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A. CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrate an understanding about
the characteristics of population, and as well as
the difference of its densities.

B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD Demonstrate well the difference of the types of

densities according to the population to ensure
its use to the topic.

C. LEARNING COMPETENCY/OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, the students should be

able to:

a. define population;
b. differentiate the types of density according to
its population, and;
c. perform the given activity.


III. LEARNING RESOURCES Reference: Book, Internet
Materials: Instructional Materials
Preliminary Requesting everyone to stand (student will stand)

May I request ______, to lead the (the requested student

prayer? will lead the prayer)
Let’s put our self in the
presence of the

Good afternoon, class! Good afternoon, ma’am.

Before you take your sets, kindly pic up (the student will pick up
some pieces of papers under your chairs some pieces of papers
and arrange your chars properly. and arrange their chairs

Class beadle, who are the absents for (the class beadle will
this afternoon? answer)

Before we formally start with our
discussion, let me tell you what are the
rules inside this class.
1. Do not use your phone during classes.
2. Raise your right hand if you have to
say something.
3. Avoid making unnecessary noises.

Is that clear? Yes ma’am!

A. Reviewing previous lesson What have you discussed last meeting? (a student will answer)
or presenting the new lesson
What is population? (another student will
Very good! It seems that you really
understood what was being tackled last
meeting. Now, I have here some jumbled
letters that you need to form. Each word
has a connection with what we are going
today to discuss this afternoon.

Now, I will group you into three groups. (the student will count off
Start counting from here. and will group
themselves according to
what they have
instructed to do so)

Okay, proceed to your groupmates now (the students will obey)

without making any noise. The group 1
will stay here, group 2 there, and the third
group will stay at the back.

By the way class, this will be your group Yes ma’am.

throughout this class so you better
remember your numbers.

(the teacher gives the jumbled letters to

the students)

I will give you three minutes to arrange (the students will do the
that one. Your time starts now. task quickly)

(after 3 minutes) (the students will say the

Okay, times up! Group 1, what word did word they have formed)
you form? How about the group 2, and
the group 3?

Alright, all the words that you said are

related to our topic this afternoon. To
start with, let me present to you our
B. Establishing a purpose Who wants to read the objectives? (a student will read the
At the end of the lesson, the students
should be able to:
a. Define density;
b. Differentiate the types of densities
according to its population, and:
c. Perform the given activity
C. Discussing Thank you so much you may now take Population refers to the
your seat.who has an idea what number of the people
population is, again? living in a specific are.

Okay, thank you. How about density? Density is a (?)

Thank you. According here, population

refers to the inhabitants of a particular
town, area, country. In other words, the
entire group living in a certain community
is considered as the population.

It has several characteristics or attributes

which are a function of whole and not as
an individual. The first one is the
Population Density can be used to
describe the location, growth, and
migration of many organism.

An example of this is measuring how

many people live in a square mile or
kilometer of a large city of San Francisco.

Did you understand? Yes ma’am

If that’s the case, let us now proceed to (all students will read the
the Types of Densities types of densities)
Every read.

2 types of densities
1. Crude Density - the density per unit of
total space.
2. Specific (or Ecological) Density - the
density per unit of habitable space.

Thank you, class. Crude density is a term

used for the total biomass per unit area.
An example of this can be total number of
tigers residing in the specific area.

Specific/Ecological Density looks or takes

into account if there are parts of
population’s area they cannot live in. For
example, if a fish lives in a pond that has
an island that is 10% of total area of the
pond and then the fish cannot live there.

Did you get the point? Yes ma’am

Very good, well then let’s proceed to the

methods of determining the population
size. First is abundance, please (the student being called
read,__________. reads)

Thank you. Abundance in short is the

absolute total of individuals residing in Ipil
for example. Numerical density talks
about the volume or the mass. Lastly, the
biomass density, refers to stocks per unit

To sum it up, in order for us to determine

the population size,we will going to use
this formula.

Dp = _N_

(reads the information)

Did you understand, class? Yes ma’am

Any questions? None ma’am

D. Developing Mastery Since you don’t have any questions, let
us now proceed to your activity. Are you
already in your group? Yes ma’am

Alright, I will give you a sheet where I

wrote the task that you going to do.
Before that, here’s how you will be rated.

(the teacher will show the rubrics)

For the presentation, you’ll get 5 points if

the task was well presented, 3 points if
the task was presented but not really in a
good way, and 1 point if the task was not
presented at all. For the correctness,
you’ll get 5 points if the task was related
and alligned to the topic, 3 points if the
performance was not really related and
alligned with the topic and 1 point if the
task was not related to the topic at all.
Last is the timeliness, you’ll get 5 points if
the task was finished on time, 3 points if
the task was done after the given time,
and 1 point if the task was not finished at

Did you understand? Yes ma’am

Okay, I will give you 15 minutes to work (the students will focus
with that. Your time start now. on their activity)

(after 15 minutes)

Time’s up! Arrange your chairs properly. (the first group will
Present your work now, group 1. present their work)

Wow, that was amazing. Everybody clap

your hands for the group 1.
Next is the group 2. (the second group will
present their work)

You did great, guys. Let’s give them a N-I-C-E, N-I-C-E, nice,
nice clap. nice, nice, nice, nice!

And the last but not the least, of course (the group 3 will present
the group 3. their work)

You guys are doing well! Lets give them 1,2,3,(clap your
the tanggol clap. It goes like 1,2,3,(clap hand),1,2,3,(stomp your
your hand),1,2,3,(stomp your feet),bang,bang,bang!

Now, are you guys ready to know your Yes ma’am


(the teacher will tell them their scores)

E. Generating of ideas (the teacher will recall what have been

discussed to know if the students already
understand the topic well)

Did you now understand? Yes ma’am!

Are you sure? Yes ma’am!

Alright then, if that’s the case, lets have

our quiz.
F. Evaluating Learning Directions: choose and write only the
letter that corresponds your answer, on
1/4 sheet of paper.

1. It refers to all inhabitants of particular

town, are, or country.
A. Pollution
B. Population
C. Density
2. It is the density per unit of total space.
A. Population density
B. Ecological density
C. Crude density
3. It is the density per unit habitable
A. Population density
B. Ecological density
C. Crude density
4. It is the absolute number of individuals
in population.
A. Biomass density
B. Abundance
C. Total population
5. The formula in determining the
population size is:
A. Dp = _A_

B. Dp = _N_
Dp = _N_

C. Dp = _N_

G. Additionals, Assignments Assignment: Research about Natality

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