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CAE Practice Test 2 Paper 2 - Writing WRITING - Part 1 You must answer this question. Write your answer in 220-260 wuids int ai appropriate style. 1. You have watched a TV debate about which charity organisations should receive funding from the government. You have made the notes below: Which charities should receive funding from the government? © Sports & Recreation Charities ‘@ Health Charities @ Human Rights Charities ‘Some opinions expressed in the discussion: We should wot spend money ont spurt but an health, ‘Cancer charities have helped lots af people and need our support.” ‘Human rights issues should be addressed. ‘Write an essay discussing two of the charities in your notes. You should explain which charity is more important for the government to give money to, giving reasons in support of your answer. “You may, if you wish, make use of the opinions expressed in the discussion, but you should use your own words as far as possible. WRITING - Part 2 ‘Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 220-260 words in an appropriate style. 2. You are interested in becoming a food critic and have been given an assignment by your school newspaper to review a newly-opened Chinese restaurant. The editor of the publication instructs you to consider the following when developing your review: What did you eat and how was the quality of the food? ‘¢ What way the decor like and did it enhance or lessen the overall dining experience? + How attentive and helpful were the staff in serving you? Would you recommend this place to people you know? Why or why not? ‘Write your review. 3. You have deciced to go backpacking around Furope. One of your best friends did exactly that last year ‘Write to your friend asking for advice. Look at the notes you have made below of all the things that you need to ask your friend Notes J plan route or just go fort? —_ best way to travel? J» accommodation? « insurance? |» places not to miss? «# possible problems? Write your letter. You do not need to include postal addresses. 4, The city council that you work for has received funding to start a new careers service for young people. Read the notes below and write a proposal giving your suggestions as to what the service could offer and how it could be run. Notes ‘* opening hours: 11,30am to 8.00pm or even later when students can visit the office ‘= provide information on higher education and part-time / temporary work opportunities ‘s maintain a job notice board that companies can advertise on Write your proposal. You should use your own words as tar as possible.

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