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Portfolio Assignment template – Level 7

Career Planning and Professional Development (CPPD)

Module Code: MMN225001

A detailed career plan including short term and

midterm career plans, including reflection on
external engagement. To be submitted as a
portfolio (2000 words /+-10 Excluding artefacts)
Template contains 205 words. 10 Marks will be deducted
if more than 2,200
Monday 13th March 2023, 3:59pm
Career Goals
Instructions: Total +-500 For this section include your SMART
career goal.
Artefacts includes:

My SMART Career goals are as follows:

 Specific: I will work as a sales executive in multinational business organization in a reputed
organization within next one year with an average salary range of £2,50,000.
 Measurable: The objective can be measured as it is not difficult to track the progress of the
objective. I can consider the fact that I have achieved the objective if I get an appropriate
job in the area of multinational business organization as sales executive.
 Achievable: It is achievable as I have developed strong knowledge in the area of the
marketing and sales in my degree and I have also worked as Sales Executive in the
Devesh Motors Company from the month of 2017 to 2021. Apart from that there are a
number of skills present as well which can help me to find a suitable job according to my
profile within a year. For example, I am an excellent communicator and this is an important
quality which should be present in the sales executives because they are the forefront of
the organizations. The modern multinational organizations do not only consider educational
qualities and experiences of the people while they recruit the candidates but they also
consider the other skills as well. So, the goal is achievable.
 Realistic: The goal is considered as realistic from multiple aspects based on the skills and
qualities that I have. I am quite excellent in terms of the cross cultural communications and
at the same time, I also have excellent networking capabilities and collaboration, adaptive
thinking, interpersonal influence, emotional intelligence etc. that can help me to find out the
appropriate and suitable jobs in international business organizations. The organizations
also look for the similar characteristics in a candidate which can make the realistic career
goals. The international business management area does not only focus on the educational
qualifications in the modern environment but the combination of the other skills is also an
important and major factor when they recruit a candidate.
 Time bound: The total time allocated to achieve the objective is one year because this is
sufficient time to get a job in the area of sales management as the organizations present in
the sales always look for candidates with sufficient amount of skill and expertise to develop
their team. So, I can expect a job in this area within one year.
Personal Statement
Please upload a brief (up to 2 minutes) video including your
personal business philosophy. ONLY A VIDEO IS REQUIRED.

Attach link.

This is a video to be made by the student


Professional Journey
Instructions: Total +-500 words Provide your short-term career
plan (1 year after Masters) Provide your mid-term career plan (3
years after Masters).

Artefacts: includes Attach your CV artifact and attach any additional

relevant information (such as a link for a job vacancy(ies) on which you
based your career plans).

Short term career plan:

My short term career plan is to find a suitable job in International Sales in a reputed organization
within a period of one year. I have developed strong knowledge in the area of international sales
management which is an important element present in me that can help me to get a suitable job in
this area. Apart from that based on the current market structure of the pay and wages, the amount I
expect in the area of international sales is not much. In short term, I also have some other plans
which I would like to accomplish in next one year. I would like to enrol myself in some short term
courses that can help me to develop the skills such as communication, decision making etc. which
can help me in future to get better opportunities ( Chaudron et al, 2021). Apart from that I would
also like to get a new certificate in the area of the international sales which will add some values in
my resume that can help me in future.

Mid-term career plan

My mid-term career plan is for three years after the completion of my degree. After three years, I
would like to work as International Sales Manager in the reputed multinational corporation. In next
three years, my experience will also increase and at the same time, I can develop more practical
knowledge as well regarding the process of the sales in the international business. I can achieve
better position in the organizational hierarchy in the international businesses. Apart from that, in the
organizational aspect, I’ll be able to improve my experience in team working and collaboration skills
which I can use in the future. I can also be more efficient in the different business operations as in
the coming years, I’ll be working in the challenging environment and I’ll also develop the necessary
skills to handle the challenging situations in future. It will help me to achieve the positions like sales

External Engagement Experience

Instructions: Briefly describe your external engagement (+-100
words) Reflect on what you learned from your experience (+-
500 words).

Artefacts includes Please provide evidence of your external

engagement with photos, letters from supervisors, or any other

Regarding the external engagement experience, I have attended a number of conferences as well
as seminars during my course in the university that have helped me a lot to develop my skills and
knowledge further. I have also worked as Sales Executive in Devesh Motors Company from the
year 2017 to 2021 which also helped me a lot to understand the different activities of a sales
executive. During my tenure in the organization, I had a number of roles and responsibilities
present (Presti et al, 2022). Firstly, I had to meet with the clients virtually or during the sales visits
which have helped me a lot to improve my self-confidence and also to improve my communication
skill. Also, at the same time, I was able to demonstrate and present products to the clients. I also
worked in the establishment of the new business in the organization in other locations. Apart from
that I also maintained the accurate results.

I have developed some strong knowledge and skills from my work experience in Devesh Motors
Company for four years. This is because I did not have strong knowledge on the ways in which the
sales executives work as I did not have any practical experience regarding the same. As I was an
extremely introvert person, I always faced issues when I intended to communicate with others. But,
by attending the seminar and conferences, I was able to improve the confidence of the presentation
and also at the same time, I could also improve the communication skills as well. While working as
Devesh Motors, I worked in multiple teams which led me to develop the important elements of team
working. In the team activities, I used to communicate with others a lot which helped me to improve
my communication skills (Niati et al, 2021). Through the communication in the teams, I was able to
complete the activities easily and also, on time. As a result of this, I understood the importance of
communication for sales activities in the organizations. I have also developed my knowledge
regarding the ways in which the cross border sales transactions take place in the international
business activities.

Apart from my work experience in Devesh Motors, I also participated in a number of other events
like the sports events in our community as well as in the university which helped me to boost my
ability to work in teams. As a result of this, I have been able to develop the strong ability of team
working. Also, I worked as the leader in some activities which helped to develop the leadership
skills and abilities. I also developed a kind of positive attitude which is very important for the
persons working as the sales executive as well as sales manager. The abilities which I gained can
easily help me in future to perform my duties as sales managers in the international businesses.
Updated PDP
Instructions: Please attach here your updated Personal
Development Plan - PDP with any relevant updates after your
experience so far.

Artefact includes: an updated Personal Development Plan (PDP) which

you submitted in CW1 – highlighting any relevant updates after your
experience so far.

This is an artefact.

Future Development

Instructions: Please highlight here your concrete future

development plans based on your self-assessment, external
engagement learning and career plans. +-400 words

Artefacts includes:

There are some important skills present which I need to develop further depending on the self-
assessment as well as the external engagement learning and the career plans:

Collaboration skills: The first and most important thing which I need to develop is the collaboration
skill. Though, I have participated in a number of team activities, it is important to develop the
collaboration skill strongly. In some situations, it often becomes difficult for me to handle the
activities of the team members (Chan, 2020). So, I can develop this skill further by engaging more
in the team activities and also by managing the activities of the different members of the team.
Apart from the organizational environment, I also need to participate in the team activities in the
personal life as well such as sports and social activities which can develop the collaboration skill

Time management skill: One of the major drawbacks present in me is the time management skill.
Often, in many instances, I find out that I cannot perform within time which is an important element
because it is very important to complete the tasks on time. I need to work in such a way so that I
can complete the tasks properly on time and also, I need to engage myself more in the time bound
activities (Alisic, and Wiese, 2020). I also need to make some daily schedules which can help me to
improve my time management skill further.

Analytical skill: For any sales executive, it is important to have strong analytical skill because the
sales executives need to do the analysis in different ways which can help to develop the market.
But, I lack of the analytical skill which I can develop further by enrolling in some analytical works. I
need to do the demo market research where I can develop more and it will help me to improve the
analytical skills. I also need to engage more in the market research activities further where I can
identify the elements of the market which are needed to understand by a sales executive.
Chaudron, L.H., Anson, E., Bryson Tolbert, J.M., Inoue, S. and Cerulli, C., 2021.
Meeting the needs of mid-career women in academic medicine: one model
career development program. Journal of Women's Health, 30(1), pp.45-51.

Niati, D.R., Siregar, Z.M.E. and Prayoga, Y., 2021. The effect of training on work
performance and career development: the role of motivation as intervening
variable. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal):
Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), pp.2385-2393.

Chan, C.C., 2020. Factors affecting career goals of Taiwanese college athletes
from perspective of social cognitive career theory. Journal of Career
Development, 47(2), pp.193-206.

Alisic, A. and Wiese, B.S., 2020. Keeping an insecure career under control: The
longitudinal interplay of career insecurity, self-management, and self-
efficacy. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 120, p.103431.

Presti, A.L., Capone, V., Aversano, A. and Akkermans, J., 2022. Career
competencies and career success: On the roles of employability activities and
academic satisfaction during the school-to-work transition. Journal of Career
Development, 49(1), pp.107-125.
Artefacts for Introduction

Artefact 1

Artefact 2

Artefact 3

Artefact 4
Artefacts for Career Plan
Artefact 1

Artefact 2

Artefact 3

Artefact 4
Artefacts for Self-Assessment and Development

Artefact 1

Artefact 2

Artefact 3

Artefact 4

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