Wireless Button § using either the UP- or DOWN-
Allocation arrow keys, position the cursor
and make any changes to the W BUTT ALLOCAT:
8 1
Button Number you wish to
Not for UL BUTT#=01 (1:01)
“learn in” to the system
Installations § press [ENTER]
select one of these displays:

§ pressing [ENTER] allows skipping BUTT=01 (EMPTY):

to the next button 1) SKIP ↓

§ to write (or overwrite) data into the BUTT=01 (EMPTY):

selected location, press [ENTER] 2) (RE)WRITE ×

§ to erase the data in the selected BUTT=01 (EMPTY):

location, press [ENTER] 3) ERASE ↑

§ confirm your choice by pressing ERASE LOCATION


Installation and Programming Manual 110

Exiting Programming
Any changes you make to the programmed parameters are not saved until you properly exit the Installer
Programming Mode. This category allows you to quickly save or discard the changes made during any
programming session.
Quick Key Item Explanation
allows you to save or discard any programming
changes made during the current session
§ with the display showing:
to save your changes: to discard your changes:
§ press [ENTER] § use the [STAY] key to
change the Y to N on the
§ press [ENTER]
the keypad will display:
DATA SAVING.. the keypad will display:
and then:
in either case, the keypad will produce the normal user display:
The Jones’s
20:32 FEB 15 MON

Installation and Programming Manual 111

Program Transfer Module
Before beginning:
• be sure that the panel is powered up and operating properly, that it’s wired to at least one
LCD Keypad, and has been programmed with its own unique configuration
• install the Program Transfer Module on the ORBIT-Pro’s J1 connector; be sure its red LED is facing
• move the ORBIT-Pro’s DEFAULT jumper (J2) so that it covers both pins

To Load a Panel’s Programmed Configuration into the Program Transfer Module:

1- Enter the Installer Programming mode from an LCD Keypad.

2- Without making any changes, exit the Installer Programming mode.
3- Note that the LED on the Program Transfer Module flashes rapidly at this time and the LCD Keypad displays:

4- When the LED stops flashing, the keypad will beep twice and display:
5- Remove the Program Transfer Module from J1 and remove the DEFAULT Jumper J2. For safekeeping,
secure it around one of the two pins.
6- The Program Transfer Module is now storing a copy of the panel’s configuration.

To Load the Program Transfer Module’s Stored Configuration Into an ORBIT-Pro:

1- Momentarily remove all power from the panel (both AC and Standby Battery).
2- Restore all power to the panel. After a moment, the LED on the Program Transfer Module will flash rapidly and
the LCD Keypad will display:
Please Wait ...
3- When the LED stops flashing, the keypad will beep once, and its display will return to normal.
4- Remove the Program Transfer Module from J1 and take off the DEFAULT Jumper (J2). For safekeeping,
secure it around one of the two pins.
5- Next, enter the Installer Programming mode from the LCD Keypad.
6- Without making any changes, exit the Installer Programming Mode.
7- The configuration in the Program Transfer Module’s has now been transferred to the ORBIT-Pro. You must
now reset its TIME and DATE, which were lost when power was removed.

Installation and Programming Manual 112

Reporting Code Programming for SESCOA SUPERFAST (03B1)

3A DBD Identified Opening IOP

31 DCD Identified Closing ICL
32 9B9 Opening (Not Identified) OP
33 9C9 Closing (Not Identified) CL
34 CDA 24 hour report 24H
35 BAB AC Fail AC
36 EAB AC restoral EAC
37 AEA Low Battery LO
38 EEA Low Bat. Rest ELO
39 DFF Bell Trouble dBL
4A EFF Bell Trouble Rest EBL
41 DEE Phone Trouble dPL
42 EEE Phone Trouble Rest EPL
43 DDD Duress dU
44 EBA Opening Out Of Window EOP
45 ECA Closing Out Of Window ECL
46 CAC Test CH
47 Axx Alarm Axx
48 Dxx Trouble dxx
49 Exx Restore Exx
5A Fxx Alarm + Rest Fxx

If another code that is not supported by the panel is needed, it can be added to the list using
‘SPECIAL” programming item (up to 30 additional codes. See page 97).

Installation and Programming Manual 113

(CONTACT) ID (0420)

3A 100 Medical key

31 110 Fire Alarm
32 111 Smoke
33 115 Fire Key
34 120 Panic Key
35 121 Duress
36 122 Silent Alarm
37 123 Audible Alarm
38 130 Burglary
39 131 Perimeter
4A 132 Interior
41 133 24 Hour
42 134 Entry/Exit
43 135 Day/Night
44 136 Outdoor
45 137 Tamper
46 140 General Alarm
47 144 Sensor Tamper
48 145 Accessory Tamper
49 150 24 Hour Non-Burg.
5A 155 Foil Break
51 156 Day Trouble
52 300 Main Aux Trouble
53 301 Main AC Trouble
54 302 Main Battery Trouble
55 305 System Reset
56 321 Main Bell Trouble
57 330 Power Supply Trouble
58 333 Bus Communication Trouble
59 351 Main Phone Trouble
6A 373 Fire Trouble
61 380 Sensor Trouble
62 400 Arm/Disarm Out Of Window
63 401 User Arm/Disarm (with user ID)
64 402 User Arm/Disarm (group No. + user ID)
65 403 Auto Arm/Disarm
66 407 Remote Arm/Disarm
67 408 Quick Arm
68 409 Keyswitch Arm/Disarm
69 411 Callback Request
7A 421 False Security Code
71 570 Zone Bypass
72 574 Forced Arm
73 602 Communication Test
74 143 Exp. Module fail
75 307 Self-test fail
76 334 Repeater fail
77 336 Local printer fail
78 355 Loss of radio supervision
79 381 Loss of supervision RF
8A 384 Rx Transmitter low bat
81 406 Cancel

Installation and Programming Manual 114

Reporting Code Programming for SIA

1E AR AC restoral
1F AT AC trouble
20 CJ dummy
21 BA Burglary alarm
22 BC Burglary cancelled
23 BH Burglary alarm restore
24 BJ Burglary trouble restore
25 BT Burglary trouble
26 BX Burglary test
27 CA Automatic closing (‘+ area number’)
28 CF Forced closing
29 CG Close area (‘system has been partly armed’)
2A CJ Late close
2B CK Early close
2C CL Closing report
2D CP Automatic closing (‘+ user number’)
2E CS Closing keyswitch
2F CZ Point closing
30 FT Dummy
31 DD Access denied – unknown code
32 DT Access Trouble
33 ER Expansion device restoral
34 ET Expansion device trouble
35 FA Fire alarm
36 FB Fire bypass
37 FC Fire cancel
38 FH Fire alarm restoral
39 FJ Fire trouble restoral
3A FT Fire trouble
3B FU Fire unbypass
3C HA Holdup alarm (‘duress’)
3D HH Holdup alarm (‘duress’) restoral
3E JA User code tamper (false code)
3F JL Event logger threshold
40 MH Dummy
41 JO Event logger overflow
42 JT Time changed
43 LB Local programming
44 LD Local programming denied
45 LR Phone line restoral
46 LS Local program success
47 LT Phone line trouble
48 LX Local programming ended
49 MA Medical alarm
4A MH Medical alarm restore
4B MJ Medical trouble restore
4C MT Medical trouble
4D OA Automatic opening
4E OC Cancel report
4F OG Open area (‘+ area number’)
50 PT Dummy
51 OJ Late open
52 OK Early open
53 OP Opening report
54 OR Disarm from alarm
55 OS Opening keyswitch
56 OZ Point opening (‘+ zone or point’)
57 PA Panic alarm
58 PH Panic alarm restore
59 PJ Panic trouble restore
5A PT Panic trouble

Installation and Programming Manual 115

5B QA Emergency alarm
5C QH Emergency alarm restore
5D QJ Emergency trouble restore
5E QT Emergency trouble
5F RB Remote program begin
60 UR Dummy
61 RP Automatic communication test
62 RR Power up
63 TA Tamper alarm
64 TR Tamper restoral
65 TX Communication test (‘manual or automatic’)
66 UA Untyped zone alarm
67 UB Untyped zone bypass
68 UH Untyped alarm restore
69 UJ Untyped trouble restore
6A UR Untyped zone restoral
6B UT Untyped zone trouble
6C UU Untyped zone unbypass
6D VR Printer restore
6E VT Printer trouble
6F XH RF interference restoral
70 YM Dummy
71 XJ RF receiver tamper restoral
72 XQ RF interface
73 XR Transmitter battery restoral
74 XS RF receiver tamper
75 XT Transmitter battery trouble
76 YA Bell fault
77 YC Receiver/transmitter communication fail
78 YH Bell restoral
79 YK Communication restoral
7A YM System (transmitter/receiver) battery missing
7B YP Power supply trouble (transmitter/receiver)
7C YQ Power supply restored (transmitter/receiver)
7D YR System battery restoral
7E YS Communication trouble (transmitter/receiver)
7F YT System battery trouble
80 BZ Dummy
81 BZ Missing supervision

Installation and Programming Manual 116

Notes for UL Installations

Rechargeable Standby Battery

12 Volts 7 Amp-Hours (AH)

Auxiliary Power
12 Volts DC @ 280 mA, maximum

Use Ademco AB12M

Smoke Detectors
Use ESL/Sentrol models ES-449AT, ES-449C, ES-541CXT; Detection Systems: DS-DS284THC

Use recognized energy-limited cable for connections of up to 100 VA when mounting initiating devices, indicating
devices, and supplementary devices. For units with no energy limitations, circuit connections should be enclosed in
conduit, metal cable, or wiring acceptable for Class 1 systems as defined by the National Electrical Code,
ANSI/NFPA 70-1996.


To comply with full UL compatible installations:

The False Code feature should always be enabled.
Retard/Reset/Restart periods may not exceed 60 seconds for smoke detectors.
The feature Buzzer à Bell should not be used.
The following features should not be used: Key Switch, N/O Termination, N/C Termination, Cross Zones,
Swinger limits, Auto Batch, Call Save (Disable feature), Ground pulse, Call back U/D, Low Battery and Low
Battery Reset report codes, Remote armed codes, Remote Download.

Shorting the terminals of S. Aux. Zone may cause permanent damage to the panel.

The following accessories should not be used in UL installations: Wireless Expansion Modules, Keyswitches, X-10
Module, Digital Voice Module, Access Control Expansion Module, Printer Adapter Module, Program Transfer

Installation and Programming Manual 117

Rokonet ORBIT-Pro (RP-296)
Installation and Programming Manual
Revised Edition (April, 1999)

Means Quality
Means Quality


Rokonet Electronics, Ltd Rokonet Industries, Rokonet U.K. Ltd Rokonet Electronics Rokonet Electronics Rokonet Electronics
14 Hachoma Street Inc. 10J Buntsford Park GmbH SARL SRL
75655 Rishon Letzion 5 Westchester Plaza Road Affinger Str. 4 72, Rue des Grand P.O. Box 113
Elmsford, NY 10523 Bromsgrove, Worc 86167 Augsburg Champs Magenta (MI) 20013
Tel: +972-3-961-6555 B60 3DX 75020 Paris
Fax: +972-3-961-6584 Tel: (800) 344-2025 Tel: +49-821-742-660 Tel: +39-3-3730-7605
e-mail: (914) 592-1068 Tel: +44-1527-576-765 Fax: +49-821-742-499 Tel: +33-1-4367-0077 Fax: +39-2-8645-3598
Fax: (914) 592-1271 0800-269-881 Fax: +33-1-4367-0099
e-mail: Fax: +44 1527-576-816

ORBIT-Pro: Installation and Programming Manual p/n: 5IN296IP

Customer Information
The ORBIT-Pro (Model RP-296) complies with FCC Part 68 Rules. On the upper panel of this product is a label
that contains, among other information, the FCC Registration Number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN is
0.8B). If requested, this information must be provided to the telephone company.
An FCC compliant telephone connector is provided with this equipment. This equipment is designed to be
connected to the telephone network or premises wiring using a connector which is Part 68 compliant (manufactured
If the ORBIT-Pro (RP-296) is not operating properly, it may cause harm to the telephone network. If so, the
telephone company will notify you in advance that a temporary discontinuance of service may be required. If
advance notice is not practical, you will be notified as soon as possible. Also, you will be advised of your right to file
a complaint with the FCC if it is necessary.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures which could
affect the operation of your equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice in order
to enable you to make the necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If trouble is experienced with the ORBIT-Pro (RP-296), for repair and warranty information:

Please see our list of Service Centers located on the back cover of this manual.

If the equipment is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company may request that the equipment
be disconnected until the problem is resolved. Connection to telephone company-provided coin service is
prohibited. Connection to party line service is subject to state tariffs.

FCC Warning
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by
one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
• Consult the dealer or an experienced Radio/TV technician for help.
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by Rokonet, Ltd., could void the user’s authority
to operate the equipment.

The installation and wiring of the ORBIT-Pro (RP-296) and its “Installer Mode” programming is fully described in
this manual. Additional information may also be found in the ORBIT-Pro Installer Programming Worksheets (p/n
5IN296PW) and in the ORBIT-Pro User’s Manual (p/n 5IN296UM)

Copyright © 1999
by Rokonet Electronics Ltd.,
14 Hachoma Street
Rishon Letzion 75655

All rights reserved.

No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publisher.
Getting Around This Manual
It’s easy to use this manual. If you need to find some particular sections or information, follow this “Quick
Finder” should be of help. For more detailed information within any section, check the Table of Contents,
If You Need To: Then, Do This:
+ Learn About the Features of the ORBIT-Pro
begin on page 1-1
+ Learn How to Wire the ORBIT-Pro
begin on page 11
+ Learn How to Program the ORBIT-Pro
begin on page 26
List of Figures & Tables

Figure 1-1: ORBIT-Pro LCD and LED Keypads................................................................................................ 2
Figure 1-2: The “Big Picture”............................................................................................................................ 6
Figure 1-3: Inventory Supplied with the ORBIT-Pro.......................................................................................... 7
Figure 2-1: Control Panel Installation............................................................................................................. 19
Figure 2-2: Keypad Installation–Front View.................................................................................................... 20
Figure 2-3: Keypad Installation–Rear View .................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2-4: Zone Terminations:...................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 2-5: Expansion Modules ..................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 2-6: 4-Wire Expansion BUS ................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 2-7: ORBIT-Pro Wiring Diagram ......................................................................................................... 25
Figure 3-1: LCD Keypad: Description of Keys ................................................................................................ 30

Table 1-1: ORBIT-Pro Packaging and Inventory .............................................................................................. 7
Table 1-2: ORBIT-Pro Accessories .................................................................................................................. 8
Table 1-3: Technical Data.............................................................................................................................. 10
Table 2-1: Wire Facts .................................................................................................................................... 17
Table 2-2: Wiring Distances vs. Gauge: Plug-In Transformer ......................................................................... 18
Table 2-3: Wiring Distances vs. Gauge: Expansion BUS................................................................................ 18
Table 2-4: Wiring Distances vs. Gauge: Auxiliary Power Branches................................................................. 18
Table 2-5: Wiring Distances vs. Gauge: External Sounder ............................................................................. 18
Table 3-1: Summary of Installer Programming Methods................................................................................. 26
Table 3-2: LCD Keypad Programming Call-Outs............................................................................................ 30
Table 3-3: LCD Keypad Labeling Call-Outs.................................................................................................... 31
Table 3-4: User Code Hierarchy .................................................................................................................... 70
Table of Contents

SECTION 1: ABOUT YOUR ORBIT-PRO........................................................................................................ 1

Introduction to this Manual............................................................................................................................ 1
About the ORBIT-Pro.................................................................................................................................... 1
Inventory Supplied with the ORBIT-Pro......................................................................................................... 7
ORBIT-Pro Accessories................................................................................................................................ 8
Technical Data ............................................................................................................................................. 9
SECTION 2: INSTALLING YOUR ORBIT-PRO ............................................................................................. 11
Mounting and Wiring the Control Panel....................................................................................................... 11
Wiring the Main Board ................................................................................................................................ 12
Identifying and Wiring Keypads and Expansion Modules............................................................................. 14
Other Modules............................................................................................................................................ 17
Wiring Guidelines ....................................................................................................................................... 17
A Word About Wire..................................................................................................................................... 17
SECTION 3: PROGRAMMING YOUR ORBIT-PRO....................................................................................... 26
Summary of Installer Programming Methods............................................................................................... 26
Preparing Your ORBIT-Pro for Installer Programming ................................................................................. 27
Description and Use of the LCD Keypad ..................................................................................................... 30
Using the LCD Keypad ............................................................................................................................... 30
For Labeling: Using the LCD Keypad .......................................................................................................... 31
Installer Programming Basics ..................................................................................................................... 32
Programming Classifications....................................................................................................................... 33
INSTALLER PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL.................................................................................................... 35
ORBIT-Pro Installer Programming Map (Page 1 of 2)................................................................................ 37
ORBIT-Pro Installer Programming Map (Page 2 of 2)................................................................................ 38
INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE PROGRAMMING MATERIAL................................................................. 39
1) System................................................................................................................................................... 40
2) Zones ..................................................................................................................................................... 48
3) Utility Outputs ......................................................................................................................................... 63
4) Code Maintenance ................................................................................................................................. 70
5) Dialer ..................................................................................................................................................... 76
6) Report Codes ......................................................................................................................................... 88
7) Accessories .......................................................................................................................................... 100
8) Miscellaneous....................................................................................................................................... 110
Exiting Programming ................................................................................................................................ 111
PROGRAM TRANSFER MODULE .............................................................................................................. 112
REPORTING CODE PROGRAMMING FOR SESCOA SUPERFAST (03B1)............................................... 113
REPORTING CODES PROGRAMMING FOR ADEMCO POINT (CONTACT) ID (0420) .............................. 114
REPORTING CODE PROGRAMMING FOR SIA ......................................................................................... 115
NOTES FOR UL INSTALLATIONS ............................................................................................................. 117

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