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1. Though their number ----, the lovers of base- 5. In the first year of marriage, both partners ----
jumping still believe that there ---- more to accept the annoying little habits that both of
participants of it. them ----.

A) might constantly grow / had better be A) have to learn / are bound to have
B) has constantly grown / would be B) can learn / have to have
C) will constantly grow / were C) might have learnt / need to have
D) is constantly growing / could be D) get used to learning / would have
E) should constantly grow / has been E) had learnt / should have

2. Thanks to in-vitro fertilization, Janet ---- the 6. British school-children ---- their lunch from
risk of Alzheimer's disease passing on to her home because schools ----- the necessary
child. arrangements.

A) was able to avoid A) must not bring / had to make

B) is supposed to avoid B) might not bring / will make

C) has to avoid C) could not bring / need to make

D) would prefer to avoid D) cannot bring / might make

E) should have avoided E) do not have to bring / are expected to make

3. When I was 15, I ---- my motorcycle around my 7. European factories ---- most of the electronic
native city, Marmaris, hiding it from my goods and clothing a short while ago, but China
parents. ---- it all recently.

A) could ride A) will produce / changes

B) should ride B) could produce / might be changing

C) would ride C) used to produce / has changed

D) was used to riding D) were able to produce / will change

E) should have ridden E) needed to produce / could change

4. Prisons ---- the wrong attitudes of people, not 8. China’s economic rise ----- for several more
just punish them for their actions. decades; however, it ----- how to manage the
problems caused by rapid growth.

A) would rather be modifying A) will continue / can learn

B) are supposed to modify B) ought to continue / was able to learn
C) are able to modify C) could have continued / must learn
D) could be modifying D) had better continue / would rather learn
E) are likely to modify E) is likely to continue / needs to learn

©Ülkü Küçükakın

9. You ----- with monkeys when you are in 13. Your misbehaving child ----- your attention, but
Thailand since so many of them ---- freely on you don’t realize it.
the streets there.
A) could actually be seeking
A) would socialize / were living
B) should actually seek
B) will get accustomed to socializing / live
C) shall actually seek
C) might be socializing / will live
D) would actually prefer to seek
D) need to socialize / must live
E) has to actually seek
E) will have socialized / could live

10. A. ----- me to the airport early tomorrow

14. We ----- about mosquitos during our camping
trip there: they were far from our camping site
B. Actually, I ----- in the office by 8 am for a
and insect repellents ----- us from them.
meeting tomorrow. Sorry.
A) did not have to worry/were supposed to
A) Could you take / might be protect
B) May you take / can be B) must not be worrying/can protect

C) Are you likely to take / am to be C) had better not worry/will have protected

D) Would you mind taking / need to be D) did not need to worry/were able to protect

E) Will you take / would rather be E) should not worry / would protect

11. I ----- outside enjoying the sun and the 15. I ----- my house earlier when the interest rates
beautiful weather than sitting here listening to were lower.
your boring stories.
A) might buy
A) can be
B) would rather have bought
B) have to be
C) had better buy
C) would rather be
D) must buy
D) must have been
E) could buy
E) am likely to be

12. In order to lose weight, you ----- the amount of 16. A. ----- on the phone here?
junk food that you consume. B. No problem, of course, as long as it is not too
A) are able to limit
B) might be limiting A) Will I talk

C) used to limit B) Would you mind if I talked

D) should have limited C) Am I supposed to talk

E) are to limit D) Would you mind talking

E) Am I likely to talk

©Ülkü Küçükakın

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