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Your last name, your first name, your student #

1. Please use this template exactly as it is laid out. Papers submitted not using this template
will not be graded.

2. Use only the font and font size and the margins built in to this template (Times New
Roman, 12 pt).

3. Use the Guidelines for this Individual Paper to see the full details for each of the
Questions in this template, and all details re. this Individual Paper.

4. Delete this entire first page before you submit your paper.
Your last name, your first name, your student #
Your family name: Your first name: Your student number:

*see Individual Project Guidelines for full details, including the detailed Questions*
1. What is your current field of study, and what would you most like to do in your career after
you graduate?

2. What are your learning objectives for this individual project for your current studies, and
for your future career ?
a. Industry:
b. Company/Organisation:

3. Apply our PEST framework to the industry you have chosen.

Given this research (these 4 articles you have found, as per Guidelines): What information
have you learned about this industry that will be helpful to your future career; and how will
you apply that information as you progress toward graduation and that future career?

4. Apply our PEST framework to the company/organisation you have mentioned in #1 above.

Given this research (the 4 articles you have found, as per Guidelines): What have you learned
about this company that will be helpful to your future career; and how will you apply those
learnings as you progress toward graduation and that future career?

5. Given this research (the 2 articles you have found, as per Guidelines): What have you
learned that will be helpful to your future career; and how will you apply those learnings as
you progress toward graduation and that future career?

6. What have you learned from this individual project which has helped you progress toward
the learning objectives you set in #2 above? Be specific: describe in detail what you have
learned toward each of the objectives you outlined in #2 above.
Your last name, your first name, your student #
Exhibits / Appendices (as applicable: not required)
Your last name, your first name, your student #

Your Bibliography must have at total of 10 articles from the required sources.

See Guidelines for full details.

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