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Vera Mae L.

Begrado May 12, 2023

DCvET 1-1

1. "Philosophy" derives from a Greek word meaning "love of knowledge." But for me, philosophy is

the attempt to discover a universal theory that will help me comprehend how the world works. It is

the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge,

values, reason, mind, and language. All these inquiries lie under the umbrella of philosophy, a broad

field that covers a wide range of topics. Philosophy explores deep questions about the nature of

reality, knowledge, ethics, and the meaning of life. It examines different perspectives, challenges

assumptions, and seeks to understand the fundamental principles that shape our understanding of

the world and our place in it.

2. Sometimes our emotions and how we distinguish our own beliefs from others might have an impact

on our judgment. Because of these considerations, we sometimes struggle to formulate and reach a

choice. These factors influence the decision-making process and the choices that are made, such as

past experiences and different cognitive biases. There are ways of thinking which focus on

generalizing from observations, which can lead to inaccurate reasoning, memory problems, and

poor judgment. Without taking the wider picture into consideration, cognitive bias leads to

excessive reliance on predicted observations and the dismissal of observations or data that are

perceived as questionable. It may occasionally result in making bad decisions.

3. I think the most common bias in my judgment is confirmation bias. It refers to the capacity to recall

information most effectively when it strengthens what we already know. People experience

confirmation bias primarily as a result of challenge avoidance, which is the desire to avoid learning

that they are incorrect, and reinforcement seeking, which is the desire to learn that they are correct,
as well as due to the defective way they test hypotheses, such as when they focus on one hypothesis

from the beginning. Confirmation bias has an impact on people in every aspect of life. In one

example, it may lead people to ignore unfavorable information about a political candidate they

support or to focus exclusively on news reports that confirm their presumptions.

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