SITXHRM010 - Recruitment Selection and Induction Policy and Procedures.v1.0

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Recruitment, Selection and Induction

Policy and Procedures – Blue Healer


The Blue Healer Spa aims to recruit and select the best possible candidates in a timely and cost-
effective manner. This contributes to the Resort’s strategic aims and helps to ensure continuous
improvement in standards and capability. The Recruitment, Selection and Induction Policy and
Procedures provides a framework and structure for all employees engaged in the recruitment and
selection process.

The Blue Healer Spa adheres to the following legislation:

 Racial Discrimination Act 1975

 Sexual Discrimination Act 1984

 Disability Discrimination Act 1992

 Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986

 The Age Discrimination Act 2004.

 Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999

The Enterprise Agreement covers the following policies and procedures:

The initial period of probation will normally be two months. However, a shorter period may be set
having regard to the nature of the position and any other factors that the resort considers relevant,
including previous service at the spa.

Classification, salary and allowances

Award wages, allowances and conditions are paid to all Blue Healer Spa employees.
Remuneration packages are dependent on qualifications, experience and position undertaking.

Hours of work
The ordinary week of full-time work for employed is 37.5 hours.

Southern Academy of Business and Technology | Level 2,95 Bathurst Street Sydney NSW 2000
RTO Code: 31595 | CRICOS Code: 03602E | Phone: 1300 852 205 (Australia) | +61 02 8031 7727 (Overseas)
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Public Holidays and leave
The following are paid leave entitlements:
Public Holidays and annual leave loading, personal leave, long-service leave, parental leave,
indigenous staff cultural and ceremonial leave, jury service, defence forces training leave, emergency
services leave, special leave, leave without pay, witness leave and career development leave.

The following guidelines will help you to implement a consistent method of recruitment and encourage
applications from the widest possible pool.
The approval of a majority of the Management Team is required to approve of new positions.
These are some best practice guidelines for developing selection criteria, advertising, short listing,
application forms, testing, interviewing, referee reports, making the decision, and medical
examinations for recruiting and selecting the most appropriate person for the job.
All documents generated during the recruitment process should be filed in a logical structure. There
should be an overall folder, as well as sub folders if necessary.

Position Description
 Plan and establish the position. If the position already exists, ensure job specification is up-to-
date and consistent with requirements of the job.

 Amend or create a job description.

 Formulate selection criteria, which are consistent with the job specifications: (i.e., only includes
skills, experiences, etc. that are required on a regular basis to carry out the duties of the

 Distinguish between essential criteria (those that the person must satisfy to be able to do the job)
and desirable criteria (those that will help to do the job).

 Assess whether formal qualifications (academic, trade, etc.) are essential to the performance of
the job.

 Ensure length of experience, age required, etc. are essential and justifiable, for performance of
the job and not set arbitrarily or based on stereotypes.

 Ensure there are no unnecessarily restrictive English language qualifications on jobs that do not
require them.

 Be specific. For instance, does ‘communications skills’ refer to talking on the phone to
customers, writing reports for management, instructing technical operators, inter-cultural skills or

 Determine how criteria will be assessed: interview, referees’ report, work record, testing, etc.

 Refer to Enterprise Agreement that will govern working conditions.


Southern Academy of Business and Technology | Level 2,95 Bathurst Street Sydney NSW 2000
RTO Code: 31595 | CRICOS Code: 03602E | Phone: 1300 852 205 (Australia) | +61 02 8031 7727 (Overseas)
Version : 1.0 Website: Email: Page 2 of 6
 New positions to be advertised internally and externally.

 Ensure the information in the advertisement matches the selection criteria.

 Do not use stereotyped or discriminatory language or discriminatory requirements (‘Salesman’,

‘Age 30-45 years’).

 If used, ensure recruitment consultants are fully briefed on your requirements and have a good
understanding of equal opportunity and anti-discrimination principles.

 External advertising should be done through free job search sites such as Gumtree and

Process applications
 Cull (short list) applicants based on the position description criteria.

 Seek more information if necessary. The aim is to find the best person for the job.

 Be consistent. Document decisions made and the reasons for them in a Selection Report

 Send an email to all candidates who are not granted and interview, thanking them for their
interest and inviting them to apply for other open positions in the future. Send this within two days
of the application deadline.

 Send an email to all candidates who are to be granted and interview, giving them the place, date
and time of their interview. Enquire whether they have any special needs that will have to be
catered for. Send this within two days of the application deadline.

Selection Panel
 Choose the most appropriate interview panel for the position.

 The panel should, ideally, include the HR Manager and the new employee’s Line Manager.

 A senior member of the new employees may also attend and assist in the selection process.

Application forms (if required)

 Ensure language and experience are relevant to the performance of the job.

 Do not include any invasive or irrelevant questions.

 Ensure strict confidentiality.

Testing (if required)

 Tests match the essential requirements of the job.

 Check that tests are up-to-date and relevant.

 Check for any bias or indirect discrimination (e.g. a test for potential trades apprentices which
examine prior knowledge of the trade, rather than aptitude).

Referee reports & working with children check

Southern Academy of Business and Technology | Level 2,95 Bathurst Street Sydney NSW 2000
RTO Code: 31595 | CRICOS Code: 03602E | Phone: 1300 852 205 (Australia) | +61 02 8031 7727 (Overseas)
Version : 1.0 Website: Email: Page 3 of 6
 Applicant provides a list of referees and is able to comment on choice of referees

 All referees must be contacted

 A police check must be performed before an offer can be made.

 Applicant must have a working with children check before an offer can be made.

Southern Academy of Business and Technology | Level 2,95 Bathurst Street Sydney NSW 2000
RTO Code: 31595 | CRICOS Code: 03602E | Phone: 1300 852 205 (Australia) | +61 02 8031 7727 (Overseas)
Version : 1.0 Website: Email: Page 4 of 6
 Allow applicants to demonstrate what they can offer the organisation, not to simply confirm
expectations, or to see how applicants perform under pressure.

 Check if there is a need for any specific arrangements (e.g. physical access, interpreters).

 Have questions prepared in advance.

 Ensure consistency and fairness in questioning.

 Focus on the real needs of the job. Don’t make assumptions or stereotype individuals.

 The selection committee is entitled to ask applicants whether they can fulfil the requirements of
the job (e.g., travel, work overtime, perform the physical functions) but if asked of one, such
questions must be asked of all applicants.

 It is appropriate to ask people with disabilities whether they require any adjustments to perform
the job.

 Allow the interviewee time to make their point. Allow silence. Rephrase or clarify if necessary.

 Don’t make assumptions about a person’s ability to do the job based on physical characteristics.

 Do not ask invasive and irrelevant questions (e.g. ‘Do you intend to have a family?’). If
necessary, rephrase to gain the essential information you require and ask of all applicants (e.g.
‘Can you commit yourself to the organisation for two years?’).

 Keep records of questions and answers.

Making the decision

 Focus on the selection criteria.

 Rank applicants according to performance against essential and desirable qualifications.

 Assess all information; application form, interview, referee’s reports, tests.

 Record decisions made in the selection report form.

 If requested, provide constructive feedback to unsuccessful applicants on their performance

against the selection criteria. Generally, this will be to say that it was a very competitive process.
The approval of a majority of the Management Team is required to approve of new personnel.

Inform applicants
 Inform successful applicants within 24 hours of interview. Complete an Offer of Employment and
attach it to the email.

 Inform unsuccessful applicants within 24 hours of interview. Tell them they will be contact if
another, similar position opens.

Organise induction and training for each new employee.

Southern Academy of Business and Technology | Level 2,95 Bathurst Street Sydney NSW 2000
RTO Code: 31595 | CRICOS Code: 03602E | Phone: 1300 852 205 (Australia) | +61 02 8031 7727 (Overseas)
Version : 1.0 Website: Email: Page 5 of 6
 Staff member completes all required documentation for employment, including contracts, staff
details forms and TFN form.

 Ensure signed contract is on file.

 Induction plan is created, including all relevant points from the Fair Work Ombudsman’ Induction
Checklist Template:

 Inductions as per plan are conducted during the first three months, which is also the probationary

 At least 2 days prior to the probationary period lapsing, HR will hold a review and support
session with the employee. This session is to be used as a feedback and review opportunity from
both parties on the probationary period.

 A forward plan for development and training needs is to be developed by their Area Manager and
agreed to by the employee.

 If the employee’s performance is not satisfactory, the termination procedure must be followed.

Southern Academy of Business and Technology | Level 2,95 Bathurst Street Sydney NSW 2000
RTO Code: 31595 | CRICOS Code: 03602E | Phone: 1300 852 205 (Australia) | +61 02 8031 7727 (Overseas)
Version : 1.0 Website: Email: Page 6 of 6

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