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armies of Italy v.




VER 1.7
A little work I made addressing all the historical errors in the profiles of the Italian faction in Bolt Action, all the
changes are backed up by historical sources referenced in the profiles.

Lorenzo De Florio


Sources for revised vehicle profiles and where they have been em-
ployed taken from:

Volume 1 and 2 of N.Pignato and F.Cappellano, Gli Autoveicoli da

combattimento dell’esercito italiano (The Figthing Vehicles of the
Italian Army) published by The Italian Army General Staff, historical
office 2002, ISBN: 978-8887940282, ISBN: 978-8887940299.

Sources for the revised Black- Sources for other Italian infantry
shirts taken from: and in which theaters of war
they fought:
P.Crociani, P.Battistelli Camicie
nere. La milizia volontaria per L.Caeddu, A.Castagnot-
la sicurezza nazionale 1935-45 to, A.Ceccotto, U.Correale,
(Blackshirts. The Voluntary Mili- P.Maccagano, L.Malatesta,
tia for National security 1935- A.Nardin,D.Rossi Storia della
45), LEG Edizioni 2016, ISBN: fanteria italiana(History of Italian
978-8861022539. Infantry) Editoriale Programma
2018, ISBN: 978-8866435471.

Sources for revised artillery Sources for revised artillery

profiles from: profiles from:

Filippo Cappellano, Le ar- F.Cappellano N.Pignato, An-

tiglierie del Regio Esercito nella dare contro i carri armati(Fight-
Seconda Guerra Mondiale(The ing Against Tanks), Gaspari
Artillery of Royal Italian Army editore 2007, ISBN: 88-7541-
in WW2), Albertelli Edizioni 059-3.
Speciali 1998, ISBN: 978-

Sources for revised infantry


N.Pignato, Armi della fanteria

italiana nella seconda guerra
mondiale (Weapons of italian
infantry during WW2),1971 Par-
ma, Ermanno Albertelli Editore

national rules
avanti savoia!
At the beginning of each turn, subtract the number of units lost by the Italian Army from the number of units lost by
the enemy, if the number is 3+ all friendly Italian units gain +1 morale.

Revising the penalizing rule for the Italians, I removed the penalty leaving only the bonus but reducing it in intensity.
Now the rule does not indirectly force the player to play primarily with veterans etc. to avoid the old penalty.

FERREA MOLE FERREO CUORE (iron hull, iron hearts)

All Italian vehicles without the open topped rule and with armor value 7+, can re-roll all failed Advance and Run or-
der tests as long these orders bring them closer to the enemy. This includes coming in from reserve and outflanking.

The rule appeared in the Western Desert book and in my opinion describes well the behavior of the Italian tank
crews especially the Ariete armored division. After the introduction of the Sherman and Grant tanks the Italian tanks
were forced to shorten the distances with the opposing vehicle in order to be able to assign some critical hits in
weak spot as they were inferior to the armor of the new allied tanks.


Italian artillery, anti-tank guns and anti-tank-rifles, if purchased as veterans, gain the Stubborn special rule.

Rule to represent the various times in which the Italian artillerymen found themselves firing at infantry or approach-
ing enemy tanks at very close distance. Since the standard 47mm Elefantino at-gun by the end of 1942 had become
outdated, Italian light artillery were armed with AT shells and HEAT shells against tanks due to their better perfor-
mance. The Italian at-rifle teams were similarly forced to wait before shooting until very close distance in order to
assign some critical shot in the weak points of the armor of the tanks. Famous examples of this behaviors are the
artillerymen on the Don River or in North Africa.


All Italian units equipped with anti-tank grenades will after a successful assault on a stationary vehicle hit with a 3+.
If the vehicle is otherwise advancing is hit by rolls of 5+ instead of rolls of only 6.

As the war continued the Italian infantry found themselves unprovided with effective portable anti-tank weapons to
face the new more armored allied tanks. For this reason they had to give their best with what they had, anti-tank
grenades, incendiary grenades and adhesive charges. Notable examples are the behavior of Pavia and Folgore
division aganist the assaul by British armored division during the second battle of El Alamein.

TATTICHE DIFENSIVE (defensive tactics)

Same as in the Italy Army book.In scenarios with an attacker and a defender, first roll as normal to determine which
side is going to be the defender. If the Italian player is not the defender, you must re-roll that dice - the second result
stands. If the Italian army is the defender, it gets the following advantages:

• During the first turn of the game, the enemy cannot order his units to Run as they cautionusly probe the terrain
in front of the Italian line for minefields and make their way across the barbed wire.
• The player can re-roll the die on the Artillery Barrage and Smoke Barrage chart - the Italian artillery is already
ranged in on no-man’s land.
• During set-up, any Italian unit starting the game Hidden man start the game already in Ambush. If you decide
to do so, place one of your Order Dice already in place next to them, as if you had ordered them to Ambush.
• After determining table edges, but before either side deploys any unit, roll a D3 - the result is the number of
emplacements available to the player. Each emplacement is made of three linear obstacles up to 6 in. long
and 1in. tall, representing hard cover like sandbags, a section of low wall or earthwork, which are always
placed with the opening side facing the Italian player’s table edge. These are placed by the player so that they
are all completely within 12in. of his table edge.

A rule that in my opinion represents well the outdated way of thinking of the Italian HQ of the time. This rule is used
only in the 50% of scenarios, since it needs an attaker and a defender, moreover only in the 50% of cases were the
Italian player is the defender the rule is applied. For the random nature of this rule I kept this rule as fifth Italian rule,
where other nations have four, since is applied only in a small amount of matches and is very luck dependant.
INFANTRY New proposal
BERSAGLIERI Error, new profile proposal
MVSN (BLACKSHIRTS) Errors, new profile proposal
PARACADUTISTI (PARATROOPERS) Errors, new profile proposal
SAN MARCO MARINES Errors, new profile proposal
LATE WAR PARACADUTISTI Should be removed, as they represent Italian Social
Republic paratroopers not Royal Italian Army ones. Pan-
zerfausts were never issued until after the armistice and
only to soldiers of the Italian Social Republic.

SOLOTHURN AT-RIFLE Errors, new profile proposal
MARKSMAN New proposal

infantry sections and teams


Cost: 35pts (Inexperienced), 50pts (Regular), 65pts (Veteran)

Composition: 1 NCO and 4 men
Weapon: Rifles
• Add another 6 men with rifles for: +7pts (Inexperienced),
+10pts (Regular), + 13pts (Veterans)
• The NCO can replace the rifle with a smg for +3pts
• 1 man can replace the rifle with a light machine gun for
+20pts another man becomes the loader
• Non-inexperienced squads can have anti-tank grenades for
+2pts per man
Special Rules:
• Tank Hunters (if the anti-tank grenade option is taken)
• Inexperienced infantry can be Green for free.
• Inexperienced infantry can be Shirkers for -3pts per man Italian infantry marching in Donetsk.

I just combined the inexperienced infantry and regular infantry profile from the Italian Army Book, also i added the option to
represent veteran infantry section.
Various infantry division earned the rank of veteran like the ones who survived the invasion of Greece and Yugoslavia or
those who survived long enougth in the African and Russian Campaigns and learned from their experiences.

Source: L.Caeddu, A.Castagnotto, A.Ceccotto, U.Correale, P.Maccagano, L.Malatesta, A.Nardin,D.Rossi Storia

della fanteria italiana(History of Italian Infantry) page 81, Editoriale Programma 2018.


Cost: 65pts (Veteran)

Composition: 1 NCO and 4 men
Weapon: Rifles
• Add another 6 men with rifles for: + 13pts (Veterans)
• The NCO can replace the rifle with a smg for +3pts
• 1 man can replace the rifle with a light machine gun for
+20pts another man becomes the loader
• The squad can have anti-tank grenades for +2pts per man
Special Rules: Bersaglieri on the Eastern Front.
• Tank Hunters (if the anti-tank grenade option is taken)
• Rapid deployment: Bersaglieri can re-roll all failed Advance
and Run order as long these orders bring them closer to the
• Motorbikes: unit may be mounted on motorcycles for +5 point
per man

The Bersaglieri were formed in thelate 1860s as light infantry skirmishers and marksmen. In the early years of the 20th cen-
tury they became mobile, first on bicycles and later with motorcycles.
This mobility often paired them with the fledgling Italian tank formations such as Ariete and Littorio taking on a role similar to
the German Panzer grenadiers.
In the Italian army book they are depicted as having two lmg, the standard italian squad organization consisted of two lmg
each 20 men squad, in bolt action game terms is more apropiate to represent them with only one, the loss of one lmg could
be usefful since normal bersaglieri box give you only one model armed with a lmg per squad. In exchange I gave them the
Rapid Deployment special rule to represent their high mobility.

Source: N.Pignato, Armi della fanteria italiana nella seconda guerra mondiale (Weapons of Italian infantry during
WW2), page 29, 1971 Parma, Ermanno Albertelli Editore


Cost: 35pts (Inexperienced), 50pts (Regular), 65pts (Veteran)

Composition: 1 NCO and 4 men
Weapon: Rifles
• Add another 6 men with rifles for: +7pts (Inexperienced),
+10pts (Regular), + 13pts (Veterans)
• “M” Battalions: if purchased as veterans up to 3 men can
replace their rifles for smgs for + 3pts per model
• The NCO can replace the rifle with a smg for +3pts
• 1 man can replace the rifle with a light machine gun for
+20pts another man becomes the loader
• The squad can have anti-tank grenades for +2pts per man Blackshirt members of the elite “M” Bat-
• The squad can be fanatics for +3pts per model talions. Note the higher number of mab38
Special Rules: smg than regular infantry formations.
• Tank Hunters (if the anti-tank grenade option is taken)
• Fanatics (if the option is taken)

The Blackshirt received the same training as standard infantry therefore the “Non Testati” rule is a rule without historical
foundaments. The rule would only be correct if the Blackshirt units were the earlier armed bands of the fascist party, but
since 1928 they were elevated as fourth branch of the armed force and recruited for military duty under the supervision of the
Italian army and received the exact same training of normal infantrymen. Another important thing is the lack of representation
for Blackshirt “M Battalion”, the elite formations of Blackshirts who received special training in Rome’s training camps or were
promoted from Blackshirt regiments that had distinguished themselves in battle.
For the reason stated above it is more correct to delete the “Non Testati” rule and treat the Blackshirts similar to the profile for
the Waffen SS. Giving the option to the Blackshirts to be promoted to fanatics and to be fielded as veterans or inexperienced.

Source: P.Crociani, P.Battistelli Camicie nere. La milizia volontaria per la sicurezza nazionale 1935-45,(Blackshirts.
The Voluntary Militia for National security 1935-45) page 67 and onward, ISBN-13: 978-8861022539, 2016.


Cost: Veteran Infantry 70pts

Composition: 1 NCO and 4 men
Weapon: Rifles
• Add another 5 men with rifles for +14pts each (Veterans)
• The NCO can replace the rifle with a smg for +3pts
• Up to 3 men can replace their rifles for smgs for + 3pts per model
• 1 man can replace the rifle with a light machine gun for
+20pts, another man becomes the loader Folgore paratroopers in North Africa.
• The squad can have anti-tank grenades for +2pts per man
Special Rules:
• Tank Hunters (if the anti-tank grenade option is taken)
• Stubborn: If forced to take a morale check, they ignore nega-
tive morale modifiers from pin markers. Remember that order
tests are not morale checks.

The profile is ok, the only thing is the over abundance of mab38 smg, sure as an elite corp they were granted more smg
than regular infantry formation but as depicted in bolt action were the entire squad can be armed with smg is a bit exces-
Italian forces would massively use smg only during the civil war period of 44-45 under the Italian Social Republic.
The Italian paratroopers now have the same profile of Folgore Paratroopers in the Wester Desert book regarding men and
smg numbers.
The Western Desert book entry is a better historical adaptation of Italian paratroopers.

Source: N.Pignato, Armi della fanteria italiana nella seconda guerra mondiale (Weapons of Italian infantry during WW2),
page 22, 1971 Parma, Ermanno Albertelli Editore


Cost: Veteran Infantry 70pts

Composition: 1 NCO and 4 men
Weapon: Rifles
• Add another 4 men with rifles for +14pts each
• The NCO can replace the rifle with a smg for +3pts
• Up to 3 men can replace their rifles for smgs for + 3pts per model
• 1 man can replace the rifle with a light machine gun for
+20pts, another man becomes the loader
• The squad can have anti-tank grenades for +2pts per man
Special Rules: San Marco Marines in North Africa in 1942,
• Tank Hunters (if the anti-tank grenade option is taken) notice the mab38 smg ammo pouches nick-
• Behind Enemy Lines named samurai.

The profile is correct, with only one option missing, to be able to equip them with additional mab38 submachine guns.
In 1941 the Italian Navy purchased several thousand mab38 submachine guns to equip its special naval landing forces
including the San Marco.

Source: N.Pignato, Armi della fanteria italiana nella seconda guerra mondiale (Weapons of Italian infantry during
WW2), page 26, 1971 Parma, Ermanno Albertelli Editore.

Granatieri (GrenaDiers)

Cost: Veteran Infantry 70pts

Composition: 1 NCO and 4 men
Weapon: Rifles
• Add another 4 men with rifles for +14pts each
• The NCO can replace the rifle with a smg for +3pts
• 1 man can replace the rifle with a light machine gun for
+20pts, another man becomes the loader
• The squad can have anti-tank grenades for +2pts per man
Special Rules: British minister Leslie Hore-Belisha inspect
• Tank Hunters (if the anti-tank grenade option is taken) the Grenadiers of Sardinia.
• Tough figthers: the granatieri were selected among the
strongest and biggest men in the Italian army.

The grenadiers of Sardinia is the oldest corp in the italian army dating back to 1659, they were created by duke of Savoy
Chalres Emmanuel II.
They were selected amog the phisicaly fittest men in the italian Army, the requirements were to be at least 1,90m/6,2ft tall.
The Grenadiers of Savoy fougth in Eastern Africa instead the Grenadiers of Sardinia were deployed in Slovenia and Croa-
tia after the invasion of Yugoslavia and distinguished themself in the defence of Rome in 1943.

Source: L.Caeddu, A.Castagnotto, A.Ceccotto, U.Correale, P.Maccagano, L.Malatesta, A.Nardin,D.Rossi Storia

della fanteria italiana(History of Italian Infantry) page 77, Editoriale Programma 2018.

solothurn s-1000 20mm anti-tanK rifle

Cost: 25pts (Inexperienced), 35pts (Regular), 45pts (Veteran)

Composition: 2 men
Weapon: 1 anti-tank rifle
Special Rules:
• Team weapon
• Long shooting range 48”: for it’s special design the solothurn
is much more similar to an automatic cannon for this reason it
have the same shooting range of 48”

The Solothurn anti-tank rifle is treated like the other anti-tank rifles, but is in reality more powerful than the British Boys,
the German PzB 39 and Soviet PTRD-41 and PTRS-41 since it fires 20mm armor piercing ammunition(the exactly
same ammunition of the German Flakvierling). It had a muzzle velocity of 832m/s, a semi-automatic action, was maga-
zine fed and was provided with an optic.
For this reason it is much more similar to an automatic cannon and in my opinion it should have an advantage over the
other anti-tank rifles. The advantage should be an equality in it’s shooting distace to the one that of the automatic can-
nons. Since it didn’t have the ability to fire fully automatic it does not have the rate of fire of an automatic cannon.
This change should also be applied to all 20mm at rifles in my opinion, like the Japanese Type 97and Finnish L 39.

The Solothurn at-rifle now cost +5pts since it gained the long range rule.

Source: F.Cappellano N.Pignato, Andare contro i carri armati, Gaspari editore, Udine 2007, ISBN 88-7541-059-3
page 144-145

flamethroWer team

Cost: 50pts (Regular), 65pts (Veteran)

Composition: 2 men
Weapon: 1 infantry flamethrower or 2 one-shot flamethrowers
Special Rules:
• Flamethrower
• Team weapon (mod.35 and mod.40 flamethrowers)
• One-shot weapon (mod.41 flamethrower)

Italian engineer with model.40 flamethrower.

Model.41 assault flamethrower

The Royal Italian Army engineer corp was issued before the war with model 35 flamethrowers. In 1940 they were
re-equipped with model 40 flamethrowers, that differed from the previous model for the ignition system and for being
The elite Guastatori engineers were also issued with a special assault flamethrower wich was very mobile but had a
limited ammount of fuel.

Source: N.Pignato, Armi della fanteria italiana nella seconda guerra mondiale (Weapons of Italian infantry during
WW2), page 66, 1971 Parma, Ermanno Albertelli Editore.


Cost: 40pts (Regular), 50pts (Veteran)

Composition: 1 marksman
Weapon: Rifle and a pistol
Special Rules:
• Lone Sniper: As it does not have the team weapon rule, the
sniper does not suffer the -1 to hit for not having a spotter

WW1 Italian sniper in the trenches near the

river Piave.

The Royal Italian Army didn’t include specially equipped snipers as such, but the best shooters in a regiment would
be designated as tiratore scelto (marksman).
Usualy they were granted a carcano 91 rifle with a Filotecnica Milano scope.
The 6.5 cartrige of the carcano combined with the long barreled rifle would grant the shooter virtualy no muzzle flare
and very few smoke, this helped the Italian marksmans to not reveal their positions.

Source: N.Pignato, Armi della fanteria italiana nella seconda guerra mondiale (Weapons of Italian infantry during
WW2), page 19, 1971 Parma, Ermanno Albertelli Editore.

LIGHT ARTILLERY Errors, new profile proposal
CANNONE 47/32 Okay
CANNONE 75/32 New profile proposal
CANNONE 75/39 Okay
CANNONE 75/46 AA/AT Okay
CANNONE 90/53 AA/AT Errors, new profile proposal
BREDA 35 20mm AA Okay


Cost: 55pts (Regular), 66pts (Veteran)

Composition: 3 men
Weapon: 1 light howitzer
• May add a spotter for +10pts
Special Rules:
• Gun shield
• Team Weapon
• Fixed
• Howitzer 65/17 infantry gun
• HE2”
• Armor piercing shell: Italian light artillery can shoot an anti-tank
shell with +3 penetration when shooting directly

75/18 light howitzer

75/27 field gun

The profile of Italian light artillery is good, the only thing missing is the ability to fire an anti-tank shell.
All Italian field guns and light howitzers such as the 75/17, the 75/18 and the 65/17 were equipped with armor piercing
shells and from the end of 1941 they were also equipped with 75mm and 65mm EPS(HEAT) shells for anti-tank use.
Italian artillerymen often faced allied tanks at close range in all theaters where they fought and EPS shells were their
best weapon against armored vehicles.
The armor piercing shell rule would be similar to the British light artillery rule of firing anti-tank shells but less power-
ful given the lower caliber of Italian ligth artillery compared to the 88mm of the British 25 pounder.

Italian ligth artillery now cost the same amount of points as British ligth artillery.

Source: F.Cappellano N.Pignato, Andare contro i carri armati, Gaspari editore, Udine 2007, ISBN 88-7541-059-3
pages 150-151


Cost: 64pts (Inexperienced), 80pts (Regular), 96pts (Veteran)

Composition: 4 men
Weapon: 1 medium anti-tank gun
Special Rules:
• Gun shield
• Team Weapon
• Fixed
• Versatile: The 75/32 gun can also fire as a light howitzer.

75/32 field gun

75/32 field gun on the Eastern Front

The medium at gun for the Italians listed in the Italian Army Book is the 75/39, a French produced gun that was
gifted by Germany to Italy after the fall of Poland and France. This gun only saw action on the Eastern front with the
Italian Royal Army.
The Cannone 75/32 instead is much more common since it fought with the Italians on the Eastern Front, in the Bal-
kans and in Italy.
It was made by Italian company Ansaldo and it was produced in more quantities than the 75/39.
Like the Soviet zis-3 gun the Cannone 75/32 was initialy designed as a field gun but since it had a 75mm caliber
and decent 620m/s muzzle velocity it was also used as a anti-tank gun, expecialy with it’s EPS (HEAT shell).

Source: F.Cappellano N.Pignato, Andare contro i carri armati, Gaspari editore, Udine 2007, ISBN 88-7541-059-3
page 152


Cost: 124pts (Inexperienced), 155pts (Regular), 186pts (Veteran)

Composition: 7 men
Weapon: 1 super heavy dual purpose at-gun on rotating platform
• May add a spotter for +20pts
Special Rules:
• Team Weapon
• Fixed
• Flak
• Versatile: The 90/53 can be fired as a medium howitzer

The 90/53 was very similar to the German 88 counterpart, in Bolt Action it lacks the ability to be fired as a medium
howitzer like the German one but this indeed happened historically. Some of the 90/53 were put on batteries, due to
the lack of much electronic fire-control system and the effectiveness of their 90mm HE shell.

Now with the new ability it cost the same points as the 88mm flak 36, -5pts for the lack of the gunshield.

Source: Filippo Cappellano, Le artiglierie del Regio Esercito nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale, Albertelli Edizioni Spe-
ciali, Parma 1998, ISBN-13: 978-8887372038, page 223

AB40/AB41 Okay
L3/33 L3/35 Errors, new profile proposal
L6/40 Okay
AS42 SAHARIANA Okay, AT-rifle cost 10pts, gain long range rule
SAHARIANA SPA-VIBERTI AS42 Okay, AT-rifle cost 10pts, gain long range rule
LINCE Should be removed, only used in the Italian Social Republic
AB 611 New proposal
FIAT 3000 Okay
M11/39 Okay
M13/40 Okay
M14/41 Okay
M15/42 Errors, new profile proposal
P26/40 New proposal
SEMOVENTE 47/32 Errors, new profile proposal
SEMOVENTE 75/18 Okay
SEMOVENTE 75/34 Errors, new profile proposal
SEMOVENTE 90/53 Errors, new profile proposal
SEMOVENTE 105/25 Errors, new profile proposal
CARRO COMANDO M40/M41/M42 Western Desert has the profile but with some errors
SELF-PROPELLED TRUCKED ARTILLERY New profile proposal (it combine the 105 on lancia Ro
with Western Desert profile for ligth trucked artillery)
S37 SELF-PROPELLED ARTILLERY New profile proposal
AA TRUCK New profile proposal (it combines Western Desert and
Army book)
FIAT 508 CM Okay
BREDA 61 Okay
FIAT 665NM PROTETTO New profile proposal

Sources: All the documentation for the revised vehicle profiles has been taken from volume 1 and 2 of N.Pignato and
F.Cappellano book Gli Autoveicoli da combattimento dell’esercito italiano (The figthing vehicles of the Italian army) published
by The Italian Army General Staff, historical office, 2002 Rome. ISBN-13: 978-8887940282, ISBN-13: 978-8887940299. All
points value for the profiles of the new vehicles have been made with Vehicle Design System by Richard Humble.


The rule in my opinion correct but not equally applied in the game, the only ones to be massively affected are the Italians.
The Japanese produced all their tanks from the first to the last riveted and are not affected by this rule in any of their vehicles.
Other errors of application of this rule are the first British Cruisers tanks (A9, A10, A13, Crusader etc ..) that were riveted and
do not have this rule. There are also the Panzers 38t and 35t used by the Germans, who are riveted and do not have this rule.
The conclusion is logical, the rule should be eliminated to the Italians or should be applied equally to all.

L3/33 AND L3/35

Cost: 56pts (Inexperienced), 70pts (Regular), 84pts (Veteran)

Weapon: 1 mmg with frontal arc of fire
Armor: 7+ (tankette)
• Variants: swap the mmg with one of the following:
• Solothurn anti-tank rifle +10pts
• 2 mmg +10pts
• HMG +10pts
• Flamethrower and co-ax mmg +25pts
• Command tank +25pts (not possible with the Flamethrower
Special Rules:
• Slow (when the flamethrower option is taken)
• Recce (loses Recce rule if equipped with a flamethrower)
• Long shooting range 48” (if Solothurn anti-tank rifle option is taken)
• Command (if option is taken)

The Solothurn anti-tank rifle version of the L3 should be revised as it mounts a Solothurn as armament. The L3 tan-
kette should also be placed in the armored car and reconnaissance vehicles section since after 1941 the tankettes
were repurposed as light vehicles for reconnaissance and infantry support after the bad results against allied tanks.
The fact that in the early war it was used as main battle tank was due to the fact that in the early stages of the war
it was the most common tank. It was immediately replaced when M13/40 became available. Inserting the tankette
in the armored car section would be in line with the Japanese tankettes who also are in the armored car section
and have recce rule. Furthermore the L3 tankette features in the armoured cars section for the Greek Army, which
captured the vehicles from the Italians.

Now the tankette cost +10pts more since gained Recce rule, also the at-rifle upgrade is +5pts more expensive since
it gained the Long Shooting Range rule. The flamthrower upgade is decreased to +25pts, since the vehicle will loose
the Recce rule.


Cost: 68pts (Inexperienced), 85pts (Regular), 102pts (Veteran)

Weapon: 1 HMG on turret
Armor: 7+ (armoured car)
Special Rules:
• Recce
• Flack
• Open-topped

A pre-war armored car model who also fougth in WW2 this time during the early days of war in North Africa. Essen-
cialy they were refitted on the chassis of the Fiat-SPA 38R truck with some changes to the turret, making it open
topped for giving AA support. The old Fiat-Revelli MMG was replaced with a 12mm Breda-Safat HMG scrapped
from the broken aircraft of Royal Italian Airforce.


Cost: 60pts (Inexperienced), 75pts (Regular), 90pts (Veteran)

Weapon: 2 lmg on turret, 1 rear facing turret lmg
Armor:7+ (armoured car)
• Variants: Swap the 3 lmg with the following: Light at-gun on
turret and 2 rear facing lmg (one in the back of the hull and
one on the back of the turret) for +45pts
Special Rules:
• Recce

Another pre-war armored car model which also fougth in WW2 in East Africa. There were two models: one armed
with 3 Breda 5C lmg (the predecessor of the Breda 30 lmg) and one armed with a 37mm gun (the same mounted on
the M11/39 and the Fiat 3000).



Cost: 148pts (Inexperienced), 185pts (Regular), 222pts (Veteran)

Weapon: 1 medium at-gun, 1 co-ax mmg, 2 hull mounted mmgs
Armor: 9+ (medium tank)
• Add a turret mounted pintle medium machine gun for +15pts
Special Rules:
• Vulnerable: Because of the reveted construction, all shots to
the side and rear of the vehicle get an additional +1 penetra-
tion modifier

In the books the last tank of the M series is considered just a light tank with a light at-gun and no further penalties. In
reality the tank has been upgraded in all aspects: the 47mm gun was lengthened to 40 calibres increasing it’s muz-
zle velocity to 820m/s. Because of the new breech it could also fit the new larger 47mm ammunition with 2/3 more
propellant. It was equipped also with HEAT shells. It had a more powerful 190 hp gasoline engine and the frontal
armor was increased to 50mm.
Comparison of armor in mm: Pz III J(50,30,30,30), Chi-He(50,20,20,20), Semovente 75/18(50,25,25,25),M15/42(50
The tanks listed above are considered medium tanks in Bolt Action, that being said, the M15/42 should be consid-
ered also a medium tank (with the Vulnerable rule).
It should have also a medium at gun since the revised 47mm gun had a similar penetration power to the Chi-He
47mm gun. In addition, the army book says it had 5 machine guns, 2 of which are coaxial. In reality it had the same
amount of mmgs as the previous M models.


Cost: 156pts (Inexperienced), 195pts (Regular)

Weapon: 1 medium at-gun, 1 co-ax mmg
Armor: 9+ (medium tank)
• Add a turret mounted pintle medium machine gun for +15pts
Special Rules:
• High explosive 75mm shell (HE2”)

The P26/40 never fought with the Royal Italian Army because after the armistice it was requisitioned by the Ger-
mans and used it for their goals. In the Armies of Imperial Japan book it is allowed for the Japanese to deploy their
Chi-Nu medium tank (with comparable performance to P26/40) in the reinforced generic platoon, but this tank never
fought and remained in Japan to await the allied invasion that never took place.
In my opinion the P26/40 should also be open to selection in a reinforced generic platoon for a equal treatment and
for allowing hypothetical scenarios like for instance the Dad’s Army theater selector.
The P26/40 doesn’t have the Vulnerable rule since is the one of the first Italian tank that combined rivets with welding.



Cost: 81pts (Inexperienced), 105pts (Regular), 114pts (Veteran)

Weapon: 1 hull mounted light at-gun
Armor: 8+ (light tank)
• Add a forward facing pintle-mounted medium machine gun for
• Upgrade to command tank for -15pts, replace the light at-gun
with a mmg
Special Rules:
• Open-topped
• Recce
• Command vehicle, if option is taken
• Vulnerable: Because of the reveted construction, all shots to
the side and rear of the vehicle get an additional +1 penetra-
tion modifier

The semovente 47/32 is classified in the Army Book as a tankette with armour value of 7+, in reality this small
self-propelled gun is based on the chassis of the L6/40 who is instead classified as light tank.
They share the same armour on all sides: 30mm on the front, 15mm on the sides and rear. I think it is more correct
to also classify this tank as a ligth tank since they both share the same chassis. The Semovente also has the same
speed as the L6/40 and therefore is also given Recce.

The Semovente 47/32 now cost +20pts.


Cost: 160pts (Inexperienced), 200pts (Regular), 240pts (Veteran)

Weapon: 1 heavy forward facing at-gun
Armor: 9+ (medium tank)
• Add a forward facing pintle-mounted medium machine gun for
Special Rules:
• Vulnerable: Because of the reveted construction, all shots to
the side and rear of the vehicle get an additional +1 penetra-
tion modifier
• High explosive 75mm shell (HE2”)

The profile is fine, the only mistake is that the machine gun was pintled-mounted on the hull and was not co-ax with
the main gun. The main mistake of this tank lies in the incorrect description of where it was employed. In the book
“Duel in the Sun”, it is stated that the vehicle fought at Anzio with the Italian Social Republic, but it already took part
in the defense of Rome in 1943 with the Royal Italian army. Furthermore there is no specific selector to deploy it (I
have provided a theater selector to include it at the end of this pdf).


Cost: 188pts (Inexperienced), 235pts (Regular), 282pts (Veteran)

Weapon: 1 hull mounted forward facing super heavy at-gun
Armor: 8+ (light tank)
Special Rules:
• Vulnerable:Because of the reveted construction, all shots to
the side and rear of the vehicle get an additional +1 penetra-
tion modifier
• High explosive 90mm shell (HE3”)
• Open-topped

The Italian army book gives it an armored car value of 7, but the Semovente in reality had 30mm angled armor on
the frontal shield (same frontal armor as M13/40). Furthermore the Semovente was built on the hull of an M14/41
which is considered a light tank in the game. In my opinion it is more correct to consider it as an open-topped light
tank and the rivets so it can be damaged by heavy machine guns from the sides and rear but not from the front.

The Semovente 90/53 now cost +10pts.


Cost: 184pts (Inexperienced), 230pts (Regular)

Weapon: 1 forward facing heavy at gun
Armor: 9+ (medium tank)
• Add a forward facing pintle-mounted medium machine gun for
Special Rules:
• High explosive 105mm shell (HE3”)

The Italian army book gives to the Semovente 105/25 a hull mounted super heavy anti tank.
This gun was indeed good against armored target but its penetration power was because of it’s high caliber
(105mm) HEAT shell, infact the gun derives from the 105/28 field gun and its not a dedicated high velocity anti-tank
For this reason the penetration value of the Semovente 105/25 should be lowered by 1, but due to the big caliber of
its gun should mantain its effective HE3” rounds.
Like for the P26/40 also the Semovente 105/25 doesn’t have Vulnerable rule since it combined rivets with welding.


Cost: 155pts (Regular), 186pts (Veteran)

Weapon: 2 hull mounted frontal mmg
Armor: 9+ (medium tank)
• Replace the 2 mmg with a hmg for free
• Downgrade for -50pts to represent the command tank M40, the
tank becomes a light tank and Slow.
• Downgrade for -40pts to represent the command tank M41, the
tank is the same as model M40 except it loses the Slow rule
M40 with twin Breda 38 mmg in the hull
• Add a forward facing pintle-mounted medium machine gun for
Special Rules:
• Vulnerable: Because of the reveted construction, all shots to
the side and rear of the vehicle get an additional +1 penetra-
tion modifier
• Command tank
• Tank Hunter command: The unit may use forward deployment
where the mission permits.

M42 model with reinforced frontal ar-

mor(50mm) and Breda 31 hmg in the hull
and pintle mounted Breda38 mg

The profile for this command tank can be found in the Western Desert book unfotunately there are some inaccura-
cies. The real tank had 2 mmgs on the front of the hull (since derives from the M13/40).
The profile also lack the varius subsequent improved models of the command tank.
Finaly the real tank also carried a pintle mounted Breda 38 mg which has been added to the options.



Cost: 65pts (Regular), 78pts (Veteran)

Weapon: Forward or rear facing light howitzer
Armor: 6+ (truck)
• Swap the light howitzer with a medium howitzer +20pts
• Add a forward facing pintle medium machine gun for +15pts

100/17 medium howitzer on lancia Ro

heavy truck

SPA TL37 with 75/27 light howitzer

The Italian Royal Army didn’t have any armored self propelled artillery. What it had was howitzers mounted on variu-
os heavy truck like the Lancia Ro, the Breda 52, or the SPA TL37.
The gun mounted varied, the most common was: the 65/17, the 75/27, or the 100/17.
In the Western Desert book there is a profile but it lacks the medium howitzer variant. In the army book there is a
profile for the medium howitzer but lacks the light variant. I have just combined the two profiles.


Cost: 72pt (Inexperienced), 90pts (Regular), 108pts (Veteran)

Weapon: Forward facing light anti-tank gun or forward facing
Armor: 7+ (armored carrier)

Special Rules:
• Open topped
• Small vehicle flamethrower: the S37 flamethrower is less
powerfull than those mounted on larger vehicles, the range is
S37 with 47mm elefantino at-gun, captured
limited to 12” and the number of shots are always reduced by by Germans in the Balkans after the Italian
one(i.e 2D6-1),(if flamethrower option is taken) armistice.
• Flammable: flame-throwing vehicles are more likely to be
destroyed by damage(if flamethrower option is taken).

S37 with flamethrower

The S37 armoured transport was also used as a ligth armored self-propelled artillery, mounting a 47mm elefantino
at-gun, also there were some that mounted a flamethrower.
The S37 was only employed in the Balkans by Royal Italian Army.



Cost: 40pts (Inexperienced), 50pts (Regular), 60pts (Veteran)

Weapon: 1 mmg on rotating platform with 360° arc of fire
Armor: 6+ (truck)
• Replace the mmg with one of the following options:
• Breda 20mm light automatic cannon on a rotating plat-
form, 360° arc of fire for free (Flak)
• 90/53 super-heavy gun on a rotating platform 360°arc
+150pts (Flak, Stabilizer Jacks)
Fiat-Revelli mod.35 mmg on 360° rotating
Special Rules:
• Flak
• Stabilizer jacks (if option is taken): The vehicle may not fire if
given an Advance order.

90/53 gun on Breda 52 heavy truck

The Italians mounted various guns on the back of various trucks. Some guns were also used as anti-tank guns due
to the great efficency of their shells.
With this profile I have combined the AA Truck from the Western Desert book and the AA Truck from the Italian Army



Cost: 71pts (Inexperienced), 89pts (Regular), 107pts (Veteran)

Weapon: 1 pintle mounted frontal faing mmg
Armor: 7+ (armoured carrier)
Transport: Up to 12 men
Tow: Light/medium howitzers; light/medium/heavy anti-tank guns;
light/heavy AA guns

Special Rules:
• Open topped
Fiat 665NR in the Balkans

The vehicle is based on the heavy truck Fiat 665 diesel, a four-wheel drive version of the Fiat 666.
The driver seat is completely armored while the passenger seats is open topped and is accessed via a rear ladder,
the armor consist of 7.5 mm steel plates, which guaranteed protection against small arms fire.
The truck was employed by Royal Italian Army in the Balkans and after the armistice by Italian Social Republic forc-
es in Northen Italy.

theateR selectors

1940 WESTERN ALPS (new proposal)

MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Inexperienced Infantry squads Brand new selector built from scratch
representing early war on the West-
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major ern Alps against French Army.
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery)
0-1 Medic team This selector is similar to the Invasion
of Greece selector, the most notable
difference is the absence of M13/40
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Regular Infan-
tanks, that at the time were still in
try, Inexperienced Infantry, Alpini,
Bersaglieri, Blackshirts(no M battal-
ions), Motociclisti Infantry Section,
Compared to the selector described
in the Battle of France book, the
0-1 MMG team
Warlord selector lacked the Fiat 3000
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
tanks and Cannone 75/46 that were
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
employed in the battle for the West-
0-1 Marksman
ern Alps.
0-1 Flamethrower team

ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32,

Cannone 75/46, Breda 35 20mm, All
variants of artillery

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-2 vehicle from: L3/35 all variants

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: Fiat 3000, AA

AND AA VEHICLES Truck(no 90/53)

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508, Truck
0-1 Wheeled tow

Italian troops at Menton

1940-41 invasion of GreeCe
MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Inexperienced Infantry squads The Italian Army book selector com-
bined both the invasion of Greece
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major and the subsequent anti-partisan war
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery) in Yugoslavia and Greece.
0-1 Medic team Now they have been separated into
three separate ones for greater clari-
ty by eliminating the appropriate units
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Regular Infan-
like the AB41 and L6/40 that were
try, Inexperienced Infantry, Alpini,
only employed after the capitulation
Bersaglieri, Blackshirts(no M battal-
of Greece.
ions), Motociclisti Infantry Section,
Theater selector option:
0-1 MMG team
If your army include at least one
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
squad of Alpini you can upgrade 1
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
squad of Alpini to Elite Alpini skiers
0-1 Marksman
Monte Cervino at the cost of +1 pt
0-1 Flamethrower team
per man. They gain the rule Behind
Enemy Lines, also the NCO and up
ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32, to 3 men can replace their rifle with a
Cannone 75/46, Breda 35 20mm, All smg for +3pts each.
variants of artillery Alpini of the Monte Cervino Battal-
ion were an elite force of alpini who
ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-1 vehicle from: L3/35 all variants recieved the best equipment and were
VEHICLES specialized in recon mission.

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: Fiat 3000, M13/40

AND AA VEHICLES (no M14/41), AA Truck(no 90/53)

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508, Truck
0-1 Wheeled tow

Italian tank crewmen heading towards the Albanian/Greek front

1941 invasion of yuGoslavia (neW ProPosal)
MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Infantry squads from: Infantry, New selector representing the April
Alpini, Bersaglieri, Blackshirts (no M war against the Kingdom of Yugosla-
battalion) via by the axis.
This selector is similar to the inva-
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major sion of Greece since the forces that
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery) invaded Yugoslavia were taken from
0-1 Medic team divisions stationed in Albania and
from the Italian-Yugoslavian border.
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Infantry, Alpini,
Bersaglieri, Blackshirts (no M bat-
talions),Cavalry, Motociclisti Infantry
Section, Carabinieri.
0-1 MMG team
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
0-1 Marksman
0-1 Flamethrower team

ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32,

Cannone 75/46, Breda 35 20mm, All
variants of artillery

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-1 vehicle from: L3/35 all variants

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: M13/40 (no

AND AA VEHICLES M14/41), AA Truck(no 90/53)

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508, Truck
0-1 Wheeled tow

Blackshirts invade Yugoslavia in 1941

1941-43 war in the balkans
MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Infantry squads from: Infantry, Alpi- New selector representing the an-
ni, Bersaglieri, Blackshirts ti-partisan fighting in the Balkans and
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major The forces that occupied Yugoslavia
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery) employed various fast vehicles like
0-1 Medic team the L6/40 and AB41, also some old
lancia IZM were employed in an-
ti-partisan duties. Among the infantry
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Infantry, Alpini,
were also present the elite Battaglioni
Bersaglieri, Blackshirts, Cavalry,
M blackshirt also near the Croatian
Granatieri, Motociclisti Infantry Sec-
city of Poloj the Italian Alessandria
tion, Carabinieri.
ligth cavalry regiment performed the
0-1 MMG team
last cavalry charge in the history of
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
Italian armed forces.
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
0-1 Marksman
0-1 Flamethrower team

ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32, Can-

none 75/32, Cannone 75/46, Breda
35 20mm, All variants of artillery

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-1 vehicle from: L6/40, L3/35 all
VEHICLES variants, AB41, Lancia IZ/IZM

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: M14/41, M40/41

AND AA VEHICLES Command Tank, Semovente 47/32,
Semovente 75/18, AA Truck (no
90/53), S37 Self-propelled artillery

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508,

Truck, Autoprotetto S37, Fiat 665NM
0-1 Wheeled tow

Italian Troops occuping Dubrovnik in 1941

1940-41 eastern afriCa (neW ProPosal)
MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Infantry squads from: Colonial New proposal representing the
Infantry fighting in the colonies of East Africa
against the British.
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery) The player is forced to take colonial
0-1 Medic team infantry as mandatory units since the
70% of Italian forces in East Africa
were composed of Ethiopian, Somali-
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Regular
an and Erirean Askaris.
Infantry, Inexperienced Infantry,
Alpini, Bersaglieri, Blackshirts (no M
This selector was present in the Duel
battalion), Colonial infantry, Guasta-
in the Sun book but lacked an in
tori (max 2), Granatieri, Motociclisti
depth list for Italian vehicle employed
Infantry Section, Carabinieri.
in Eastern Africa.
0-1 MMG team
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
0-1 Marksman
0-1 Flamethrower team

ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32,

Cannone 75/46, Breda 35 20mm, All
variants of artillery

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-1 vehicle from: L3/35 all variants,

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: M11/39, Fiat 3000,

AND AA VEHICLES AA Truck(no 90/53)

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508, Truck
0-1 Wheeled tow

Italian artillerymen in Kassala 1940

1940-41 invasion of eGyPt (neW ProPosal)
MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Infantry squads from: Inexperi- The Italian Army book combined all
enced Infantry, Blackshirts (must be the North African campaign in one
inexperienced), Colonial Infantry selector. I have split the selector into
3 like the other factions who fougth
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major in North Africa for more historical
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery) accuracy.
0-1 Medic team
The invasion force was composed of
3 infantry divisions, 1 Blackshirt di-
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Inexperienced
vision and 1 Libyan infantry division,
Infantry, Regular Infantry, Bersaglieri,
this composition is reflected in the
Blackshirts (no M battalion), Colonial
mandatory units.
Infantry, San Marco Marines, Guasta-
tori (max 2), Motociclisti Infantry
Section, Carabinieri.
0-1 MMG team
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
0-1 Marksman
0-1 Flamethrower team

ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32, Breda

35 20mm, Cannone 75/46, All vari-
ants of artillery

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-1 vehicle from: L3/35 all variants,
VEHICLES IZ/IZM, Fiat Terni-Tripoli

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: M11/39, M13/40(no

AND AA VEHICLES M14/41), AA Truck(no 90/53)

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508, Truck
0-1 Wheeled tow

Italian Troops advances to the Egyptian border

1942 SECOND BATTLE OF EL-ALAMEIN (new proposal)
MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Infantry squads from: Infantry, Ber- The Italian Army book combined all
saglieri, Blackshirts (no M battalion), the North African campaign in one
Paracadutisti, San Marco Marines selector. I have split the selector into
3 like the other factions who fougth
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major in North Africa for more historical
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery) accuracy.
0-1 Medic team All 3 Lybian infantry division were
destroyed or taken prisoner after the
end of Operation Compass. For this
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Infantry, Ber-
reason colonial infantry is not present
saglieri, Blackshirts (no M battalion),
in this selector.
Paracadutisti, San Marco Marines,
Guastatori (max 2), X Arditi Section
(max 1), X Arditi Saboteur Section
(max 1), Motociclisti Infantry Section,
0-1 MMG team
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
0-1 Marksman
0-1 Flamethrower team

ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32, Breda

35 20mm, Cannone 75/46, Cannone
90/53, All variants of artillery

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-1 vehicle from: AS42, AB41, L6/40,
VEHICLES L3/35 all variants.

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: M13/40, M14/41,

AND AA VEHICLES M40/41 Command Tank, Semovente
47/32, Semovente 75/18, AA Truck,
Self-propelled trucked artillery

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508, Truck
0-1 Wheeled tow

Italian Folgore paratroopers at post durig the second battle of El Alamein

1942-43 TUNISIA
MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Infantry squad from: Infantry, The Italian Army book combined all
Bersaglieri, Blackshirts, San Marco the North African campaign in one
Marines selector. I have split the selector into
3 like the other factions who fougth
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major in North Africa for more historical
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery) accuracy.
0-1 Medic team
The most notable difference for an
Italian Tunisia force is the absence
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Infantry,
of the Paracadutisti, infact they were
Bersaglieri, Blackshirts, San Marco
almost annihilated in the second
Marines, Guastatori (max 2), X Arditi
battle of El-Alamein in exchange the
Section (max 1), X Arditi Saboteur
Battaglioni M elite Blackshirts were
Section (max 1), Motociclisti Infantry
Section, Carabinieri.
0-1 MMG team
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
0-1 Marksman
0-1 Flamethrower team

ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32, Breda

35 20mm, Cannone 75/46, Cannone
90/53, All variants of artillery

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-1 vehicle from: AS42, AB41,

VEHICLES L6/40, L3/35 all variants, Sahariana
SPA-Viberti AS42.

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: M13/40, M14/41,

AND AA VEHICLES M40/41 Command Tank, Semovente
47/32, Semovente 75/18, AA Truck,
Self-propelled trucked artillery

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508, Truck
0-1 Wheeled tow

Italian and German prisoners after the end of the Tunisia Campaign

1941-42 CSIR Eastern Front
MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Infantry squads from: Inexperi- I split the Eastern Front in two, this
enced Infantry, Regular Infantry one representig the first Italian forces
that was sent to aid the Germans in
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major the invasion of Soviet Union, grouped
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery) under the designation CSIR( Italian
0-1 Medic team expeditionary force in Russia) under
the command of general Giovanni
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Regular Infan-
try, Inexperienced Infantry, Ber-
saglieri, Blackshirts (no M battalions),
Cavalry, Guastatori (max 2), Motoci-
clisti Infantry Section, Carabinieri.
0-1 MMG team
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
0-1 Marksman
0-1 Flamethrower team

ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32,

Cannone 75/46, Breda 35 20mm, All
variants of artillery

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-2 vehicle from: L3/35 all variants

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: AA Truck(no 90/53)

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508, Truck
0-1 Wheeled tow

Commander of the CSIR General Giovanni Messe, inspect his troops.

1942-43 ARMIR Eastern Front
MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Infantry squads from: Infantry, Starting from 1942 Italian troops on
Alpini the Eastern Front received major
reinforcements in the form of more
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major infantry and Alpini divisions, more
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery) artillery pieces and tanks.
0-1 Medic team Also Giovanni Messe, the commander
of the previous Italian expedition was
substituted by general Italo Gariboldi.
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Infantry, Alpini,
Bersaglieri, Blackshirts, Cavalry,
Theater selector option:
Guastatori (max 2), Motociclisti Infan-
If your army include at least one
try Section, Carabinieri.
squad of Alpini you can upgrade 1
0-1 MMG team
squad of Alpini to Elite Alpini skiers
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
Monte Cervino at the cost of +1 pt
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
per man. They gain the rule Behind
0-1 Marksman
Enemy Lines, also the NCO and up
0-1 Flamethrower team
to 3 men can replace their rifle with a
smg for +3pts each.
ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32, Alpini of the Monte Cervino Battal-
Cannone 75/32, Cannone 75/39, ion were an elite force of alpini who
Cannone 75/46, Breda 35 20mm, All recieved the best equipment and were
variants of artillery specialized in recon mission.

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-1 vehicle from: L6/40, AB41, L3/35
VEHICLES all variants

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: Semovente 47/32,

AND AA VEHICLES AA Truck(no 90/53)

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508, Truck
0-1 Wheeled tow

The retreat of ARMIR after Soviet breakthrough during operation little Saturn.

MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Infantry squads from: Infantry, Ber- This selector had several inaccu-
saglieri, Blackshirts (no M battalions), racies, I assume it is because it
Divisione Costiera Section. combined the defense of Sicily itself
and the defense of Rome, the two
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major operations have now been split.
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery) All M series tanks and Semovente
0-1 Medic team 105/25 were not present during the
invasion of Sicily.
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Infantry, Ber-
saglieri, Blackshirts (no M battalions),
Paracadutisti (Nembo), Guastatori
(max 2), X Arditi Section (max 1), X
Arditi Saboteur Section (max 1), Mo-
tociclisti Infantry Section, Divisione
Costiera Section, Carabinieri.
0-1 MMG team
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
0-1 Marksman
0-1 Flamethrower team

ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32, Breda

35 20mm, Cannone 75/46, Cannone
90/53, All variants of artillery

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-1 vehicle from: AS42, AB41, Sahar-
VEHICLES iana SPA-Viberti AS42.

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: M41 Command

AND AA VEHICLES Tank, Semovente 47/32, Semovente
75/18, Semovente 90/53, Renault
R35, Fiat 3000, AA Truck

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508, Truck
0-1 Wheeled tow

Mortaio Mod.35 and crew on the costal line of Sicily

1943 DEFENCE OF rome (new proposal)
MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Infantry squads from: Infantry, New selector representing the last
Bersaglieri military operation of the Royal Italian
Army, the defense of the capital from
HQ 0-1 Captain or Major the Germans.
0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery) This selector is very important be-
0-1 Medic team cause it allows Italian players to field
the most modern Italian vehicles like
the M15/42, Semovente 75/34 and
INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Infantry,
Semovente 105/25 that otherwise
Bersaglieri, Granatieri, Motociclisti
would not have any historical selec-
Infantry Section, Carabinieri.
tors to be fielded. This selector does
0-1 MMG team
not allow to field blackshirt since the
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
vast majority of them refused to figth
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
the old ally and later joined the Italian
0-1 Marksman
Social Republic.
0-1 Flamethrower team

ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32, Breda

35 20mm, Cannone 75/32, Cannone
75/46, Cannone 90/53, All variants of

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-1 vehicle from: AS42, AB41,

VEHICLES L3/35 all variants, L6/40, Sahariana
SPA-Viberti AS42.

TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: M15/42, M42

AND AA VEHICLES Command Tank, Semovente 47/32,
Semovente 75/18, Semovente 75/34,
Semovente 105/25, AA Truck

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508, Truck
0-1 Wheeled tow, Breda 61

Italian troops and a Semovente M.42 in a defensive position near Porta San Paolo in Rome 1943

MANDATORY 1 Lieutenant - First or Second Comment:
2 Infantry squads from: Infantry, Generic platoon, with all Italian units
Bersaglieri, Alpini, Paracadutisti, from warlord books and new units
Blackshirts, San Marco, Granatieri, from this pdf, this is not a historical
Carabinieri, Cavalry, Colonial Infan- accurate selector.
try, Guastatori, X Arditi Section, X
Arditi Saboteur Section, Motociclisti
Infantry Section, Divisione Costiera

HQ 0-1 Captain or Major

0-1 Forward observer(air or artillery)
0-1 Medic team

INFANTRY 0-4 Infantry sections: Infantry,

Bersaglieri, Alpini, Paracadutisti,
Blackshirts, San Marco, Granatieri,
Carabinieri, Cavalry, Colonial Infan-
try, Guastatori, X Arditi Section, X
Arditi Saboteur Section, Motociclisti
Infantry Section, Divisione Costiera
0-1 MMG team
0-1 Mortar team (ligth or medium)
0-1 Anti-tank rifle team
0-1 Marksman
0-1 Flamethrower team

ARTILLERY 0-1 gun from: Cannone 47/32, Can-

none 75/32, Cannone 75/39, Can-
none 75/46, Cannone 90/53, Breda
35 20mm, All variants of artillery

ARMORED CARS AND RECCE 0-1 vehicle from: AS42, AB 40, AB41,
VEHICLES L3/35 all variants, L6/40, Lancia IZ/
IZM, Fiat Terni Tripoli, AB 611, Sahar-
iana SPA-Viberti AS 42.
TANKS, SELF-PROPELLED GUNS 0-1 vehicle from: Fiat 3000, M13/40,
AND AA VEHICLES M14/41, M15/42, P26/40, Semovente
47/32, Semovente 75/18, Semovente
75/34, Semovente 90/53, Semovente
105/25, Command Tank M40/M41/
M42, Self-propeled trucked artillery,
S37 self-propelled artillery AA truck

TRANSPORTS AND TOWS 0-1 per infantry team: Fiat 508,

Truck, Autoprotetto S37, Fiat 665NM
0-1 Wheeled tow, Breda 61


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