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And then Gandhi Came

1. The relevance of Gandhian ideas in the modern world.


How could Gandhiji enlighten Indian freedom fighters? What was the effect of his leadership?

Twenty first century world is a world of wars and revolutions. Man hates man. He is in a mad
race to achieve money, power and other material benefits. In this journey he forgets his parents,
siblings, teachers, elders and every other human being. He is always motivated by selfish
interests. Crimes and violence are on the rise. Women and even little children are not spared
from his acts of brutality. It is at this juncture, Gandhian ideas become all the more relevant. It
is important to scrutinize here the working of Gandhian ideals in the pre-independent Indian

Even after the First World War, India was grappled with the menace of poverty, unemployment
and repressive laws. The nation was awaiting a leader who became a beam of light in their
darkness. Gandhiji entered Indian politics when the country was in search of an able and efficient

He amazed the world with his faith in ahimsa and nonviolence. He defeated the British Empire
with these ideals. He showed the path of tolerance and love. He believed in the great theory of
love. He realized that only love could elicit love. He understood that act of forgiveness draws
love and kindness even from enemies.

Gandhiji answered the bullets and brute force used by the British Empire with patience and
tolerance. Truth was his religion. His followers became more truthful than they had been
earlier. He made them shameful about their subjugation to the British. He exhorted them to
fight against exploitation. Indians became aware that this exploitation was the cause of their
poverty and misery. Gandhiji found that fear made them submissive. Hence he taught them the
lessons of fearlessness and truthfulness. He analyzed the minds of Indians and brought into
effect a psychological revolution.

Gandhiji’s call of action was two-fold. He led the fight to win freedom from foreign rule and
freedom from social evils. He was involved in the solution of minority problems, the raising of
the depressed classes and the ending of untouchability. He knew that fear, prestige, the co-
operation of the people were the supports of the British rule. So he attacked the very foundation
of British support. He asked Indians to give back the titles. Accordingly, Tagore gave up his
knighthood and he himself gave back the title Kaisar e Hind conferred upon him by the British
King. He was against the pomp and glory of viceregal court. He promoted Khadi as one of the
simpler means of living. The rich also accepted these simpler ways. Modesty became the
fashion. Curiously enough, the rich were not so anxious to show off their riches.


Whenever his followers erred he himself took penance by fasting. Nobody has seen love and
tolerance in its purest form. Fasting became his quiet means of winning over his rivals. During
partition when Muslims and Hindus entered in bloodshed, Gandhiji could stop their fight with
this modest weapon. His personality was convincing. His life was his message. He acted out
what he spoke. Hence he was accepted in the larger community.

Gandhiji was the leader of common man. He was a real man with flesh and blood. The hearts of
the Indian freedom fighters could be enlightened when a man with life and blood bore the pains
when his followers sinned. His words of wisdom and magnanimity were beyond their
imagination. His words had a symbiotic relationship with his actions. No wonder, why he could
revolutionize the lives of the Indian masses.

It should be noted here that contempt breeds contempt and only love engenders love. The
modern day man gropes in darkness since he cannot see love and tolerance anywhere. If
Gandhij, with his approach of nonviolence could force a vast empire to yield, then it was the
power of his ideas followed by his deeds. Thus Gandhian ideals still have immense scope of
leading the world towards peace and love.

2. Women will enjoy the same right as men. This is the India of my dreams. Gandhiji said.
What do you think of this opinion? Comment.

Finding a space for women in the socio-cultural milieu is not a country specific problem. It
transcends across nations. The news surprises us that in total numbers the U.S. has more cases of
rape and sexual assault than India does, including aggressive sexual assaults in university
campuses, though after the Delhi Nirbhaya case, India is singled out on this issue.

It is paradoxical that the only country which produced woman President, Prime Minister, Chief
Ministers, Lok Sabha Speaker, Leader of Opposition, female executives in the national financial
institutions, treats its daughters with the least dignity and honour. India ranks among the
countries with the highest levels of infanticide, with millions of “missing girls”.

India has complex cultural attitudes to its women. For the large majority of women in India, life
is both tough and uncertain. On one side media require women to tantalize men towards it. On
another side, women’s success stories are not given enough coverage. It is worthwhile to cite
here an instance when Prime Minister Modi gave a backhanded compliment to Bangladesh
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina for being tough on terrorism “despite being a woman”.
Patriarchal attitudes are not changed even though the country had contributed firebrands of
women freedom fighters.

Women in India are apt to be called weaker sex. They rank 140 out of 179 countries in the
Mother’s Index Rank while Chinese women rank 61. This is clear indicator of India’s poor
maternal health.


According to the 2011 census, male literacy rate in India is 82.14% while female literacy rate is
65.46%. This low level of literacy has a negative impact on the lives of women and their
families. Moreover it adversely affects the economic development of the country too.
Numerous studies show that illiterate women have high levels of fertility and mortality, poor
nutritional status, low earning potential, and little autonomy within the household. A woman’s
lack of education also has a negative impact on the health and well being of her children. For
instance, a recent survey in India found that infant mortality was inversely related to mother’s
educational level.

Educating girl child and retaining them in schools strengthens maternal health.

Education provides mental strength and mental toughness. It in turn multiplies the number in
labour force. Education and labour help women to break the shackles of exclusion. It helps them
realize their potential. Actually it is a proven fact that women labour force raises the GDP of a
country. Employed women tend to spend their money on developmental processes as against
employed men.

But the work environment should be productive and harmonious. In India equal pay for equal
work is still a distant dream while safety in the work place is a myth. Gender specific issues are
not yet addressed in the Indian workplaces. Brutal working hours is another problem. In India,
different NGOs and SHGs have proven that women on assuming leadership, become mentor and
guide to other women. Prerna is one such organization working among rural women. In Kerala,
we have the case of Rabiya who made her entire villagers literate despite being confined within a
wheelchair. There are much more examples like Sunitha Krishnan, Sudha Murti etc.
Government shows affirmative discrimination by giving scholarships to girl child in India.

Women have always played a pivotal role in Indian history in the form of Gargi and Maithreyi in
the Vedic Age, Jhansi Rani, Indira Gandhi, Indira Nuyi and many more. But this parade of
women does not relieve us from the greater blow. The size of the women population trampled is
alarmingly high. Indian woman has to redraw her space in a wide canvass of inclusion. She has
to cross many milestones towards achieving that.

Only through mutual understanding and support women can attain this goal. Men should give
her the right to live with dignity and the right to live as a human being. Moreover, they have to
accept that women are indispensable in raising nation’s G.D.P, when they become part of the
workforce. Even this mode of thought has to be changed. Rather than men giving her the right
to live with dignity, women have to win her right. While winning the rights and privileges,
women should not forget her role in the making of a family because only she can transform the
four walled house into a ‘home’ with the tenderness of her love and affection. Thus India can
raise its head among the countries of the world by enhancing the pride of its women.



Good evening. We are going to witness a historic journey of five men in a hot air balloon from
Paris. Here, at the factory of La Villette, operations have started to get Le Horla, the hot air
balloon for the rise. The balloon is lying in the courtyard. Around three hundred people have
gathered here to be witness to this odd kind of travel. The crowd is thrilled and excited and they
express their own doubts and happiness. Some criticize this novel type of balloon with which the
adventurous young men are about to experiment. Now you can see the balloon is being filled
with air through a long tube of yellow cloth. The attendants of Captain Jovis spread the net so as
to distribute the pressure equally at every point. The balloon is attached to a basket. The crew is
getting ready for the travel. They fill the basket with barometers, siren, two trumpets, the
eatables, the overcoats and raincoats and small articles. Lieutenant Mallet is the night watch
man. He jumps aboard and occupies his position between the basket and the balloon. M. Etierine
Beer, M. Paul Bessand, M. Patrice Eyries and M. Guy de Maupassante now get in. Oh the
basket is too heavy for the balloon. M. Eyries is getting out sad. M. Joliet requests the ladies to
stand aside a little not to throw sand on their hats in rising. On his command, Le Horla gets its
liberty with the strike with a knife. Within a second they are flying skyward. This is a hot air
balloon take off which would be recorded in the history of man’s unquenchable thirst for
exploration. Let us wish the exuberant and innovative men all the best. I am Julia De Silva,
reporter, BBC with cameraman Alexander Joseph.

2. “Are women empowered in our society?” Write four arguments in favour of and against of
this topic.


1. So many laws have been formulated to protect women from atrocities like dowry, sex abuse,
domestic violence, denial of education etc.

2. Women are given employment opportunities to make them financially secure.

3. Women are given equal rights to education through Right to Education Act, 2009.

4. In the political front, women are given reservation.


1. Laws are not implemented properly.

2. Instead of the perpetrators of crime, the victims are punished.

3. Though the prenatal testing is punished, the number of female feoticides is on the rise.

4. Inside her home itself woman is discriminated.


II. How do you welcome the tourists? Write the script of the welcome speech.

Dear Tourists,

Welcome to this wonderland of exquisite beauty. I’m sure you shall never regret the choice of
this spot as tourist destination.

This location is famous for its lovely greenery and lush hills and silvery backwaters. Natural
beauty here shall mesmerize you.

Stalls and shops here carry exotic objects which catch your attention and at the same time they
are unique in nature too.

It could be proper if you do not linger long in one place alone. Then you may miss other places
of interest. Do have healthy meals from established restaurants.

It has been nice to see you all over here. Wishing you the pleasantest and nicest experiences that
will cherish your life long.

Thank you.

Character of Hasan

Hasan, the serang is the most memorable character in the story titled ‘Serang of Ranaganji’. A
short and ugly looking man with short legs and a large disproportionate head, Hasan is not at all
a presentable figure. But he is an abode of noble feelings and sentiments. Hasan is always ready
to shoulder any responsibility happily. When small pox spread in the deck, Hasan’s assistance
helped the doctor to tackle the situation in a better way. While nursing the patients, he even
risked his life. He didn’t mind the doctor’s advice. When the doctor told him that the company
must give extra pay for his invaluable service, what Hasan answered was remarkable. He replied
that he was contented with his lot. He was unmistakably sincere and completely detached from
the usual hope of reward. He always hated money. He had courage, self- control and faith. He
disregarded ‘tomorrow’. In a world which forgets values, Hasan becomes the symbol of nobility
and magnanimity.

1.’Money, like vodka can play queer tricks with a man.’ What were the queer tricks?
Ivan Ivanich has a brother named Nicholai. Even when he was working in the exchequer, he
thought of buying a small farm with a gooseberry bush by the bank of a river or a lake. He used
to live meagerly and never had enough to eat and drink. Then he was married to an elderly ugly
widow with the idea of buying a farmhouse with a gooseberry bush. The lady was rich. But
Nicholai still lived stingily, kept her half-starved, and put the money into the bank in his own
name. After the death of his wife, he materialized his dream. The duck-pond in his farmhouse
was coffee-coloured . But Nicholai was least worried about it. He ordered twenty gooseberry-


bushes and settled down to a country life. Hence at this point Ivan feels that money like vodka
play queer tricks with a man.
2. It was hard and sour, but I saw a happy man, one whose dearest dream had come true, who
had attained his goal in life, who had got what he wanted and was pleased with his destiny and
with himself.
a. Who is referred as happy man?
Nicholai Ivanich
b. What was his dream?
His dream was to buy a farmhouse with a gooseberry bush inside it.
c. What does gooseberry symbolize in this story?
In this story, Nicholai was living in a town and working in the Exchequer. Even then his dream
was to buy a farmhouse with a gooseberry bush. He had lived stingily and saved his money to
attain this goal. When his dream came true, even the gooseberries he got from his farm tasted
sweet. It is Nicholai’s happiness which made the gooseberries sweet in taste. Gooseberries at
first taste bitter and later taste sweet. Nicholai at first led a bitter life. But in the old age he
became happy and contented. Gooseberries thus become a symbol of life.
3. I am an old man now and am no good for the struggle. I commenced late. I can only grieve
within my soul, and fret and sulk.
a. What do you mean by fret?
To be worried
b. What do you mean by sulk?
To be angry
c. Who speaks this?
Ivan Ivanich.
d. Comment on this view.
Ivan Ivanich paid a visit to his brother, Nicholai Ivanich’s house. He found there a happy man
whose dearest dream was attained. Nicholai was living in a town and working in the Exchequer.
Even then his dream was to buy a farmhouse with a goose berry bush. He had lived stingily and
saved his money to attain this goal. When his dream came true, even the gooseberries he got
from his farm tasted sweet. It is Nicholai’s happiness which made the gooseberries sweet in
At the same time, Ivan Ivanich was working as a veterinary surgeon. He did not cherish any
dream at all. Now when he sees his brother’s happiness, he feels remorse. He regrets that he has
not achieved anything in life. This regret is meaningless. Age cannot make anyone weak. Even
in old age one can live a fruitful life. There are chances of doing great things in life. Only thing
one wants to achieve this is a healthy mind. An old man can still engage in a work he likes. He
might be not that much strong. But the experience he acquired over the years will help him to
attain his dream. Hence age becomes an added advantage. Age does not matter. Ivan needn’t
grieve for becoming old.
4. Sketch the character of Ivan Ivanich and Nicolai Ivanich.


Ivan Ivanich and Nicolai Ivanich are the brothers in the story Gooseberries. Ivan is the
protagonist while Nicolai figures in the story with in the story narrated by Ivan.
Though brothers, both of them are poles apart. Ivan and Nicholai lived in countryside after the
death of their father. Both of them enjoyed their lives in the country. But only Nicholai is drawn
to the country. He pined away in the Exchequer. He thought of one thing, how to get back to the
country, and to buy a small farm somewhere by the bank of a river or a lake. With this dream, he
used to live meagerly and never had enough to eat and drink, dressed like a beggar and always
saved and put his money into the bank. With the same idea of buying a farmhouse with a
gooseberry bush, he married an elderly, ugly widow, not out of any feeling for her, but because
she had money. With her he still lived stingily, kept her half starved, and put the money into the
bank in his own name. After her death he materialized his dream. He bought three hundred
acres with a farmhouse, a cottage, and a park. Then he ordered twenty gooseberry-bushes and
settled down to a country life.
On the other hand, Ivan lived a contented life with his profession as a veterinary surgeon. He did
not cherish any dream. He was leisurely enjoying his holidays. He was lavish unlike Nicholai.
He never sympathized with his brother’s desire. But when he realized that his brother could
materialize his dream and enjoy his life in his old age, Ivan became jealous. Till then Ivan
thought that life is an alloy of happiness and sadness. Now that Ivan found a completely
satisfied man. That makes him remorseful. He is now sorry that he has become old and he can
no longer work for a dream. Thus Ivan presents himself as selfish and jealous man, while
Nicholai appears as a man who is steadfast in his goal.

Critical appreciation of ‘If’

A versatile poet, novelist and short story writer, Rudyard Kipling was first English poet to
receive Nobel prize for literature. ‘If’ is Kipling’s most beloved poem and along with White
Man’s Burden his most famous. The poem is addressed to the poet’s son John, while it was
inspired by his friend, Leander Starr Jameson, the Scots born colonial politician who led the
expedition towards Second Boer War. The poem is called ‘If’ because the poet presents a series
of situations and the desired behaviour one would accept in these situations. Then only he shall
become a perfect and ideal man.

If’ consists of a multitude of characteristics essential to the ideal man. They almost all express
classic British stoicism and reserve – the stiff upper lip. A man must be humble, rational,
persevering, dependable. They must be truthful and patient. The old fashioned virtues of
fortitude, responsibilities and resolution are articulated in the poem.


The poem is called ‘If’ because the poet presents a series of situations and the desired behaviour
one would accept in these situations.


If you are strong enough and if you can take responsibility for your actions and choices bravely
when all around you lose their strength and find fault with you.

And if you believe in yourself when all others mistrust you. Do not blame them for their blames
upon you. Others’ doubts do not matter if you are right and convinced. If you are patient enough
and if you don’t lose your temper. Wait with patience for the fruit of your labour. Sometimes
victory may be around the corner. Others may tell lies about you. You shouldn’t engage in
telling lies. You may be hated by many around you, but don’t let hatred conquer your heart. But
you shouldn’t appear so good and don’t talk with too much wisdom.

People don’t like too much self righteous persons. Dreams are good and chase the dreams. But
don’t let the dreams cloud your reason. They should be put into action. Think, but those thoughts
also should be translated into action. Thoughts and dreams can not make things happen. Success
and failures are common in life. You should treat them equally. Tolerate what those dishonest
men do with your words to trap other fools. Your words may be used for evils. Sometimes you
may see your

life fallen and broken. But don’t lose your heart. Bend and get those lost and broken things to
build up your life from ashes once more. Great successes come after great disappointments. If
you lose whatever you have earned, even then take risks in life. You need to work from the
beginnings sometimes. But don’t speak about your loss to anyone. A man must be able to risk

his achievements while aiming towards bigger goals. You must use your mental and physical
strength for the further course of action with renewed strength, courage and determination

Despite all the losses and disappointments, you should have the will or strong determination to
hold your spirits high

Even when you have nothing, gather courage to have a fresh start. It is better if you have the will
to proceed. Let that spirit of determination stay in you and hold you to build up your life Be a
man who fits well with All the sections of society. Mingle with common crowd. But never lose
your individuality. Be virtuous while interacting with common man. Be in touch with them when
you interact with men of high rank. Remain unaffected by friends and enemies. Foes can reduce
your confidence and friends can make you overconfident. Let all men consider you but you
should be least affected by others’ attitudes towards you. If you value everyone equally, not
giving special importance to a particular person.

Time if wasted will never forgive you. Fill every minute with meaning. If you heed these pieces
of advice then you can conquer this earth and everything upon it. You will be a PERFECT man.



The advent of the World Wide Web brought about a revolutionary change in the dissemination
of information. A cultural transformation from the printed space to the cyber space took place.
It redefined the spatial dimensions of our universe.

There has not been any objection to the use of cyberspace among those who have enjoyed the
varied benefits of cyberspace. But there has not been any objection to its misuse because of the
havoc it creates in modern world. Especially because the misuse of cyberspace has added one
more category to the world of crimes, that is cybercrimes.

The merits of cyberspace use are many and varied. Firstly, there is the information explosion
which helps us with the click of a mouse. The search engines are myriad in number and it serves
the purpose. We can download anything from legal texts and lists of great new restaurants to
game software or interesting presentations.

Secondly, the entertainment services make our home itself a space for leisure and enjoyment.
Cyberspace caters to the needs of all irrespective of age and gender.

Thirdly, within a spark of the second, communication is possible through emails and other
services. Messages and details can be speedily attached and sent.

Fourthly, there is scope for creating groups of real communities like Whatsapp, Facebook etc.
People in these groups can engage in communication, discussions and debates.

But all these can create problems if cyberspace is misused. Firstly, the freedom to download
texts and other things itself is misused most of the times. Unwanted or illegal texts are also
downloaded by some individuals.

Secondly, the entertainment services make people addicts to cyberspace. People may watch porn
sites. Small children may also become addicts to porn sites or games.

Thirdly, the communication services reduced distance between two persons staying at two ends
of the world. But nowadays these services have widened the distance between the minds.

Fourthly, the decibel level is high sometimes in the communities created with the help of
cyberspace. Rude participants may make a revolution possible with the heated discussions.


To sum up, it can be stated that since our society needs growing up and since there are no perfect
answers and solutions there is space for individual choice and individual responsibility. As far as
cyberspace is concerned the user himself has to impose his moral rules.

II. Technology making society alive/Benefits of technology in enhancing social interaction

We are living in a world of technological revolution. Technology has raised our living standards
and facilitated our transportation modes and so on. Moreover, the world has witnessed great
explosion in communication. This revolution in communication has brought its own advantages
and disadvantages.

Firstly, technology makes communication faster. It reduced the distance between the individuals
staying at two ends of the world. Within the click of the mouse or with a ring of the phone
messages can be immediately passed.

Secondly, technology affords diverse formats of interaction. This include mobile phones, emails,
fax,facebook, whatsapp etc. This gives enough scope for discussions and debates also.

Thirdly, technology provides entertainment services even inside our homes. We can watch
movies and play games in door and be happy and merry without the strain of going out.

Fourthly, technology helps group interactions possible through methods like teleconferencing,
Whatsapp, Facebook etc.

Fifthly, technology helps to communicate seeing the face even we are miles apart. The services
like scype make it possible.

Lastly, technology takes away the tedium and boredom of idling away the time. It can make
leisure time lively and productive with fun and information.

But all these can create problems if these possibilities are misused. The entertainment services
make people addicts to these technologies. Social networking sites like Whatsapp and Facebook
take a lot of time. The participants are forced to watch the same video or audio clippings. The
photographs pasted may be morphed and misused. Personal details can be used for fraud.
Another problem is the porn sites. People may watch porn sites. Small children may also
become addicts to porn sites or games. Since the entertainment services are provided inside the
homes, most of the times visitors are unwelcome. Mingling among the people is minimized thus.
Though the communication services reduced distance between two persons staying at two ends
of the world, these services have widened the distance between the minds. The possibility of
seeing through the computer monitor takes away the emotional attachment of the physical
presence among the dear and near. Due to this possibility the children who are far away tend to
stay where they are for a long period. The decibel level is high sometimes in the communities
created with the help of cyberspace. Rude participants may make a revolution possible with the


heated discussions. Engaging in discussions and debates through these services may take much
of the precious time which could otherwise be productive.

To sum up, it can be stated that since our society needs growing up and since there are no perfect
answers and solutions there is space for individual choice and individual responsibility. As far as
technological revolution is concerned the user himself has to impose his moral rules and to abide
by the social etiquettes.

III. Technology for differently abled.

Differently abled children are integral part of our society.

Every person is unique. Everyone is born with wings. Each one has his own talents, potential
and abilities. These talents and abilities need to be realized and exploited to the benefit of the
society. Hence the abilities of differently abled children also should be tapped. That is why
inclusive education is introduced.

Science has developed tremendously. Each day new scientific experiments are carried out. World
gets new instruments and gadgets every day. Advanced technology should be utilized to cater to
the needs of differently abled children.

Computers can extend a helping hand to ease their tasks. Gadgets can be fixed to the wheelchair
of those children who cannot move. Modern recorders can be provided to those who fail in
vision. Sophisticated equipment can be given to facilitate learning process. Technology can be
harnessed to develop new games for entertaining differently abled children.

Differently abled children also have their own rights. Society is accountable if their rights are
denied. The privileges enjoyed by other children should be extended to differently abled
children also. These days when all the classrooms are turned into smart rooms with overhead
projectors, laptop, T.V and recorders, differently abled children also should be offered with
advanced facilities. They also should enjoy the fruits of technology.

IV. Character of Greta’s father

Greta’s father is an epitome of affection and compassion. He has better understood his child. He
is caring and considerate. When he reminded Greta of artichokes, she feels ashamed. At that
time, he feels regretted for having reminded her of artichokes. This shows his sympathetic
understanding of his physically challenged child. When the story ends, we can see him brooding
over the future of Greta. We can feel the deep pain in his heart. He hoped that the future home
of Greta contains an orchard with whatever Greta desired. This shows his immense love for his

Application Letter and C.V.



Subject Job application for ______


With reference to your advertisement dated ____ in _____ daily, I would like to apply for the
post of _____.

I am ______ with excellent communication skills and brilliant academic background. I assure
that I shall discharge my duties in the capacity of this post to the best of my capacities. I request
that I may be considered for the same.

Yours faithfully,





Age and Date of Birth:


Name of Parents and Occupation:






I declare that the details given above are true to the best of my knowledge.

Place Signature



1.After reading the story His First Flight you became inspired to become highly successful in
life. That night you write your diary. What would be that diary entry?


Oh! What a good day. At school read the story of a young seagull. He was too diffident to
recognize the power of his wings. If and only if he could make an attempt he could have joined
his brothers and sister earlier. Now I realize that I too act like the same seagull. I also have
wings. But I don’t understand the lot of power and potential in me. Instead I sit idle in my own
comfort zone. If I am going like this my life would never become successful. Moreover, my life
would end in a disastrous failure. No…. I am not going to be like this. Surely I will fly. My aim
is the top of the mountains. My dreams are sky high. Who I am is enough. With these unique
qualities in me I will conquer this world and become the most successful man in this world.

2. After reading the story you are inspired to write a letter to your close friend. What would be
the letter?

Dear friend,

How are you? Hope you are well. Here my family and me are well. How is your school? Are
you enjoying there?

Now I have something special to write to you. I read the story ‘His First Flight’ by Liam
O’Flaherty. It was about a seagull which was afraid to fly. His family provoked and tempted
him in many ways to react. Finally he was forced to fly.

After reading the story I felt that we are more or less like this seagull. We have wings. But we
think we are incapable and we are not utilizing it. Shan’t we use our potential to its fullest?
Surely we can. Shan’t we swear that we shall be the best in the world in our own unique way?
Of course, we have the power in us. Let us do it.

Nothing more to pen. Give my love to all at home.

Yours lovingly,





3. “Only his mother was looking at him”. What does this tell of mother’s character?

The young seagull’s mother was deeply concerned about him. But at the same time, his father
and brothers and sister were doing their works. For any child, its mother had deeper and more
serious concern about it. Here also even if it is a bird, the seagull’s mother was more attached
towards him.


4. ‘He waited a moment in surprise, wondering why she did not come nearer, and then maddened
by hunger, he dived at the fish.’

a. What does this tell about young seagull’s character?

The young seagull is lazy. He wanted to have food without working. Moreover, he
was diffident to fly. He didn’t think that he could fly. He had fears and inhibitions.
b. Do you think that the mother is resourceful? Why?
The young seagull’s mother is much resourceful. She resorted to all means to put him
into action. At first, she threatened. Then she teased. Now she tempted him with a
piece of food. She knew that the sight of the food would make him act.
c. What is the technique she used?
The mother was using the technique of temptation.
d. Necessity is the mother of invention. Substantiate this proverb in this instance.
Innovative actions are carried out when there is a need. Sometimes circumstances
and situations trigger these actions. In this instance, the young seagull is filled with
fears and inhibitions. He was not sure of himself. He thought that he could not fly.
He had wings. But he didn’t have the belief in his wings. His parents tried hard to
put him into action. They threatened him to starve till death; they teased him; they
tried to elicit his envy by appreciating the elder ones. At last, his mother resorted to
temptation. She knew that he was hungry. And her insight told her that he would
respond at the sight of food. Truly, the sight of food maddened him because he was
already hungry. The food was almost within his reach. He thought he had to only
dive for the fish. But the next moment he found himself above the water.
Unknowingly his innate instinct for flight was awakened. He found his wings spread
and he was soaring upwards. Thus the situation of getting food within his immediate
reach forced him to try for it. Need for food becomes the necessity here and
invention is his newfound knowledge of flight. Thus necessity becomes the mother of
invention here.

5. Which of the following is the theme of this story?

a. Teaching how to fly

b. Creates a need to fly
c. Importance of facing challenges courageously
d. Importance of independence and self confidence
Ans. c

6. The story His first Flight belongs to _________ category of stories.

a. Folktale
b. Fiction
c. Fable


d. Myth

Ans: a

7. The word used for ‘stopped’.

Ans: halted

8. The story His First Flight aims at inculcating the readers with the importance of building self-
confidence and self-reliance. Establish the statement quoting instances/events from the story.

Success is the outcome of self confidence, self esteem and self reliance. Everyone is born into
earth after a great fight for survival. This shows that he is capable for a flight. Everybody is
born with some innate potential. Each one is blessed with some special talents and abilities.
Thus everyone is unique. This unique quality will help each one to make a mark of one’s own in
this world. But the manifestation of these qualities needs self confidence, self esteem and self
reliance. Each and everyone are gifted with wings. But one has to shed one’s fears and
inhibitions towards the successful utilization of abilities. One has to be sure of oneself. The
young seagull’s story teaches us all these lessons.

The little one is blessed with the shortest wings. But he did not realize the ability of his wings.
He was filled with fears and inhibitions. He was not sure of himself. His brothers and sister had
already flown away. They were mastering the art of flight under the tutelage of his parents. The
young seagull felt that his wings could not support him. He flapped his wings and tried to fly.
But the vast expanse of the sea made him afraid to fly. He wanted to reach his family without
having to fly. At this point his family’s attempt was to build self confidence and self esteem in
him. They also tried to impart him the lesson of self reliance.

His parents tried hard to put him into action. They threatened him to starve till death; they
teased him; they tried to elicit his envy by appreciating the elder ones. At last, his mother
resorted to temptation. She knew that he was hungry. And her insight told her that he would
respond at the sight of food. Truly, the sight of food maddened him because he was already
hungry. The food was almost within his reach. He thought he had to only dive for the fish. But
the next moment he found himself above the water. Unknowingly his innate instinct for flight
was awakened. He found his wings spread and he was soaring upwards. Thus the situation of
getting food within his immediate reach forced him to try for it. Finally, the young seagull
acquired enough self confidence. He learnt to be self reliant. He soon enjoyed a happy living.

One can attain success and happiness with self confidence and self reliance. The young seagull
becomes a perfect example for this moral.

9. The mother bird is

• Responsible


• Caring
• Loving

Add three more qualities of her. Then sketch the character of the mother.

The mother seagull is resourceful, considerate, motivating, inspiring and intelligent. The mother
seagull is the most interesting character in the story His First Flight. She is the embodiment of
motherly love and care. She was considerate to the core. She takes care of the elder ones
already with him. At the same time, she considers the youngest one who has not still joined
them. She felt responsible to put the young seagull into action. Only she was looking at him
while others in the family were engaged in other actions. She was deeply concerned about him.
For any child, its mother had deeper and more serious concern about it. Here also even if it is a
bird, the seagull’s mother was more attached towards him. The means through which she put him
into action shows her resourcefulness and intelligence. Her deep insight told her that he would
respond at the sight of food. So she went towards him with a piece of fish. Truly, the sight of
food maddened him because he was already hungry. The food was almost within his reach. He
thought he had only to dive for the fish. But the next moment when he dived at the fish, she had
swooped past him. He found himself above the water. Unknowingly his innate instinct for flight
was awakened. He found his wings spread and he was soaring upwards. Thus the mother proves
herself to be motivating and inspiring.

The mother seagull becomes the epitome of care, concern, love, responsibility, resourcefulness
and intelligence.

10. Read the story and answer the following questions.

1. Which word in the first paragraph means wide?

2. Find a sentence in the second paragraph which shows that the young seagull was a
But for the life of him he could not move.
3. ‘He even gnawed at the dried piece of eggshell.’ Why did he do so?
He wanted to elicit sympathy from his parents so that they would bring him fish or
they would carry him towards the other end.
4. Pick out instances from the story for the following qualities of the mother bird.
a. Caring
b. Responsible
c. Motivating
5. Gawl-ool-ah’, she screamed back mockingly. What would have the mother said? Do
you agree to the attitude of the mother? Why?
The mother would have asked him to make his own attempt at flying. Yes, the
mother’s attitude was proper. If she had helped him, he would never have learnt the


lesson of flying. Actually the young seagull was not unable to fly. In fact, he had
shorter wings. But he had fears and inhibitions. He was not sure of himself. Hence
he needed only an awareness of his abilities. The mother’s attempt was to build his
self confidence.
6. What did the mother bird do to tempt the young bird into flying?
The deep insight of the mother bird told her that the young seagull would respond at
the sight of food. So she went towards him with a piece of fish. Truly, the sight of
food maddened him because he was already hungry. The food was almost within his
reach. He thought he had only to dive for the fish. But the next moment when he
dived at the fish, she had swooped past him. He found himself above the water.
Unknowingly his innate instinct for flight was awakened. He found his wings spread
and he was soaring upwards. Thus the mother motivated and inspired the young one
into action.

1. The following diagram shows the development of the various plots in the story ‘His First
Flight’. Quote relevant events/instances from the story to establish each stage. One has
been done for you.
Issue : _Courage to face challenges in life.
Adverse circumstances/
Obstacles : The young bird did not have confidence to fly into the sea.
: He had no food to eat.
: His family left him and they were enjoying in the sea.
: Even his mother did not come with some food for him.
: He could see only the sky above and the sea beneath him.
:The cliff was getting hot, as the sun was ascending the sky.
Temptation : The sight of food
Reaction : He dived at the fish. He found himself into the space.
Effect/Result :The young seagull became aware of his ability to fly. He
started flying in the sky and he learnt to float on water.
11. Discuss the role of family in the life of young ones citing instances from the story,
His First Flight
The young seagull is blessed with the shortest wings. But he did not realize the ability of
his wings. He was filled with fears and inhibitions. He was not sure of himself. His
brothers and sister had already flown away. They were mastering the art of flight under
the tutelage of his parents. The young seagull felt that his wings could not support him.
He flapped his wings and tried to fly. But the vast expanse of the sea made him afraid to
fly. He wanted to reach his family without having to fly. At this point his family’s
attempt was to build self confidence and self esteem in him. They also tried to impart
him the lesson of self reliance.


His parents tried hard to put him into action. They threatened him to starve till death;
they teased him; they tried to elicit his envy by appreciating the elder ones. At last, his
mother resorted to temptation. She knew that he was hungry. And her insight told her
that he would respond at the sight of food. Truly, the sight of food maddened him
because he was already hungry. The food was almost within his reach. He thought he
had only to dive for the fish. But the next moment he found himself above the water.
Unknowingly his innate instinct for flight was awakened. He found his wings spread and
he was soaring upwards. Thus the situation of getting food within his immediate reach
forced him to try for it. Finally, the young seagull acquired enough self confidence. He
learnt to be self reliant. He soon enjoyed a happy living.
The role of the family is indispensable in teaching the young ones the need for self
confidence, self esteem and self reliance.


Make a note on the passage And Then Gandhi Came

The condition of India was uncertain with humiliation, helplessness, hopelessness and anger.
Gandhiji’s arrival saw political freedom taking a new shape. He removed the black pall of fear
and upset the working of people’s minds. He spoke the language of the millions of Indians and
exhorted against exploitation.
His teachings were fearlessness and truth. He created in Indians a desire to submit no longer and
a feeling of shame. His methods were psycho analytical. His action was two-fold: challenging
and resisting foreign rule and fighting against social evils like minority problem, respect to titles,
desire for pomp and splendor. According to Gandhiji’s wishes and ideas India is to be moulded
in which even the poorest shall feel that it is their country and all communities shall live in
perfect harmony. Untouchability and intoxicating drinks and drunks are forbidden there.
Gandhiji was filled with self confidence and an unusual kind of power. He was a vital
personality who attracted masses.


House No. 7


The Editor
The Hindu Daily

Sub: Presentation of women’s issues reg:-
I would like to express my strong resent over the presentation of women’s issues in media.


Atrocities against women are on the rise nowadays. Each and every day we wake up to hear the
frightening news of rapes, murders and crimes upon women. It seems media do not give due
importance to reveal the story. The presentation finally takes away the honour of women. The
columns and editorial notes do not give adequate coverage to create awareness on this issue.
I strongly believe that as an advocate of public opinion media can perform this mammoth task by
detailing the women’s issues. I request that more of this paper’s pages may be reserved to
present these issues so that general public may get the first-hand knowledge.
Yours sincerely,


1. What is the summary of the poem ‘Death the Leveller’?

‘Death the Leveller’ by James Shirley is a powerful poem which declares that death is a great
democrat. Shirley says that for death, the rich and the poor are alike. Death doesn’t consider the
rank, status or power of its victim.

The poem has three stanzas. In the first stanza the poet says that glories based on birth and status
are insignificant. We have no defense against death. Death equalizes the status of a king and a
poor farmer.

The second stanza elaborates the idea that the earthly victories are of no importance. Many war
heroes have reaped the lives of men with their swords. Man enjoys defeating his fellow beings.
But one day the victorious also will be defeated by death. Shirley reminds the reader that all
men will be captivated by death.

In the third and final stanza, the poet continues his reflections upon the futility of earthly glories.
Death would not spare the victor or the victim. The destiny of a man will end up in a tomb. The
only thing that will remain is our good deed. Even after our death, the fragrance of our good
deeds will remain.

2. Write a short paragraph on the poetic devices employed by James Shirley in the poem ‘Death
the Leveller’

‘Death the Leveller’ is a simple poem which depicts the poet’s reflections on death. It consists of
three stanzas and each stanza contains eight lines. The language is simple. The poem is rhythmic
and the rhyme scheme is A-B-A-B-C-C-D-D. The last four lines in each stanza are rhyming
couplets. It may be noted that the rhythm is in tune with the theme. The first four lines in a stanza
describe and the last four lines summarize the theme. The whole poem is built around the
metaphor of death. The actions of the just blossoming into sweet smelling flowers, is another
metaphor in the poem. Yet another metaphor can be seen in the line ‘glories of or blood and state
/ are shadows’. Death is also personified as a great equalizer. It also becomes a symbol.


Symbolism is also used by referring to the ‘sceptre and crown’ and ‘scythe and spade to
represent power and the oppressed respectively. These images are also examples of metonymy.
Imagery is used abundantly to enforce the theme. Oxymoron is another figure of speech used by
the poet ( early or late and Victor-victim).

3. What is the message of the poem?

The poem gives the message that our glories are not real. Death, the leveler equalizes all men. In
this sense death is a great democrat. Nobody can escape death, not even the kings and the
mighty lords. What lasts forever on earth are the good deeds of men who are just. Impermanence
of beauty, power, value and glory are contrasted with permanence of good deeds. Everything
other than the good deeds is reduced to death.

4. Explain the following lines

A, ‘The glories of our………not substantial things.

The poet says that the victories and power we gain through our birth and status in society
are not real, they are mere shadows.
b. ‘”There is no armour against fate”
We cannot avoid death. Nothing can protect us from death.
c. “Sceptre and crown………scythe and spade
Death equalizes the mighty kings and the poor common men. For death, powerful kings
and poor peasants are equal.
d. “Some men with sword………..where they kill”
The great warriors kill people at the battlefield and in return they earn laurels.
e. “Upon death’s purple alter…..victor-victim bleeds “
Death is inevitable. Both the victor and the victim face death alike.
f. “Only the actions of the just……blossom in their dust”
The only everlasting thing on earth is the good deed done by just men. Everything else
turns into dust after death.

Critical appreciation of SUNRISE ON THE HILLS

H.W. Longfellow the great American poet has dealt with simple themes in an elevated style.
The poem Sunrise on the Hills is a true product of American romanticism. The poet becomes a
traveler with an unquenchable thirst to seek beauty, knowledge and experience. He stands upon
the hills where he is enchanted by the mesmerizing charm of nature. Then he waxes eloquent on
her beauty.

Being enwrapped with emotions, the poet expounds his philosophy of life. All his senses are
touched by nature in all its elegance and eloquence. In the end he moves to the spiritual
realization that nature heals every worry. His message is clear to this world which is vying
among one another to exploit nature. His cry is for a return to the lap of nature.


The mood of the poem is optimistic with its tone solemn and sublime. All the descriptions are
vivid and picturesque.

The scene of a sunrise seen from hills is sweetly described through abundant use of symbols and
figurative language. The most beautiful among these figurative expressions is the metaphors
used while comparing sun to a gallant knight and nature to his sweetheart and princess. Sun is
described as a knight in arms returning victorious after a long battle, the reason why he is not
visible during the night. Horizon becomes glorious in his presence and now his retreat is to seek
the arms of his ‘sweetheart’ nature. This impending union makes every being romantic. Soft
gales also visit the valleys dressed with sunrays and kiss them. Here the gales and vales are

True to his romantic spirit, the poet draws parallels from battle. Clouds belong to the forces of
enemy. They are overpowered by the lances of mountaintops thrown by sun. Clouds though
gathered thus get scattered. Clouds and pinnacle are compared to rival force and lances. These
are the other instances of metaphors.

‘Veil of clouds’ is yet another metaphor which contributes to much of the beauty of description.
Sun the lover lifts the veil of his sweetheart, nature displaying her charm in the form of valleys
and cascades. Nature blushes at the touch of the first rays of her lover. The metaphor here
becomes lovely. Blue lakes become nature’s pair of blue eyes and woods bending become her
eyelashes. Nature smiles and her smile is contagious. The background score for the union of Sun
with Nature is provided by the music of birds and cascades.

The first stanza of the poem abounds with visual imagery while the second stanza with auditory
imagery. Spiralling bittern gives kinesthetic image too.

All these images bring in the themes of love, adventure and battle as in all romantic poems.

Apart from the figures of speech the poet uses certain sound devices to convey the theme more
effectively. ‘Mist thrust’ is an instance of alliteration where a cluster of consonant sounds is
repeated. The rhyme scheme makes the poem more enjoyable.

Longfellow has given a strong message with the help of forceful imagery and symbols. The
dexterous use of sound devices and other poetic techniques makes the theme distinct. Nature is
the soothing balm for all our sorrows. Our tears can never reduce the sweetness of nature. In
turn nature’s sweetness can dim our worries.

The poem is reminiscent of William Wordsworth’s lines in Daffodils,

For oft when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood


They flash upon that inward eye

Which is the bliss of solitude

And then my heart with pleasure fills

And dances with the daffodils

‘Sunrise on the Hills’ bears eloquent testimony to H.W. Longfellow’s poetic spirit and romantic
imagination. The poem emerges as a celebration of glory of nature.

The message of the poem, Sunrise on the Hills

The poem ‘Sunrise on the Hills’ by H.W. Longfellow is a celebration of glory of nature. The
poet has given a strong message with the help of forceful imagery and symbols. Nature is the
soothing balm for all our sorrows. Our tears can never reduce the sweetness of nature. In turn
nature’s sweetness can dim our worries. Nature has the healing power. The poet advocates a
return to the lap of nature. Nature gifts us with sublime thoughts.

The Price of Flowers

1. Why did Maggie ask Mr Gupta whether he was a vegetarian?

Maggie heard that Yogis are vegetarians. She wanted to confirm whether Mr Gupta was a Yogi.
If Mr Gupta were a Yogi she could ask him to look into the crystal given by an Indian Yogi and
to tell whether her brother was alive or not. Maggie and her mother were depressed because they
had not known about him for a long time
2. “I do not know what you will think of the request I am going to make”. What was the request
Maggie made to Gupta?
Maggie and her mother had not known about Frank for a long time. Her mother became
bedridden because of her anxiety about her soldier son Frank in India. She believed that Mr
Gupta could gaze into the crystal given by the Indian Yogi and tell about the whereabouts of
Frank. Maggie believed that Mr Gupta never tells a lie because he is a Hindu. So she requested
him to tell the lie that Frank was alive and fine after gazing into the crystal and thus to save her
mother’s life.
3. “I have done my sinful things. So I decided to do this”. What is the meaning of ‘sinful’?
What did Mr Gupta decide to do?
‘Sinful’ means wrong.
Maggie believed that Mr Gupta never tells a lie because he is a Hindu. So she requested him to
tell the lie that Frank was alive and fine after gazing into the crystal and thus to save her
mother’s life. Mr Gupta decided to tell the lie.
4. ‘Her head dropped back. Tears of happiness welled from her eyes. She whispered faintly.
‘God bless you! God bless you!
Whose head dropped back?
Maggie’s mother’s.
What is the meaning of ‘faintly’?
Whom does she bless? Why?


Mr Gupta. Maggie and her mother had not known about Frank for a long time. Her mother
became bedridden because of her anxiety about her soldier son Frank in India. She believed that
Mr Gupta could gaze into the crystal given by the Indian Yogi and tell about the whereabouts of
Frank. She wanted Maggie to invite Mr Gupta for crystal gazing. Thus Mr Gupta went to
Maggie’s house and gazed into the crystal. He didn’t know anything. Maggie requested him to
tell the lie that Frank was alive and thus to save her mother’s life. He told the lie that Frank was
alive. Hearing this Maggie’s mother became happy and blessed him.
5. ‘The joy of doing this was beyond all price. The grief in her heart would be eased a little’.
What does this imply?
Maggie gave Mr Gupta a shilling to buy flowers and to lay on her brother’s grave in India. In
India flowers are plenty. They need not be bought. Moreover the girl had earned the shilling
with much hard work. But Mr Gupta realized that this simple gift of love is priceless. She
would not be deprived of the joy of giving it. It is the price of her love and sacrifice. So Mr
Gupta took the shilling.
6. What is the significance of the title ‘Price of Flowers’?
Maggie gave Mr Gupta a shilling to buy flowers and to lay on her brother’s grave in India. In
India flowers are plenty. They need not be bought. Moreover the girl had earned the shilling
with much hard work. But Mr Gupta realized that this simple gift of love is priceless. She
would not be deprived of the joy of giving it. It is the price of her love and sacrifice. So Mr
Gupta took the shilling. It is only a shilling. But it has the value of love, affection, care, concern
a sister cherishes for a brother. Hence the title ‘Price of Flowers’ is apt and appropriate.
7. Sketch the character of Maggie.
The thirteen year old Maggie is the protagonist in the story ‘The Price of Flowers’. She hails
from a poor family. She worked in a shop and earned a small amount with which she supported
her widowed mother. She was a responsible daughter. She presents a sad and anxious figure
with large eyes. However, her clothes betrayed her poverty. She was ambitious and she nurses
the dream of becoming a secretary. She was hard working and she was hopeful about a bright
future. She says that when she becomes a secretary, she will take her mother away. This shows
that she is loving and caring. When her mother became ill, she took care of her mother with
deep concern. She invited Mr Gupta and requested him to tell a lie regarding her brother in order
to save her mother’s life. She was considerate to the core. Her behaviour towards Mr Gupta tells
us that she is polite and refined in her manners. She gave Mr Gupta a shilling to buy flowers and
to lay them on her brother’s grave. It was the hard earned money she parted. Even this single
incident indicates that Maggie is the embodiment of love, affection, care and concern. Beyond
any doubt her character puts a deep imprint in the minds of any reader.
8. What is brain work? What kind of profession do you like? Prepare a write up.
Maggie wanted a work which helps her make use of her mental ability. Now she works as an
unskilled worker. Actually Maggie is a young efficient and smart girl. She has got the talent to
do a work which needs intelligence. Unfortunately she is placed in such a condition.
Like Maggie I also like to get a job which needs mental ability. Such a job only gives happiness.
I would like to become a teacher. A teacher’s brain works and he or she can make others’ brain
9. Write the letter Mr Gupta writes to Maggie after visiting Franc’s grave.
Dear Maggie,
How are you? Hope you and your mother are fine.


Last week, I visited _______. It was filled with _____. When I stood there I felt like talking
with Franc. It seems that he was telling me that you and mother should not be unhappy even for
a while. He told me he was happy after all.
Maggie, I would like you to be more courageous and win the life battle. In the end you can
fulfill your dreams. Franc will be happy in the other world.
Yours lovingly,
Travel essay

Travel is an eye opener. It provides new, refreshing experiences before us and often helps us to
change our vision and outlook towards life. As the Greek hero Ulysses speaks, going beyond the
horizons helps ‘to strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.’

I like travel and I never miss an opportunity whenever I get a chance to travel. Hence when I
heard a tour is being arranged to (place) I immediately seized the chance.

To see rivers, flowers, birds make one happy. So is it with –(place)---------.

It was a tour from our school. We departed from (school or house) in a tourist bus at 8 a.m. The
journey was all the more jovial with lot of fun, songs and games.
On our way we stopped at (place) for lunch. ------ is known for its -------. We enjoyed
sightseeing and shopping there. At night we stayed at KTDC Hostel.
Next day we left for –(place)-----. It was very beautiful. It was a thrilling experience. We
visited (place). It was highly informative.
It was for the first time I have seen these places. I enjoyed all the sights. In the evening we had
boating. It was a nice experience. At night we returned to our home.
This trip gave me a chance for an admiration of natural beauty, love for adventure and
exploration of new cultures, customs and traditions.
Even now the memories of this travel are fresh in my mind. I liked the trip. I would like to go
once more.


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