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No Word Part of Pronunciation Meaning
Animation n /.ænɪ'meiʃn/ Phim hoạt hình
Animated adj /'ænɪmeitɪd/ Hoạt hình, hoạt họa
2 Action film n /'ækʃn fɪlm/ Phim hành động
Amaze v /ə'meiz/ Làm ai ngạc nhiên, bất ngờ
Amazement n /ə'meizmənt/ Sự ngạc nhiên
Annoy v /ə'nɔi/ Làm phiền
Annoyance n /ə'nɔiəns/ Sự làm phiền
Appear v /ə'pɪr/ Xuất hiện
Appearance n /ə'pɪrəns/ Sự xuất hiện, vẻ bề ngoài
Argue v /'ɑːrgju:/ Cãi nhau, tranh cãi
Argument n /'ɑːrgjumant/ Cuộc tranh cãi
7 Aspect n /'æspekt/ Khía cạnh, mặt...
8 Attack v /ə'tæk/ Tấn công
9 Award n, v /ə'wɔ:rd/ Giải thưởng, tặng thưởng
Attract v /ə'trækt/ Thu hút
10 Attraction n /ə'trækʃn/ Sự thu hút
Attractive adj /ə'træktɪv/ Hấp dẫn
Aim /eim/ Mục tiêu,
11 = Purpose v /'pɜ:pəs/ mục đích
12 Ban v /bæn/ Cấm
13 Base (on) v /beis/ Dựa vào, dựa trên
Behave v /bɪ'heiv/ Cư xử
Behaviour n /bɪ'heivjər/ Hành vi, cách cư xử
15 Character n /'kærəktər/ Nhân vật
Combination n /kɒmbɪ'neiʃn/ Sự kết hợp
Combine v /kəm'bain/ Kết hợp
Comedian n /kə'mi:diən/ Diễn viên hài
Comedy n /'kɒmədɪ/ Phim hài
Crime n /kraim/ Tội, tội ác, tội phạm
Criminal n /'krɪmɪnl/ Kẻ phạm tội
Critic n /'krɪtɪk/ Nhà phê bình
19 Criticism n /'krɪtɪsɪzəm/ Sự phê bình
Criticize v /'krɪtɪsaiz/ Phê bình
Decide v /dɪ'said/ Quyết định
20 Decision n /dɪ'sɪʒn/ Sự quyết định
Decisive adj /dɪ'saisɪv/ Mang tính quyết định, cương quyết
Desert n, v /'dezərt/ Sa mạc, bỏ hoang
Deserted adj /dɪ'zɜːrtɪd/ Bị bỏ hoang
Direct v /də'rekt/ Chỉ đạo, đạo diễn
Director n /də'rektər/ Người đạo diễn
Disappoint V /.dɪsə'pɔint/ Làm thất vọng
Disappointment n /.dɪsə'pɔitmənt/ Sự thất vọng
Disaster n /dɪ'zæstər/ Thảm họa
Disastrous adj /dɪ'zæstrəs/ Tai hại, thảm khốc
25 Documentary n /,dɒkju'mentrɪ/ Phim tài liệu
26 Effect n /ɪfekt/ Hiệu ứng
Engage V /ɪn'geidʒ/ Đính hôn
Engagement n /ɪn'geidʒmənt/ Sự đính hôn
Entertain V /,entər'tein/ Giải trí
28 Entertaining adj /,entər'teinɪŋ/ Có tính giải trí
Entertainment n /.entər'teinmənt/ Sự giải trí
Excellence n /'eksələns/ Sự tuyệt vời, xuất sắc
29 Excellent adj /'eksələnt/ Tuyệt vời, tốt, hay
Excellently adv /'eksələntlɪ/ Một cách tuyệt vời, tốt...
Exhaust n, v /ɪg’zɔːst/ Khí thải; làm ai thấy mệt mỏi
Exhausted adj /ɪg'zɔːstɪd/ Mệt mỏi
31 Fantasy n /fæntəsɪ/ Phim kỳ ảo, giả tưởng
32 Feature n /fi:tʃər/ Đặc điểm
33 Fight v /fait/ Đánh, đấm nhau
Fright n /frait/ Sự sợ hãi
Frighten v /'fraitn/ Làm hoảng sợ
35 Gripping adj /‘grɪpɪŋ/ Ly kì, hấp dẫn
Happen v /'hæpən/ Xảy ra
= Occur /ə'kɜːr/
36 = Take place / teik pleis/
37 Hilarious adj /hɪ'leriəs/ Vui nhộn, hài hước
38 Horror film n /'hɔːrər fɪlm/ Phim kinh dị
39 Imagination n /ɪ.mædʒɪ'neiʃən/ Trí tưởng tượng
Thật không thể tin nổi (hay, tốt
Incredible adj /ɪn'kredəbl/ quá)
41 Laugh n,v /læf/ Tiếng cười, cười
42 Leading role n phr. /li:dɪŋ rəʊl/ Vai chính
43 Main content n phr. /mein 'kɒntent/ Nội dung chính
44 Massacre n /'mæsəkər/ Vụ thảm sát
45 Moving adj /'mu:vɪŋ/ Xúc động
46 Murder n /'mɜːrdər/ Kẻ giết người, sát nhân
47 Must-see adj /məst- si:/ Đáng xem, phải xem
48 Narrator n /'næreitər/ Người kể chuyện
49 Performance n /pə'fɔːməns/ Sự trình diễn, diễn xuất
50 Plot n /plɒt/ Cốt truyện
51 Post n /pəʊst/ Đăng tải
52 Protest v /'prəʊtest/ Phản đối
53 Recommend n /,rekə'mend/ Gợi ý, khuyến khích
Recommendation V /rekəmen'deifn/ Sự gợi ý
54 Review n /rɪ'vju:/ Bản đánh giá; đánh giá
55 Role n; v /rəʊl/ Vai diễn
56 Romantic /rəʊ'mæntɪk
n Phim hài tình cảm
comedy 'kɒmədɪ/
57 Satisfaction n /.sætɪs'fækʃn/ Sự hài lòng
Satisfy n /'sætɪsfai/ Làm ai đó hài lòng
58 Scare V /skeər/ Sợ hãi
Scary V /'skerɪ/ Đáng sợ
59 Scene adj /si:n/ Cảnh quay
60 Science fiction /.saiəns
Phim khoa học viễn tưởng
(sci-fi) n 'fɪkʃn/
61 Series n /'siəri:z/ Chuỗi, dài tập
62 Set n /set/ Lấy bối cảnh
Setting v /'setɪŋ/ Bối cảnh
63 Shipwrecked n /ʃɪprekt/ Bị đắm tàu
64 Shock n, v /ʃɒk/ Cú sốc, làm ai số
Shocking adj /ʃɒkɪŋ/ Giật gân, gây sốc
65 Silly adj /'sɪlɪ/ Kỳ cục
66 Sink adj /sɪŋk/ Chìm
67 Social class v /'səʊʃl klæs/ Giai cấp, tầng lớp xã hội
68 Soldier n /'səʊldʒər/ Người lính
69 Special n /‘speʃl/ Đặc biệt
70 Stage adj /steidʒ/ Sân khấu
71 Star (in) n /stɑːr/ Đóng vai chính (trong...)
72 Stunt n /stʌnt/ Màn đóng thế, pha hành động
73 Subtitle n /'sʌbtaitl/ Phụ đề
74 Surprise v /sər'praiz/ Làm ai ngạc nhiên
75 Survey n /'sɜ:rvei/ Cuộc khảo sát
76 Terrify V /'terɪfai/ Làm sợ hãi
77 Terrorism n /'terərɪzəm/ Chủ nghĩa khủng bố
Terrorist n /'terərɪst/ Kẻ khủng bố
78 Thriller n /'θrɪlər/ Phim hình sự, trinh thám
79 Trailer n /'treilər/ Một đoạn quảng cáo phim ngắn
80 Violence n /'vaiələns/ Bạo lực, sự ác liệt
Violent adj /'vaiələnt/ Bạo lực, hung tợn
81 Visual n /'vɪʒʊəl/ Có liên quan đến thị giác

Activity 1. Listen to the recording and tick  the correct pictures. - Track 05

A.  B. 

A.  B. 

A.  B. 

A.  B. 

A.  B. 
Activity 2. Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks. - Track 06
Costumes Make the Film
Making a film requires the (1) ______________ of many people, including the writer, the
director, the entire cast, and the composer or music editor responsible for the soundtrack.
Another (2) ______________ job is that of the costume designer, who needs to bring to life
characters from a specific time or location. Costumes often help actors (3) ______________ to play
the role.
Audiences probably notice costumes in historical dramas, where realistic clothing is very
important. But (4) ______________ can be used subtly, too. For instance, for The Descendants,
starring George Clooney and set in present-day Hawaii, the designer Chose Clooney's Hawaiian shirts
to reflect his Character's mental state: blue and white for scenes when he was upset and (5)
______________, and green for happier scenes. Now, see what you notice about the costumes when
you next watch a film.
Activity 3. Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks. - Track 07
A. Yes, I am. Why?
B. What about The Batman? It’s a romantic film about a hero. And I like Robert
Pattinson. He’s awesome.
C. Hello, how are you?
D. Ok, see you tomorrow.
E. I like special effects and the acting is quite good.
Mark: (1) ___________________________________________________________________________
Jenny: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Mark: Good, thank you. Are you free tomorrow?
Jenny: (2)
Mark: Great! I’d love to go to the cinema. There are some interesting films on.
(3) ________________________________________________________________________________
Jenny: Sorry, but I don’t love him. And the film is not gripping at all. I never finish watching it. Why
don’t we see Grown up? It makes me laugh every time I watch it.
Mark: Yeah, I agree. It’s a funny movie. But I saw it at the weekend with my brother. I recommend
you watch it. Shall we choose Avatar? (4)
Jenny: I do love fantasy. I have never seen the film. Let’s watch it. Let’s meet outside the cinema at
7.00 p.m.
Mark: (5) ___________________________________________________________________________
Activity 4. Listen to Charlie talking about different kinds of movies. Choose the statement that is
NOT true about each kind of film. - Track 08
1. Sci-fi films
A. He chooses this kind of film most often.
B. He finds them imaginative and interesting.
C. He has never watched a terrible sci-fi movie.
D. He finds some sci-fi movies funny.
2. Romantic comedies (romcoms)
A. He does not like romcoms.
B. His girlfriend loves romcoms.
C. Romcoms are predictable.
D. They are often funny.
3. Horror films
A. He usually knows what is going to happen.
B. He prefers to watch them when he is alone.
C. He is interested in special effects and make-up.
D. He doesn’t find them scary now.
4. Animated films
A. Children’s cartoons are his favourite kind of animated film.
B. He finds Japanese anime beautiful and imaginative.
C. He watches cartoons with a young family member.
D. Children’s cartoons can be fun for both adults and children.
5. Action films
A. He thinks action films are better now than in the past.
B. He likes big-budget films.
C. He likes movies with real stunts.
D. He dislikes films with lots of computer graphics.
6. Documentaries
A. He rarely watches documentaries.
B. He finds them depressing.
C. He thinks they talk about things that are not important.
D. He doesn’t find them enjoyable or relaxing.
7. Musicals
A. He feels that the characters aren’t realistic.
B. He doesn’t understand the stories.
C. He is glad that they are not popular.
D. He sometimes watches them with his friends.
Exercise 1. Read the text below and choose ONE word from the box to fill in each blank.
sound cinema relaxing stars
blockbusters effects fan theatre
I love watching movies. At the (1) _____________, on TV or on my computer. I'm a big movie (2)
_____________ and love all the news of my favourite movie (3) _____________. I like all kinds of
movies - Hollywood (4) _____________, black and white movies from the 50s, independent movies...
They're all good. Recently I've got into watching foreign movies. I like the films that come out of
Bollywood - they're very different. The first film I saw at the movie (5) _____________ was Star Wars.
I was amazed at the special (6) _____________. Nowadays, so many movies have such good
computer graphics that we forget how special the effects are. One of my favourite ways of (7)
_____________ is to rent the latest DVD and sit on the sofa with a big bag of potato chips. The ( 8)
_____________ has to be up to the max and the lights have to be off.
Exercise 2. Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
Skyfall is one of the best (1) _____________ films in recent years. Released in 2012, it stars
Daniel Craig as secret agent James Bond and Spanish actor Javier Bardem in the (2) _____________ of
Raoul Silva, the villain in this film.
The (3) _____________ involves a genius computer hacker who is an ex-spy. He wants to take
revenge on the organization he used to work for and James Bond has to prevent this from happening.
There’re a lot of (4) _____________ action scenes as Bond pursues him around the world. Can he stop
him before it is too late?
The film is set in a variety of locations including Istanbul, Shanghai, Macau, London and
Scotland, which gives it a very international atmosphere. The soundtrack is impressive and includes
the (5) _____________ song “Skyfall”, performed by English singer Adele. The acting is also of a very
high standard and Bardem brings his (6) _____________ to life with a dazzling and memorable
I would highly (7) _____________ this film, especially if you are (8) _____________ action films.
It will have you on the edge of your seat until the very end and I am sure you will not regret watching
1. A. romantic B. action C. documentary D. comedy
2. A. character B. role C. play D. acting
3. A. plot B. twist C. main characters D. Effect
4. A. excitement B. excite C. excited D. exciting
5. A. lyric B. theme C. main D. Background
6. A. actor B. scene C. character D. Plot
7. A. suggestion B. recommend C. watch D. review
8. A. interest in B. fond in C. good at D. keen on
Exercise 3. Read the text and answer the following questions.
Anna: Hi, Jack. Do you want to go and watch a film?
Jack: Hi, Anna. Sure, what’s on?
Anna: Well, there are two action films, Mr. and Mrs. Jones and War Games, and they’re both in 3D.
Jack: I’ve already seen Mr. and Mrs. Jones. I haven’t seen War Games, but I don’t really want to see
an action film. What else is on?
Anna: There’s that science fiction film, Robot 2075, but I’ve already seen it.
Jack: Is it good?
Anna: Yes, it is, but I don’t want to see it again. There’s a romantic comedy called
Jack: Mmm, I’m not sure. Are there any horror films on?
Anna: Yes, there’s Midnight Moon. It’s got vampires in it.
Jack: OK, sounds good. Let’s go and watch Midnight Moon. What time is it on?
Anna: It’s on at 12 o’clock or at half past two.
Jack: Is it on this evening?
Anna: Yes, at 7:30.
Jack: Perfect. Let’s go at 7:30.
Anna: OK, shall we meet at the cinema at 7:00?
Jack: Great! See you later.
Anna: Bye.
1. Which film has Jack seen already?
2. Which film are Jack and Anna going to see?
3. What kind of film do they want to see?
4. What time does the film they want to see start?
5. What time are Jack and Anna going to meet?
Exercise 4. Read the text and decide whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F).
The Cannes Film Festival
The Cannes Film Festival is one of the most famous film festivals in the world. If a film is
presented there, it is immediately famous. The festival is also where some of the film industry’s most
important business takes place and where many actors and directors become stars.
The idea began in 1939 when the French government decided to have an international festival.
They chose Cannes, which is in southern France, because it is a sunny and beautiful town. In fact,
Cannes was already seen as a fashionable place to go.
The festival was put off until after the war and finally took place on September 20, 1946. At first,
the festival was mainly a tourist and social event. However, as more and more films were shown it
was seen as something much more important. Today it has become the most important event of the
year for the film industry.
1. The Cannes Film Festival is the most famous film festival in the world.
2. Being shown there, the film became famous.
3. The Cannes Film Festival has been held since 1939.
4. In the beginning, the festival was mainly a tourist and social event.
5. Nowadays, it has become the most important event of the year for the film
Exercise 5. Read and complete the sentences with words or phrases from the text.
 Name: Jennifer Shrader Lawrence
 Place of birth: Kentucky, USA
 D.O.B: August 15, 1990
 Profession: TV and film actress
 Family:
- Mother: Karen Lawrence
- Father: Gary Lawrence
- Brothers: Ben and Blaine Lawrence
When she was a child, Jennifer liked sports and she played hockey and basketball for an all-boys
team. She also worked as a model. At the age of 14, she knew she wanted to be an actress, so she
went to New York City to look for work. She appeared in advertisements for MTV and the fashion
company H&M and got work as an actress on TV. The surprising fact is that Jennifer has never had any
acting classes. A short time later, her family moved to Los Angeles so that she could work on TV and in
films. In 2010, she acted in the film Winter’s Bone and she was nominated for many awards including
an Oscar. In 2012, she starred in the film “The Hunger Games” as Katniss Everdeen. When she isn’t
working, Jennifer likes painting, surfing and playing the guitar.
1. Jennifer Shrader Lawrence was born in __________________.
2. She works as a __________________.
3. At the age of 14, she went to New York City to look for work because she wanted to be
4. It’s surprising that Jennifer has never had any __________________.
5. She acted in the film Winter’s Bone in __________________.
6. Jennifer was nominated for an award namely __________________.
7. She starred in the film __________________ as Katniss Everdeen in 2012.
8. She likes painting, __________________and playing the guitar when she has free time.
Exercise 6. Read and do the tasks below.
Laura - romance
I really like The Notebook', it’s a romantic classic. The story is about a poor boy, called Noah,
who meets a rich girl, called Allie, and they fall in love over one summer. But of course, there are
problems. Allie’s parents don’t approve of Noah because he’s poor and they get separated, then a lot
of time passes before they can get together again. She goes away to college and he writes to her
every day, but she doesn’t get the letters. Then after quite a long time, Noah buys an old house which
he promised to restore for Allie. He does it up and she sees a newspaper article about it and goes to
find him again. You can probably guess the rest, but it’s a bit complicated because she is engaged to
another man. Noah is played by Ryan Gosling, who’s my favourite actor, and he stops the film being
too soppy - but you still cry a lot at the end. Rachel McAdams is really good too, as Allie.
Henry - action film
I think my favourite film is Skyfall, the last James Bond movie. It stars Daniel Craig again and
Javier Bardem is this really evil baddie. They’re both great, and so is Judi Dench as M, Bond’s boss. It’s
a bit different from other Bond films. The story is more important, although there is still a lot of
action. It’s really well filmed, especially in the scenes which are shot in Shanghai and Scotland, and it’s
really exciting, of course. Bond is also a bit different - although he does amazing things, he seems
older and that makes him more human and the story more realistic. Oh, the song by Adele is great,
too. You know it won an Oscar?
Tom - science fiction
My favourite film has to be The Matrix. Even though it was made back in 1999, it still feels really
modem. It’s about this ordinary man, Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, who works with computers
during the day and is a hacker at night. One day he is contacted by a woman who introduces him to a
very strange man: Morpheus. Morpheus explains to Neo that what he thinks of as real is actually
fiction and the world is run by evil machines who have imprisoned and tricked the human race.
Laurence Fishburne is terrific as Morpheus, and Keanu Reeves is excellent, but the best thing about
the film is the special effects. I can watch it again and again.
Task 1. Match the name to the genre of film.
1. Laura A. science fiction
2. Henry B. romance
3. Tom C. action film
Task 2. Complete the gaps with correct name.
1. __________________ says the film is not too sentimental, thanks to the actor.
2. __________________ likes a film in which everything we think is real is fiction.
3. __________________ likes the scenes filmed in different countries.

Exercise 1. Put the correct adjective form -ing or -ed of the word in brackets.
Word -ing -ed
1. amuse
2. interest
3. excite
4. bore
5. confuse
6. frighten
7. terrify
8. relax
9. amaze
10. shock
11. surprise
12. disappoint
13. tire
14. depress
15. embarrass
Exercise 2. Choose a word from the box to complete the definitions.
Horror Thriller Western Romantic comedy Comedy
War Action Science Fiction Cartoon Documentary
1. It is a film that is intended to make you feel frightened and scream. _____________________
2. It is a film that is intended to make you laugh and usually has a happy ending.
3. A film about life in the future, usually with people or creatures that live in outer space.
4. A film that tells an exciting story about murder or crime. _____________________
5. A film about cowboys and life in the 19th century in the American West. _____________________
6. A film about people fighting a war. _____________________
7. A film that has a lot of exciting events in it, for example people chasing each other in cars, lots of
guns and explosions. _____________________
8. A film that is intended to make you laugh, about two people who meet and have a romantic
relationship. _____________________
9. A film made using drawings, which are put together to look as if they are moving.
10. A movie about real life. _____________________
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the correct adjective form -ing or -ed of the words in
1. This is the most _____________ person I’ve ever met. (interest)
2. Jane is _____________ in Walt Disney cartoons. (interest)
3. The total gross of the latest film is _____________. (disappoint)
4. I was very _____________ with the ending. (disappoint)
5. This situation is really _____________. (shock)
6. I was totally _____________ when I heard about the news. (shock)
7. My daughter is _____________ of horror movies. (frighten)
8. The main character of this film is very _____________. (frighten)
Exercise 4. Complete with "although / though / despite / in spite of". (Two answers are possible.)
1. We went to an Italian restaurant _____________ we didn’t like the food much.
2. _____________ the rain, they kept playing golf.
3. She tried putting on the shirt _____________ it was not her style.
4. _____________ he didn’t have much money, he bought that motorbike for his son.
5. I didn’t find the movie scary _____________ it was a horror movie.
6. We really want to see this movie _____________ many people don’t like it.
7. _____________ the fact that they work hard, they couldn’t earn enough money for daily life.
8. _____________ she is a movie star, she didn’t give an impressive performance in the film.
9. Trung went to class _____________ his sickness.
10. They are willing to share food and clothes to others _____________ they are not very rich.
Exercise 5. Complete sentences with "although / despite / however / nevertheless."
1. I find the film exciting. _____________, many people don’t like it.
2. She often eats fast food _____________ it is not good for her health.
3. I won’t see that movie _____________ my friends recommended it to me.
4. Tom’s mother made breakfast; _____________, he didn’t eat because he was late for school.
5. Tung goes to work by bike _____________ living far from his office.
6. My room is rather small. _____________ it is cosy and tidy.
7. _____________ the fact that the film was amazing, it was not a big success.
8. My sister likes cartoons. _____________, I find comedies more gripping.
9. _____________ Jane is intelligent, she didn’t do well on the test last week.
10. We want to go camping; _____________, the weather is not so good today.
Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
reviews moving leading plot must-see leading
scenes stars confusing tickets kind scenes stars confusing
1. The _____________ of the film is predictable. I can guess what they will do next.
2. What _____________ of film is The Avengers?
3. I have got two _____________ for the film tonight. Will you join me?
4. The film is too violent with a lot of fighting and killing _____________.
5. I promise you it is a _____________. It will never let you down!
6. Miracle in Cell No.7 was such a _____________ film that everyone cried during the film.
7. Do you usually read _____________ about a film before you go to watch it?
8. Who will play the _____________ role if Johnny Depp and Robert the Downey Jr. feature in the
same film?
9. Daniel Radcliffe is one of the _____________ in Harry Potter.
10. It was such a _____________ movie that no one understood till the end.
Exercise 7. Underline the correct answers.
1. The movie was so boring/funny that people laughed out loud.
2. My friend is a moviegoer / watcher. She usually spends a Sunday night going to the cinema with
her friends.
3. Chris Evans and Scarlett Johansson star/make in the film Captain America.
4. The audience / viewers cheered loudly when Taylor Swift came on stage.
5. The video music was seen by millions of viewers / watchers around the world.
6. The film ends with a happy setting/ending.
7. That movie received positive reviews/reports.
8. The film broke box office records and became a disaster / blockbuster.
9. I can’t stand horror films. They are too violent/frightening.

10. That woman is an amateur actress/actor.

Exercise 8. Circle the correct answers
1. What do you think of the film John Wick? - It’s a bit _____________.
A. violent B. violence C. violation D. violate
2. The ending of the film is _____________, isn’t it? I don’t understand it.
A. dull B. gripping C. shocking D. confusing
3. _____________ film did you see last week?
A. Who B. When C. What D. Where
4. Matt Reeves is the _____________ of the film Batman.
A. direct B. director C. direction D. directed
5. Hoang was born in the countryside, _____________, he grew up in the city.
A. but B. although C. nevertheless D. despite
6. The main _____________ of Trang Qụynh I saw last night were Quynh, Diem and Xam.
A. summaries B. features C. staff D. characters
7. My father likes thriller movies although they are _____________.
A. shock B. shocked C. shocking D. shocker
8. Many people laughed when they saw the _____________ scenes of the film.
A. frightening B. funny C. moving D. boring
9. That film is too scary _____________ me to see when I’m alone.
A. in B. on C. for D. with
10. She doesn’t like the film _____________ critics say it is a must-see.
A. despite B. although C. however D. but
Exercise 9. Underline and correct the mistake(s) ỉn each of the following sentences.
1. Although Jane’s effort, she couldn’t find a good job.
2. I missed my favourite movie last night so I was exhausted.
3. Why don’t we going to see a movie tomorrow?
4. Kristen Stewart is one of my favourite actress.
5. Keanu Reeves is a famous and kind action.
6. What is the film of?
7. I decided to buy those shoes although theirs high price.
8. It rained a lot, and we enjoyed our holiday.
9. Although I don’t like the special effects, or I like the plot.
10. Who stars on the film? - Tom Hiddleston.
Exercise 10. Join the two sentences using the connector in brackets.
1. The movie Twilight is quite frightening. It is still interesting and full of action. (Although)
2. That film was too violent. Many people liked it. (Despite)
3. Amy Adams is one of Hollywood’s famous actresses. She hasn’t won an Oscar. (Although)
4. It was a comedy. It wasn’t funny at all. (in spite of)
5. The movie was a blockbuster. It wasn’t a big success. (however)
6. The film had negative reviews. Many people went to see it. (despite)
7. Snacks and drinks in the cinema are expensive. People still buy them. (Nevertheless)
8. The film was interesting. Judy left the cinema early. (although)
9. The music was excellent. I didn’t like the acting of the movie. (despite)
10. I saw this movie many times last month. I didn’t understand it. (However)
Exercise 11. Rewrite the following sentences using the words / phrases given.
1. Shall we go to the movie theatre tonight? (How about)
2. Cinema tickets are quite expensive, but many people still go there. (Despite)
3. I find cartoons fantastic. (think)
4. I like the story of the film, but I don’t like the acting. (however)
5. Despite her broken leg, my sister went to work. (nevertheless)
6. I find it interesting to see romantic comedies. (am)
7. In spite of the bad weather, they filmed for 8 hours. (Though)
8. The film was so moving that my mother cried a lot. (such)
9. I like Robert Pattinson the best. (is)
10. Why don’t we see a family movie for a change? (suggest)
Exercise 12. Reorder the following words / phrases to make sentences.
1. Roger / didn’t / succeed / in / work. / project / his / his / hard / despite
2. be / famous / his / wants / a / David / actor /; however, / his / him /don’t /allow / parents / to /
follow / to / dream.
3. The / cinema / meet / add / more / showtime / customers’ / will / needs. / to
4. film / saw / they / that / last / night / was / quite / amusing. / The
5. I’m / a / about / review / writing / films.
6. is / best / one / It / the / time. / movies / of / all / of
7. cry. / Moving / often / make / people / films
8. The / film / was / so / asleep. / we / almost / fell / boring / that
9. do / What / say / about / the / film? / people
10. enjoy / think / you / will / movie. / this /I
Exercise 13. Write a paragraph (80-100 words) about your favourite film or the film you have seen
lately and write a review on it.
You should base on the suggestions below:
- What is the name of the film?
- What kind of film is it?
- When was the film on? / When was the film released?
- Who is the director? Who are the main characters?
- What is the plot of the film?
- What are your opinions about it?

Describe your favorite film
 When you saw it
 Where you saw it
 What type of film it was
 What the film was about
 Why it is your favorite film
animated: blockbuster: emotional roller coaster:
hoạt hình phim bom tấn cảm xúc thăng trầm
genre: absorb: capture:
thể loại mê mẩn thu hút, lưu lại
movie buff:
emotions: film review:
người thích xem phim
cảm xúc bài bình luận phim
và biết hết chi tiết
trailer: plot: cast:
đoạn giới thiệu phim cốt truyện của phim dàn diễn viên

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