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Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

NOVA Systems Engineering
Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Clint Contractor Fire Sub-Contractor

Date 15/04/2024
Reference No MOS/042024/PFF000098/002 Revision 00
Project Al Ghuweifat Border Post Location Abu Dhabi, UAE
Employer Musanada L.L.C
Consultant Altorath International Engineering Consultants LLC
Contractor Lazourdy Contracting & General Maintenance
Sub-Contractor NOVA Systems Engineering
Scope of Work Method of Statement for Testing & Commissioning (Clean Agent Systems (FM-200))
Name Designation Signature STAMP

Prepared By: Ahmed Ismail Projects Coordinator

Reviewed By Osaid Omar Projects Manager

Approved By

Client/Consultant Comments

Code A – Approved Code C – Rejected (Revise & Resubmit)

Code B – Approved with Comments Code D – For Information

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Table of Contents
Chapter (01) – Objective........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter (02) - Scope................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Functional Testing:......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Pressure Testing:............................................................................................................................................................. 5
Alarm Testing:................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Shutdown Testing:.......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Post-Discharge Inspection:..........................................................................................................................................5
Documentation:................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Training:.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Sign-off:................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Chapter (03) - Documents References.............................................................................................................................6
Chapter (04) - Sequence & Method of Execution........................................................................................................7
Preparation............................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Sequence of Activities.........................................................................................................................................................7
1. Visual Inspection.................................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Functional Testing............................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Pressure Testing...................................................................................................................................................7
4. Alarm Testing........................................................................................................................................................ 7
5. Shutdown Testing................................................................................................................................................ 7
6. Post-Discharge Inspection:..............................................................................................................................7
7. System Reset and Recharge:........................................................................................................................... 7
Execution Method:............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Safety Precautions................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Safety Precautions................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Completion.............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Chapter (05) - Risk Assessment & Hazard Analysis...................................................................................................9
Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Identification of Risks and Hazards..............................................................................................................................9
Chemical Exposure..........................................................................................................................................................9
Pressure Hazards:........................................................................................................................................................... 9
Electrical Hazards:.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Fire Hazards:..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Physical Hazards:.............................................................................................................................................................9

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Environmental Hazards:...............................................................................................................................................9
Risk Assessment:.................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Likelihood........................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Severity:............................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Risk Rating:...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Hazard Analysis:................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Chemical Exposure Mitigation:...............................................................................................................................10
Pressure Hazard Mitigation:.................................................................................................................................... 10
Electrical Hazard Mitigation:...................................................................................................................................10
Fire Hazard Mitigation:.............................................................................................................................................. 10
Physical Hazard Mitigation::....................................................................................................................................10
Environmental Hazard Mitigation:.......................................................................................................................10
Mitigation Measures:........................................................................................................................................................10
Training and Education:............................................................................................................................................ 10
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):...............................................................................................................10
Safety Procedures:........................................................................................................................................................11
Documentation and Reporting:..............................................................................................................................11

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Chapter (01) – Objective

The objective of this document is to outline the procedure for testing and commissioning the Clean
Agent Systems utilizing FM-200 at Al Ghuweifat Border Post The primary goals include:
1. Ensuring the proper functionality, reliability, and compliance of the Clean Agent Systems with safety
standards and regulations.
2. Verifying that all components of the system, including cylinders, nozzles, piping, control panels, and
release mechanisms, are installed correctly and operating effectively.
3. Conducting functional, pressure, alarm, and shutdown testing to validate the performance of the
Clean Agent Systems.
4. Documenting the results of testing activities, including any observations, recommendations, or
corrective actions taken during the testing process.
5. Providing training to relevant personnel on the operation and maintenance of the Clean Agent
Systems, as well as emergency response procedures.
6. Achieving sign-off from the project manager or relevant authority confirming that the Clean Agent
Systems have been tested and commissioned successfully.

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Chapter (02) - Scope

This document outlines the scope of testing and commissioning activities for the Clean Agent
Systems utilizing FM-200 at Al Ghuweifat Border Post. The scope includes:

Functional Testing:
a) Activation of the Clean Agent Systems to release FM-200 agent.
b) Verification of the release mechanism's operation and effectiveness.
c) Confirmation that the FM-200 agent discharges properly through all nozzles and adequately covers
the protected area.

Pressure Testing:
a) Testing of cylinder pressure to ensure it is within the specified range.
b) Use of pressure gauges to measure pressure in each cylinder and comparison against manufacturer

Alarm Testing:
a) Testing of audible and visual alarms to ensure they activate correctly during system discharge.
b) Verification of alarm signal transmission to the control panel and any remote monitoring stations.

Shutdown Testing:
a) Testing of system shutdown procedures to ensure FM-200 discharge stops promptly after activation.
b) Confirmation of proper function of safety interlocks and shutdown devices.

Post-Discharge Inspection:
a) Inspection of the protected area after FM-200 discharge to ensure complete coverage and effective
fire suppression.
b) Identification of any areas of concern or potential obstructions to agent distribution.

a) Preparation of a detailed report documenting testing results, observations, recommendations, and
corrective actions taken.
b) Filing of all documentation according to project requirements.

a) Provision of training to relevant personnel on the operation and maintenance of the Clean Agent
b) Ensuring personnel understand emergency procedures and response protocols.

a) Obtaining sign-off from the project manager or relevant authority confirming successful testing and
commissioning of the Clean Agent Systems.
b) Completion of all documentation and filing in accordance with project requirements.

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Chapter (03) - Documents References

Manufacturer Recommendation

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Chapter (04) - Sequence & Method of Execution

a) Gather necessary equipment, including pressure gauges, testing tools, and safety equipment.
b) Ensure that all components of the Clean Agent System are installed correctly and securely mounted.
c) Notify relevant personnel about the testing and commissioning activities to ensure coordination and

Sequence of Activities
1. Visual Inspection
a) Inspect all components of the Clean Agent System for any visible damage or defects.
b) Ensure that cylinders, nozzles, piping, control panels, and release mechanisms are all in place and
free from damage.

2. Functional Testing
a) Activate the system to release the FM200 agent using the control panel or manual release
b) Verify the smooth and effective operation of the release mechanism.
c) Ensure proper distribution of FM200 agent through all nozzles, covering the protected area

3. Pressure Testing
a) Conduct pressure testing of the system to verify that cylinders are pressurized within the specified
b) Use pressure gauges to measure the pressure in each cylinder and compare it against the
manufacturer's recommendations.

4. Alarm Testing
a) Test all alarm functions, including audible and visual alarms, to ensure they activate correctly during
system discharge.
b) Verify that alarm signals are transmitted to the control panel and any remote monitoring stations.

5. Shutdown Testing
a) Test system shutdown procedures to ensure that FM200 discharge stops promptly after activation.
b) Verify the proper function of safety interlocks and shutdown devices.

6. Post-Discharge Inspection:
a) Inspect the protected area after FM200 discharge to ensure complete coverage and effective fire
b) Identify any areas of concern or potential obstructions to agent distribution.

7. System Reset and Recharge:

a) Reset the Clean Agent System to its normal operating condition after testing is complete.
b) Recharge cylinders with FM200 agent as needed to ensure readiness for future activations.

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Execution Method:
1. Assign responsibilities to designated personnel for carrying out each activity outlined in
the Sequence of Activities.
2. Ensure that personnel are adequately trained and equipped to perform their assigned tasks
safely and effectively.
3. Monitor progress and adherence to the testing and commissioning plan throughout the
execution phase.
4. Address any issues or deviations from the plan promptly and implement corrective actions
as needed.
5. Document all activities, observations, and outcomes during the execution phase for record-
keeping and future reference.

Safety Precautions
1. Ensure that all personnel involved in testing and commissioning activities are trained and
equipped to perform their tasks safely.
2. Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves and safety glasses,
when handling FM200 agent or conducting pressure testing.
3. Follow all safety procedures and guidelines outlined in relevant regulations and standards.

Safety Precautions
 Ensure that power to the Disabled Toilet Alarm system is switched off before conducting any
electrical tests or maintenance activities.
 Use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves and safety glasses, when
working with electrical equipment.
 Follow all safety procedures and guidelines outlined in relevant regulations and standards.

Upon completion of testing and commissioning, ensure that the Clean Agent System is operational and ready
for use. Address any deficiencies or issues identified during testing promptly to ensure the safety and
effectiveness of the system.

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Chapter (05) - Risk Assessment & Hazard Analysis

The Risk Assessment & Hazard Analysis chapter aims to identify potential risks and hazards associated with
the testing and commissioning activities for the Clean Agent Systems utilizing FM-200.

By recognizing these risks, appropriate measures can be implemented to mitigate them and ensure the safety
of personnel and the environment.

Identification of Risks and Hazards

Chemical Exposure
Risk of exposure to FM-200 agent during testing and commissioning activities, which may cause skin or
respiratory irritation.

Pressure Hazards:
Potential risks associated with high-pressure cylinders and piping during pressure testing, such as bursting
or leakage.

Electrical Hazards:
Risk of electric shock when working with control panels or electrical components of the Clean Agent System.

Fire Hazards:
Possibility of accidental activation of the Clean Agent System leading to unintended discharge of FM-200
agent and potential fire hazards.

Physical Hazards:
Risk of slips, trips, and falls due to uneven surfaces, cables, or equipment in the testing area.

Environmental Hazards:
Potential environmental impact from spills or leaks of FM-200 agent during testing and commissioning

Risk Assessment:
a) Evaluate the likelihood of each identified risk occurring during testing and commissioning activities.
b) Consider factors such as frequency of exposure, duration of exposure, and probability of occurrence.

a) Assess the potential severity of each risk in terms of its impact on personnel, equipment, and the
b) Consider factors such as potential for injury, property damage, or environmental contamination.

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Risk Rating:
a) Assign a risk rating to each identified risk based on the combination of likelihood and severity
b) Prioritize risks based on their risk rating to determine the level of attention and resources required
for mitigation.

Hazard Analysis:

Chemical Exposure Mitigation:

a) Provide personnel with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, safety
glasses, and respiratory protection, to minimize exposure to FM-200 agent.
b) Ensure adequate ventilation in the testing area to prevent buildup of FM-200 agent concentrations.

Pressure Hazard Mitigation:

a) Follow manufacturer guidelines and recommended procedures for pressure testing to minimize
risks of cylinder bursting or leakage.
b) Conduct pressure testing in a controlled environment with proper safety measures in place.

Electrical Hazard Mitigation:

a) Ensure that electrical components of the Clean Agent System are de-energized before conducting
any maintenance or testing activities.
b) Provide personnel with appropriate training on electrical safety practices and procedures.

Fire Hazard Mitigation:

a) Implement strict protocols and procedures to prevent accidental activation of the Clean Agent
System during testing and commissioning.
b) Maintain proper supervision and control over testing activities to prevent unintended discharge of
FM-200 agent.

Physical Hazard Mitigation::

a) Keep testing areas clean and free from clutter to minimize slip, trip, and fall hazards.
b) Use cable covers or ramps to cover exposed cables and prevent tripping accidents.

Environmental Hazard Mitigation:

a) Implement spill containment measures and cleanup procedures to minimize environmental impact
in case of spills or leaks of FM-200 agent.

Mitigation Measures:
Training and Education:
a) Provide comprehensive training to personnel on the identification and mitigation of risks associated
with testing and commissioning activities.
b) Ensure that all personnel are familiar with emergency procedures and know how to respond to
hazardous situations.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

a) Provide personnel with appropriate PPE, including gloves, safety glasses, respiratory protection, and
protective clothing, to protect against identified hazards.

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

b) Ensure that PPE is worn correctly and consistently by all personnel during testing and
commissioning activities.

Safety Procedures:
a) Develop and implement safety procedures and protocols specific to testing and commissioning
activities, including lockout/tagout procedures, fall protection measures, and emergency response
b) Conduct regular safety inspections and audits to ensure compliance with safety procedures and
identify areas for improvement.

Documentation and Reporting:

a) Maintain detailed records of risk assessments, hazard analyses, and mitigation measures
implemented during testing and commissioning activities.
b) Document any incidents, near misses, or hazardous conditions encountered during testing and
commissioning and report them to the appropriate personnel for investigation and corrective action.

By conducting a thorough Risk Assessment & Hazard Analysis for the testing and commissioning of Clean
Agent Systems (FM-200), we aim to identify and mitigate potential risks and hazards, thereby ensuring the
safety and well-being of personnel and the environment throughout the testing and commissioning process.

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Risk Assessment checklist for T&C activities of Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)
Document No.
Client / Site
Audit Title
Conducted on
Prepared by
Personnel Yes No N/A
Chemical Exposure:
Are personnel adequately trained on the safe handling and exposure risks associated
with FM-200 agent?
Is appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) provided and worn by personnel
during testing activities?
Is the testing area properly ventilated to minimize exposure to FM-200 agent?

Pressure Hazards:
Are pressure testing procedures in line with manufacturer guidelines and
recommended practices?
Are pressure gauges and other testing equipment calibrated and functioning
Is proper supervision provided during pressure testing to monitor for signs of
cylinder leakage or malfunction?
Electrical Hazards:
Are control panels and electrical components de-energized before conducting
any maintenance or testing activities?
Have personnel received adequate training on electrical safety practices and
Are appropriate lockout/tagout procedures in place to prevent accidental
energization of electrical systems?
Fire Hazards:
Are strict protocols and procedures in place to prevent accidental activation of
the Clean Agent System during testing?
Is proper supervision maintained during testing activities to prevent
unintended discharge of FM-200 agent?
Are fire extinguishing equipment and emergency response procedures readily
available in case of accidental discharge or fire?
Physical Hazards:
Is the testing area kept clean and free from clutter to minimize slip, trip, and fall
Are cables and wires properly secured and covered to prevent tripping
Are appropriate barriers or warning signs in place to indicate hazardous areas
or restricted access zones?

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Testing & Commissioning
Method of Statement
Clean Agent Systems (FM-200)

Environmental Hazards:
Are spill containment measures and cleanup procedures in place to minimize
environmental impact in case of spills or leaks of FM-200 agent?
Is proper disposal of FM-200 agent and other hazardous materials ensured
according to regulatory requirements?
Are spill response and cleanup kits readily available and accessible in case of
Emergency Preparedness:
Are personnel trained on emergency response procedures specific to Clean
Agent Systems, including evacuation protocols and emergency shutdown
Is emergency contact information readily available and communicated to all
personnel involved in testing and commissioning activities?
Are regular emergency drills conducted to ensure personnel readiness and
familiarity with emergency response procedures?
Documentation and Reporting
Are detailed records maintained for all risk assessments, hazard analyses, and
mitigation measures implemented during testing and commissioning activities?
Are incidents, near misses, or hazardous conditions encountered during testing
promptly documented and reported to the appropriate personnel for
investigation and corrective action?
Are lessons learned from previous incidents or near misses incorporated into
future risk assessments and hazard analyses to improve safety practices and

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