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Scoring rubrics for Writing test

Đáp ứng các yêu cầu của đề bài đầy đủ, hiệu quả; Phát triển điểm chính đầy
1. Task Fulfillment đủ với (tất cả) thông tin chi tiết phù hợp; Thể hiện mục đích viết rõ ràng, hiệu
quả; giọng văn thống nhất, phù hợp.

Chia đoạn đủ và hợp lí; Phương tiện liên kết: phong phú, linh hoạt, hiệu quả;Tổ
2. Organizition chức thông tin, lập luận: lô-gíc, mạch lạc, hiệu quả.

Sử dụng từ vựng linh hoạt, đúng ngữ cảnh; không mắc lỗi dùng từ, lỗi chính tả
3. Vocabulary

4. Grammar Cấu trúc: đa dạng; chính xác, linh hoạt;


Discussion - Discuss / disadvantages/ effects It is said that online learning is the

best way of learning.
=> thảo luận
Write an essay to an educated readers
to discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of online learning
Opinion - To what extent do you agree or It is said that online learning is the
disagree with this? best way of learning.
- Write an essay to discuss your
view, your opinion
- What do you think? To some extent, do you agree or
disagree with this saying?
=> cần đưa ra quan điểm cá nhân

In many countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and more widely available. Some
people believe that fast food is convenient and meets the needs of society while
others argue that fast food has negative effects on people’s health.

Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the advantages and disadvantages

of fast food.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task
In many countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and more widely available. Some people
believe that fast food is convenient and meets the needs of society while others argue that fast
food has negative effects on people’s health.

It is the fact that fast food plays an important part in our life. At the present time, an increasing number of people are
concerned about the consumption of fast food. Some people subscribe to the view that fast food is convenient and meets the
needs of society, while others support the argument that fast food has negative effects on people’s health. This essay will
discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fast food.
On the one hand, there are some reasons why some people say that fast food brings people many benefits. Firstly, fast food is
good for people, especially working people or busy ones. It is delicious and convenient. They can enjoy the food and save
time. They can save time because they do not have to do the shopping, cook and clean up. Secondly. People just need to order
the food and wait for it or they can buy from food stands or restaurants. It is quick. They can buy fast food anywhere at any
Body 1
On the other hand, despite the aforementioned benefits, there are several negative aspects of fast food that should be taken into
consideration. The most serious drawback of fast food is that it has negative effects on people’s health. This is due to the fact
that eating too much fast food is not good for people. It is harmful to their health. They can gain weight. Fast food contains a
lot of sugar and oil, so it is not healthy. People can suffer from diseases such as obesity and heart diseases. Moreover, it wastes
money if people spend a lot of money buying fast food.
Body 2
To sum up, fast food has both positive and negative effects. As far as I am concerned, people should consume moderate
amount of fast food. Only by doing so can we ensure that people will have better and healthier lives.

In many countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and more widely available. Some people
believe that fast food is convenient and meets the needs of society while others argue that fast
food has negative effects on people’s health.
It is the fact that …………plays an important part in our life. At the present
time, an increasing number of people are concerned about………..
Some people subscribe to the view that (viewpoint 1) , while others support
the argument that (viewpoint 2)
Introduction: mở bài
This essay will discuss …(the advantages and disadvantages of…)

It is the fact that fast food plays an important part in our life. At the present time, an increasing number of people are
concerned about the consumption of fast food. Some people subscribe to the view that food is convenient and meets
the needs of society, while others support the argument that fast food has negative effects on people’s health. This
essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fast food.
In many countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and more widely available. Some people
believe that fast food is convenient and meets the needs of society while others argue that fast
food has negative effects on people’s health.

On the one hand, there are some reasons why some people say that fast food brings people many benefits.
Firstly, fast food is good for people, especially working people or busy ones. It is delicious and
convenient. They can enjoy the food and save time. They can save time because they do not have to do
the shopping, cook and clean up. Secondly, people just need to order the food and wait for it or they can
buy from food stands or restaurants. It is quick. They can buy fast food anywhere at any time.

Nói về lợi ích: benefits/ advantages/merits/ positive effects/ pros

On the one hand, .……. brings many merits to people/ brings people many benefits. ( topic sentence)
Firstly, …..( lợi ích 1 + giải thích)
Secondly,.……….……( lợi ích 2 + giải thích)
Finally,…..( lợi ích 3 + giải thích)
X brings a wide range of benefits to ____
X is good for/ beneficial to Y
X has positive effects/influences/impacts on ____
X enables/ allows / helps Y to V
V: improve/ develop/ contribute to/increase_____________
In many countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and more widely available. Some people
believe that fast food is convenient and meets the needs of society while others argue that fast
food has negative effects on people’s health.
On the other hand, despite the aforementioned benefits, there are several negative aspects of fast
food that should be taken into consideration. The most serious drawback of fast food is that it has
negative effects on people’s health. This is due to the fact that eating too much fast food is not
good for people. It is harmful to their health. They can gain weight. Fast food contains a lot of
sugar and oil, so it is not healthy. People can suffer from diseases such as obesity and heart
diseases. Moreover, it wastes money if people spend a lot of money buying fast food.
Nói về bất lợi: Disadvantages = drawbacks = cons = downsides
On the other hand, despite the aforementioned benefits, there are several negative aspects of ………………….that
should be taken into consideration. => câu chủ đề => phân tích bất lợi
The most serious drawback of……is that …………………..This is due to the fact that………(bất lợi 1 + phân tích)
Moreover,……………. To be more specific,…………………(bất lợi 2 + phân tích)
What is more,…………………For instance……………………(bất lợi 3 + phân tích)
X has some drawbacks
X is harmful to/bad for + Y
X has negative/detrimental effects/influences on Y
X badly/negatively/ detrimentally affects Y
X may destroy/decrease/…
In many countries, fast food is becoming cheaper and more widely available. Some people
believe that fast food is convenient and meets the needs of society while others argue that fast
food has negative effects on people’s health.
To sum up, ………………has both positive and negative effects

However, as far as I am concerned, government/people should V

+ choose the most effective and suitable way for themselves
Conclusion: kết bài + balance between A and B
+ eat/use/consume/spend + moderate amount of/on + N
Only by doing so can we ensure that people will have better and healthier

To sum up, fast food has both positive and negative effects. However, as far as I am concerned, people should

consume moderate amount of fast food. Only by doing so can we ensure that people will have better and healthier

1 Topic sentence = 1TS
2-3 Supporting sentences = 2-3 SS (reason - example)
1 Concluding sentence = 1 CS
Advantages Disadvantages
Benefits Drawbacks
Merits Downsides
Pros Cons

1TS X brings a wide range of advantages to … X has some disadvantages

2-3SS X helps/allows Y to V X destroys/decreases…

X is good for/beneficial to …. X is bad for/harmful to …
X improves/develops/increases/contributes X badly/detrimentally affects
to … …

1CS X has positive/good X has negative/bad

influences/impacts/effects on … influences/impacts/effects
on …
Mở bài - It is the fact that…(topic)….plays a crucial role in our life. At the present time, an increasing number of people
are concerned about… (topic)…
- Some people subscribe to the view that (viewpoint 1) , while others support the argument that (viewpoint 2)
- This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of ……………

Nêu ưu điểm On the one hand, .……. brings many merits. ( topic sentence)
Firstly, …..
Therefore, …
Nêu nhược On the other hand, despite the aforementioned benefits, there are several problems of …….
điểm One possible danger/ negative point is that …
Furthermore/ What is more,...
Finally, …

Kết bài In conclusion, …(topic) has both pros and cons. However, as far as I am concerned, government/people should V.
Only by doing so can we ensure that people will have better and healthier lives.
Bước 1: xđ loại luận
Bước 2: viết Intro - Conc
Bước 3: Viết body
- lên dàn ý (brainstorm => ghép các ý tưởng cùng loại => chọn 2 ý lớn
nhất, dễ phát triển nhất)
- xác định mối quan hệ giữa 2 thân: cùng hướng về 1 thứ OR ngược
nhau => dùng đúng cấu trúc để viết TS (câu chủ đề)
- viết SS (reason-example)
Bước 4: chuốt bài:
- check từ vựng: thêm từ nối - nâng cao vocab
- check ngữ pháp

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