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As the name suggests, a position paper is a document which outlines a nation's

position, relation and proposals with respect to the issue in consideration. In
model UN conferences, writing a position paper helps in organizing ideas and sharing
your country's point of view on the agenda with the committee. An ideal position paper
can be read as an opening statement (GSL).
● The format for the position paper is as follows-


(You may add official symbols of your committee and/or country to make your paper
look realistic)



● Font: Arial
● Size: 12


The Position Paper should be divided into paragraphs.

● The 1st paragraph should include a brief summary about the Agenda and how it
affects your nation.

● The 2nd paragraph should contain your country’s stand/opinion on the

● The 3rd paragraph should contain solutions to the issue at hand, based on
your research and logical analysis (in accordance with your foreign policy and
committee mandate).

● The 4th paragraph should provide a brief conclusion on your country’s stand,
hence, justifying your motives for the global community.


Position Paper

Country: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Committee: United Nations Security Council

Agenda: Nuclear Non Proliferation with special emphasis on North Korea

The Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) set into place one of the most important
international security bargains of all time. The treaty was meant to limit the nuclear
threat on the international level creating a more peaceful international environment, but
unfortunately some countries are trying to use the treaty in favor of their imperialist
plans, threatening other countries and posing a threat to the international community.
Unfortunately, after the end of the Korean war, the American hostility on all levels
against DPRK became more significant, which gave our country no choice but to
strengthen our self-defense to deter any aggression and to maintain the sovereignty
and the right of existence of the nation in the face of the increased aggressive threat by
the United States of America, including developing nuclear weapons.

The government of the DPRK in accordance with articles 34 and 35 clause 1 of the UN
charter made a request to the UNSC on several cases for an emergency meeting on the
international peace and security threat of the joint war exercises on the Korean
peninsula, but UNSC unfortunately turned them away every time. The heinous and
provocative acts and hostility committed by the U.S were also the reason behind our
withdrawal of the Non-Proliferation treaty which we joined in 1985 allowing IAEA to
inspect our nuclear reactors, and were also the reason of the failure of the Agreed
Framework we signed in 1994 which could’ve peacefully transform our nuclear program
to peaceful purposes only in exchange for help in developing our energy-oriented
nuclear program and economic cooperation, those acts also played a great role in the
failure of the six party talks which was working on bringing DPRK back to the NPT in

The DPRK holds that the only cause of the Korean peninsula’s nuclear crisis lies in the
United States of America not abandoning its hostile policy towards DPRK but holding
aggressive large-scale joint war exercises repeatedly on the Korean peninsula which is
extremely offensive and provocative using strategic nuclear bombers and submarines.
Therefore, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea strongly reserves its right to
defend itself against exterior military threat in accordance with the article 51 of UN
charter, and as a consequence, will not stop developing its nuclear weapons and
ballistic missile program as a defensive deterrent unless the U.S. abandon its
anachronistic hostile policy towards DPRK and cease its presence on the Korean

In the end, we the North Koreans are patriotic people that want nothing but peace and
prosperity. Even after years of being sanctioned we have defended ourselves
successfully. Sanctions proved and are still proving themselves to be unsuccessful in
solving the crisis. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea will not hesitate for a
moment to use all the means necessary in its disposal to defend its people, its
existence and its independence.

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