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Pancasila as Ideology and Characteristics Civic Education in Indonesia

The role of Civic Education in its era of globalization is very necessary, given its very strategic
position, especially for the formation of nation and character building. The purpose of this
study is to prove that Civic Education in Indonesia is inseparable from the values of
Pancasila. The literature method is used to get conclusions in proving that Pancasila is an
ideology and characteristic of civic education in Indonesia. The results prove that Civic
Education must be in accordance with Pancasila values in all aspects of citizenship learning.
Therefore Pancasila is a characteristic of the State of Indonesia as a philosophical system
animating all the concepts of Citizenship teachings and must be applied in the life of the
nation and state

The political ethics of pancasila
A simple grasp of politics is, an activity to achieve ideals related to power, a
pancasila recognized as the basis of the state, for guidelines and measures of
national and national life in the republic of Indonesia, to be understood,
internalized and preserved in the political system. The political ethics of
pancasila is another process of decision making and policy that must be
imbibed by pancasila values, since pancasila has the very basic value as the
subject of Indonesian philosophy as stated in the 1945 law. Therefore, every
citizen and national organizer must learn, understand, internalize and practice
pancasila in all areas of nationalistic and social life, for pancasila is a
cornerstone of moral ethics in national, domestic and social life. Ethics are
associated with a variety of value issues, since ethics basically discuss matters
relating to the predicate value of “silences” and “silences,” “good” and “bad,”
the quality of saying grace or wisdom when doing good is said to be offensive
when committing evil. Key words: ethics, politics, pancasila

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