T1 - Eksplorasi - Diskusi Discovery Learning

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Mata Kuliah : Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Daring dan Bauran

Hal : Eksplorasi


Eksplorasi - Diskusi Discovery Learning


Untuk menambah pengetahuan dan informasi terkait digital storytelling, carilah sumber lain tentang
topik yang sedang dibahas. Bacalah 3-5 sumber bisa dari buku. Kemudian catatlah hal penting sebagai
temuan yang Anda dapatkan.

Buku 1

Judul Buku: "Discovery Learning: A Comprehensive Guide"

Temuan atau catatan penting: The book provides a comprehensive overview of the discovery learning
process, including the steps involved, such as problem identification, data collection, and hypothesis
testing. It also covers the cognitive conflict approach and its role in enhancing learning.

Buku 2

Judul Buku: "The Art of Discovery Learning"

Temuan atau catatan penting: This book focuses on the practical aspects of discovery learning,
providing real-life examples and case studies. It also discusses the role of technology in discovery
learning and how it can be used to enhance the learning experience.

Buku 3

Judul Buku: "Discovery Learning in the Classroom"

Temuan atau catatan penting: This book specifically focuses on the application of discovery learning in
the classroom setting. It covers topics such as lesson study, which can help students professional
development by collaborating with their peers on a shared learning goal.
Artikel 1

Judul Artikel: "The Benefits of Discovery Learning"

Temuan atau catatan penting: This article discusses the benefits of discovery learning, including the
development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills. It also highlights the
importance of creating an active learning environment where students can discover knowledge by

Artikel 2

Judul Artikel: "The Role of Technology in Discovery Learning"

Temuan atau catatan penting: This article explores the role of technology in discovery learning,
discussing how it can be used to enhance the learning experience and provide access to a wide range of
resources. It also covers the potential challenges and considerations when integrating technology into
discovery learning.

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