Bai Tap Ve Modal Verbs

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I. Choose the best option for each sentence:

1) Young people ______ obey their parents.

a. must b. may c. will d. ought to

2) Laura, you and the kids just have dinner without waiting for me. I ______ work very hard

a. can b. may c. should d. would

3) I ______ be delighted to show you round the factory.

a. ought to b. would c. might d. can

4) Leave early so that you ______ miss the bus.

a. didn’t b. won’t c. shouldn’t d. mustn’t

5) Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ______ have cost a fortune

a. must b. might c. will d. should

6) You ______ to write them today.

a. should b. must c. had d. ought

7) I hope I ______ find it.

a. will b. shall c. could d. must

8) Unless he runs he______ catch the train.

a. will b. mustn’t c. wouldn’t d. won’t

9) ______ you be in Rome tonight.

a. will b. may c. might d. maybe

10) We ______ have time to help you tomorrow.

a. may b. must c. will d. could.

11) "______ you hand me that pair of scissors, please?"

a. May b. Will c. Shall d. Should

II. Rewrite the sentence in the same meaning:

26) Perhaps Susan know the address. (may)

Susan ........................................................................................................

27) It's possible that Joanna didn't receive my message. (might)

Joanna ......................................................................................................

28) The report must be on my desk tomorrow. (has)

The report .................................................................................................

29) I managed to finish all my work. (able)

I ................................................................................................................

30) It was not necessary for Nancy to clean the flat. (didn't)

Nancy ......................................................................................................

31) The best thing for you to do is to sit down sit down. (better)
You ..........................................................................................................

III. Rewrite the sentence in the same meaning:

32. I think you should give up smoking immediately. (had)

I think you ……………………………………………………

33. I am sure you were surprised when you heard all the news (must)

You ………………………………………………………………….. when you heard the


34. It’s very inconvenient if you can’t drive. (able)


35. Someone almost certainly broke the window on purpose. (must)

The window ………………………………………………….. on purpose

36. I am sure that the cat is in the house somewhere. (must)


37. It is possible that one of the men died on the mountain. (may)One of the men

……………………………………………………on the mountain.

38. It’s necessary for me to bring my passport. (have)

I ……………………………………………………………………

39. It wasn’t necessary for you to do all this work (needn’t)

You ………………………………………………….. all this work

40. I am sure that John is not the thief. (can’t)

IV. Hoàn thành những câu dưới đây theo các động từ: might, might not, must, mustn’t,
can, can’t.

1. Don’t stand up in the boat! You …………………. fall in the river!

2. You really …………………. start spending more time on your work.

3. That’s a really stupid idea! You …………………. be serious, surely!

4. Don’t be silly. You …………………. expect me to believe you!

5. I learn to fly! You …………………. be joking!

6. Sue says she’s stuck in traffic and she …………………. be late.

7. Tell Peter he. …………………. stay the night here if he wants to.

8. You …………………. realize it, but this is very important to me.

9. We’re not sure but we …………………. go to Prague for Christmas this year.

10. Bill cooked the lunch, so you …………………. expect anything special!

V. Viết lại các câu sau bằng các từ đã cho

1. It was quite unnecessary for you to carry all those parcels home yourself.

You ……………………………………………………………………………

2. I’m sure it wasn’t Mrs. Mai you saw because she is in Boston.

It can’t …………………………………………………………………

3. Maybe John’s working this weekend.

John ……………………………………………………………………………

4. I didn’t apologize. That was wrong of me.

I should …………………………………………………………………………
5. It wasn’t necessary for me to go out after all.

I needn’t ………………………………………………………………………………

6. I’m sure that you didn’t lock the front door. Here is the key.

You can’t …………………………………………………………………………

7. It was careless of you to leave the windows open last night.

You shouldn’t ……………………………………………………………………………

8. I’m sure Alison made arrangement. I recognized her voice.

It must ……………………………………………………………………

9. I’m sure he didn’t know that his brother was seriously ill.

He couldn’t possibly

10. I am sure it was Judy that I saw in town this morning

It must ………………………………………………………………………………

VI. Complete the sentences. Use “can/ can’t/ could/ couldn’t”

1. I was short of money last week. I ____________ buy that disk.

2. I am afraid, I ____________ come to your country.

3. When my father was a schoolboy, he was a good runner. He ____________ run very fast.

4. My great grandmother was very clever. She ____________ speak three foreign languages.

5. Denys ____________ swim quite well now. But last summer he ____________ swim at

6. My grandfather loved music very much. He ____________ play the piano and the guitar
very well.
VII. Choose the correct option

1. Jeff may not/ can’t/ might not ride a bicycle. He never learnt to do it.

2. I’m sure you can’t/ couldn’t/ must be tired. You were awake all night.

3. May/ Should/ Could you close the window? I’m cold.

4. Mobile phones can/ must/ might be switched off during the flight.

5. You really should/ could/ might stop smoking.

6. Drivers can/ may/ should go more slowly. There are many accidents.

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