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1. Choose the correct answer from the question given below:-

i) A substance that is sprayed on the crops to protect them from insects

a) pesticides b) fertiliser c) humus d) bio gas

2. Define:-
Depletion:- To reduce something in large amount.

3. Name the following:-

A situation where plant or animal life stops existing – Extinction.

4. Give reason:-
Many animals have become homeless-
Many animals have become homeless due to depletion of forest and hunting.

5. Answer the following question in not more than 30 words.

What causes water pollution?

Ans:- Water pollution is caused by throwing garbage directly into the water bodies,
bathing animals, washing utensils, clothes etc. All these make the water dirty and unfit
for drinking.

How does noise pollution harm us?

Ans:- Noise pollution causes heart diseases, hearing loss, blood pressure, slipping
disorders and mental stress.

6. Answer the following question in not more than 50 words.

Mention any three measures that can be adopted to save our environment.

a) Use public transport like buses, metros and pool cars.
b) Plant more trees, do not waste paper (as paper is made from trees).
c) Use eco-friendly materials like cloth or jute bags instead of using polythene bags in
school and at home.

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