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Pure Appl. Geophys.

179 (2022), 4371–4393

Ó 2022 The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG Pure and Applied Geophysics

An Improved Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment of Tripura, India


Abstract—The state of Tripura lies in northeast India, which is Ground shaking causes extensive damage to property
considered one of the most seismically active regions of the world.
In the present study, a realistic probabilistic seismic hazard
and life-threatening conditions in a seismic-prone
assessment (PSHA) of Tripura state is presented based on improved terrain possessing favorable seismotectonics and
seismogenic sources considering layered polygonal sources corre- local geological site conditions. It is thus necessary to
sponding to hypocentral depth ranges of 0–25, 25–70 and 70–180
estimate the seismic hazard of the terrain under
km, respectively, and data-driven selection of suitable ground
motion prediction equations (GMPEs) in a logic tree framework. consideration in a realistic way, which could provide
Analyses are carried out by formulating a layered seismogenic the necessary design inputs for earthquake-resistant
source zonation together with smooth-gridded seismicity. Using the structural design.
limited accelerogram records available, the most suitable GMPEs
are selected after performing a thorough quantitative assessment, Northeast India is one of the world’s most seis-
and thus the uncertainty in selecting appropriate GMPEs in PSHA mically active regions, with more than seven
is addressed by combining them with the proper weight factor. The earthquakes of magnitudes 5 and above per year
computations of seismic hazard are carried out in a higher-reso-
lution grid interval of 0.05  0.05 . The probabilistic seismic
recorded on average (Sitharam & Sil, 2014). The
hazard distribution in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA) and state of Tripura is one of the eight northeastern states
5% damped pseudo-spectral acceleration (PSA) at different time of India, and from a seismological point of view,
periods for 10% and 2% probability of exceedance in 50 years at
Tripura is considered to be of interest due to the
engineering bedrock level are presented. The final results show
significant improvements over previous studies, which is reflected existence of the important geotectonic unit known as
in the local variation in the hazard maps. The design response the Tripura Fold Belt to the west of the Indo-Burma
spectra at engineering bedrock level can be computed for any Ranges. Compressive movements between the Indian
location in the study region from the hazard distributions. The
results will be useful for earthquake-resistant design and con- Plate and the Eurasian Plate during the Oligocene to
struction of structures in this region. recent times produced the Tripura Fold Belt (Gupta,
2006). In addition, Tripura is surrounded by the
Keywords: Layered polygonal seismogenic source zones,
probabilistic seismic hazard, smooth-gridded seismicity, ground
Eastern Himalayas and the Shillong Plateau-Mikir
motion prediction equation, ranking of GMPEs. Hills in the north, the Naga-Disang Thrust system in
the northeast, the Tertiary fold–thrust belt of the
Indo-Burma Arc in the east, and the Bengal Basin in
the southwest.
1. Introduction In the region surrounding Tripura, 18 events of
magnitude Mw [ 7:0 have taken place since 1664
Hazards associated with earthquakes are com- (shown in Fig. 1), and the impact of these earth-
monly referred to as seismic hazards, and ground quakes has attracted the attention of scientists and
shaking is considered the most important of all seis- engineers towards seismic safety evaluation of the
mic hazards, as all the other hazards are region. The latest seismic zoning map of India
consequences of ground shaking (Kramer, 2013). released by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)
assigns four levels of seismicity in terms of zone
factors (BIS, 1893–2016), which is twice the zero
period acceleration (ZPA) of the design spectrum.
Engineering Seismology Division, Central Water and
Power Research Station, Pune, India. E-mail: The present study area falls within seismic zone V, with the highest zone factor 0.36 as per BIS
4372 S. Sinha and S. Selvan Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 1
Region of the present study with the important geotectonic units. The solid red line shows the geographical boundary (approximate) of
Tripura, and the solid purple line shows a buffer of 300 km. The events with an asterisk indicate the earthquakes of magnitude MW [ 7:0. The
events with a filled circle are the strong-motion earthquakes considered for selection of suitable GMPEs

(1893–2016). However, a crucial limitation of the randomness of earthquake occurrence in space, time
seismic zonation code of India (BIS, 1893–2016) is and magnitude into account. The computational for-
that it is not based on comprehensive seismic hazard mulation of PSHA was developed by Cornell (1968)
analysis and hence lacks probabilistic features and McGuire (1976).
(Khattri, 2006). However, the probabilistic approach Basu and Nigam (1977) and Khattri et al. (1984)
in the computation of seismic hazard analysis is adopted a probabilistic approach to prepare seismic
considered to be more appropriate and realistic for its zonation maps in terms of peak ground acceleration
scientifically sound background (Kramer, 2013). (PGA) for a specific return period. Bhatia et al.
Using the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (1999) performed a PSHA of India under the Global
(PSHA) approach, with a specified confidence level, Seismic Hazard Assessment Program (GSHAP).
the ground motion will not be exceeded at any of the Many researchers have also carried out seismic haz-
time periods due to any of the earthquakes expected ard studies of northeastern states of India (Sharma &
during a given time interval, thus taking the Malik, 2006; Nath, 2006; Thingbaijam et al., 2008;
Vol. 179, (2022) An Improved Probabilistic 4373

Raghukanth et al., 2008; Sitharam & Sil, 2014; Das considered from the geographical boundary of Tri-
et al., 2016). The present study attempts to improve pura. Therefore, the region of study ranges from 20
upon the existing studies by considering layered N to 28 N latitude and 88 E to 96 E longitude. The
polygonal sources corresponding to different study region with the important geotectonic units is
hypocentral depths together with smooth gridded shown in Fig. 1. The hill-shaded terrain representa-
seismicity and data-driven selection of ground motion tion Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM)
prediction equations (GMPEs). A similar methodol- data, used in Fig. 1, was taken from the Consortium
ogy was adopted by Nath and Thingbaijam (2012) for Spatial Information (Jarvis et al., 2008).
and Maiti et al. (2017). However, the computation of Northeast India is one of the most seismically
seismic hazard in the present study is carried out at a active regions of the world (Kayal, 1991). The seis-
higher resolution with a finer grid interval of motectonics of northeast India are summarized as
0:05  0:05 , and the suitability of different GMPEs south-directed overthrusting from the north due to
against recorded strong motion data for different collision tectonics at the Himalayan Arc and north-
focal depths is determined using histograms of nor- west-directed overthrusting from the southeast due to
malized residuals and the likelihood values, subduction tectonics at the Burma Arc (Mukhopad-
introduced by Scherbaum et al. (2004). hyay & Dasgupta, 1988). The study area covers sheet
The National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Pro- numbers 13, 14, 16, 24, 25 and 26 of the Seismo-
gram (NEHRP) developed a site classification tectonic Atlas of India and Its Environs (SEISAT)
scheme based on the average shear wave velocity for published by the Geological Survey of India (GSI)
the upper 30 m of the soil column (VS30 ). The stan- (Dasgupta et al., 2000). It is represented by six major
dard engineering bedrock or the firm-rock site tectonic domains, namely, the Himalayan mobile belt
conditions are considered to be more realistic for (Eastern Himalaya) and the Shillong Plateau-Mikir
regional hazard computations (Nath & Thingbaijam, Hills in the north, the Naga-Disang Thrust system in
2012), and the standard engineering bedrock corre- the northeast, the Tertiary fold-thrust belt of the Indo-
sponds to VS30  760 m/s (defined as the boundary Burma Arc in the east, the outer Molasse basin of
site class BC). In the present study, the spatial dis- Tripura-Chittagong in the south, and the Bengal
tribution of probabilistic seismic hazard in terms of Basin in the southeast. The tectonic features (faults,
PGA and 5% damped pseudo-spectral acceleration thrusts, major lineaments, etc.) obtained from the
(PSA) at different time periods for 10% and 2% SEISAT (Dasgupta et al., 2000) across the study
probability of exceedance (PoE) in 50 years (corre- region are depicted in Fig. 2.
sponding to return periods 475 and 2475 years, The Himalayan mobile belt is represented by four
respectively) at engineering bedrock are obtained. tectonic units in the form of the crystalline complexes
The final hazard maps thus produced are able to (F)F; the folded cover sequences (F)FC; the cover
capture the spatial variations in seismic hazard of sequences (F)C of Buxa, Miri and Gondwana Groups;
Tripura. We expect that the results will be useful to and the frontal belt (F) represented by the Siwalik
structural engineers for earthquake-resistant design of Group. These are separated by wide thrust faults,
structures and helpful to the government for decision- namely, the Main Central Thrust (MCT), Main
making regarding disaster mitigation. Boundary Thrust (MBT) and Main Frontal Thrust
(MFT) and their subsidiary thrusts (Dasgupta et al.,
2000). It is a pile of E–W-oriented thrust faults
2. Region of Study and Seismotectonic Framework composed of crystalline rocks of the Great Hima-
layas. These thrust faults have overridden the Indian
The present study is focused on the seismic haz- Plate due to the northward underthrusting of the
ard assessment of Tripura, one of the eight Indian Plate beneath southern Tibet (Gansser, 1964).
northeastern states in India. The region of study is There is N–S convergence within the eastern Hima-
300 km in radius from the geographical boundary of laya which is accommodated through thrust faulting
the state of Tripura; i.e, a buffer of 300 km is on the shallow north-dipping fault plane within the
4374 S. Sinha and S. Selvan Pure Appl. Geophys.


Atherkhet F






Dudhnoi F

Kulsi F



a us





Dauki Fault Di













Shan−Shagaing Fault



Subsurface faults


Gravity faults 0 km 100 km 200 km

88˚E 90˚E 92˚E 94˚E 96˚E

Figure 2
Tectonic map of the study region. The international boundaries, coastlines and water bodies are produced from the Generic Mapping Tools
(GMT) database

eastern Himalayan wedge (Kumar et al., 2015). The intruded by acid and basic igneous rocks. During the
MCT separates two geologically distinct zones—the Jurassic-Cretaceous period, the plateau rifted along
Lesser Himalaya to the south and the Higher Hima- the southern margin by the E–W steep north-dipping
layan Crystalline to the north. The main discontinuity Dauki Fault and earthquakes occur to depths of 30–50
between the Sub-Himalayan and Lesser Himalaya km beneath the Shillong Plateau (Bilham & England,
zones is the MBT, currently marked by intense seis- 2001). The Shillong Plateau is characterized by a
micity and disastrous earthquakes (Angelier & number of faults, shears and lineaments, which
Baruah, 2009). exhibit considerable seismicity. The great 1897
The Shillong Plateau consists mostly of an Shillong earthquake (MW 8.0) occurred in the Shil-
Archean gneiss complex with Proterozoic intracra- long Plateau, which is noted as the largest-magnitude
tonic quartzite and phyllite of the Shillong Group earthquake observed in the study area. The north-
Vol. 179, (2022) An Improved Probabilistic 4375

dipping Dauki Fault zone was considered responsible zone, was inferred by Guzman-Speziale and Ni (1996),
for this event (Oldham, 1899). The N–S-striking who studied the focal mechanisms, focal depth distri-
Dudhnoi and Kulsi faults, the NE-striking Barapani butions and geometry of Wadati-Benioff zone in this
and Kalyani shear zones, and several NE–SW- and region and suggested that there are no interplate
N–S-striking lineaments are the other major faults earthquakes in this region.
which contribute to the high seismic activity in the The Tripura-Chittagong fold system is a typical
Shillong Plateau. In the NE of the Shillong Plateau fold-and-thrust belt with west-verging thrusts as a
lies Mikir Hills, which is detached from the Shillong result of the eastward subduction of the Indian Plate
Plateau by the seismically active NW–SE-striking (Angelier & Baruah, 2009). It constitutes a different
Kopili-North Dhansiri fault. The Shillong Plateau and tectonic domain of the Upper Tertiary Surma Basin
Mikir Hills are identified as detached parts of the belonging to the periphery of the Indo-Burma orogen.
Indian Plate in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis It comprises the Tripura-Mizoram Hills, the Chit-
(Gansser, 1964). In the north, the Shillong Plateau is tagong Hill Tracts and coastal Burma, represents a
limited by the Brahmaputra basin, which is charac- large Neogene basin formed west of the Paleogene
terized by several sets of neotectonic faults, of which Arakan-Yoma Fold Belt and is broadly confined within
the NE–SW-trending and E–W-trending sets are the the Naga Thrust and Dauki Fault to the north and the
most conspicuous (Dasgupta et al., 2000). Sylhet Fault to the west and northwest. The Tripura-
The Naga-Disang Thrust system forms a complex Chittagong fold system is composed of narrow, long
pattern with a narrow belt of imbricate thrust slices, and doubly plunging folds. The N–S-trending folds
known as the Belt of Schuppen. It is delineated from indicate eastward drag along the Dauki Fault in the
southeast of Brahmaputra foredeep by the Naga north. The seismicity in this zone is sparse and the
Thrust on the west and the Haflong-Disang Thrust on events are mostly shallow-focused (Dasgupta et al.,
the east. A number of NNW- and NW-trending lin- 2000).
eaments cut across this overthrust belt and traverse The Bengal Basin is bordered on its west by the
further south into the Paleogene inner fold belt Precambrian basement complex of crystalline meta-
(Dasgupta et al., 2000). The frontal thrust, although morphic rock of the Indian Shield and to the east by
called the Naga Thrust, is composed of many dif- the Tripura-Chittagong Fold Belt. The Bengal Basin
ferent thrusts. The uppermost thrust, known as the comprises an enormous volume of sediments that
Disang thrust, overrides all the lower thrusts in the flow down from the Ganga-Brahmaputra drainage
north Cachar Hills. The Disang thrust passes west- system, creating the world’s largest submarine fan,
ward into the Dauki Fault. the Bengal Fan. The Bengal Fan conceals the north-
The Indo-Burma Arc is a very important tectonic ern extension of the Ninety East Ridge and the
feature, and the important structural elements in this part bathymetric trench, related to subduction of the
of the region are the high angle reverse faults parallel to Indian Plate (Dasgupta et al., 2000).
the regional north-south folds in the eastern part of the Figure 3 shows the seismicity map where the
outer arc ridge within the Eastern Boundary Thrust Zone epicenters of the main shocks corresponding to dif-
(EBTZ) and the northwesterly trending transverse Mat ferent ranges of hypocentral depths are superimposed
Fault (Dasgupta et al., 2000). The Burma Arc seismicity on the tectonic map to correlate the past seismicity
is an outcome of eastward underthrusting of the Indian with the identified tectonic features.
Lithosphere below the Burma plate. Santo (1969)
illustrates that an inclined seismic zone, defining the
Benioff zone, is present throughout Burma. The dip of 3. Methodology and Computational Framework
the Benioff zone was found to be45 and the depth of
penetration about 180 km. Seismotectonic studies of 3.1. Preparation of Earthquake Catalogue
the Indo-Burma region have been attempted by several
The region of the present study ranges from
investigators. An eastward-dipping zone of seismicity,
latitude 20 N - 28 N and longitude 88 E - 96 E.
consistent with the Benioff zone in a typical subduction
4376 S. Sinha and S. Selvan Pure Appl. Geophys.

3 <= Mw < 5

5 <= Mw < 6

6 <= Mw < 7

7 <= Mw < 8

Mw >= 8


Subsurface faults


24˚N Gravity faults


0 km 100 km 200 km
88˚E 90˚E 92˚E 94˚E 96˚E
Focal Depth (km)
(0 − 25) (25 − 70) (70 − 180) (180 − 300)
# Symbols with no colours indicate events for which no focal depth is available #

Figure 3
Seismotectonic map of the study region depicting the epicenters of the main shocks on the tectonic features

The first step of seismic hazard assessment is to ( for the

prepare an earthquake catalogue. An earthquake instrumental period and for the pre-instrumental and
database which contains details of each earthquake early instrumental periods, the database was taken
event including time of occurrence in terms of year, from various published sources (Jaiswal & Sinha,
month, day, hour and minute, and the location of 2004; Ambraseys, 2000; Oldham, 1869) and supple-
occurrence in terms of local magnitude ML , surface mented with data from the India Meteorological
wave magnitude MS , body wave magnitude mb and Department (IMD), New Delhi. The catalogue com-
moment magnitude MW is known as an earthquake piled for the present study contains a total of 4491
catalogue. The earthquake catalogue for the present events starting from 825 A.D. The compiled cata-
analysis was prepared from the reviewed Interna- logue contains magnitude in different scales (ML , MS ,
tional Seismological Centre (ISC) Bulletin, UK mb and MW ). Conversion of different magnitude
(, scales into one type of magnitude (MW ) using suit-
National Earthquake Information Centre (NEIC), able conversion relations is required for seismic
(, hazard analysis because most of the GMPEs are
USGS and Global Centroid Moment Tensor (GCMT) developed in terms of MW to avoid saturation effects.
project supported by the National Science Foundation The process of conversion is termed homogenization.
Vol. 179, (2022) An Improved Probabilistic 4377

Table 1
Conversion relations used in the present study

Type of magnitude Magnitude range(s) Conversion relation(s) Reference(s)

3.0  MS \ 6.2 MW ¼ 0:67MS þ 2:07 Scordilis (2006)

MS 6.2  MS  8.2 MW ¼ 0:99MS þ 0:08 Scordilis (2006)
MS [ 8.2 MW ¼ 0:8126MS þ 1:1723 Filiz & Kartal (2012)
3.5  mb  5.5 MW ¼ 0:85mb þ 1:03 Scordilis (2006)
mb 5.5 \ mb  7.3 MW ¼ 1:46mb  2:42 Sipkin (2003)
mb [ 7.3 MW ¼ 1:0319mb þ 0:0223 Filiz & Kartal (2012)
ML  6.0 MW ¼ ML Heaton et al. (1986)
ML ML [ 6.0 MW ¼ 0:08095ML þ 1:30003 Filiz & Kartal (2012)

The homogenization was carried out using global

For any earthquake of magnitude M in the catalogue,
empirical relations (Filiz & Kartal, 2012; Scordilis,
the subsequent shocks are identified as aftershocks if
2006; Sipkin, 2003). The preference or the priority of
they occur within the time window T(M) and the
the type of magnitude taken for homogenization is
distance window L(M). It is more practical to put an
MW ! MS ! mb ! ML . The various conversion upper limit on the magnitude of aftershocks, say, at
relations used in the present study are given in
least one unit magnitude below the magnitude of the
Table 1. main shock (Bath, 1965). The method can also be
The seismic events in the catalogue contain main
applied to identify the foreshocks, if the time of
shocks and triggered events (foreshocks and after-
occurrence is before the time of the shock under
shocks). Main shocks are statistically independent
consideration and it has not been identified as an
and follow Poissonian distribution. Triggered events
aftershock of an earlier main shock. No upper limit is
are dependent on main shocks and tend to cluster in
required on the magnitude of the foreshock, except
space and time. Seismic hazard analysis is generally
that it should be lower than that of the main shock.
based on the assumptions of Poissonian distribution
The declustered earthquake catalogue contains a total
of earthquakes. Therefore, it is necessary to identify
of 2694 main shocks in MW units, i.e, declustering
and remove the foreshocks and the aftershocks from eliminates about 40% of the events in the catalogue.
the catalogue. The process to eliminate the dependent
events from the earthquake catalogue is known as
declustering. The Gardner and Knopoff (1974) win- 3.2. Delineation of Seismogenic Source Zones
dow method for identification of dependent events is
Identification of seismogenic sources is one of the
widely used in practical seismic hazard analysis and
most important steps in seismic hazard assessment.
is adopted here. This approach states that aftershocks
Because of plate boundary activity in northern
are dependent (a non-Poissonian process) on the size
Himalaya, intraplate activity in the Shillong Plateau
of the main shocks, and the dependent events need to
and subduction process in the Indo-Burma Range, the
be removed in accordance with defined distance and seismotectonic setup observed in the study region is
time windows. The time window T(M) in days and
very complex, as described in Sect. 1. Source
distance window L(M) in km after Gardner and delineation is based primarily on tectonic trends and
Knopoff (1974) are as follows:
seismicity of a region. However, no consistent criteria
LðMÞ ¼ 100:3238Mþ0:983 for defining a seismogenic source zone (SSZ) have
 0:032Mþ2:7389 been established to date. We found the methodology
10 if M  6:5 given by Nath and Thingbaijam (2012) and Maiti
TðMÞ ¼ 0:032Mþ2:7389
10 if M\6:5 et al. (2017) to be appropriate, and it was adopted.
They suggested layered polygonal SSZs correspond-
ing to different ranges of hypocentral depths. It has
4378 S. Sinha and S. Selvan Pure Appl. Geophys.

28˚N 28˚N




26˚N 26˚N






24˚N 24˚N 3 <= Mw < 5 SSZ1

5 <= Mw < 6

6 <= Mw < 7

7 <= Mw < 8

Mw >= 8

22˚N 22˚N
3 <= Mw < 5

5 <= Mw < 6

Layer 1 6 <= Mw < 7 Layer 2

Focal Depth (0 km − 25 km) Focal Depth (25 km − 70 km)
7 <= Mw < 8

0 km 100 km 200 km Mw >= 8 0 km 100 km 200 km

20˚N 20˚N
88˚E 90˚E 92˚E 94˚E 96˚E 88˚E 90˚E 92˚E 94˚E 96˚E
3 <= Mw < 5

5 <= Mw < 6
6 <= Mw < 7

7 <= Mw < 8 −20


Mw >= 8 Z3
26˚N −40

Depth in km



SSZ1 −140


26 94 96
24 92 o
Latitude, o N 22 90
Layer 3
20 88 Longitude, E
Focal Depth (70 km − 180 km)

Mw < 5 5 ≤ Mw < 6 6 ≤ Mw < 7 7 ≤ Mw < 8 Mw > 8

0 km 100 km 200 km
20˚N Layer 1 (0−25 km) Layer 2 (25−70 km) Layer 3 (70−180 km)
88˚E 90˚E 92˚E 94˚E 96˚E

Figure 4
Seismogenic source zones in the study area for all three layers along with the 3D depth section of the main shocks

been observed by various researchers that seismicity of seismicity patterns, fault networks and similarity in
patterns and source dynamics vary significantly with the style of focal mechanisms for all three layers, as
depth (Allen et al., 2004; Christova, 1992; Taspanos, depicted in Fig. 4. The epicenters of the main shocks
2000). Therefore, the consideration of a single set of from the declustered catalogue and the focal mech-
seismicity parameters over the entire depth range anisms for earthquakes of magnitude  5:0 MW
may result in inaccurate estimation of seismic extracted from the GCMT database for respective
hazards. Based on the hypocentral depth distribution layers are also shown in Fig. 4. The three-dimen-
of seismicity in the study region, three hypocentral sional (3D) depth section of the main shocks is
depth ranges (in km) corresponding to 0–25 (Layer plotted in the bottom right panel of Fig. 4. Layer 3
1), 25–70 (Layer 2) and 70–180 (Layer 3) are mostly corresponds to the subduction process. The
considered here, and SSZs are delineated on the basis SSZs are described briefly in the following.
Vol. 179, (2022) An Improved Probabilistic 4379

A SSZ is considered as an area of diffused 3.2.2 SSZs for Hypocentral Layer 3

seismicity with distinctly different seismogenic
potential in terms of the maximum magnitude as SSZ1 encompasses low-magnitude deep events in the
well as the occurrence rate of earthquakes in different frontal Indo-Burma fold belt. SSZ2 includes intense
magnitude ranges. Considering the highly complex seismicity related to the Tertiary fold–thrust belt of
spatial distribution and correlation of seismic activity the Indo-Burma Arc caused by the subduction of the
with the tectonic features in the study area, six broad Indian Plate below the Burma Plate, and the events
SSZs were identified for each hypocentral Layer 1 have deeper focal depths. SSZ3 includes low-magni-
and 2 and three SSZs for hypocentral Layer 3 as tude deep events from the northern part of the
shown in Fig. 4. Shillong Plateau, and the easternmost segment of
Himalaya consists of MCT, MBT and MFT.
3.2.1 SSZs for Hypocentral Layers 1 and 2
3.3. Catalogue Completeness
The geometric coverage of SSZs for Layers 1 and 2
are similar. SSZ1 is occupied by the frontal Indo- It is recognized that earthquake data in the
Burma fold belt in the east, having a lower level of catalogue are generally incomplete for smaller mag-
seismicity. The northern part of the Bengal Basin is nitude earthquakes in the early time due to inadequate
covered in the west. The central part, occupied by the instrumentation. However, due to short return periods
N–S-trending Tripura-Cachar Fold Belt, constitutes a of smaller magnitude, their occurrence rates can be
domain of the Upper Tertiary Surma Basin belonging evaluated even from recent data, say, for approxi-
to the periphery of the Indo-Burma orogen. The state mately the last 25 years. However, to have a reliable
boundary of Tripura lies in this zone. The SSZ2 estimate for the occurrence rates of larger magnitude
encompasses intense seismicity related to the Tertiary earthquakes with a long return period, the data for a
fold–thrust belt of the Indo-Burma Arc caused by the much longer period need to be considered. Failure to
subduction of the Indian Plate below the Burma Plate. correct for data incompleteness may result in under-
SSZ3 lies southeast of Brahmaputra Basin. The estimation of the mean rates of occurrence of
foredeep exposes a narrow belt of imbricate thrust earthquake. The correction can be done by identify-
slices, the Shuppen Belt. This belt is delineated on the ing the time period of complete data for a pre-defined
west by the Naga Thrust and on the east by the magnitude range. Reliable mean rates of occurrence
Haflong-Disang Thrust. SSZ4 is seismically active of earthquake for these magnitude ranges can then be
and encompasses mainly the Shilling Plateau and part computed from the complete data. Stepp (1972)
of the Brahmaputra Valley in the northeast. The proposed a statistical method to calculate the period
northern margin of the Shillong Plateau subsided of completeness, and this method was followed in the
stepwise to form the basement for the deposition of present analysis to determine the period of complete-
the Upper Tertiary sediments and a huge pile of ness. Stepp suggested that if the earthquakes in a
alluvium in the Brahmaputra foredeep extending to catalogue are reported completely, they will follow a
the Himalayan frontal belt. To the south and east, the Poissonian distribution with constant occurrence
plateau terminates along the Haflong-Disang Thrust. rates. If R(M) is the average number of events per
SSZ5 forms the easternmost segment of Himalaya, year for a specific magnitude range centered about M
consisting of major thrusts including the MCT, MBT, for a time interval of T years, the standard deviation
and MFT, along with several secondary thrusts and SR of R(M) is given by
transverse tectonic features. SSZ6 consists of the pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Indo-Gangetic Plain including the Himalayan fore- SR ¼ RðMÞ=T ð2Þ
deep and shows somewhat subdued seismic activity. The stationarity of R(M) guarantees that S(R)
pffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffibehaves
as 1= T . From the plot of S(R) versus 1= T , known
as a ‘‘completeness plot’’, the period of completeness
is determined by a marked deviation of the S(R)
4380 S. Sinha and S. Selvan Pure Appl. Geophys.

values from the linearity of the 1= T slope. The (Wells & Coppersmith, 1994; Kijko, 2004; Kijko &
period of completeness becomes successively longer Graham, 1998), and a certain degree of subjectivity is
with higher magnitude range. Typical completeness always associated with each method (Bollinger et al.,
plots for SSZ1 and SSZ5 in Layer 1, SSZ1 in Layer 2, 1992). For example, the Wells and Coppersmith
and SSZ2 in Layer 3 are shown in Fig. 5. (1994) method requires the fault rupture length of
future earthquakes to be specified, and this cannot be
determined with any confidence due to a lack of
3.4. Maximum Earthquake Prognosis
scientific basis. In the present study, a maximum
The maximum earthquake (Mmax ) is the largest likelihood method for maximum earthquake estima-
seismic event characteristic of the terrain under tion, known as the Kijko-Sellevoll-Bayesian (KSB)
seismotectonic and stratigraphic conditions. There method, was adopted because of its wide acceptabil-
are a number of methods for determining Mmax values ity and sound mathematical background. From the

0 0
10 10
Standard Deviation, S(R)

Standard Deviation, S(R)



−2 4.0 < M < 4.8 4.0 < M < 4.8

10 4.8 < M < 6.0 4.8 < M < 6.0
M > 6.0 M > 6.0

1 2 1 2
10 10 10 10
Time Interval, Years Time Interval, Years

L2−SSZ1 10 L3−SSZ2
Standard Deviation, S(R)

Standard Deviation, S(R)

−1 −1
10 10

4.0 < M < 4.8

4.0 < M < 4.8 −2
4.8 < M < 6.0
4.8 < M < 6.0 10 6.0 < M < 6.8
M > 6.0 M > 6.8

1 2 1 2
10 10 10 10
Time Interval, Years Time Interval, Years

Figure 5
Typical completeness plots for SSZ1 and SSZ5 in Layer 1, SSZ1 in Layer 2, and SSZ2 in Layer 3
Vol. 179, (2022) An Improved Probabilistic 4381

knowledge of the Gutenberg-Richter (GR) probabil- ebðMMmin Þ  ebðMmax Mmin Þ

ity distribution function (PDF), it is possible to N ðM Þ ¼ N ðMmin Þ ;
1  ebðMmax Mmin Þ
construct the Bayesian version of the Kijko-Sellevoll Mmin \M\max
(KS) estimator of Mmax (Kijko & Singh, 2011), and
the KSB estimator of Mmax can be calculated by an
iterative process. Maximum earthquake prognosis is where b ¼ b ln 10. Although the choice of Mmin is not
performed for all SSZs of all three layers. crucial in Eq. 4, a suitable Mmin is necessary for
computation of hazard (Bommer & Crowley, 2017).
Mmin is taken as 4.0 in the present study. The GR
3.5. Estimation of Seismicity Parameters
relationship for an SSZ is fitted using the maximum
The evaluation of seismicity parameters is con- likelihood method of Weichert (1980) by first iden-
sidered to be the most important for hazard tifying the periods of completeness for different
estimation. Earthquake occurrences across the globe magnitude ranges. As the number of events in SSZ6
are expected to follow an exponential distribution, of Layer 2 is very low, SSZ5 and SSZ6 of Layer 2 are
given by Gutenberg and Richter (1944) as merged together to achieve a good fit by the bounded
recurrence law. The bounded recurrence law of Eq. 4
log NðMÞ ¼ a  bM ð3Þ
cannot represent the magnitude-frequency depen-
where N(M) is the mean annual rate of exceedance dence of SSZ4 well for both Layer 1 and Layer 2.
for magnitude M, i.e., the cumulative number of Therefore, a more complex recurrence law, known as
events with magnitude equal to or greater than M. characteristic earthquake recurrence law, developed
The value of 10a is the mean yearly number of by Youngs and Coppersmith (1985) is applied for
earthquakes of magnitude equal to or greater than those two SSZs. The characteristic earthquake model
zero, and b (or the b value) describes the relative predicts higher rates of exceedance at magnitudes
likelihood of large and small earthquakes. The a and near the characteristic earthquake magnitude and
b values are generally obtained by regression analysis lower rates at lower magnitudes. The seismicity
of data available for an SSZ of interest. The standard parameters estimated by the applicable recurrence
Gutenberg-Richter (GR) relation covers an infinite relationship for all the polygonal SSZs in different
range of magnitude ranging from 1 to þ1. For layers are listed in Table 2, and the magnitude-
engineering purposes, the effects of very small
earthquakes are of little interest and it is common to
disregard those that are not capable of causing sig- Table 2
nificant damage (Kramer, 2013). It is therefore Estimated seismicity parameters for all the polygonal SSZs
necessary to put a lower bound, i.e., to consider a
SSZ(s) b-value(s) a value(s) Mmax Mmax
lower threshold (Mmin ) on the magnitude. At the other
end of the magnitude scale, the standard GR law 1 1.00 ± 0.07 4.42 7.96 ± 0.50 7.53
predicts nonzero mean rates of exceedance for mag- 2 0.92 ± 0.08 4.02 6.88 ± 0.30 6.71
Layer 1 3 0.60 ± 0.12 2.18 7.90 ± 0.56 7.40
nitude up to infinity. However, there is always an 4 0.80 ± 0.07 3.40 8.38 ± 0.46 8.00
upper bound magnitude or a maximum magnitude 5 0.82 ± 0.08 3.71 8.06 ± 0.44 6.72
(Mmax ) associated with all the SSZs. With the impo- 6 0.72 ± 0.18 2.09 8.72 ± 0.84 7.92
1 1.04 ± 0.06 4.97 7.88 ± 0.54 7.40
sition of a lower bound and an upper bound
2 0.92 ± 0.06 4.46 7.46 ± 0.35 7.21
magnitude, the GR law is modified to a truncated Layer 2 3 0.76 ± 0.13 3.04 6.49 ± 0.37 6.22
exponential distribution in the magnitude range Mmin 4 0.92 ± 0.07 4.28 7.40 ± 0.39 7.10
to Mmin and is given by Cornell & Vanmarcke (1969) 5?6 0.86 ± 0.01 3.85 5.92 ± 0.27 5.82
1 0.60 ± 0.13 2.19 7.17 ± 0.71 6.51
Layer 3 2 0.97 ± 0.03 5.24 7.35 ± 0.29 7.20
3 0.56 ± 0.28 1.72 5.32 ± 0.39 5.02
4382 S. Sinha and S. Selvan Pure Appl. Geophys.

0 SSZ1, M = 7.96 ± 0.5 SSZ2, M = 6.88 ± 0.3 10 SSZ3, M = 7.9 ± 0.56
10 max 0 max max
−1 10
10 −1

−2 −2
10 a = 4.42 a = 4.02 10 a = 2.18
−3 b = 1 ± 0.07 10 b = 0.92 ± 0.08 b = 0.6 ± 0.12
10 −3
4 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 4 4.8 5.6 6.4 4 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2
SSZ4, Mmax = 8.38 ± 0.46 SSZ5, Mmax = 8.06 ± 0.44 SSZ6, Mmax = 8.72 ± 0.84
0 −1
10 0 10
−1 −2
10 10

−2 −3
10 a = 3.4 a = 3.71 10 a = 2.09
b = 0.8 ± 0.07 −2 b = 0.82 ± 0.08 b = 0.72 ± 0.18
−3 10 −4
10 10
4 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8 4 4.8 5.6 6.4 4 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8
1 1
10 SSZ1, Mmax = 7.88 ± 0.54 10 SSZ2, Mmax = 7.46 ± 0.35 0 SSZ3, Mmax = 6.49 ± 0.37
0 0
10 10
−1 −1 −1
10 10

−2 a = 4.97 −2 a = 4.46 a = 3.04
10 10
b = 1.04 ± 0.06 b = 0.92 ± 0.06 −2 b = 0.76 ± 0.13
−3 −3 10
10 10
4 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 4 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 4 4.8 5.6 6.4
SSZ4, Mmax = 7.4 ± 0.39 SSZ5+6, Mmax = 5.92 ± 0.27 SSZ1, Mmax = 7.17 ± 0.71
0 0
0 10
10 10

−1 Y −1
10 10
10 a = 4.28 a = 3.85 a = 2.19
b = 0.92 ± 0.07 b = 0.86 ± 0.1 −2 b = 0.6 ± 0.13
−2 −2 10
10 10
4 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 4 4.8 5.6 4 4.8 5.6 6.4
1 SSZ2, Mmax = 7.35 ± 0.29 0 SSZ3, Mmax = 5.32 ± 0.39
10 10 Layer 1
10 −1 Layer 2

10 Layer 3
−2 a = 5.24 −2 a = 1.72
10 10 X − Magnitude (M)
b = 0.97 ± 0.03 b = 0.56 ± 0.28
10 Y − Cumulative Annual Number, N(M)
4 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 3.2 4 4.8

Figure 6
Magnitude-frequency distribution plots for main shocks in each of the polygonal SSZs in all three layers

frequency distribution plots in each of the SSZs in annual activity rates, while the b-value and Mmax
different layers are shown in Fig. 6. remain fixed within the source zones. This assumes
the b-value and activity rate to be uncorrelated and a
nonuniform distribution of earthquake probability
within a zone (Nath & Thingbaijam, 2012). On the
3.6. Smooth-Gridded Seismicity
other hand, the uniform areal seismicity postulates
The seismogenic source is formulated with two each point within the zone to have equal probability
schemes, namely smooth-gridded seismicity and of earthquake occurrences.
uniform-seismicity areal zones (or uniformly The contribution of background events for hazard
smoothed). The former entails spatially varying perspective is calculated using a smooth-gridded
Vol. 179, (2022) An Improved Probabilistic 4383

seismicity model, which allows modeling of discrete quantitative suitability is often referred to as an
earthquake distributions into spatially continuous ‘‘efficacy test’’ of a GMPE for a particular region.
probability distributions. The technique given by These goodness-of-fit measures include mean, med-
Frankel (1995) is employed for this purpose in the ian and standard deviation of the normalized residual
present study. The technique has been employed as well as the median values of the likelihood
previously by several researchers (Frankel et al., parameter after Scherbaum et al. (2004). The nor-
2002; Stirling et al., 2002; Lapajne et al., 2003; malized residual is given by
Jaiswal & Sinha, 2007; Maiti et al., 2017; Nath &
logð GMÞobs  logð GMÞpredicted
Thingbaijam, 2012). In the present analysis, the study Z¼ ð6Þ
region is gridded at a regular interval of
0:05  0:05 . The smoothened function is given as where ð GMÞobs and ð GMÞpredicted are the observed
follows: and the predicted ground motions and rT is the total
P standard deviation of the GMPE used. Thus, the
nj ðmr Þeðdij =c Þ2
j normalized residual (Z) represents the distance of the
Ni ðmr Þ ¼ P ðd =c 2 ð5Þ data from the logarithmic mean measured in units of
e ij Þ
j rT . The likelihood parameter is calculated as
Z 1  2
where nj ðmr Þ is the number of events with magnitude jZj 2 Z
LHðjZjÞ ¼ Erf ðpffiffiffi ; 1Þ ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi exp dZ
 mr , dij is the distance between ith and jth cells and c 2 2p jZj 2
denotes the correlation distance which characterizes ð7Þ
uncertainty in the epicentral location and is assumed
to be 50 km in the present analysis. The sum is cal- where Erf is the error function. For samples drawn
culated in cells j within a distance of 3c of cell i. The from a normal distribution with unit standard devia-
annual activity rate kmr is computed as Ni ðmr Þ=T tion, the values of LH are evenly distributed between
where T is the (sub)catalogue period for threshold 0 and 1 and the median value is about 0.5 (Scherbaum
magnitude 4.0 MW . The subcatalogue for the thresh- et al., 2004). Ideally, the normalized residual should
old magnitude 4.0 MW covers the period be normally distributed with zero mean and unit
1988  2020. The smooth-gridded seismicity for standard distribution. Hence, central tendency mea-
threshold magnitude 4.0 MW for all the layers are sures (Mean Z and Median Z) close to zero indicate
depicted in Fig. 7. From the smooth-gridded seis- that the equation is unbiased and the standard devi-
micity analysis, the areas of probable asperities can ation of the residual (Std Z) close to 1 indicates that
be identified (Maiti et al., 2017). the standard deviation of the GMPE adequately
captures that of the recorded data. A median value of
the likelihood parameter (Med. LH) indicates that the
3.7. Selection of GMPEs GMPE matches the data in terms of both mean and
Appropriate selection and ranking of GMPEs standard deviation (Arango et al., 2012).
against recorded strong motion data are critical for a Based on the values of Mean Z, Median Z, Std
successful logic tree implementation in the PSHA for Z and Med. LH, Scherbaum et al. (2004) defined four
incorporating the epistemic uncertainties. A quanti- categories of ranking of GMPEs. The values of the
tative evaluation of the performance of the selected parameters for determining the rank of a GMPE are
GMPEs against the observation (the recorded strong given in Table 3.
motion data) is required for this purpose. To quantify The efficacy test was performed for a number of
the level of agreement between the observations and GMPEs corresponding to recorded earthquakes in
the predictions, a number of statistical measures of each layer. Owing to limited available strong-motion
the goodness-of-fit of an equation to a set of data are data, 85 three-component strong-motion accelero-
calculated in the present analysis following the grams (a total of 190 horizontal accelerograms) from
approach proposed by Scherbaum et al. (2004). This eight earthquakes of different hypocentral depths
4384 S. Sinha and S. Selvan Pure Appl. Geophys.

28˚N 28˚N

Layer 1 0 km 100 km 200 km Layer 2 0 km 100 km 200 km

26˚N 0.016 26˚N 0.036

0.014 0.032


24˚N 24˚N 0.024



22˚N 22˚N 0.012


0.002 0.004

20˚N 20˚N
0.000 0.000
88˚E 90˚E 92˚E 94˚E 96˚E 88˚E 90˚E 92˚E 94˚E 96˚E

Layer 3 0 km 100 km 200 km









88˚E 90˚E 92˚E 94˚E 96˚E

Figure 7
Smooth-gridded seismicity analysis for threshold magnitude 4.0 MW for all three layers

were considered for this purpose. Out of these 190 estimation of seismic hazard of the region. The
accelerograms, 44 accelerograms belong to Layer 1, selected GMPEs with the references and codes in the
72 accelerograms belong to Layer 2 and 74 accelero- brackets are given in Table 5.
grams belong to Layer 3. The strong-motion data Comparisons of the histograms of the normalized
used to perform the efficacy test of the GMPEs were residual values (as obtained from Eq. 6) and the
downloaded from the Center for Engineering Strong corresponding approximation by the normal distribu-
Motion Data ( tion (continuous curve) along with the standard
The details of the earthquakes considered are sum- normal distribution (dashed curve) for the three most
marized in Table 4. suitable GMPEs for each layer are plotted in the left
Based on the suitability test discussed above, sides of each sub-figure of Fig. 8.
regional and global GMPEs were selected for the
Vol. 179, (2022) An Improved Probabilistic 4385

Table 3
Values of different parameters for determining the rank of a GMPE

Mean Z Median Z Std Z Med. LH Rank

\ 0.25 \ 0.25 \ 1.125 [ 0.4 A (high capability)

\ 0.50 \ 0.50 \ 1.250 [ 0.3 B (medium capability)
\ 0.75 \ 0.75 \ 1.500 [ 0.2 C (low capability)
All other combinations of parameters D (unacceptable capability)

Table 4
Details of the earthquakes considered for performing the efficacy test

Name of earthquake Date (dd/mm/yy) Lat ( N) Lon ( E) M H (km) No. of records

1. Sikkim 18/09/2011 27.723 88.064 6.8 MW 10 5
2. Indo-Bangladesh 06/02/1988 24.688 91.570 5.8 MS 15 17
3. Indo-Bangladesh 08/05/1997 24.894 92.250 6.0 MW 34 11
4. Indo-Bangladesh 10/09/1986 23.385 92.077 4.5 MS 43 12
5. Indo-Burma 18/05/1987 25.271 94.202 5.9 MS 49 13
6. Indo-Burma 06/08/1988 25.149 95.127 7.2 MS 90 17
7. Indo-Burma 06/05/1995 24.987 95.127 6.4 MW 117 09
8. Indo-Burma 09/01/1990 24.713 95.240 6.1 MW 119 11

Table 5
Selected GMPEs used in the study along with their ranking and weight factor

Name of GMPEs with reference(s) Rank Weight factor

Abrahamson and Silva (2008) (AS08) A 0.5

Layer 1 Kanno et al. (2006) (KAN06UC) B 0.3
Chiou and Youngs (2008) (CY08) C 0.2
Abrahamson and Silva (2008) (AS08) B 0.4
Layer 2 Kanno et al. (2006) (KAN06LC) B 0.4
Campbell and Bozorgnia (2008) (CB08) C 0.2
Gupta (2010) (GUP10) A 0.5
Layer 3 Youngs et al. (1997) (YNG97) B 0.3
(Subduction) Atkinson and Boore (2003) (AB03) C 0.2

The mean, median and standard deviation of the GMPE for each layer is then determined: the higher
normalized residual (Z) are also indicated for each the ranking of a GMPE, the greater the weight factor.
case. The corresponding right sides of each sub- Therefore, from the set of GMPEs selected for each
figure of Fig. 8 plot the histograms of the LH values layer, the highest-ranking GMPE is assigned more
(as obtained from Eq. 7), with the corresponding weight and the lowest-ranking GMPE is assigned less
median values indicated for each case. Based on the weight for the implementation of the logic tree
quantitative assessment, the ranking of the selected approach. The ranking of the selected GMPEs and the
GMPEs is determined. The weight factor to each corresponding weight factor for each layer are
4386 S. Sinha and S. Selvan Pure Appl. Geophys.

Figure 8
Left side of each sub-figure: Comparison of the distributions of normalized residuals and the best-fit normal distributions (continuous curve)
with the standard normal distribution (dashed curves) for the selected GMPEs with the mean, median and standard deviation of the normalized
residual indicated for all three layers. Right side of each sub-figure: Corresponding histograms of the likelihood values with the median of LH
indicated for all three layers
Vol. 179, (2022) An Improved Probabilistic 4387

summarized in Table 5. For computations of seismic the total average exceedance rate for the region is
hazard from the deep-focused earthquakes in Layer 3, given by
the GMPEs used in Layer 2 are employed with the ZZ
same weight factors as those of Layer 2. m y ¼ ki P½Y [ y jm; r fMi ðmÞ fRi ðrÞ dm dr
3.8. Computation of Hazard
The integral 10 cannot be evaluated analytically for
The seismic hazard at a particular site is usually
virtually all realistic PSHAs. Numerical integration is
quantified in terms of level of ground motion.
therefore required. The approach generally employed
Seismic hazard can be obtained for an individual
is to discretize the possible ranges of magnitude and
SSZ and then combined to express the aggregate
distance into NM and NR segments, respectively. The
hazard at a particular site. The methodology for
average exceedance rate can then be estimated by
PSHA incorporates how often the annual rate of
ground motion exceeds a specific value for different Ns X
my ¼ ki P Y [ y jmj ; rk fMi ðmj Þ fRi ðrk Þ Dm Dr
return periods of the hazard at a particular site of i¼1 j¼1 k¼1
interest. The probability of exceeding a particular
value of y of a ground motion parameter Y is
calculated for one possible earthquake (of a particular This is equivalent to assuming that each SSZ is
magnitude) at one possible source location (source- capable of generating NM different earthquakes of
to-site distance) and then multiplied by the probabil- magnitude mj at NR different source-to-site distances
ity that the earthquake of that particular magnitude rk . Equation 11 is then equivalent to
would occur at that particular location. The process is Ns X
then repeated for all possible magnitudes and loca- my ¼ ki P Y [ y jmj ; rk P M ¼ mj P½R ¼ rk
i¼1 j¼1 k¼1
tions, with the probabilities of each summed.
For a given earthquake occurrence, the probability ð12Þ
that a ground motion parameter Y will exceed a The reciprocal of my gives the return period for the
particular value y can be computed using the total ground motion parameters y . The PoE of y in finite
probability theorem (Kramer, 2013) time intervals (say, for an exposure period T) can be
estimated from the Poisson model
P½Y [ y ¼ P½Y [ y jX P½X ¼ P½Y [ y jX fx ðXÞdx
P½YT [ y ¼ 1  eky T ð13Þ
The foregoing computational technique for PSHA is
where X is a vector of random variables that influ-
implemented for all the grid points (sites) at engi-
ences Y. For the purpose of computing seismic
neering bedrock level (VS30  760 m=s) for 2% and
hazard, the quantities in X are limited to magnitude
10% PoE in an exposure period of 50 years. This
(M) and distance (R). Assuming that M and R are
corresponds to return periods of 475 years and 2475
independent, the PoE can be written as
ZZ years, respectively.
P½ Y [ y  ¼ P½Y [ y jm; r fM ðmÞfR ðrÞ dm dr The different distance parameters including rup-
ture distance (Rrup ) and horizontal distance to top
ð9Þ edge of the rupture (Rx ), required for implementing
the GMPEs, are determined by using the framework
where P½Y [ y jm; r is obtained from the predictive
relationship and fM ðmÞ and fR ðrÞ are the probability presented by Kaklamanos et al. (2011) for estimating
density functions (pdf) for M and R, respectively. unknown input parameters.
If the site of interest is in a region of Ns SSZs, A logic tree framework approach is adopted for
each of which has an average rate of threshold the computation of hazard at each site to incorporate
magnitude exceedance ( or annual activity rate) ki , multiple models in source considerations and
4388 S. Sinha and S. Selvan Pure Appl. Geophys.

GMPEs. Figure 9 depicts a logic tree formulation at a overall hazard distribution in Tripura state at engi-
site. In the present study, since the seismogenic neering bedrock level. The PGA and 5% damped
source framework is formulated with two schemes, PSA at 0.2 s and 1.0 s for all the sites (grid points) for
namely, smooth-gridded seismicity and uniform- 10% and 2% PoE in an exposure period of 50 years
seismicity areal zones, both are collectively assigned (corresponding to return periods of 475 and 2475
a weight factor equal to 0.5. The hazard distributions years) were computed at engineering bedrock level
are computed for the SSZs at each depth section conforming to VS30 ¼ 760 m/s. The return period of
separately and added thereafter. 2475 years represents the maximum considered
earthquake (MCE) condition, while the return period
of 475 years represents the design-basis earthquake
4. Results and Discussion (DBE) condition (ASCE, 2010; ICC, 2009). PSA at
0.2 s and 1.0 s are selected because those are fre-
The hazard distributions are estimated separately quently used as corner spectral periods to construct a
for the SSZs at three layers corresponding to smooth design spectrum for structural design (Maiti
hypocentral depth ranges of 0–25 km, 25–70 km and et al., 2017).
70–180 km, and added thereafter. The SSZs include The seismic hazard maps in terms of the spatial
conventional area sources of spatially uniform seis- distribution of PGA and PSA at 0.2 s and 1.0 s,
micity (uniform-seismicity areal zones) as well as respectively, for both DBE and MCE conditions at
spatially nonuniform seismicity (smooth-gridded engineering bedrock level are presented in Fig. 10.
seismicity). The results obtained from both the uni- The left-side plots in Fig. 10 shows the hazard maps
form and the nonuniform seismicity are integrated for a return period of 475 years, while the right-side
with an equal weight factor of 0.5 to establish the plots show the same for a return period of 2475 years.

AS08 (0.5)
Layer 1 KANUC (0.3)
CY08 (0.2)
Smooth− AS08 (0.4)
Gridded Layer 2 KANLC (0.4)
CB08 (0.2)
AS08 (0.4)
Layer 3 Deep Focussed KANLC (0.4)
CB08 (0.2) 0.5
GUP10 (0.5)
Subduction YNG97 (0.3)
AB03 (0.2)
(0.2s & 1.0s) for
2% & 10% PoE
AS08 (0.5)
Layer 1 KANUC (0.3)
CY08 (0.2)
Uniform AS08 (0.4) 0.5
Seismicity Layer 2 KANLC (0.4)
CB08 (0.2)
AS08 (0.4)
Layer 3 Deep Focussed KANLC (0.4)
CB08 (0.2)

GUP10 (0.5)
Subduction YNG97 (0.3)
AB03 (0.2)

Figure 9
The logic tree framework employed in the present study
Vol. 179, (2022) An Improved Probabilistic 4389

25˚N 25˚N

PGA with 10% PoE in 50 years 0 km 50 km PGA with 2% PoE in 50 years 0 km 50 km

PGA (g) PGA (g)

0.36 0.64


24˚N 24˚N

0.30 0.54


Agartala Agartala
23˚N 23˚N
0.24 0.44

91˚E 92˚E 93˚E 91˚E 92˚E 93˚E

25˚N 25˚N

PSA at 0.2 s with 10% PoE in 50 years 0 km 50 km PSA at 0.2 s with 2% PoE in 50 years 0 km 50 km

PSA at 0.2 s (g) PSA at 0.2 s (g)


0.84 1.56


0.80 1.48

24˚N 24˚N 1.44

0.76 1.40


0.72 1.32

Agartala Agartala
0.68 1.24

23˚N 23˚N
0.64 1.16

91˚E 92˚E 93˚E 91˚E 92˚E 93˚E

25˚N 25˚N

PSA at 1.0 s with 10% PoE in 50 years 0 km 50 km PSA at 1.0 s with 2% PoE in 50 years 0 km 50 km

PSA at 1.0 s (g) PSA at 1.0 s (g)

0.24 0.44



24˚N 24˚N



Agartala Agartala


23˚N 23˚N
0.16 0.30

91˚E 92˚E 93˚E 91˚E 92˚E 93˚E

Figure 10
Seismic hazard distribution map of Tripura in terms of PGA and PSA at 0.2 s and 1.0 s for 10% PoE in 50 years (left) and 2% PoE in 50 years
(right) at firm rock site conditions
4390 S. Sinha and S. Selvan Pure Appl. Geophys.

Table 6 5. Conclusion
Comparison of computed PGA with other studies for 10% PoE in
50 years at Agartala city The aim of the present study was to obtain the
Name of the studies DBE level PGA
probabilistic seismic hazard map of Tripura in engi-
neering bedrock level in terms of PGA and 5%
Bhatia et al. (1999) 0.45 damped PSA at 0.2 and 1.0 s for return periods of 475
BIS (1893–2016) 0.18
Sharma and Malik (2006) 0.30
and 2475 years. An updated and comprehensive
Iyengar et al. (2011) 0.18 earthquake catalogue was employed to prepare the
Nath and Thingbaijam (2012) 0.50 hazard maps. The catalogue was then first homoge-
Das et al. (2016) 0.217
nized into a unified moment magnitude and then
Present study 0.264
declustered to remove the aftershocks and fore-
shocks. In our opinion, the final results presented in
the study show significant improvements over the
For design purposes, 10% PoE in 50 years are con- earlier studies. This can be attributed to several fac-
sidered to be more appropriate and ideally used. tors: (a) a layered seismogenic source framework and
The PGA distribution for 10% PoE in 50 years at smooth-gridded seismicity models conforming to the
firm rock site varies from 0.2602 g to 0.3461 g for variation in seismotectonic attributes with hypocen-
Tripura. The state capital Agartala has a hazard level tral depth were considered; (b) multiple GMPEs,
of around 0.264 g. The PSA at 0.2 s exhibits a selected after performing a thorough quantitative
spatial variation between 0.6546 and 0.8531 g, while assessment with the recorded strong motion data,
for 1.0 s, it ranges from 0.1745 to 0.2298 g. The were employed, thus accounting for the epistemic
present seismic hazard analysis represents significant uncertainties; (c) the hazard computations were car-
improvements over the deterministic zonation of BIS ried out in a finer resolution of grid intervals and (d)
(1893–2016) and captures the local variation in the earthquake database was updated to the year
seismic hazard well, whereas BIS (1893–2016) 2020. The seismic hazard maps prepared at the
suggested considering a uniform hazard value. The engineering bedrock level exhibit a significant spatial
treatment-to-seismicity data in different hypocentral variation which is consistent with the trends of the
depth ranges together with improved seismogenic major tectonic features and the past seismicity as
source zonation and the logic tree approach pro- well. Minimum and maximum PGA of 0.2602 g and
duced seismic hazard levels different from those 0.3461 g, respectively, were found for 10% PoE in 50
reported in earlier studies by other researchers years (corresponding to a return period of 475 years),
(Bhatia et al., 1999; BIS, 1893–2016; Sharma & while values of 0.4508 g and 0.6234 g, respectively,
Malik, 2006; Iyengar et al., 2011; Nath & Thing- were found for 2% PoE in 50 years (corresponding to
baijam, 2012; Das et al., 2016). A comparison of the a return period of 2475 years). As the seismic hazard
computed PGA values for 10% PoE in 50 years with analysis is considered an integral part of earthquake-
other studies at the state capital Agartala is shown in induced disaster mitigation practices, we hope that
Table 6 the present study provides an important contribution
The variation in PGA distribution for 2% PoE in towards updating the regional building code provi-
50 years ranges from 0.4508 to 0.6234 g, while the sions for earthquake-resistant design and construction
PSA at 0.2 s and 1.0 s shows variation of of structures in this high-seismicity region.
1.1780–1.5785 and 0.3196–0.4184 g, respectively. In
the present study, the north, east, northeastern and
southeastern parts of Tripura show high hazard Acknowledgements
compared to other parts of the state. The hazard maps
obtained from the study also exhibit significant local One of the authors (S. Sinha) sincerely thanks Prof.
variation in seismic hazard. A. Kijko for providing the computer program for
determining Mmax . Figures 2, 3, 4, 7, 10 were
Vol. 179, (2022) An Improved Probabilistic 4391

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Geofisica, 42, 1153–1166.
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Bollinger, G. A., Sibol, M. S., & Chapman, M. C. (1992). Maxi-
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(Received September 18, 2021, revised September 18, 2021, accepted October 27, 2022, Published online November 29, 2022)

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