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Technology and livelihood
(home economics)
Drafts Pattern for Household Linens
Code: TLE6HE-0d-8 2.4.1
Daily Lesson Plan in TLE6 Home Economics

2.4 Drafts pattern for household linens

2.4.1 Steps in drafting pattern


1. Follow the steps in drafting pattern for household linens.

2. Draft pattern for pillowcase/ table runner/ table napkin.
3. Exhibit good working habits in making a project.


Topic : Drafts pattern for household linens
References : K to 12 CG p 44 Code TLE6HE-0d8
Technology and Livelihood Education 6 142-145
Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6 pp.154-157

Materials : laptop,power point, pictures, fabrics, manila paper, scissors, pencil

Integration: Values Education, Mathematics


A. Preliminary Activities
1. Review
How do you classify different sewing tools and materials?

2. Drill
Guessing Game:
Have pupils use their sewing tools by group and the group who can identify the most number
of correct guesses wins the game.

3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Drafting pattern – they are pieces of paper pattern that we placed together to form a replica
of the actual product. They are trace on the fabric or craft material before cutting on the
desired part.
Diameter – a straight line from one side of something (such as a circle) to the other side that
passes through the center point.

B. Development of the lesson

1. Motivation
Present actual samples of table cloth, pillow case, and other household linens to the learners.
Let them talk about it.

C. Presentation
 Using power point presentation, show to the learners the different kinds and designs
of pillowcases.
 Show the class the pattern of pillow case.

1. Discussion
 Discuss first the Manual Pattern Drafting techniques.
 Tracing- is the easiest and simplest pattern drafting technique for garment or
products with little or no shaping. Just place the garment or household linen on
a piece of paper and trace around it. Do not forget to add seam allowances
before cutting your fabric.
 Rub-off technique- can either be done on paper or fabric. Layer a piece of
paper over a piece of cardboard and place the garment or household linen on
top. Place pins around the outline of the garment to mark darts or small holes.
Remove the pins and connect the perforated markings. Finally, cut the
pattern pieces and check for accuracy. Lay down cut pattern pieces on top of
original linen.

 Today, we are going to draft pattern of a pillow case.

 Showa video presentation of pillow case making.

How to draft a pattern for a pillow case

a. Measure your pillow at home. Get the length and width.
b. On your pattern paper, draw vertical line which is the width measurement and
horizontal line which is the length measurement.
c. Extend lines to form a rectangle.
d. Add 5/8 in. seam allowances along the three sides of the pattern and 2 inches on
the opening.
e. Cut the pattern.

 Discuss the Tips in cutting the fabric and transferring sewing lines
Cut the large pieces first.
Cut along the edges of the pattern.
Hold the fabric with your left hand. Do not hold the pattern and material up nor place
your hand under the fabric while cutting. This may stretch the fabric out of shape if
cut in this manner.
For long spaces, such as straight side seam, use long strokes.
For short spaces, curved spaces use short strokes.
With the use of a tracing wheel and dressmaker’s carbon paper so that all markings
are on the wrong side of the fabric.
Fold each piece together with the pattern until you are ready to work on it.
Before removing the pattern and the pin from the fabric, study each piece carefully
so you will know what part of the project it is and what you will do.

 Discuss also the steps in drafting pattern of other household linens such as
table runners, table cloth, and table napkins. Pp. 142-143 Technology and
Livelihood Education 6.

2. Activity
A. Activity 1
Let the pupils draft a pattern of their own pillow case using a manila paper
Illustrate how to lay, pin the pattern, mark and cut the fabric.
Cut fabrics for the chosen household linen.

3. Application

Group activity: Each group will be given an activity sheet on how to draft patterns of
different household linens.
Pupils will draft a pattern by group.
Group 1 – table runner Group 3 - round Table cloth
Group 2 – table napkin Group 4 – square table cloth

Evaluate their group work by using Rubrics

D. Generalization
What is drafting pattern?
How do you make a pattern for your project?
Why is it important to learn drafting pattern?
Did you enjoy doing the task given to you? Why?

IV. Assessment

Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.

1. Pillows and table runners are examples of household linens.
2. Tracing is the easiest and simplest pattern drafting technique for garments.
3. The tracing technique in pattern drafting is placing the garment on a piece of
paper and tracing it.
4. It is not important to draft pattern for household linens.
5. Drafting patterns are pieces of paper patterns that when placed together will
form a replica of the actual product.

Using the internet, research about sewing projects on household linens that you can share
with your classmates. Different%2Fdp

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