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Our Code of Conduct

Living our values

Q. Who should follow Why is living our
our Code of Conduct? values important?
A. Everyone who works for GSK
Our Code of Conduct applies to employees and anyone who works for At GSK, we put our values at the heart of every
or on behalf of* GSK. It helps us understand the values that guide our work. decision we make. Our values guide our day-to-day
It describes the behaviours we all need to demonstrate to bring those values actions – no matter what. Because we believe that
to life. Just as importantly, it shows us how living our values helps us fulfil it’s not just what we achieve that counts, it’s also
our mission of helping people do more, feel better, and live longer. how we achieve it.


How can I play Why should What are our How can our
my part? we all follow GSK Values? values help us
our Code of manage risk?
p3 p4 p6 p8

Be patient Act with Demonstrate Operate with

focused integrity respect for transparency

p10 p16 p22 p28

Connect GSK: Speak up: Keywords can be used

to help you find policies
Where can How do I raise within the values and
standards resource
I find more a concern? centre on Connect GSK.
Look for this

p34 p36 icon for further

information. Speak up if you identify
anything of concern
Why do I need
to read this?
each of our
   Use the
values to guide
your everyday
our core
standards that
After reading our decision-making uphold ethical
Code of Conduct behaviours
For more information you should:
about our speak up
* We expect those who work for or on behalf of GSK in a non-employee capacity (eg our complementary workforce – CWs) to comply with this Code as a term of
their engagement or contract. This Code must always be applied to non-employees in a way that is consistent with local labour laws or regulations, and our written
programme, please see
standards for engagement of non-employee resources (per our Policy on Complementary Workforce). In some markets, GSK will make compliance with this Code page 36.
a condition of CW supplier contracts; it is then the supplier’s responsibility to set specific behavioural expectations for its employees in compliance with this Code.
“Our Values help us to make good decisions How can I play
that benefit our patients and consumers, my part?
our business and our reputation.”
Emma Walmsley, CEO

We are a multi-national • Live

 by our values at all times and understand our individual
company of over 100,000 contribution.
employees and many •R
 emember your actions will be reviewed against our values
complementary workers. no matter where you work.
We work in more than a
hundred countries so this •U
 nderstand the intent of our policies and standards and use them
Code of Conduct helps us every day to guide your actions beyond the requirement of the law.
to define our expectations.
 ecognise the laws and regulations of one country can impact
But we are much more business activities in another and we must adhere to them.
than just numbers. We
are a community united •E
 nsure that anyone you manage is also living our values and
by our values. adhering to this Code of Conduct.

“We are a
“We are much community
more than just united by
numbers.” our values.”

Our GSK Expectations

guide the way we expect
employees to deliver
our strategy:
• Set direction and inspire
• Work across boundaries
• Release energy
• Develop capability and talent
• Drive performance
• Live our values

2 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 3

Why should we all follow
our Code of Conduct?

We must all abide by the law,

but our Code of Conduct Why is our Why are industry Which laws do we
goes beyond that. It sets industry so regulations so need to follow?
out how we should live
our values and achieve heavily regulated? important to the
our mission through ethical way we work?
actions. It also establishes
the standards and policies
that help us manage the risks
associated with operating in
a heavily regulated industry. The legal and regulatory requirements
of our industry exist to protect patients
We are committed to our mission to help
people do more, feel better and live longer.
We are a global company and so we must
follow all applicable laws and regulations.
Our values define us, help and consumers. One way we do this is to take responsibility We should also be aware that the laws
us build trust with society, for abiding by country laws and regulatory and regulations of one country can impact
requirements applicable to our business business activities of another.
and direct us to do the right across the world.
thing every day. When local laws, regulations, applicable
industry codes or other business specific
GSK standards are stricter than our global
written standards, you should work to the
most stringent rules.

For example, we operate under stringent

obligations that reinforce US healthcare laws
and programme requirements associated
with engaging US healthcare professionals
and related activities, anywhere across
the globe.

We also need to follow UK Anti-Bribery

and Corruption law, and the US Foreign
Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) across
our global business as well as individual
countries’ competition laws wherever
we operate. These regulations make sure

Insights: we compete on equal terms with no unfair

Country laws
What happens if we don’t There are also strict laws regarding financial
reporting and accounting that establish our
If you’re unsure about the impact of
different country laws on your local comply with this Code global principles. We ensure our financial
statements are reviewed independently
activities, or what the consequences
of infringement might be, it’s best of Conduct? and we are transparent in our dealings with
them. We must not pass on non-public
to seek appropriate guidance. Often
Our corporate standards and policies apply to everyone information that could be construed as
these country laws set minimum
who works for or on behalf of GSK. Failure to comply with insider trading.
global standards and local laws,
industry codes or GSK policies have them or any applicable legal and regulatory requirements
may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. For more information on our written
stricter requirements. Global Ethics
For senior managers this could include financial recoupment standards visit our values and standards
and Compliance (GEC) Officers
and our Legal team are available for significant misconduct. Managers have an additional resource centre on Connect GSK.
to advise you. responsibility to ensure their teams understand and comply
with this Code of Conduct and applicable written standards.

4 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 5

What are our
GSK Values?

Be patient focused Act with integrity Demonstrate Operate with

Put patients and Do the right thing respect for people transparency
consumers first Inspire each other to Be clear, be honest,
We must all live up to the ethical achieve great things be authentic
We focus on the individual, standards that are rightly expected
doing what is right for patients of us. That means we act with We should always show respect Transparency is vital to the way
and consumers. We work with integrity and follow the law. for colleagues and the communities we work and helps us build trust.
our partners and customers More than that, we do everything around us. Everyone has a part to We strive to be honest and
to improve healthcare and find we can to maintain the trust play in creating a fair and inclusive transparent about what we do and
new medicines and vaccines. and respect of the organisations work environment that respects how we do it. This improves how
Regardless of our role, we strive we work with and the communities human rights and the diversity we collaborate with each other
to understand how our work in which we live and operate. By of the cultures we operate in. and enhances the way we are seen
impacts patients and consumers. doing so, we protect the interests When we embrace diversity and by the communities we work with.
of our patients, consumers and individuality we can support and It demonstrates that we are open
our business. inspire each other to achieve to challenge, discussion and always
great things. want to improve how we operate.

How can we protect our patients Am I acting with individual integrity? Am I contributing to a values-based Are we communicating openly?
and consumers? p18 culture? p30
p12 Am I managing records properly? p24 Are we building trust with society?
Are we conducting research ethically? p19 Am I contributing to a healthy, p31
p13 safe and sustainable workplace?
Have I safeguarded GSK assets? Are we communicating appropriately?
Have we ensured product quality? p25
p20 p33
p14 Are we employing people who meet
our expectations?

6 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 7

How can our values
help us manage risk?
Our values help guide our everyday behaviour:

Our policies, standards Be patient focused

and processes help us Our industry is
address the significant highly regulated Act with integrity
risks we face.
and scrutinised Demonstrate respect for people

Operate with transparency

We should put patients We should know our We should consider

How and consumers first,
act with integrity and
What values and standards and
use available tools to help
How will if our actions may be
misunderstood and,
should transparency and should us assess, treat, monitor GSK be if so, whether that
demonstrate respect and manage risk. could be detrimental
we act? for people. we know? We have an Internal Control
seen? to our business.
Framework to ensure that significant
risks are reviewed and monitored
and that specific issues and incidents
are followed up and corrected with
support from GEC and Legal. Our speak up
Is it consistent Does it meet Is it consistent Have I used the Could this be How would I feel Our speak up culture and
procedures encourage
with our values? regulations with our tools available misunderstood if I were a patient everyone to raise concerns
and laws? policies? to assess risk? by the public? or consumer? about potential unethical
or illegal conduct. They
also assure protection from
retaliation, retribution, or any
form of harassment to those
reporting such concerns.
Read more on page 36

8 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 9

Be patient focused We focus on the individual, doing what is right for
patients and consumers. We work with our partners
and customers to improve healthcare and find new

Put patients and medicines and vaccines. Regardless of our role,

we strive to understand how our work impacts

consumers first
patients and consumers.

How do I live this value?

Protect our patients and consumers in all you do
Conduct research ethically
Always ensure product quality

10 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 11

We can only gain our patients’ and consumers’ respect and trust Being patient focused demands that we carry out all our research
How can we by focusing on their needs. That means always thinking from
their perspective. We must always put their safety first, provide
Are we to the highest ethical standards. From safeguarding patients’
personal information to sharing research data – we do everything
protect our them with clear and up to date information and always promote conducting we can to keep patients and consumers safe while developing
our products appropriately and ethically. Our values demand that products that will meet their needs.
patients and we think about and protect their interests at all times. research
consumers? ethically?

Have I ensured our Our commitment to protecting Have I followed all Do I understand why
Connect GSK Connect GSK
• Medical governance
promotional activities patients means we always update that
• Clinical trials
research protocols and we provide access to
information to reflect new safety and
• Adverse event reporting adhere to industry and efficacy information as soon as it’s • Human samples standards? our research data?
• Human safety information GSK Expectations? available. We also have medical experts • Animal welfare The safety and wellbeing of patients We share expertise, resources,
• Code of Practice All our promotional activities and on hand to answer any questions from who volunteer to participate in our intellectual property and know-how
• Scientific engagement materials must conform to high healthcare professionals accurately Search these keywords on clinical trials is paramount. Our patient- with external researchers and the
• Product information ethical, medical and scientific and promptly. our values and standards first approach means we are committed scientific community to help advance
standards. They must be based on resource centre to conducting human subject research science. We know that we won’t
Search these keywords on to the highest ethical, medical and discover everything inside our own
our values and standards
valid scientific evidence and comply How do I report a concern
with all applicable laws, regulations scientific standards. Following research laboratories so we make sure we
resource centre and industry marketing codes.
about a GSK product? protocols and standards means we provide external researchers with
If you hear of any information regarding protect those who participate in our access to our anonymised trial data.
We are committed to ensuring that a side effect, adverse reaction, or other research to the best of our ability. This means the valuable contribution
potential issue with the effectiveness “The safety and made by volunteers who participate
we all follow our Code of Practice for
of a GSK product, you must report it. wellbeing of patients in our research can be used in other
the correct part of our business. They
set our minimum standards. If local who volunteer to studies. We always protect patient
laws, industry codes or GSK policies We are committed to identifying and participate in our confidentiality and ensure information
set higher standards, we always live managing human safety information clinical trials is is used for valid scientific enquiry.
(HSI) to help safeguard those who
by the strictest requirement. paramount.”
take our products or take part in our
clinical trials. If you become aware
Insights: Have I followed the of any HSI in the course of your work,
principles of scientific
Code of Practice engagement?
you must report it to the Central Safety
Department (CSD), or your Local
Operating Company (LOC) medical
We have two Code of Practice Protecting our patients and consumers
documents. They set out the specific
department within 24 hours. HSI from
means we make sure our scientific clinical trials is reported as described
minimum standards for our Consumer
Healthcare and Pharmaceutical
engagement is clearly distinct from
the promotion of our products. Legally
in the study protocol. Insights:
activities. Please ensure you use the
correct one depending on your role:
and ethically, we have a responsibility Protecting our patients means taking Scientific
to never disguise or misuse our research
• Our Code of Practice for promotion to influence healthcare professionals
this information seriously. We provide
regular reports and discuss actions
and scientific engagement and others inappropriately. with regulatory authorities. Actions Scientific engagement is the exchange
(prescription medicines)
can include modifying prescribing of scientific information with external
• Consumer Healthcare Code for
promotion and scientific engagement
Have I ensured product information or patient leaflets or carrying communities to help us develop and
information is accurate? out additional clinical trials. Depending understand the effectiveness of our
medicines. It refers to non-promotional
on the case, the adverse event may
From our patients’ and consumers’ interactions and can happen at any
result in the design of new studies to
perspective it’s simple: they want stage during development.
further investigate the risk, withdrawing
accurate information that tells them
the product from sale or initiating Once a product has been authorised
how to use our products safely and
a product recall. for sale, we must be careful how
effectively. That means we always
strive to provide complete and we promote our products and never
The HSI/Adverse Event Reporting use scientific engagement findings
evidence-based product information
website includes information on how or practice to influence healthcare
to healthcare professionals and professionals or other healthcare
to do this.
consumers, wherever they are in staff inappropriately. See our Codes
the world. of Practice for more information.

12 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 13

Putting patients first means always making sure our products
Have we are of the highest quality and safe to use. This commitment
demands that we implement and follow strict guidelines that
ensured control both manufacturing and supply. As ever, the needs of our
patients and consumers are our primary concern, so we should
product always remember that there is a person at the end of the supply
quality? chain. By living by this value, we also help to protect our
reputation and profitability.

Have we managed the upon and distributed to all appropriate

Connect GSK
• Quality control
quality of our products parties. If you detect a product that
you suspect is a GSK counterfeit
• Trademarks effectively? you should report it immediately to
• Counterfeiting Our quality management system (QMS)
• Suspect products ensures we comply with global and
• GxP regulations local regulations and assures product
• Computerised systems validation
Are we following good
safety, quality and efficacy. We use
• Good manufacturing practices it to help us maintain a state of control practices?
• Product quality over our products and processes. Protecting patients means using
These in turn make sure our patients Good Practice standards throughout
Search these keywords on and consumers receive medicines, our business, on site, in the laboratory,
our values and standards vaccines and consumer healthcare in the clinic or in the office. For example,
resource centre products that benefit them. we monitor and document our work
thoroughly to ensure integrity of
Have I noticed any regulated records. We also validate
our computerised systems that support
potential counterfeit any regulated GxP processes. This
GSK products? makes sure that each element of the
We are committed to protecting our process is traceable, accountable
patients and consumers from counterfeit and ready for inspection. Adhering
products that put their health in danger. to these guidelines helps us meet
That means we are all responsible for minimum regulatory requirements.
reporting any suspected counterfeiting More importantly, it helps us ensure
of pharmaceutical, vaccine or consumer our products are of the highest quality Frequently asked questions
healthcare products. When you submit and minimises any potential risks to
a report about a suspect product we patients and consumers. Protect our patients Conduct research ethically Ensure product quality
will ensure the information is acted
What is human safety information? Where do we post clinical trial What does GxP mean?
We regard human safety information information? GxP refers to a range of Good
(HSI) as anything that relates to human We post protocol and result summaries Practice quality guidelines that we
Insights: health or wellbeing following exposure on the GSK clinical study register, follow. It encompasses the underlying
Counterfeit to our products. This information
should be reported within 24 hours.
regardless of whether the outcomes
might be considered positive or
international pharmaceutical
requirements, such as those set forth
products Details of what should be reported and negative. We also post to other in the US FD&C Act, US PHS Act,
how you can do this can be found on registers such as as FDA regulations, EU Directives,
Counterfeit medicines and healthcare the human safety information/adverse required by local laws and regulations. Japanese regulations, or other national
products pose a serious threat to event reporting site. legislation/regulations under which
the health and safety of patients and What is personally identifiable our company operates.
consumers. Counterfeits frequently What is an adverse event? information?
lack the active ingredients to combat An adverse event is any sign of illness Personally identifiable information (PII) The x refers to different categories
the illnesses they claim to treat and
in a patient associated with the use is data that can reasonably be used and these include but are not limited to:
often contain impurities that can actively
harm patients and consumers. We of a GSK product whether or not you to identify someone. Those who are • Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
must be alert to the threat of counterfeit think it might be related to the product, involved in our clinical trials entrust us • Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
products. If you see a GSK product device or vaccine. These should be with personal information and we must • Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)
that you suspect is counterfeit you raised with the safety department do our utmost to protect their privacy. • Good Distribution Practice (GDP)
should report it immediately. within 24 hours of initial awareness
via an online form.

14 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 15

Act with integrity We must all live up to the ethical standards that are
rightly expected of us. That means we act with integrity
and follow the law. More than that, we do everything

Do the right thing we can to maintain the trust and respect of the
organisations we work with and the communities in
which we live and operate. By doing so, we protect the
interests of our patients, consumers and our business.

How do I live this value?

Act with individual integrity
Manage records properly
Safeguard GSK assets

16 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 17

Integrity starts with individual responsibility. If we always When managing business and personal records we must
Am I acting aim to do the right thing – and speak up if something doesn’t
feel right – we are acting with individual integrity. We should
Am I managing always consider how our actions could impact our business and
patients and consumers. That means taking care to safeguard
with individual always consider if our behaviour means our integrity could be records properly? personal information, keeping records up to date and gathering
compromised or misconstrued. market and competitor information in the right way.

Have I avoided all conflicts anything you should make sure it is Have we safeguarded Have we collected
Connect GSK Connect GSK
• ABAC (Anti-bribery and corruption)
of interest? low in value, customary in a normal
• Personally identifiable information
personally identifiable competitive intelligence
business relationship and is unlikely
• Fraud As individuals, we need to carefully
to influence the other party’s or your (PII) information? ethically?
• Conflicts of interest consider any situation that could • Global records retention We must exercise the highest As a company, we gather competitive
own decision-making.
• Gifts, entertainment and hospitality undermine our impartiality. For example, • Competitive intelligence standards when dealing with personal intelligence ethically and in compliance
• Travel, meetings and expenses when making procurement decisions, • Data integrity data that we collect during clinical with all laws and regulations. We often
If it is linked to a sale, seen as excessive
• Buying goods and services it would be inappropriate to have trials or we hold about our employees. use regulated specialist third party
or could be misconstrued as a bribe then
• Grant of Authority (GOA) family members on the supplier list. Search these keywords on Collectively, we have a duty to protect suppliers to carry out this activity on
you should not offer or accept a gift or
• Quality culture To act with integrity, you must avoid our values and standards the information that people entrust us our behalf. We should not compromise
hospitality. Seek guidance from Global
• Share dealing any perceived conflict of interest. resource centre with and ensure it is never misused. this approach by seeking to obtain or
Ethics and Compliance if you are unsure.
use information about our competitors’
Search these keywords on Is it appropriate for me Am I following the correct Is my record keeping formulae, processes, patents or
our values and standards to deal in shares? pending deals.
resource centre financial procedures? up to date and relevant?
There are occasions when it is not It is also important that we manage the
Our financial, accounting and
appropriate to buy or sell GSK shares, life cycle of our records so that we don’t
procurement controls are designed to
or those of our partners. Our knowledge keep them longer than necessary. Good
ensure that we do not mislead investors,
through our work may mean that we record keeping helps us protect our
legislators, authorities and the public
have access to information which
Am I acting honestly is not publicly known, and which could
about financial aspects of our company. intellectual property, comply with legal,
financial and regulatory requirements,
and openly? affect GSK’s share price or that of If you are buying goods and services and avoid unnecessary costs.
Our behaviour should always be our partners if it were known. To trade “We rely on thousands
you must follow the correct procurement
honest and open. That means we do in shares when in possession of such of suppliers to enable
procedure. Make sure you have the
not accept unethical practices of any knowledge is illegal. appropriate approvals according to our us to do business.
sort. We should all lead by example They are a key part “We must exercise
Grant of Authority (GOA) policy before
and demonstrate consistency between Am I building quality committing to the purchase. GSK of how we operate the highest standards
our words and actions. when dealing with
into everything that I do? employees have differing transaction as a company.”
spend limits depending on this authority personal data.”
Committing to quality means taking
Am I actively preventing responsibility for improving working
and these must have leadership approval.
bribery and corruption? practices and overall outputs for the
Bribery is illegal no matter where in the benefit of patients. We need to be Am I treating suppliers
world we work. It is our responsibility passionate about quality as a personal fairly?
to speak up and report any suspected value and always be prepared to We rely on thousands of suppliers to
corruption. learn from our failures as well as our enable us to do business. They are a key

We seek to proactively prevent

successes. Search Quality Culture
on Connect GSK to find out more.
part of how we operate as a company. Insights:
If you buy goods and services, you have
bribery and corruption by having open a responsibility to ensure that we maintain Data integrity
conversations to assess vulnerabilities. Are gifts or hospitality a good relationship with them, treating
That means we always keep up to date We maintain data integrity by ensuring
with the latest resources, complete the I want to provide them with respect, integrity and dignity.
that information is captured accurately
necessary training and seek advice appropriate? You must also ensure that you are
and stored correctly. This is important
because much of our work relies on
when we have a concern. Like any business, we sometimes following our procurement processes. having robust data and information.
provide and accept gifts, hospitality Working with Procurement will help In addition to meeting legal and
or entertainment. In every case, ensure that you always use preferred regulatory requirements it means
we must consider if it is appropriate. suppliers and the necessary purchase we have accurate information when
You should ask yourself if the gift orders are raised before committing making important decisions about
or hospitality could be misconstrued spend. our products or our people.
as a bribe. Before offering or accepting

18 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 19

Acting with integrity extends to the way we manage
Have I company assets, both tangible and intangible. It includes
our daily use of IT systems and how we protect our
safeguarded information and intellectual property.

GSK assets?

Am I using technology Have I followed intellectual

Connect GSK
• Use of IT systems
professionally? property and trademark
• Safeguard GSK information We are responsible for using IT resources requirements?
• Protect intellectual property in an appropriate and professional We brand products and projects with
manner at all times. For example, you trademarks to protect our intellectual
Search these keywords on should never use cloud services and property such as formulae, processes,
our values and standards tools to create or store GSK information patents and pending deals. If you
resource centre unless approved by our IT team. You see an infringement of our trademarks
should also never use our systems you should report it to our Legal
to engage in illegal or inappropriate Global Trademarks (LGTM) team.
behaviour – it puts GSK and personally LGTM is responsible for the clearance,
identifiable information at risk. Any leak registration, maintenance and
can cause serious damage to our brand, enforcement of our trademarks,
reputation and operations. copyright, domain names and other
similar intellectual property rights.
Am I safeguarding GSK
We need to understand the different
types of information we create and
“Any data leak can
protect them appropriately. There are cause serious damage
four categories of GSK information: to our reputation.”
1. Approved for public release
2. Proprietary
3. Confidential
4. Critical and sensitive
Frequently asked questions
Act with individual integrity Manage records properly

What are red flags? How do we safeguard personally identifiable information (PII)?
Insights: Red flags are warning signs. They are potential issues All employees and complementary workers who have access
Using your that may affect us conducting our business with integrity.
It is everyone’s responsibility to identify, understand
to or work with PII must complete relevant training. Your line
manager is responsible for arranging this training for you so
own devices for and address red flags before engaging with a third party. you should check with them if you are required to do it.
We have developed a centre of excellence for ABAC
GSK business (Anti-bribery and corruption), TPO (Third party oversight) This policy extends to all third-party suppliers that process
and S&EC (Sanctions and export controls) to support personally identifiable information on behalf of GSK.
If you use your own smartphone, tablet everyone at GSK in managing red flags.
or any other personal device for GSK Safeguard GSK assets
business purposes you must ensure
What is a Grant of Authority (GOA)?
that you are complying with company
policies. This may include allowing GSK If you are a GSK employee or complementary worker What do I do if I suspect a data breach?
to manage aspects of the device, such and you are purchasing goods or services on behalf of It is important that any data breach or security incident
as enforcing password controls, locking GSK, you will need to operate within your approval limit. is reported promptly. You can email, or
the device after a defined period of time This is your maximum GOA. All purchases must be made complete the online form. The breach will then be classified
and remotely wiping the device. If your from preferred suppliers and follow the appropriate into a severity level and dealt with appropriately.
device is lost or stolen you must report purchasing process.
it to the helpdesk immediately. You are
responsible for deleting GSK data from
the device before recycling, disposing
of devices or transferring ownership.

20 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 21

Demonstrate We should always show respect for colleagues and
the communities around us. Everyone has a part to
play in creating a fair and inclusive work environment

respect for people that respects human rights and the diversity of the
cultures we operate in. When we embrace diversity

Inspire each other to

and individuality we can support and inspire each
other to achieve great things.

achieve great things

How do I live this value?

Contribute to a values-based culture
Create healthy, safe and sustainable workplaces
Employ people who meet our expectations

22 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 23

We want to be confident our workplaces are diverse, Our mission is to help people do more, feel better and live
Am I safe and supportive. To make sure this happens we treat
each other with respect. We also recruit people who share
Am I longer. This applies to our people too and that means creating
healthy working environments that help people flourish. We
contributing to and are committed to upholding our values. We operate contributing to must look after ourselves and each other. We are also committed
in a responsible and ethical manner and understand our to reducing the environmental impact of our operations.
a values-based responsibility to uphold human rights. a healthy, safe
culture? and sustainable

Have I understood Do I treat people equally? Do I prioritise my own Am I prepared for a crisis
Connect GSK Connect GSK
• Human rights
our commitment to Our values demand that we treat
• Health and wellbeing
health and wellbeing and situation?
everyone on an equal and inclusive
• Equality and inclusion human rights? basis. By doing so, we attract and • Crisis and continuity planning that of my colleagues? Safety is particularly important in a
• Diversity Our responsibility for upholding human • Environment, Health, Safety & We offer many opportunities and crisis. We prepare for possible events
retain the best people. We also reflect to protect our people and ensure that
rights is far-reaching, encompassing the diversity and characteristics of the Sustainability (EHS&S) services to help us all make healthy
Search these keywords on areas such as access to medicines, choices and boost our energy both at our business can survive any disruptions
communities in which we operate and including man-made or natural disasters.
our values and standards patient safety and conduct of clinical the customers we serve. We do not Search these keywords on work and at home. You can find advice
resource centre trials. You can play your part by our values and standards on improving workstation set-up, It is important to keep your contact
tolerate harassment or discrimination information up to date to ensure you,
demonstrating respect for people in of any kind. resource centre seeking travel health advice before
your everyday actions. This includes a business trip and maintaining energy or a designated emergency contact,
respecting all labour laws, ensuring and resilience during the working day. are contactable in an emergency or
we are not party to any form of forced crisis situation.
labour, working to avoid discrimination How can I keep myself and
in the workplace and looking after the Am I contributing to our
health and safety of our colleagues. others safe at work?
The safety of our people is crucial;
challenging sustainability
We must also ensure that any suppliers
from which we buy goods or services, it helps us maintain a strong, resilient targets?
and any third parties we work with, and high-performing workforce. If you Protecting our planet is so important
share our commitment to labour and identify a potential hazard or feel that to us that we’re building sustainability
human rights. certain behaviours or practices may into our business. If we all consider
cause harm, please raise your concern. sustainability in our everyday decisions
We want everyone to feel safe when and ways of working, collectively we
working for GSK. can make a real difference. Achieving
our ambitious targets to reduce
carbon, water and waste is one way
we will contribute to protecting human
Insights: health and our environment now and
in the future.
Being a responsible
We can show respect for the
communities around us by being a
responsible business. One way we do
this is by reducing our impact on the
planet. We are working towards being
carbon neutral by 2050 and have
also set ourselves some challenging
short-term goals. By 2020, we are
aiming to:
“We are working
• Reduce the waste we send to landfill
to zero towards being
• Reduce the waste we generate by 50% carbon neutral
• Reduce our carbon footprint by 25% by 2050.”
• Reduce our impact on local water
resources by 20%

24 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 25

To work effectively we need to have collective trust in each other
Are we at all times. That can only happen if we take extra care to recruit
people who work in line with our values and demonstrate the
employing GSK Expectations. This applies as much to our complementary
workforce and third parties as it does our own people.
people who
meet our

Have I followed our Are our complementary

Connect GSK
• Human Resources (HR)
recruitment processes? workers meeting our
• Pre-employment screening To protect our people and assets we expectations?
• Complementary workers need to make sure we hire or contract We expect our complementary
• Third parties people with the right qualifications and workforce of agency and outsourced
experience. That means we undertake workers to live our values. They are an
Search these keywords on pre-employment screening for all important asset to our business and we
our values and standards employees and complementary workers benefit greatly from working with them.
resource centre before they are hired or contracted. Those who manage complementary
This helps to ensure that everyone who workers must adhere to relevant
works at GSK is committed to working policies as well as local laws.
in a culture based on our values.

“To protect our people

and assets we need
to make sure we hire
people with the right Frequently asked questions
qualifications and
experience.” Contribute to a values-based Create healthy, safe and Employ people who meet
culture sustainable workplaces our expectations

What do we mean by inclusive? Where can I find information on What is the complementary
Being inclusive means that we value working safely at GSK? workforce?
the unique knowledge, perspective, We have established a framework to Our complementary workforce
experience and style an individual help us protect and promote employee refers to those who provide services
can bring to our business. We seek health and safety through a range of to GSK but are not GSK employees.
to value and draw on the differing programmes. Our EHS&S website has This workforce includes agency
Insights: knowledge, perspectives, experiences lots of tips and helpful information on workers, outsourced workers and
Third parties and styles that we are lucky to have
in our global community.
ergonomics, driver safety, travel health,
energy, resilience and more.
those who have agreed a statement
of work. There are some specific
We strive to conduct business with
rules around the engagement of
third parties (including complementary What is our commitment to Where can I go for help if personal complementary workers in the UK
workers, suppliers, promotional partners human rights? issues are affecting my work? and US – search complementary
and other business partners) who You can read more about our We can help you with independent workers on Connect GSK for more.
share our commitment to high ethical commitment to human rights in support and counselling services
standards and operate in a responsible the GSK Human Rights Statement. covering financial and legal advice,
and ethical manner. We expect our third We are committed to upholding family support, mental health and
parties to share our values and operate numerous human rights standards, more. Services are confidential.
in full compliance with all applicable
including the Universal Declaration Find more information on the
laws, rules, regulations and GSK
of Human Rights. We strive to create Employee Assistance Programme
a working environment that reflects on Connect GSK.
the diversity of the communities in
which we operate and the patients
and consumers we serve.

26 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 27

Operate with Transparency is vital to the way we work and helps
us build trust. We strive to be honest and transparent
about what we do and how we do it. This improves

transparency how we collaborate with each other and enhances

the way we are seen by the communities we work

Be clear, be honest,
with. It demonstrates that we are open to challenge,
discussion and want to improve the way we operate.

be authentic

How do I live this value?

Communicate openly
Build trust with society
Communicate appropriately

28 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 29

Communicating openly means sharing the benefits of our Operating transparently works on many levels. It’s about
Are we research with the wider industry to advance medical knowledge.
It also means talking openly with colleagues and having the
Are we building the way we communicate, the way we conduct business with
other organisations and the way we interact with communities
communicating courage to speak up about anything that resembles corruption trust with and governments. At every level we need to make sure we
or bribery in our organisation. To be transparent, we must are mindful of our responsibilities and do everything we can
openly? be honest. society? to be fair, open and never misleading in any way.

Am I supporting a speak Have I had open Have I made sure Have I understood we
Connect GSK Connect GSK
• Clinical trials
up culture? conversations about • Grants and donations
grants and donations do not make political
• Communication We want everyone to feel comfortable anti-bribery and • Political contributions are appropriate? contributions?
about speaking up when they are unsure
• Speak up
about a situation or when something
corruption risks? • Government officials We are committed to supporting Our policy is not to make contributions
• ABAC Preventing bribery and corruption • Sanctions and export control legitimate and worthy causes in the to political parties of any kind. This
doesn’t seem right. We can manage • Pulse communities in which we operate. helps us to operate transparently –
risks better when all our people means equipping yourself with
Search these keywords on knowledge so you can assess We also actively promote and support free from any political ties – and stay
our values and standards are transparent about potential Search these keywords on public health. If you are involved in focused on putting patients and
vulnerabilities. We will listen and vulnerabilities on a day-to-day basis.
resource centre We encourage you to have open our values and standards this area, you have a responsibility consumers first.
support you. resource centre to check whether any grants and
conversations and support one
another to recognise and deal with donations you make are in line with Have I followed sanctions
We encourage everyone to report our standards.
concerns without fear of reprisal. In issues as early as possible. and export control laws?
line with our value of respect for people, In some cases sanctions and export
we treat all questions or concerns Are we sharing information Have I ensured our control laws may restrict or prohibit
about ethics or compliance issues in to advance learning and work with governments us from doing business with certain
a confidential manner, even if the person is ethical? countries, governments, government
speaking up identifies themself. We do understanding? officials, entities and individuals.
so in a manner that is consistent with We share information so our clinical We often work with governments
the need to investigate fairly, cooperate trials can support further work to benefit and have a responsibility to abide
by our high standards and the special It is your responsibility to understand
with governments and comply with medical science and patient care. any restrictions that apply to you and
legal obligations. We have a long-standing commitment laws that apply in each case. Our
ABAC framework sets out aspects to the activities you conduct for GSK
to data transparency. In 2004, we so that we can comply with restrictions
See more about our speak up culture launched a Clinical Study Register of ethics that should be considered
when dealing with government and on financial transactions and the
and how to report concerns on which is accessible to the public online. movement of our products, goods,
page 36. non-governmental organisations. It’s
a complex area, so you should review materials, services, equipment,
We post protocol and result summaries software and technology.
for human subject research on internal all relevant documents and seek advice
Am I transparent when from Global Ethics and Compliance.
registers but we also share protocol and
dealing with colleagues? clinical study reports without personally
We all need to communicate honestly identifiable information more widely.
and treat each other fairly. This includes We aim to publish these studies as
being clear and honest about what we
are trying to achieve and communicating
manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals
in order to help advance understanding
in a timely, accurate and consistent way. and enable the scientific community AllTrials campaign
“We encourage to learn from our research.
We were the first pharmaceutical
you to have open company to sign up to the AllTrials
conversations and campaign for clinical trial transparency.
support one another We support the campaign’s call for
the registration of clinical trials and the
to recognise and deal “We all need to communicate disclosure of trial results and reports.
with ABAC issues as honestly and treat each
early as possible.” other fairly.” This means we share the results of
all our clinical trials using anonymised
patient data, irrespective of the trial
outcome. Our online register receives
thousands of visitors a month. See

30 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 31

In today’s world, we all have the power to communicate in
Are we many different ways. This presents many opportunities, but
also dangers. Whether we are on or offline, we must coordinate
communicating and manage the way we communicate both with external
audiences and internally among ourselves. We are committed
appropriately? to protecting our reputation and the trust that people place
in us. These are precious assets and vital to our success.

Am I acting as a steward Am I using social media

Connect GSK
• Reputation
of our reputation? appropriately?
• Digital communications The way we communicate with As an individual you have the right to
• Write Right principles the outside world and internally is make personal comments on social
crucial to building trust. We must media, including sharing GSK content
Search these keywords on ensure all communications about our approved for your individual use, making
our values and standards business interests are timely, accurate it clear that any opinion you express
resource centre and reflect our values. We must is your own. However it’s important to
also ensure communications comply remember that only trained spokespeople
with our policies, approval procedures, can make comments on behalf of GSK.
and all applicable laws. When using social media, you must be
careful that you don’t inadvertently give
away information that could be deemed
‘inside information’. Examples could
be the early release of sales figures
or knowledge of a large company
restructuring. Our policies around
confidential information still apply on
personal use of social media accounts.

Frequently asked questions

Communicate openly Build trust with society Communicate appropriately

Where do I find out more about How can I contribute to society Can I liaise with customers or suppliers
Anti-bribery and corruption on behalf of GSK? through traditional or social media?
(ABAC) risks? Our two flagship volunteering The key consideration is the purpose of
Our ABAC foundation principles programmes offer our employees your interaction. When communicating
Insights: (legitimacy of intent, transparency, a chance to devote their time and for GSK business purposes, please
Write Right proportionality, conflict of interest
or undue influence) are aligned to our
expertise to create positive change
in our communities around the world.
ensure you always use GSK IT
authorised communications tools.
principles values and help us detect and prevent
bribery and corruption. The PULSE Volunteer Partnership We use our values as a guide when
Whether we are writing an email, is a skills-based volunteering initiative. communicating with colleagues,
a letter or a presentation, the language Read the ABAC handbook and get to It is an opportunity to get to know customers, suppliers or people
that we use and the way we put across know common risks so you can have some of our partner organisations who work on behalf of GSK in any
our message are very important. open conversations with colleagues and develop professional skills in online interactions. We should be
Our Write Right education programme
about them. It is up to you to: challenging environments. In return fair, courteous and sensitive to how
is designed to make sure our writing
reflects our values and our willingness
• Know what is expected of you we provide our partners with strategic we are perceived at all times.
to be transparent. It includes easy-to- • Prevent bribery and corruption planning, operational improvements
apply guidelines and updated practical by complying with our policies and enhanced communications Do remember: while we are open
examples of how we can avoid • Report any concerns between our two organisations. and honest in our communications,
misinterpretation and communicate we must not give away any confidential
clearly at all times. Find out more Orange Days give employees one or proprietary information.
about the Write Right principles on paid day off each year to volunteer for
Connect GSK. their chosen local community project.

32 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 33

Connect GSK: Where can
I find more information?

What will I find?

Log into our values and standards Navigate the resource centre • More information on living our values
• Corporate written policies and standards
resource centre by topic or using keywords. • Processes and frameworks
With your MUDD ID on • Training and learning

Connect GSK

Use keywords to search:

Third parties eg Quality culture
should request
access via their
GSK contact.
Our speak up culture
We encourage everyone to raise
concerns as early as possible

Ask questions, raise

concerns, speak up.
We will listen and
support you.

Individual responsibility, collective purpose

The kind of company we are depends on all of us

You have a vital role in

helping us to put values Your legal obligation
As part of your contract of
at the heart of every employment you have an obligation
decision we make. to understand our policies and
standards, and to act appropriately.
We must all comply with all industry
regulations and the law.

34 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values 35

Speak up: How do
I raise a concern?

Ethical business conduct You can report concerns without fear If you are a manager you have an
of reprisal. If you see something you additional duty to raise any concerns
is the responsibility of are unsure about then say something. brought to your attention. Those
everyone working for and If you are working for GSK, first consider who ignore violations, or who fail to
on behalf of GSK. It is the speaking internally to a GSK manager, detect or correct them, could face
Human Resources (HR), Global Ethics disciplinary action.
foundation for building and Compliance (GEC), or Legal.
trust in our company and Everyone must remember their
protects our licence to If you can’t, or feel uncomfortable responsibility to speak up if they see
discussing the issue internally, you something that does not align with
operate. can use any of the other channels we our values. By speaking up and raising
provide. Our telephone and internet concerns, we are living our values,
reporting channels are managed and doing the right thing.
independently of GSK and available
globally. You can make your report What happens if I contact the GSK
We will take disciplinary anonymously if your country’s laws speak up lines?
action up to and including and regulations permit it. Once you’ve made your report, it will
be forwarded appropriately within GSK
dismissal (in accordance
No matter how you choose to raise for follow-up. For example, HR, GEC
with local labour laws) your concern, we treat all questions or Legal will review and contact you to
against anyone who and issues as confidentially as we can address your concern.
threatens or engages in while we investigate fairly, cooperate
retaliation or harassment with governments, and comply with Your concern will be handled promptly,
of any person who has legal obligations. When you report discreetly and professionally. You can
a concern in good faith, we will also request follow-up information
reported, or is considering
support you. about how we addressed your concern.
reporting, a concern in
good faith.

1 2 3
Option 1: Speak Option 2: Option 3: Report
to your manager Raise a concern confidentially online, by
with local telephone or by letter
HR, GEC or Legal

36 Our Code of Conduct: Living our values

Go to our
values and standards
resource centre
on Connect GSK

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980 Great West Road
Brentford, Middlesex TW8 9GS
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 8047 5000
Registered number: 3888792 POL-GSK-001

GlaxoSmithKline plc 2016 v11 (April 2017)

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