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Electric Circuits EE 213

Assignment Exp.5B

St.NO: ……………………………………….

2.St.Name: ………………………………….
St.NO: ………………………………………
3.St.Name: ………………………………….
St.NO: ……………………………………….

Sec. No: ………………………………

The Under damped Case

1. Construct the circuit of figure 1 using R = 1500 Ω , L = 500 mH and C = 10 nF.

Figure 1

2. Use a 4-Vp-p, 100 Hz, square wave from the FG to create a repeating transient for
viewing on the oscilloscope.
3. Measure the dc resistance of the inductor used and remember to account for the 50
Ω FG internal resistance.
4. Display about two periods of oscillation of the voltage VR (t), which is
proportional to the desired current i(t).
5. Adjust the vertical sensitivity to obtain the largest possible display.
6. Make an accurate sketch of it, and record the amplitude and time values indicated
in the figure as accurately as possible.
7. Calculate ωd and α (using the following two equations):

8. Calculate ω0. (using the following equation:      
9. Compare these experimental values with their theoretical counterparts calculated.

The Critically-damped Case

1. Use the same circuit with a decade box for R.
2. Display VR (t) on the oscilloscope.
3. Increase R gradually and record its value where the oscillation just disappears.
Use the highest possible the vertical sensitivity on the oscilloscope
4. This is the critical-damping resistance Rcd.

Rcd =

5. Read a sufficient number of amplitude and time values to make an accurate sketch
of i(t).

In your data include Im, tm, and the two values of time t1 and t2 at some convenient
current level, I12 near Im/2.

6. Interchange the physical positions of R and C in the test circuit.

7. Display VC (t) on the oscilloscope and measure its initial value VCO.


8. Determine (α) using the following two equations:




9. Compare the two results with each other and with the theoretical value obtained.
10. Compare the value of Im measured directly with the calculated value.

The Over damped Case

1. Use the same test circuit used in the previous case with R = 25 KΩ.
2. Display VR (t) on the oscilloscope and adjust the time base so that a full screen
covers approximately from 0 to 10tm.
3. Read a sufficient number of amplitude and time values to make an accurate sketch
of i(t). In your data include the points t= tm and t= 8tm.
4. Interchange the physical positions of R and C in the test circuit.
5. Display VC (t) on the oscilloscope and measure its initial value VCO.
6. Determine α1 using the following equation:



7. Determine α using the following equation and compare it with the calculated

8. Determine α2 using the following equation:


9. Calculate tm using the following equation and compare with the measured value.



10. Calculate Im = i(tm) using the following two equations and compare with the
measured value.

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