3-Reasoning Functional Requirements For VTCS-communications

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Reasoning Functional Requirements for

Virtually Coupled Train Sets: Communication
Riccardo Parise, Holger Dittus, Joachim Winter, and Andreas Lehner

VCTS, the equivalent of Abstract narios. Thus, a bottom-up approach is used by

road vehicle platooning starting with these questions: Why does VTCS
for railways, has attracted Virtually coupled train sets (VCTS), the equiv- require any communication? Why does it have
alent of road vehicle platooning for railways, to be reliable and fast?
the attention of industry have attracted the attention of industry in the To answer these questions, VCTS without any
in the past few years past few years due to their potential to increase communication between trains are analyzed.
due to their potential the line capacity without massive investments in In this first concept, trains control the distance
to increase the line the infrastructure. The goal of this article is to between each other based only on measure-
capacity without massive reason out functional communication require- ments of onboard sensors such as lidar, radar,
ments for VCTS using a bottom-up approach and and cameras. In the second concept, trains can
investments in the infra- introduce challenges of the railway domain to only measure their own absolute dynamic state
structure. The goal of this readers of the communication community. Three (position, velocity, acceleration) and communi-
article is to reason out different VCTS configurations in terms of sensor cate it via direct (train-to-train, T2T) or indirect
functional communication and communication concepts are presented, and (train-to-infrastructure, T2I) wireless communica-
requirements for virtually quantitative examples of communication require- tion. In the third concept, a mixture of both ideas
ments are given for different application scenar- is discussed.
coupled train sets using ios. To conclude, the ability of some technology
a bottom-up approach candidates to fit these requirements is analyzed VCTS Characteristics
and introduce challenges and compared in relation to each application In VCTS, trains are not physically connected; they
of the railway domain to scenario. use the information of the dynamic state (posi-
readers of the communi- tion, speed, and acceleration) of other trains in
Introduction the set to control the distance between them,
cation community. Environmental concerns, especially global similar to platooning of road vehicles. In terms
warming, are increasingly pressuring govern- of maneuvers, VCTS can be separated into three
ments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and processes: approach, virtually coupled driving,
fossil fuel consumption in the transport sector. and separation.
One solution currently discussed is shifting Due to the lack of physical connection, a train
transport volume from road to rail, as trains are in VCTS can couple or decouple from sets easily,
considered as one of the most energy-efficient even en route. This feature introduces new func-
and ecological means of transport. This will tions that are not or hardly implementable with
increase the demanded transport capacity in mechanically coupled trains:
coming years, which is already approaching its • VCTS can reduce or increase the size of a
operational limits. set on demand, that is, assembling longer
Virtually coupled train sets (VCTS) are an sets during peak hours of traffic and taking
approach that could increase the capacity of the trains out of the set to reserve them during
railway network without extensive investments in off-peak times.
the track infrastructure and without lowering the • VCTS allow longer trains to use shorter plat-
safety standards of the railway industry [1]. Cou- forms by splitting and using parallel tracks in
pled trains can effectively increase traffic density a station.
on busy tracks. For a signaling system with fixed • VCTS allow trains inside the set to have dif-
blocks, a set behaves as one train and therefore ferent destinations, and also join trains with
occupies only one block while transporting more different origins and common destinations.
passengers or goods. • VCTS allow single trains to separate from the
Generally, reliable and fast communication set in order to stop without having to brake
among trains is assumed to be essential for safe the whole convoy.
operation of VCTS; however, the requirements • VCTS can improve the compatibility between
of the communication should be a result of spe- different trains, allowing a larger variety of
cific constraints, and not a prerequisite or an trains to couple with each other.
assumption. The goal of this article is to reflect With these features the train flow can be opti-
on the role of the communication in VCTS and mized to improve the network capacity, train
define functional requirements for communica- punctuality, and operational flexibility, and poten-
tion technologies in different application sce- tially reduce maintenance costs and improve

Digital Object Identifier: The authors are with the German Aerospace Center (DLR).

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energy efficiency by reducing the aerodynamic 100 In VCTS trains are not
Reaction Delay
drag [2].

Admissible Minimum Distance [m]

1000 ms physically connected,
Basic Assumptions 75
500 ms
they use the informa-
250 ms
A VCTS can be formed by several trains; however, a 125 ms
set with more than two trains introduces challenges tion of the dynamic
such as chain stability and more complex decou- 50 state (position, speed
pling, coupling, and emergency protocols that are and acceleration) of
not addressed within this article. For the sake of sim-
25 other trains in the set
plicity a convoy of two trains is analyzed.
Furthermore, train characteristics such as to control the distance
maximal allowed speed, acceleration, and brak- 0
ing capability are assumed to be identical. In 40 120 200 280 360 between them, similar
reality, however, train characteristics can change Train Speed [km/h] to a platooning of road
dynamically; for example, the maximal accelera- vehicles. In terms of
tion changes with occupancy rates, or a train in Figure 1. AMD between trains as a function of speed
degraded mode may not be able to provide the and reaction delay, considering both trains on maneuvers, VCTS can
nominal traction power. steady state and with identical braking profiles. be separated into three
During transient states the AMD also depends on
VCTS Using Only Relative Sensors the relative speed and relative acceleration.
processes: approach,
From the control’s perspective, VCTS could virtually-coupled driving
theoretically work without any communication 8 Deceleration Reaction Delay and separation.
between trains, similar to the communication-less
0.75 m/s² 5.0 s
adaptive cruise control developed for cars in the
Braking Distance [km]

6 1.50 m/s² 2.5 s

1990s. In this case, sensors are used to determine 2.25 m/s² 0.0 s
the relative dynamic state — relative position (or
distance), relative speed, and relative acceleration 4
— in relation to the vehicle ahead or behind, and
control the distance between trains by regulating
its own acceleration and speed. In principle, the 2
first train could use rear facing relative sensors as
well in order to take appropriate actions to con- 0
trol the distance. 40 120 200 280 360
An extensive survey of different sensors for Train Speed [km/h]
vehicles that could be used for this application,
like lidar, radar, and stereographic cameras, is pre- Figure 2. Braking distances as a function of initial
sented in [3]. The range of commercial relative speed, reaction delay, and train maximal decel-
sensors is normally in the distance of 10–250 m, eration.
and it can be affected by several factors such as
weather, light, and obstacles on the side of the
track blocking the line of sight (LoS) in curves. For identical braking profiles, the AMD grows
linearly with the speed, while the maximal range
Reaction Delay and Admissible Minimum Distance of the sensors is speed-independent. Thus, the
Purely in theory, if the relative sensors, the power- maximal speed for VCTS is limited by the fact that
train, and the brake system as well as the control the AMD is not allowed to exceed the maximal
were perfectly accurate and fast (time constant = range of the relative sensors. For higher speeds,
0), both trains could safely drive with no distance there is no possible distance that allows trains to
in between, as the control’s error signal would be close enough for the relative sensors to detect
always be zero. However, real sensors have a lim- each other and at the same time far enough to
ited sampling time and accuracy, and, especially react in time.
for trains, the brake and powertrain systems have
time constants sometimes in the range of sec- Required Minimum Range of Relative Sensors
onds. Therefore, the error signal is not necessarily During the approach phase, the range of the rear
zero during transient states, and the minimum dis- train’s sensors needs to exceed the absolute brak-
tance between trains is limited. For VCTS without ing distance, considering that in the worst case
communication the reaction delay (RD) would be the front train may be at a standstill when the rear
equal to the delay of the brake system, consider- train first detects it.
ing delays and errors of the sensor and control As seen in Fig 2, the absolute braking distance
processing as negligible. in most cases is an order of magnitude larger
With the concept of RD, an admissible min- than typical ranges of relative sensors. For VCTS
imum distance (AMD) is defined as the lower without communication, the limited sensor range
bound for the distance between trains that allows restricts coupling maneuvers to low speeds.
the rear train to brake in time to avoid a collision.
In steady state, the AMD depends only on the RD VCTS Using Absolute Sensors and
and their current speed. Figure 1 shows the AMD
calculated for different RD and absolute speeds. Wireless Communication
Analogously, trains need to be inside a distance As an alternative to using only relative sen-
where they can detect each other, so the maxi- sors, the absolute dynamic state of each train
mal range of the relative sensors acts as an upper — absolute position, speed, and acceleration
bound for the distance between trains. — could be measured using onboard (or abso-

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In contrast to the short Update Delay [s] 8 Distance Between Trains

Communication Deadline [s]

0 1 2 3 4 5 200 m
range of the relative 1E+0
6 100 m
sensors, T2I commu- Distance

1E-1 50 m
300 m
nication has unlimited 25 m
1E-2 200 m 4
range but depends 100 m
on signal availability, 1E-3
which restricts VCTS 1E-4
to locations with good 0
40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360
coverage. T2T commu-
Figure 3. The vertical axis gives the probability that Train Speed [km/h]
nication also presents a the time between two received messages will
limited range, although be larger than a given update delay. It tends Figure 4. The communication deadline as a func-
asymptotic to zero, considering unlimited band- tion of speed and distance.
it can be significantly width.
larger than the typical
trol command is changed, which is even before
range of relative lute) sensors. The measured data is exchanged the train’s own sensor can detect any change in
sensors. between trains via a suitable communication dynamic state. The time it takes between two sta-
link. In this concept the role of the commu- tus updates are received is called update delay
nication extends to negotiating coupling and (UD) [5], which is given as a specific probability
decoupling maneuvers as well as transmitting distribution for each combination of communica-
static (e.g., train type, length) and variable tion technology and external conditions (distance,
(e.g., current payload, current traction power) landscape, etc.). The UD probability distribution
train characteristics. as a function of the distance based on measure-
The communication could be carried out ments in a regional railway network [6] is shown
either directly (T2T) or indirectly (T2I) and can in Fig. 3.
mitigate some limitations from the previous con- In this concept the combination of speed and
cept. In contrast to the short range of the relative distance between trains will define the maximum
sensors, T2I communication has unlimited range admissible delay in communication, or deadline,
but depends on signal availability, which restricts as shown in Fig. 4 for selected distances. This
VCTS to locations with good coverage. T2T is analogous to calculating the RD for a given
communication also presents a limited range, speed, considering the AMD as current distance
although it can be significantly larger than the between trains.
typical range of relative sensors. Furthermore, Communication failing to meet the required
communication is typically more tolerant toward deadline does not directly impose a collision
weather conditions and lack of direct LoS than risk. If the communication fails to update the
relative sensors. dynamic state by the given deadline, a fallback
However, VCTS using only absolute sensors process has to be applied. For example, the
have their own limitations. Positioning of trains is rear train could assume the worst case scenario
an ongoing topic of research with no easy com- (e.g., braking maneuver of the first train) and
mercial off-the-shelf solution. A survey on position- take appropriate actions, which by the defini-
ing solutions is presented in [4]. It is challenging tion of the deadline should be sufficient to safe-
to accurately measure the absolute train position ly stop the set. Alternative fallback processes
and speed using odometers and speedometers could be implemented using safety margins —
because of wheel slip and uncertainties in the either for the communication deadline or the
wheel radius, which can vary significantly due distance — and using redundant systems (e.g.,
to wear. In addition to that, measuring the posi- additional communication devices). In general,
tion by integrating speed signal or integrating the because of the probabilistic nature of the delay,
acceleration twice adds up errors, which can be a shorter communication deadline means that
only partially solved by utilizing absolute refer- more status updates will be late, which would
ence points to calibrate the measurements (e.g., require more corrective measures from the con-
beacons). Signal-based positioning systems like trol and may decrease energy efficiency and
the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) or passenger comfort, and increase wear of the
WiFi positioning system (WPS) depend on signal brake system.
availability, and may not be available in tunnels
or remote areas. Joining different sensors using Required Minimum Range of Communication
sensor fusion algorithms can improve the mea- In this concept, the minimum range of commu-
surements, and usage of several sensors provides nication has to exceed the absolute braking dis-
redundancy, which improves reliability. In any tance to enable communication between the
case, the functional sensor requirements for VCTS coupling trains from a safe distance. However,
are to be investigated in further works. this does not guarantee safe operation during an
approaching maneuver in all cases because it is
Update Delay and Communication Deadline not assured that every train on the line is commu-
Communication can improve the RD of the nicable. Therefore, VTCS without relative sensors
VCTS because the information bypasses the time still depend on the signaling to confirm that there
constant of the powertrain and brake system: are no obstacles between trains during a coupling
Trains can exchange data at the moment a con- maneuver en route.

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PARISE_LAYOUT.indd 14 9/11/19 4:17 PM

Speed Worst case RD/ Typical service deceleration Absolute braking A significant potential to
Representative scenarios AMD (m)
(km/h) deadline (s) (m/s2) (maximala) distance (km) further improve comfort
Electric multiple unit HST 350 2.5b 0.7 (1.0) 243 6.99 (4.97) and safety can be raised
when speed trajectories
Electric multiple unit intercity 180 2.5b 0.7 (1.0) 125 1.91 (1.37)
based on detailed maps
Loco-hauled intercity 180 5.0c 0.7 (1.0) 250 2.04 (1.50)
of the line characteris-
Electric multiple unit regional 140 2.5b 0.8 (1.0) 97 1.04 (0.85) tics are predicted for a
Loco-hauled freight train 120 5.0c 0.6 (1.0) 167 1.09 (0.72) defined time horizon
and regularly exchanged
Suburban and metro 80 1.5b 0.9 (2.0) 33 0.31 (0.16)
between the trains in
a DIN EN 13452-1: 2003 Railway Applications. Braking. Mass Transit Brake Systems. Performance Requirements.
b DIN EN 15734-1: 2013 Railway Applications. Braking Systems of High SpeedTrains. Requirements and Definitions.
the set. Together with
c DIN EN 14198: 2016 Railway Applications. Braking. Requirements for the Brake System of Trains Hauled by Locomotives. optimized procedure
Table 1. Example of requirements for different scenarios. protocols, corrective
measures can be
VCTS with Absolute and Relative in modern trains with electro-pneumatic and/or avoided, offering the
electro-dynamic brakes, RD can be significantly
Sensors and Wireless Communication lower.
opportunity to increase
VTCS combining relative sensors, absolute sen- The typical service deceleration in Table 1 energy efficiency of
sors, and wireless communications could over- was chosen inside comfort limits, because con- VCTS.
come the drawbacks of the previously described trol should be able to correct errors inside these
concepts. In the combined concept, the mea- limits; in addition, the maximum comfort value (in
surements of both trains can be compared via parentheses) is also considered to show its impact
the communication channel in order to further on the resulting braking distance. The RD used in
increase the accuracy and reliability. the table is based on the maximum allowed reac-
Coupling maneuvers at low speeds, where the tion time (worst case), according to the respective
absolute braking distance is smaller than the rel- standards; however if for real trains a shorter RD
ative sensor’s range, could be carried out using is proven, the AMD can be reduced.
only relative sensors. The communication in this
case would act as a redundant system. Coupling Technology Candidates
at higher speeds, where the absolute braking dis- Some currently available and future communica-
tance exceeds the relative sensor’s range, requires tion technologies that could be used for VCTS are
direct or indirect communication between trains. presented and evaluated against the requirements
In this case, the relative sensors would act as a in Table 1.
redundant system in the final moments of the
approach. Train-to-Train
In general, it is desired to drive in a spectrum TETRA: The Terrestrial Trunked Radio, or TETRA,
of distance and speed where both concepts can is a European standard for radio communication
work independently. Therefore, the communica- and is used for emergency services, public safety
tion deadline should be equal to or faster than the networks, train radios, and the military. It can be
reaction delay of the train. With a faster deadline, used for T2T communication without network
trains could drive closer, but at the expense of coverage in direct-mode operation (DMO) [7].
redundancy, because the relative sensors would TETRA is especially interesting because of its reli-
not notice changes in the dynamic state in due ability at high relative speeds and good perfor-
time. In addition to that, as some changes in the mance in strong multipath environments. It has
dynamic state are not caused by active decisions a typical range of 3 km for urban environments
of the control system (e.g., decelerations due to and up to 20 km for rural. The update delay dis-
track gradient changes or increased aerodynamic tribution was investigated on a high-speed train
resistance in tunnels), they will not bypass the RD. (HST) in Italy in [8], and its performance shows
A significant potential to further improve that the delay is below 4–12 s for more than 99
comfort and safety can be raised when speed percent of time for distances between of 25 km,
trajectories based on detailed maps of the line respectively.
characteristics are predicted for a defined time The technical characteristics of this technol-
horizon and regularly exchanged between the ogy are not favorable for use in coupled driving
trains in the set. Together with optimized pro- because of its relatively large update delays. How-
cedure protocols, corrective measures can be ever, because of its range it is relevant during the
avoided, offering the opportunity to increase the approaching phase as a redundant reliable system
energy efficiency of VCTS. to communicate non-time-critical information.
IEEE 802.11p/ITS-G5: IEEE standard 802.11p
Requirements Example is an amendment to 802.11 focused on vehicular
In order to give specific examples of communi- environments, and was used as the basis for the
cation requirements in different railway scenari- European standard ITS-G5. Its ability to support
os, the relevant standards have been analyzed to real-time operations vehicle-to-vehicle is discussed
determine typical train parameters. The resulting in [9], and because of its characteristics it is a
requirements are presented in Table 1. However, promising technology to support VCTS applica-

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VCTS performance can Probability(delay > deadline) less, it has become a recent topic of research
600 in the railway industry for T2I communication
be improved if both as lower frequencies are becoming increasingly
measurement systems more congested. Communication in the mmWave
range could possibly be used for T2T communi-

Distance [m]
(relative sensor and cation, allowing a fast data exchange between
absolute sensors) are 300 trains at lower distances. It could be used in com-
used together with bination with other technologies as a redundant
150 communication link.
communication. In
general, T2T communi- trAIn-to-InfrAstructure [14]
GSM-R: The GSM-R system was developed based
cation technologies with 40 120 200 280 360
on GSM specifically for railway communication.
Train Speed [km/h]
a longer range and T2I It is the data carrier chosen for ETCS technology,
technologies (e.g., LTE- Figure 5. Probability (in percentage of time) the and it is already implemented in real railway appli-
update delay exceeds the required deadline for cations. It has a typical delay in the range of 400
R, GSM-R) with more a given speed and distance. (Based on the mea- ms, which in theory is fast enough to allow trains
coverage will improve sured data for ITS-G5 at 3 Mb/s and transmit to join VCTS. However, signal coverage is chal-
power of 24 dBm.) lenging, and its reliability depends on propagation
the flexibility of the conditions such as shadowing and multipath.
VCTS. LTE-R (4G): LTE-R is a standard based on LTE,
tion. The theoretical delay lower limit (DLL) of and will most likely replace GSM-R for railway
this standard is below 0.26 ms. Considering the applications in the future. It is under implemen-
standard’s lowest data rate and a payload of 128 tation; however, in order to be compatible with
bytes, the theoretical delay is still under 0.6 ms ETCS-L3, it is expected to be able to provide
[10], which is still at least three orders of magni- transmission of control information with a delay
tude faster than the most ambitious deadline for less than 50 ms. LTE-R could possibly be used for
the communication in Table 1. The actual perfor- coupled driving of HST, provided enough cover-
mance, however, depends on several variables age.
such as distance between trains, direct LoS, and 5G: 5G is still under development, and it will
interference [11]. Based on experimental data for probably be available after 2020. However, in
100 m, 200 m, and 300 m, the probability that particular, one of its expected service categories,
this technology can meet the specific deadline for ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC),
each speed and distance combination has been could be used for VCTS, providing a fast data link
extrapolated for a wider range distance, and is between trains.
presented in Fig. 5.
C-V2X: Lately, cellular vehicle-to-everything conclusIon
(C-V2X) short-range communication technologies Based on previous discussion, VCTS performance
were defined by the Third Generation Partnership can be improved if both measurement systems
Project (3GPP). While Release 15’s LTE-V2X is (relative sensor and absolute sensors) are used
based on 4G cellular standards, the upcoming together with communication. In general, T2T
Release 16 shall also include V2X application communication technologies with a longer range
layer services for 5G. The strength of C-V2X is and T2I technologies (e.g., LTE-R, GSM-R) with
that it provides interfaces to both the traditional more coverage will improve the flexibility of the
4G/5G cellular-based long range communication, VCTS.
and a new vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communica- The recommended metric to evaluate com-
tion, which is base station coordinated or even munication performance for VCTS application is
self-scheduled (Mode 4) in areas without cover- the probability distribution of the update delay as
age. Proof of concept testing has started recently a function of distance. There are communication
demonstrating latencies around 20 ms in the case technologies that could already serve VCTS appli-
of direct communications between mobiles. How- cations in a wide variety of scenarios; however,
ever, compared to ITS-G5, the latency is much the actual requirements for the communication
higher, and the update delay performance in depend deeply on the control concept, sensors,
Mode 4 is less promising if the channel is congest- protocols, and fallback strategies.
ed (e.g., next to a rural freeway), as the ITS-G5 The dynamic state of a train is affected by pas-
medium access control (MAC) layer achieves sig- sive forces (e.g., changes in the track gradient
nificantly lower correlation between errors [12], and aerodynamic drag), as well as active forces
most notably at distances of more than 100 m, (i.e., braking or accelerating). Active forces can
which is of great importance for VCTS. However, be communicated at the moment the control
in places with infrastructure coverage (i.e., stations decides to apply it. Thus, control signals bypass
and rail yards), radio scheduling management can the RD, and the time it takes for those changes to
be used (in Mode 3), which can improve the be propagated to the next train depends only on
latency significantly by ensuring packet collision the update delay of the communication. Passive
avoidance. forces, in contrast, act directly on the dynamic
Millimeter Wavelength: Millimeter wavelength state, so they require an AMD based on the RD
or mmWave is generally referred to as communi- of trains.
cations in the range of 35–40 GHz. Because of For future work, the impact and predictability
the higher propagation and penetration losses, of passive forces have to be assessed in detail to
it normally presents a lower range than longer analyze their effect on control strategies and pro-
waves such as ITS-G5 and Tetra [13]. Nonethe- cedure protocols. The functional requirements for

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sensors need to be defined in more detail, and [10] Y. Wang et al., “Throughput and Delay Limits of 802.11p
and its Influence on Highway Capacity,” Procedia — Social For future work, the
further developments in control concepts, pro- and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 96, Nov. 2013, pp. 2096–
tocols, and fallback strategies have to be elabo- 2104. impact and predictability
rated. Besides technological challenges, the legal [11] H. Q. Le, A. Lehner, and S. Sand, “Performance Analysis
of passive forces have
implementations and regulations are critical obsta- of ITS-G5 for Dynamic Train Coupling Application,” Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2015, pp. 129–40. to be assessed in detail
cles for VCTS [15]. Also, the economic potential [12] A. Bazzi et al., “Study of the Impact of PHY and MAC
is a decisive factor to justify the implementation Parameters in 3GPP C-V2V Mode 4,” IEEE Access, vol. 6, to analyze their effect
costs; for example, the impact of VCTS on ener- Nov. 2018, pp. 71,685–98.
on control strategies
gy demand and on the electric grid needs to be [13] H. Song, X. Fang, and Y. Fang, “Millimeter-Wave Network
Architectures for Future High-Speed Railway Communica-
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vol. 23, no. 6, Dec. 2016, pp. 114–22. tocols. The functional
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2012, pp. 1647–69. Andreas Lehner received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in mechatronics
[8] A. Lehner, T. Strang, and P. Unterhuber, “Direct Train-to- from Johannes Kepler University in Linz in 2001 and a Ph.D. in
Train Communications at Low UHF Frequencies,” IET Micro- electrical engineering from the University Erlangen-Nuremberg
waves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 12, no. 4, Mar. 2018, in 2007. Currently he is a senior research scientist at the Insti-
pp. 486–91. tute for Communications and Navigation at DLR. His research
[9] K. Bilstrup et al., “On the Ability of the 802.11p MAC Meth- and project work focuses on safety systems in transportation,
od and STDMA to Support Real-Time Vehicle-to-Vehicle the design of vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems, and
Communication,” EURASIP J. Wireless Commun. and Net- the characterization and analysis of multipath and interference
working, vol. 2009, 2009, pp. 1–13. effects in satellite navigation and communication systems.

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