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ELSEVIER Wear 181-183 (1995) 443-457

Wear models and predictive equations: their form and content

H.C. Meng ‘, K.C. Ludema”
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Michigan, Am Arbor, MI 48109-2125, USA

Received 7 October 1994; accepted 3 November 1994


Most wear models and equations in the literature were analyzed as to origin, content and applicability. No single predictive
equation or group of limited equations could be found for general and practical use. The reasons include the perpetuation
of erroneous and subjective expressions for the mechanisms of wear, the slow pace of translation of microscopic observations
into macroscopic models of the wearing processes and the paucity of good experiments to verify proposed models.

Keywords: Wear models; Predictive equations

1. Introduction modeling [2] and a chapter on models in the recent

book by Bayer [3].
In the following paragraphs the terms “model” and
One vital and persistent goal in engineering is to “equation” will be used frequently and should be de-
develop performance relationships between all the vari- fined. A wear model is a listing, description or discussion
ables and parameters in a system, in mathematical form. of the variables that influence wear. In some instances
So too in tribology, engineers and designers should the model is left in word form, which will be referred
have equations to predict wear rates. Unfortunately to as a word model. When the variables are assembled
the available equations are so confusing that few de- into mathematical form, they are referred to as wear
signers can use any of them to predict product life equations.
with confidence. The desire for equations is particularly Barber [4] stated well the general philosophy of
urgent in “automated” design where most every other modeling: “Engineering modeling rests on the premise
topic is much more quantified than is the topic of wear. that even the most complex engineering system can be
Examples of more mature topics are stress analysis, conceived as consisting of an assembly of relatively
vibration analysis and failure mechanics. Given the simple components (often infinitesimal particles) whose
increasing reliance upon computer-based design meth- instantaneous state is describable in terms of a finite
ods, a topic that is deficient in useful algorithms is number of parameters (or ‘state variables’) and whose
minimized, if not ignored. subsequent behavior depends upon interaction with its
The issue of wear equations and modeling is discussed neighbors through mathematically quantifiable physical
on a regular but infrequent basis. Many papers have laws“.
been written before on this topic but little concrete Barber’s description of modeling is clearly based on
direction has arisen for developing good wear models. systems that can be modeled as a set of discrete
The most relevant paper is due to Bahadur [l], who mechanical units.Wear, by contrast, involves chemical
summarized a workshop in the 1977 Wear of Materials and physical interactions with the mechanical com-
(WOM) conference. There are also several relevant ponents, requiring new methods of modeling. This paper
papers in the proceedings of a symposium on wear focuses on the need for new methods and offers rec-
ommendations on how to model the wearing process.
* Corresponding author. Before the significance of the broader needs can be
I Present address: China Motor Corporation, Yang-Mei Taoyuan, convincing, it is instructive to gain a perspective on
Taiwan. the history of writing equations for wear.

0043-1648/95/$09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved

SSDI 0043-1648(94)07102-O
444 H.C. Meng, K.C. Ludema I Wear 181-183 (1995) 443-457

2. What is available authors have remained in the field for more than 5
years and with six publications, less than 5% of the
2.1. The literaturesearch total.

In searching the literature for models and equations,

2.2. The general form and evolution of wear equations
over 300 equations were found for friction and wear
[5]. Two publications were surveyed: the journal Wear
Wear equations have changed character or emphasis
between 1957 and 1992 and the Wear of Materials
since 1957, undoubtedly following the trend in all other
(WOM) conferences from 1977 to 1991. The total
fields of technology. No equation was found to have
number of papers surveyed was 5466 (4726 in Wear,
been developed strictly from the fundamental and in-
740 in WOM) and the total number of individual authors
trinsic quantities of science, although a few approached
was 5325. Where there was a reference in the searched
this goal. The truly fundamental equations carry the
papers to equations in other publications, those too
hope that if they are complete enough they will “predict”
were studied. Many of the 300+ equations describe
wear rate or wear amount with useful numerical ac-
frictional phenomena, which will not be discussed fur-
ther. A significant number of equations relate to wear
Many equations were derived using the methods of
but were not particularly amenable to analysis, so were
solid mechanics. Most include material properties, ther-
left out of later consideration. There remained 182
modynamic quantities or other “engineering” variables
wear equations for the many types of wear.
(some of which may be fundamental). Between 1947
The great majority of the 5466 papers are descriptive
and 1992 three general but overlapping stages of mod-
in nature, many of which contain word models. Perhaps
eling may be perceived.
half present results of studies using microscopes and
(1) Empirical equations were common in the era up
various analytical instruments, providing very valuable
to 1970. They are directly constructed with data taken
information that must eventually become the basis for
from tests in which a few testing conditions were varied.
wear models and equations. About 20% describe a
Four typical models are cited.
particular test, present results from that test and discuss
Barwell [6] suggested that wear rates may be typified
the results, while another 10% present the solution to
by one of three curves of the type
a practical problem. Authors of the latter type of papers
usually make no pretense of developing fundamental
V= %{l-exp(-&)} (I)
concepts but often present some of the best data for
future use.
As an interesting side issue from the study, it was v=cut (2)
found that 3432 of the 5325 authors (about 60%) v=P exp@) (3)
appeared only once in print. Most of these were coau-
thors with a more mature author, however. The dis- where V is the volume loss, cx is a constant and t is
tribution of the number of authors and their number
The parameter p is one of the mysterious terms,
of publications is shown in Fig. 1. Only 12% of the
identified as “some characteristic of the initial surfaces”,
authors published more than three papers and only
probably not describing a predicted effect but rather
15% persisted for more than 5 years. The distribution
reflecting an effect noticed by an alert observer. These
of the period of active publishing by authors corresponds
equations simply describe the shape of a curve for V
with the number of papers published per author, some
vs. t or V vs. p, the latter quantified in some way.
having published for 35 years. Altogether only 289
Rhee [7] found that the total wear of a friction
material (polymer-matrix) is a function of the applied
load F, speed V and time t according to
total number of authors: 5325
AW=KF”Vbtc (4)
where AW is the weight loss of the friction material
and K, a, b and c are empirical constants.
Equations of this type i.e. where the chosen variables
are multiplied together, are common. Three sets of
tests are done where the variation in wear volume is
1 2 3 ; G 0’: : “! N ‘? P v! T measured when one of either V, F or t is varied in
,” “N”,” s: z &:
number of published papers per author turn and two of the variables are fixed. Frequently the
Fig. 1. The number of authors and the number of papers they relationship is approximately logarithmic so that a value
published in Wear and WOM. is assigned to each exponent in turn. It is assumed,
H.C. Meng, K.C. Ludema t Wear 18I-183 (1995) 443-457 445

but rarely proven, that each exponent is independent negligible wear occurs below some characteristic value
of variations in the “other” variables. of PV (or POT or Pp5) for each material and that
Typically empirical equations are valid only within severe wear occurs above this value. The PVformulations
the range of the test but are far more accurate in that were not studied in detail (see Ref. [lo] for details).
range than are theoretical equations. The great majority (3) Equations based on material failure mechanisms
describe wearing under tixed sliding conditions, usually have evolved in the greatest number over the last 15
with no control or measurement of temperature, surface years. Authors now appear to recognize that wear
roughness, etc. resistance is not an intrinsic property of materials and
(2) Contact-mechanics-based equations were common that mechanical properties chosen for mechanics pur-
in the years 1970-1980. They usually begin as models poses (e.g. for calculation of real contact area) may
of a system, assuming simple relationships among work- not apply directly. The emphasis turned to incorporating
ing conditions. Some account is often taken of the more quantities relating to material flow, fracture tough-
topography of the contacting surfaces as well in order ness K,, fracture strain er, etc. No equations will be
to calculate the local region of contact. Many of these reproduced because of the length of their derivations.
equations are based on the assumption that a con- The earliest material phenomena studied include dis-
ventional material property (of the author’s choice), location mechanics [ll], fatigue properties [12], shear
usually Young modulus E or hardness H, will be im- failure defined by slip line analysis [13] and brittle
portant in the wear process. An example of this type fracture properties 1141; there have been many more
is due to Archard [8], who published well in advance since. Peculiarly, though wear is thought by many
of the later contact mechanics era: investigators to be due to loss of oxide, no models
covering this mechanism, other than that of Quinn [15],
*=fiP (5) have appeared of late.
where W is the worn volume, s is the sliding distance, 2.3. Assessment of applicability of equations
P is the applied load, pm is the flow pressure (ap-
proximately equivalent to hardness) of the softer ma- The most striking aspect of the 182 equations in the
terial and the ratio of the last two is often taken as literature is the great number of variables cited. Each
the real contact area. K is stated to be a constant related author incorporates a different array of variables, often
to the probability that an encounter of two asperities for the same mechanical system. The most significant
will produce a wear particle. There are many discussions inference that can be drawn from the number of vari-
in the literature on the true meaning of K, but in reality ables, which number has continued to increase with
it must also express the likely distribution of loosened time, is that there appears to be little convergence of
particle size and the probability that a loosened particle thought on modeling. Secondly, of practical consequence
will leave the system rather than become reattached. is that a designer has great difficulty in locating the
However K is rationalized, its value is obtained from applicable equation for a particular application: very
experiment and has become known as a the “wear likely none exists with the same array of variables
coefficient”. identified in the designer’s present problem.
Archard’s equation is of a type that evolved from The terms, variables and parameters used in all the
discussions on ways to express the severity of sliding wear equations were tabulated. As discussed in the
of gear teeth. In the German literature of 100 years next section, 28 of the 182 equations were separated
ago the term “spezifische Gleitung” (specific sliding) out for special study. These are for erosion by solid
was used to express some combination of contact pres- particle impingement, leaving 154 which encompass all
sure and sliding speed [9]. In the 1930s the term other forms of wear, here referred to as “general wear”;
“adhesion” arose as a cause of friction and in the late the variables in these 154 are listed in Appendix A.
1940s the concept of “real area of contact” of plastically
deforming bodies was discussed. Archard put all these 2.3.1. Parameters in the equations for general wear
ideas into one equation, which was a significant con- First, as a matter of statistics, there are more than
tribution. 100 different variables and constants (parameters) in
The PVcriterion is ultimately a variant of “spezifische the equations for general sliding wear. Actually there
Gleitung” and not the product of any particular era. are over 625 variables as named by the authors, but
Some equations were built on the PV concept but are many appeared to be good approximations of others
rarely useful for predicting product life. Some authors and were somewhat arbitrarily combined into a con-
appear to connect wear rate with the product PV. Rhee densed list. The average number of variables is 4.8 in
apparently found the wear rate to be proportional to the empirical equations, 5.8 in the simpler mechanics-
P and V separately, thus the separate exponents on based models and 8.9 in the equations built from the
his variables [7]. Still others appear to believe that material point of view. Some equations contain up to
446 H.C. Meng, KC. Ludema I Wear 181-183 (1995) 443-457

Table 1
Parameters selected in erosion wear models

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Density X
Hardness X X X
Moment of inertia X

Roundness X X X

Single mass X

Size X X X X X X

Velocity X X X x x X X X X X X X X
Rebound velocity X
Kinetic energy (KE) of particle

Density X X X X X X X X X

Hardness X X X X

Flow stress X X

Young modulus
Fracture toughness
Critical strain
Depth of deformation
Incremental strain per impact
Thermal conductivity
Melting temperature
Enthalpy of melting
Cutting energy X X
Deformation energy X X
Erosion resistance X X
Heat capacity
Grain molecular weight
Weibull flaw parameter X X
Lame constant
Grain diameter

Impact angle X X 90 x X X 90 x X X X
Impact angle max. wear X
KE transfer from particle to target
Constant 2 3 3 1 2 10 1 3 2 1 6 1 4 4

nine material properties. The largest number of variables problem with unmeasurable constants in wear modeling
in a single equation is 26, the smallest two. is that very few of them are replaced or further explained
Most equations contain constants which require spe- in later papers. This is particularly troubling, because
cial mention. The average number of constants is 1.5 progress is slow in wear modeling and papers older
and they are the most ambiguous among the parameters. than 15 years are seldom referenced in “modern” papers.
The simplest and most useful constants constitute the 2.3.2. Variable selection in erosion
“numerical bridge” between values calculated from the After studying all the equations and mechanisms
selected variables in derived equations and values mea- (modes, etc.) of wear, the equations for erosion were
sured in experiments. found to contain some specific points on which to base
Unfortunately, some constants are assigned to rep- recommendations for future modeling. However, to
resent specific quantitative phenomena which are not strengthen the conclusions reached, the equations used
readily measurable: examples are “fatigue life of an in this analysis were carefully selected. The following
asperity”, “surface strength” and “area of molecular criteria were used in selecting erosion equations for
contact”. Some constants express an average property study.
(a) The maturity of the author, which is measured
of non-homogeneous materials and others are referred
by the length of time the author(s) has been publishing
to as a “characteristic length” or a “shape factor”. The papers in erosion, the number of papers the author
mere existence of unmeasurable constants does not published and the frequency of citing of an author by
consign a model to oblivion. Models containing such others.
constants, many of them, have been under development (b) Logical consistency, which was assured
for many years in several other fields, with great success (i) where there was a reasonable and detailed ex-
in some instances. As will be discussed further, the planation of the derivation of wear equations
H.C. Meng, KC. Ludema I Wear MI-183 (1995) 443-457 447

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28











X 90 90 X


1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 3 3

from the initial assumptions to the final expres- 2.3.3. Harmonizing existing equations
sions, It might be supposed that each published equation
(ii) when the equations did not conflict with the laws contains some truth concerning the wearing process,
of nature, and if so, some methods might be found to harmonize
(iii) when the theories agreed with accompanying ex- some equations or to point the way in future modeling.
perimental results and those of previous studies, Several methods were explored for doing so, focusing
or a logical explanation for differences is provided. on the equations for erosion. Unfortunately, there
(c) Historical significance (continuity), which is con- appears to be no way to harmonize them as equations
firmed where the model is quoted in a positive light without beginning the modeling process in some new
in later credible papers. way. It might have been helpful if more authors of
Twenty-eight erosion models were found to meet the papers on erosion had published all their data (provided
above criteria and these are listed in numbered sequence that editors allow them!). The following methods were
in Appendix B. All equations were recast into compatible evaluated and found to offer no insight on variable
forms and symbols. They contained 33 parameters as choices.
shown in Table 1. The average number of parameters (a) Tabulation of the incidence of use of the variables
per equation is five and no single equation contains in order to determine which is the more prominent.
all variables. Evidently each equation is the result of Hardness is clearly the most widely used but is as
a very specific and individual approach. However, given clearly inapplicable for most types of wear and surely
the diligence and dedication of the authors of the inadequate as the only material property.
selected equations for erosion, their approaches are (b) Dimensional analysis. The expectation in assuring
reasoned and rational. dimensional compatibility in equations is that some
448 H.C. Meng, K.C. Ludema I Wear 181-183 (1995) 443-457

forgotten variable may be identified or some candidate By contrast, in wear modeling we find the following.
variable may be seen to be appropriate for consideration (a) Too few authors work in most of the subtopics
on the basis of the units brought into the equation. It of wear to constitute a “critical mass” in the topic.
may be this principle more than any other that inhibits Most authors work in isolation from others as judged
the broadening of the Archard equation form to include from the reference lists in the papers. By contrast, the
new and relevant variables. papers on fluid film lubrication of the last 50 years
There is of course no proof that dimensional analysis indicate the existence of a spirited critical mass of
is inapplicable in forming wear equations, because we authors. This critical mass most obviously reflects a
do not yet have a closed list of terms to use. However, high commercial interest in developing lubricated ma-
all attempts to add new variables to old equations chinery which, if successful, results in little wear. How-
readily demonstrate the present problem. ever, since most practical machinery wears in some
(c) Superposition; that is, having worked out the manner, there should also be some interest in this
influence of one variable on wear rate, one cannot topic. The great complexity of practical wear problems
simply add or multiply a new variable to the existing has prevented broad and easy discourse.
variables already studied. This practice may work for (b) Most authors appear to select material property
a few variables, but there is no way to determine the variables in an arbitrary manner or without apparent
limits of this practice. Given that most wearing events connection to real modes of material loss. This is seen
involve multiple mechanisms, an arbitrary choice of particularly in the widely varying material properties
variables will not produce very useful models: there is for seemingly identical wearing events in different pa-
too much interdependence between some variables. pers Three points will be made on this issue. _
(d) The methods of waveform analysis or system In the equations for erosion, exponents on V
identification are of little value in developing wear cover a wide range from 2 to 5 (average about
equations, because there is nothing in these techniques 3) as given in Table 1. In principle it would seem
that identifies basic mechanisms, even if the ideal that erosion damage should be related to the
experiment had been done to support the equation. momentum of the impinging particles, i.e. pro-
(e) Expert system methods cannot impose order into
portional to v2. An exponent other than 2 (or
a system, because these methods depend on an orderly
other appropriate number) may reflect that a
construct of information, though not necessarily com-
variable related to V is missing or present in
another form, but it is more likely that the cited
mechanical properties are inappropriate. For ex-
ample, it may be necessary to use dynamic hard-
ness or dynamic K, values rather than quasi-static
3. General critique of modeling (necessarily broadly values and the effect may be as large as a factor
and generally stated) of 10. No papers discussed this possibility.
(ii) The chosen mechanical properties frequently do
not reflect a repeat stress event or a fracture
There are several reasons for the current incomplete
event, though cyclic contact stress is stated to
state of modeling and equation writing. It is clearly a
exist by many authors.
difficult field in which many serious and highly qualified
authors are working. However, the methods used could (iii) The chosen mechanical properties are often not
be improved. The common approach to modeling which intrinsic material properties (e.g. E, H and K,),
has succeeded in the past in other fields follows the nor are they independent of each other (e.g. E,
following approximate sequence. H, melting point (MP), atomic bond strength and
several other properties, when plotted against
(9 Seieraipeople work-on nearly the same topic at each other, show very similar trends or are pro-
a good pace, with good interaction.
(ii) Models emerge, accompanied by complete doc- portional to each other (with some scatter)).
umentation of assumptions, methods and limi- (c) Experiments to verify models seldom prove their
tations of the approach. point very clearly. All experiments involve several in-
(iii) Several mature researchers participate directly in advertent complications that mislead the observer. It
experimental programs to verify the latest models. should not escape our attention that the 60% of authors
who appear in print only once have probably also done
(iv) Critiques of models are published and models are
revised, defining new and more relevant materials the great majority of the experiments reported in the
constants, fundamental events, etc. literature and probably had little prior experience in
(v) New experimental observations are developed and their chosen topic.
results published. It is mysterious how truth can be extracted from
(vi) Etc. some experiments in which so many confusing factors
H.C. Meng, K.C. Ludema 1 Wear 181-183 (1995) 443457 449

are present. Some confusion is brought about by unwise

selection of test variables, which is a lengthy subject
in itself. Most authors appear to believe that each
variable can be properly studied separately while “hold-
ing other variables constant” at any value whatsoever,
even at some unrealistic value. This practice probably
belies an assumption that the principle of superposition
is valid in wear, even through the several transitions
in modes of material loss over time.
(d) Most authors cite one or more mechanisms, modes
or processes of wear, either as the basis for their model
or in the general discussion in their paper. It is clear
that there is little agreement on the meaning of the
terms. This is probably the major reason for the lack
of visible progress toward useful wear equations (and
friction equations as well).
Lists of wear mechanisms may be found in many
books and such lists are long. A brief compiled list
taken from the papers of prominent researchers is given
in Table 2. Few of the terms are of the same “level”,
few are mutually exclusive and few are present in
isolation from others in practice. They can therefore
not be cited as equal alternatives or additive effects.
Furthermore, they are not separated as to direct or
proximate causes of loss of material. Some examples
will be given.
(i) “Levels” of wear terms. An example illustrating
the concept of levels is “erosion” by solid particle
impingement. It is said to occur by some varying
combination of cutting, fatigue, brittle fracture
and melting as shown in Fig. 2. However, three
of the four submechanism terms are also listed
as primary mechanisms. Cutting can be further
divided into two since it involves penetration of
a “cutter” (resisted by hardness) and (plastic)
strain to failure. The latter is yet another mech-
anism in Table 2. Eventually one is led to a “level”
of action that cannot be readily reduced and we
may refer to this level as fundamental. It is not
intended here to define the most fundamental
level, which will likely be different for each dis-
cipline. All the terms in Table 2 may be seen to
reduce to only a few material “separation” modes

a “mechanism” sub-mechanisms
of wear
- ,cuttintCpenetration of cutting edge

plastic deformation to failur% \

erosion by
solid particle fatigueX-cyclic failure material
impingement separation
brittle fracture-non-cyclic failure actions

t melting’- loss of fluid state i

It also listed as primary mechanism in Table 2

Fig. 2. The four submechanisms by which erosion separates materials

from a target and the four separate modes of material behavior in
the loss process.
450 H.C. Meng, ICC. Ludema I Wear 181-183 (1995) 443-457

as shown to the right in the table. This list is too A common impression in the literature is that if a
simplistic as well. mechanism of wear can be identified in a particular
The point is that the term “erosion” is not a (sliding) system, then a material can be selected to
fundamental term in any sense, surely not as a resist that particular mechanism. This is erroneous
descriptor of a phenomenon to be modeled. Few reasoning. A good example is a system which may be
others in Table 2 are either. made of either plain carbon steel or stainless steel.
Part of the ambiguity in the meaning of some Each material will wear by a different combination of
terms in Table 2 is that in some instances they mechanisms because of theirproperties. In other words,
refer to a material loss mechanism and at other the material “brings” the wear mechanism into the
times they refer to the mechanical aspects of system. Possible exceptions are where a particular wear
contact. The clearest example is the term “fret- mechanism will be imposed whatever resistance is of-
ting”: sometimes this term is invoked when a fered, as in some cases of erosion and abrasion.
particular type of debris is seen on a surface and
sometimes it refers to small amplitude oscillatory
sliding. 4. Recommendations (necessarily broadly stated)
(ii) Direct vs. proximatecmses. An example illustrating
the frequent failure to separate direct from prox- It is clear that future wear equations cannot be
imate causes is the term “adhesion”. It is perhaps synthesized from many existing equations and it is
the most frequently cited type, mechanism or cause equally unlikely that many applicable equations will
of wear. The full meaning of the term is difficult emerge using the approach of the past. Equations will
to capture from the literature. Although there are continue to appear, however, and doubtless some that
some definitions as promulgated by various com- seem to be totally impractical at this time may eventually
mittees within professional societies, authors who be the basis for future useful equations.
use the term appear to have their own definition. Wear modeling and equation writing will benefit from
Sometimes it means “welding” or “bonding” in a new approach and the following suggestions are
the sense of primary atomic bonds, metallic, ionic offered.
or covalent. However, this definition can hardly (a) Abandon efforts to model wear in terms of the
be satisfying, because if primary bonding were current list of wear mechanisms. These terms only serve
operative alone in the contact region, then wear to diverge thinking on real wear processes. It is not
debris would not escape from the system. A useful surprising that the long-standing wear mechanisms are
adhesion theory should state how adhesion causes still in use; however, there are few alternatives.
the formation of loose particles and later allows (b) Develop full descriptions of the evolution of
the loose particles to escape. Indeed, adhesion is macroscopic events on sliding surfaces. This must in-
often invoked to account for friction, either local clude a description of the formation and movement of
or global friction, but this too is unsatisfactory: fragmented particles in the interface region. Collab-
a single representation of adhesion should suffice oration with researchers in material studies is vital in
for both sliding resistance and wear rate. At this effort.
present, adhesion should be regarded as a prox- An example is given in Table 3 for sliding of metal.
imate cause and cannot reasonably be cited as a Most definitely, when a body of material A slides on
direct or complete cause of wear. a body of material B, the two original materials do

Table 3
Steps in developing wear models for metals in a practical unlubricated environment

1 2 3 4

Develop a statement Develop a Develop a Develop an

of the sequence of picture of picture of the estimate of the
material turbulence at planes and distribution of fraction of
the sliding interface, zones of the size and particles that
involving base -9 weakness + shapes of recirculates in
material, products of that develop loosened the contact
chemical conversion in the mixed particles that region and the
and adsorbed interface form from the fraction that
substances material mixed interface departs as
material wear debris

(include a theoretical estimate of the resistance to sliding (friction))

H.C. Meng, K.C. Ludema I Wear 181-183 (I 995) 443-457 451

not slide against each other even at the start of sliding. Applied nominal tensile stress
A slightly different list is required for lubricated sliding, Applied plastic deformation
for ceramic materials, for polymers, for composite ma- Area of contact of a plastic junction
terials, etc. Area of film of transformed structures
(c) Since friction forces add to the stresses and Arrhenius constant for parabolic oxidation
temperatures imposed upon all substances in the in- Asperity strength
terface, friction should be represented in some more Atomic diameter of major constituent
fundamental and locally distributed manner than the Atomic weight
coefficient of friction. The latter is a useful term for Average temperature of chip
mechanical design purposes, not for research in wear. Boltzmann’s constant
(d) Adjust editorial policies of journals to encourage Bulk hardness
substantive discourse on the above topics. Published Burgers vector
work, especially experimental work, should be so com- Coefficient of friction
pletely described that a reader at some location other Composite surface roughness
than that of the author can duplicate the experiment Constant defining initial surface roughness
and obtain the same results. Constant defining load-area relation
Constant defining particle size
Constant defining size of a single contact
References Constant defining stress
Contact pressure
111 S. Bahadur, Wear research and development, ASME 1 Lubr. Crack propagation velocity
Technol., 100 (1978) 449-454. Cross-sectional area of worn volume
121 KC. Ludema and R.G. Bayer (eds.), ASTM STP, 1105 (1991). Density of oxide
[31 R.G. Bayer, Mechanical Wear Prediction and Prevention, Marcel Density of wear debris
Dekker, New York, 1994, Part 2, pp. 321402.
Depth of wear grooves
[41 J.R. Barber, Is modeling in tribology a useful activity? ASTM
STP, 1105 (1991) 165-172. Dynamic hardness
[51 H.C. Meng, Wear modehng: evaluation and categorization of Effective hardness of a composite layer
wear models, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Effective Young’s modulus
MI, 1994. Elastic modulus
WI F.T. Barwell, Wear of metals, Wear, 1 (1957-1958) 317-332.
Empirical constant
[71 S.K. Rhee, Wear equation for potymers sliding against metal
surfaces, Wear, 16 (1970) 431-445.
Fatigue life of an asperity
PI J.F. Archard, Contact and rubbing of flat surfaces, J. Appl. Flow pressure
Phys., 24 (1953) 981-988. Fracture toughness
191 H. Blok, personal communication, 1994. Friction force
WI A.W. Glaeser, Design of plain bearings for heavy machinery, Gas constant
ASTM STP, 1105 (1991) 12-29.
Hardness of an asperity under oxide film
IllI N.P. Suh, The delamination theory of wear, Wear, 25 (1973)
111-124. Hertzian contact area
1121 E. Hombogen, The role of fracture toughness in the wear of Initial oxygen concentration
metals, Wear, 33 (1975) 251-259. Load supported by contacting asperities
1131 J.M. Challen and P.L.B. Oxley, An explanation of the different Low cycle fatigue constant
regimes of friction and wear using asperity deformation models,
Mean asperity interaction length
Wear, 53 (1979) 229-243.
A.G. Evans and D.B. Marshall, in DA. Rigney (ed.), Fun-
Mean volume of a individual wear particle
damentals of Friction and Wear of Materials, American Society Melting point of lubricant
for Metals, Metals Park, OH, 1981, p. 439. Melting temperature
P51 T.F.J. Quinn, Oxidational wear, Wear, 18 (1971) 413-419. Molecular weight of lubricant
Nominal contact area
Number of asperities per millimeter
Appendix A: 100 different variables and constants in Number of nucleation sites
the equations for general sliding wear Oil density
Partial pressure of oxygen
Absolute humidity Planck’s constant
Absolute temperature of contact spot Poisson’s ratio
Activation energy for parabolic oxidation Probability of asperity encounter
AE (acoustic emission) rate Probability of forming a wear particle
Ambient temperature of surfaces Radius of asperity
Angle of asperity geometry Radius of junction area
Applied load Real area of contact
452 H.C. Meng, KC. Ludema / Wear 181-183 (1995) 443-457

Rotational velocity of layer elements Time

Separation distance Total apparent area of disc and pin
Shape factor of indenter Total strain
Shear modulus Ultimate failure stress
Shear strength of metal van der Waal’s constant
Sliding distance Viscosity of lubricating oil
Sliding velocity Volume fraction of each component
Specific heat Volume loss by abrasion
Standard deviation of surface roughness Volume loss by adhesion
Standard wear resistance Volume loss by corrosion
Strain to failure in one loading cycle Volume loss by fatigue
Surface energy Wear coefficient for non-welded junctions
Surface hardness Wear coefficient for welded junctions
Temperature at which oxide film forms Width of groove
Temperature rise due to frictional heating Work-hardening exponent
Thermal conductivity Worn area
Thermal diffusivity Yield strain
Thickness of a wear particle Yield strength

Appendix B: Erosion wear equations for Table 1

1 I. Finnie, Erosion of surfaces by solid particles, Wear, 3 (1960) 87-103

mVZ 6
sin(2a) - - sin20 fortancw< i
+r= PJ/K K

mV K cos2cY
E fortanaa X
vp- Pt,h 6

2 J.G.A. Bitter, A study of erosion phenomena, Parts I and II, Wear, 6 (1963) 5, 169

EVT = %D + %‘C

1 M(Vsin a-IQ2
‘&D= -
2 6
2MI/(V sin a-Q2 v cos (y_ C(V sin (u-Q2
$x1= X for cr>cy@
(V sin CY)~‘~ ( (V sin ,)1’2 1
wp cos2a-K,(Ysin a-K)3R] for (y<(y
evc2 = ‘PO

3 G.L. Sheldon and I. Finnie, The mechanism of material removal in the erosive cutting of brittle materials, J.
Eng. I&., 88 (1966) 393

a= - 3n
evp = K/Vb, b= -
n-2’ n-2
cvp= K/V, a’= 3.6n b= -
n-2’ n-2

K5= ro.6m/(n - 2)
H.C. Meng, K.C. Ludema / Wear 181-183 (1995) 443-457 453

KI constant

4 J.H. Neilson and A. Gilchrist, Erosion by a stream of solid particles, (1968) 111
@f(v’ cos?~- v) + &M(V sin (Y-K)’
E”= for (Y< cyp0
X 6

&MP cos2a + $M(Vsin CX-K)~ for a,a

+v= PQ
X 6

5 J.E. Goodwin, W. Sage and G.P. Tilly, Study of erosion by solid particles, Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., 184 (15),
Part 1 (1969-1970) 279

a=2 for 25 pm
a = 2.3 for 125 pm

6 W.J. Head and M.E. Harr, The development of a model to predict the erosion of material by natural contaminants,
Wear, 15 (1970) 1

%‘(DW) = 0.000233 - 0.000160R - 0.000238 In

+ 0.00829 sin (Y+ 0.000034 [ In (2)1’-0.000967( g)R

H 2
cos cw+O.O001456 In $


0.005345 + 0.000006 5 + 0.003507R + 0.009335 sin (Y


- 0.004706 cos (Y- 0.003114 sin2a - 0.010888 sin (Y

- 0.00381OR cos CX+0.000495 In cos (Y


%(BS) =
P re
EV(DS) = R 2.84~2.48

7 G.L. Sheldon, Similarities and differences in the erosion behavior of materials, .I Basic Eng., 89 (1970) 619
E0.8(n+ l)/(n- 2)
K, = m l.Z(n -0.67)&a - 2)
&an - 2)

3(n - 0.67

b=2 4 n-0.67
454 H.C. Meng, K.C. Ludema I Wear 181-183 (1995) 443-#57

8 I. Finnie, Some observations on the erosion of ductile metals, Wear, 19 (1972)

cMV2 ( cos2a- 5)
%= 4P(l +mr%)
i;=V cos a- - sin (Y

cw cos2a for $= 0
e”= 4P(l +mr2/I)
sin(2cY)- 2 y fory,=O
‘“= 4P(l +mr2/l) ( 1

9 G.L. Sheldon and A. Kanhere, An investigation of impingement using single particles, Wear, 21 (1972) 195

D 3pp,,3’2

10 G.P. Tilly, A two stage mechanism of ductile erosion, Wear, 23 (1973) 87

e=i.(EY[ l-($$!]+;2($rFd,”

F = we-w

11 W.J. Head, L.D. Lineback and C.R. Manning, Modification and extension of a model for predicting the
erosion of ductile materials, Wear, 23 (1973) 291

eV(tw)(oo) - %qwf,(o)
%‘(DMW) ( a )=I F

12 G. Grant and W. Tabakoff, An experimental investigation of the erosion characteristics of 2024 aluminum
alloy, Department of Aerospace Engineering Tech. Rep. 73-37, 1973 (University of Cincinnati)

?? =K,[ l+C[K, sin(E o)]]p cos2a(l-R+)+K,(Vsin a)*

C=l for ag3a0

C=O for cu>3a,

13 J.H. Williams Jr. and E.K. Lau, Solid particle erosion of graphite-epoxy composites, Wear, 29 (1974) 219

=K,d”[V sin(,+K,)]’

14 W.H. Jennings, W.J. Head and CR. Manning Jr., A mechanistic model for the prediction of ductile erosion,
Wear, 40 (1976) 93

KS/2 G l/3
‘= % ptnkT,,, AH,

15 I.M. Hutchings, R.E. Winter and J.E. Field, Solid particle erosion of metals: the removal of surface material
by spherical projectiles, Proc. R Sot. Lo&. A, 348 (1976) 379-392
W= 5.82 x 10-'°F9

16 A.G. Evans, M.E. Gulden and M. Rosenblatt, Impact damage in brittle materials in the elastic-plastic response
regime, Proc. R Sot. Lord. A, 361 (1978) 343-365
H.C. Meng, KC. Ludema I Wear 181-183 (1995) 443-457 455

E a ~1916,. W3,,1/4

17 A.G. Evans, Impact damage mechanics: solid projectiles, in C.M. Preece (ed.), Treatise on MuteriaI Science
and Technology, Vol. 16, Erosion, Academic, New York, 1979, p. 1


18 A.W. Ruff and S.M. Wieherhorn, Erosion by solid particle impact in C.M. Preece (ed.), Treatise on Material
Science and Technology, Vol. 16, Erosion, Academic, New York, 1979, p. 69

19 J.L. Routbort, R.O. Scattergood and A.P.L. Turner, The erosion of reaction-bonded Sic, Wear, 59 (1980)
E = r0.7-o.951/2.0-2.5

20 J.L. Routbort, R.O. Scattergood and E.W. Kay, Erosion of silicon single crystals, J. Am. Cerum. Sot., 63 (11)
(1980) 635
em=(V sin ~~-V~)n(d-d~)~

21 I.M. Hutchings, A model for the erosion of metals by spherical particles at normal incidence, Wear, 70 (1981)
269-28 1

?? o.o33 @H:”

22 G. Sundararajan and P.G. Shewmon, A new model for the erosion of metals at normal incidence, Wear, 84
(1983) 237-258 ,

0.085v25p;‘4p: -“a(~ + l)“[ 1 - (z + l)/(z + 2)F(z)

?? 6.06’(1- CT,_)‘.25[n,CpT&“(l- 436/T,J”.“]6(Kl HJ1.z-b

0.25nE-P’(z + l)“(K, H,)p”

a = [6.06p, C, TF5(1 - 436/T,,,)‘-“$
6.5 x 10-3F5py
E= C TO.‘sHo.= (simple form)
Pm *

23 G. Beckmann and J. Gotzmann, Analytical model of the blast wear intensity of metals based on a general
arrangement for abrasive wear, Wear, 73 (1981) 325-353
456 H.C. Meng, K.C. Ludema I Wear 181-183 (1995) 443-457

24 S.M. Wiederhorn and B.J. Hockey, Effect of material parameters on the erosion resistance of brittle materials,
J. Mater. Sci., 18 (1983) 766-780
Eo[ 1/2.8r3.9p;14K, 1.9Hp.48

25 J.E. Ritter, Erosion damage in structural ceramics, Muter. Sci. Eng., 71 (1985) 195-207


26 A.V. Reddy and G. Sundararajan, Erosion behavior of ductile materials with a spherical non-friable erodent,
Wear, 111 (1986) 313-323

Ea L3 A%

27 S. Johansson, F. Ericson and J. Schweitz, Solid particle erosion - a statistical method for evaluation of
strength properties of semiconducting materials, Wear, 115 (1987) 107-120
p,pyEu3pmd” p,p;BEV8’3d
E= (1 -f,)KI H5/9K4/3 +fK,
t c H1”K2
t c

28 C. Lhymn and P. Wapner, Slurry erosion of polyphenylene sulfide-glass fiber composites, Wear, 119 (1987)
E= KIK:-2~--Zbd6K2pfpp (unit: Dm/(eroding area x time))
Appendix C: Nomenclature mass of single particle
1 total mass of impinging particle
n flaw parameter, Weibull
a, b exponent constants
n, instantaneous strain-hardening coefficient at
CP heat capacity of target
strain W,
c 1.2, constants
d particle diameter P constant plastic flow stress
d, grain diameter 9 maximum penetration depth of particle
do threshold particle diameter below which no radius of particle
erosion occurs ; roundness of particle
erosion resistance per unit volume of target & tangential restitution ratio
fraction of volume loss caused by median t erosion time
spalling mechanism T working temperature
F experimentally determined factor which is a T, melting temperature
function of geometry of acceleration tube & kinetic energy of particle
employed in erosion test facility V velocity of particle
F(z) function varying with z Vtl stressed volume in bending
F d,v fragmentation for test condition V, residual parallel component of particle velocity
G gram molecular weight of target at small angles of attack
H, hardness of particle Vref standard test velocity of particle
H, hardness of target
VO threshold velocity below which distortion is
H, Meyer’s hardness of target entirely elastic and no damage occurs
I moment of inertia of single particle
W proportion of sample (by weight) within spec-
k thermal conductivity of target
ified size range after testing
K velocity component normal to surface below
which no erosion takes place in certain hard WO proportion of sample (by weight) within spec-
materials ified size range before testing
.f: horizontal velocity of tip of particle when
K, fracture toughness
KT kinetic energy transferred from impacting par- cutting cases
ticle to target per unit mass of particles Y elastic load limit
K 1.2, proportionality constants z exponent determining steepness of strain gra-
L depth of deformation dient associated with each impact
H.C. Meng, KC. Ludema / Wear 181-183 (1995) 443-457 457

Greek letters %(DS) erosion rate for ductile materials, stepwise

erosion rate for ductile materials, WARP
a impact angle
ffpo impact angle at which horizontal veiocity com-
EVP volume of material removed by single abrasive
ponent has just become zero when particle
gain of mass
leaves body total volume erosion rate
impact angle equal to zero maximum erosion rates for velocity Vref (ref-
deformation wear factor, the amount of energy erence erosion rate)
needed to remove unit volume of material K ratio of vertical to horizontal force component
enthalpy of melting of target on particle (k= 2)
mean strain increment induced by each impact CLP
Lame constant of particle
erosion rate (mass loss/impact mass) l-4 Lame constant of target
erosion rate (volume loss/impact mass) PP
density of particle
erosion rate for brittle materials, stepwise Pt density of target
model Ob average strength of material in pure bending
a0 scaling stress, a measure of strength of material
%(BW) erosion rate for brittle materials, WARP
load index
model cutting wear factor, the quantity of energy
VCI, 2 volumes of material removed by cutting mech- needed to scratch out unit volume from a
anisms 1 and 2 surface
‘%D volume of material removed by deformation ratio of depth of contact to depth of cut 0, = 2)
mechanism critical strain for onset of lip formation

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