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A Laboratory Manual For

Applied Multimedia Techniques (22024)

Practical No: 6
Title: Create and Use Advertising Banner as Gif Image
Enrolment No: 2001160438 Name of Student: Adesh Dilip Adhav

Practical Significance:
Multimedia application like Website(s), blog(s) or even a mobile application uses a banner.
Having a banner is almost indispensable aspect to draw attention of users. Having banner in a
still image is a good idea but one can attract maximum number of users by having banner(s)
which possess moving content. This leads to increase interest of user and ensure users are
committed with our application. This practical lead student to create their own banner and save
in gif format.

Relevant Course Outcome(s):

•Basic knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, sciences, and basic engineering to
solve the broad-based Information Technology related problems.
•Discipline knowledge: Apply Computer Programming knowledge to solve broad based
Information Technology related problems.
•Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the results to
solve broad-based Information Technology related problems.
•Engineering tools: Apply relevant Computer programming / electrical technologies and tools
with an understanding of the limitations.
•Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
•Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the context of technological changes.

Practical Learning Outcomes (POs):

a) Design Banner using graphics processing tools

Competency and Practical Skills:

This practical is expected to develop the following skills in you:
1. Select related Graphical Processing Tools.
2. Check specification for multimedia application.
3. Use appropriate multimedia objects viz image(s), audio(s), and video(s).
4. Apply specified transitions and effect for creating Banner.
5. Export banner at specified location and save it in gif format.
6. Examine necessary effects and transitions are achieved as per specification.

We learn to Create and Use Advertising Banner as Gif Image.

We able to Create and Use Advertising Banner as Gif Image.

Practical Related Questions

1. What is the standard size of banner?
ANS: Normally the size of banner is 468×60 px. But their different size of full banner half
banner vertical, horizontal banner.
2. What are the practical significances of banner?
ANS: There are a multitude of advantages to advertising your company or an event with a
banner. Banners are simple to install, light weight and easy to transport. They are also cost
effective because they are quick and easy to manufacture. Banners are also extremely versatile.
They are available in various sizes, shapes and designs. All banners are created custom.
Whatever direction you want to go.
3. What are basic points to be considered while creating a banner?
a. The use of color
b. Text and fonts
c. Images and graphics
d. Your corporate brand identity
e. Remember your audience
f. Where will your banner stand be used?
g. Any associated marketing material
h. The position of your logo
1. Create a banner for upcoming technical event in your institute. Institute name and logo
must be common text in all frames.

2. Create a banner to show your name in first frame, middle name in second frame and last
name in third frame. The last frame displays your full name.

3. Create a banner to show "Hello! AMT "text at same position and having 10 different
Shapes and effects.

4. Create a banner having your favorite cartoon character's photo at background. Display
any five statements about it.

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