Indah Safitri - EMKL - Profil Maskapai Pelayaran (Hapag Lloyd)

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Practicum of International Logistics

Job Sheet 1
(Introduction to International Logistics Management)



Student Register Number : 5404211389
Study Program : International Business Administration
Degree : Applied Bachelor Degree
Department : Business Administration



Hapag-Lloyd AG is A company transportation chest packing and shipping

international from Germany. Hapag-Lloyd moment This is carrier chest pack with
total capacity boat biggest fifth in the world .

This company founded in 1970 through merger Hamburg-American Line (HAPAG) ,

which started it its history since in 1847, and Norddeutscher Lloyd (NDL) or North
German Lloyd (NGL) , which was founded in 1857 .

Since was formed , Hapag-Lloyd has for sale to a number organization and have
experience mergers with a number other companies . One of them , Hapag-Lloyd was
acquired by TUI AG ( Hanover ) in 1998. In 2009 , TUI sold majority Hapag-Lloyd
shares to a number of private investors in Hamburg and back sold it in 2012. In 2005 ,
Hapag-Lloyd acquired it CP Ships . In 2014 , Hapag-Lloyd joined with business chest
pack from CSAV , and then join with United Arab Shipping Company in 2017 .

headquarters are in Hamburg


Hapag-Lloyd was formed in 1970 through merger of Hamburg-American Line

(HAPAG) and North German Lloyd.

HAPAG Hamburg- A merikanische Packetfahrt - A ktien - G esellschaft which

does business in the field shipping cross Atlantic Ocean founded in Hamburg. In
1912 , Hapag created boat First from three boat the biggest , namely Imperator , the
later one followed by Vaterland . The third ship , Bismarck , remains in the
manufacturing process moment World War I broken , and new finished made after
war end For White Star Line with Name Majestic . Third boat the is boat First with
weighs over 50,000 gross tons and is 900 feet long . During World War I , the
majority of the Hapag fleet was destroyed , and the majority successful ship
congratulations ( incl three boat largest ) must submitted to winner war as reparation
war . After war ends , Hapag builds repeat his fleet with more ships small , however
majority his fleet return destroyed consequence World War II , and successful ships
Happy must submitted to winner war .

North German Lloyd Norddeutscher Lloyd (NDL) was formed in 1857 in
Bremen For offer service transportation cargo and passengers between Bremen and
New York, especially For transport emigrant from Germany to the United States .
NDL service began in June 1858 with boat Bremen , and after company This open
offices in Hoboken, New Jersey . NDL then multiply amount fleet , so that in 1913
alone , the company This can transport about 218,000 passengers from Germany to
the United States .

Kaiser Wilhelm II owned by NDL , which first sailed in 1903

The rupture World War I 32 ships belongs to the moderate NDL docked in the United
States exiled . A year then , 32 ships the confiscated , because of the United States
official follow war . The NDL office in Hoboken was also seized , and taken taken
over by the United States Navy For used as point switch boat during war . As boat
owned by HAPAG, ship belonging to the successful NDL safely confiscated as
reparation war . NDL Business in the United States continued in 1922 , when the
NDL succeeded buy return used his office from the United States Foreign Property
Administrator . NDL then launch boat Bremen and Europe in 1929–30 .

Flagship North German Lloyd 's - Bremen and Europa

During World War II, a number of NDL ships return exiled , temporarily the rest Still
can controlled by the NDL. One exception is For boat Bremen , which at the time
That Still in journey , and it was successful get refuge in Murmansk in 1939 , before
Finally reckless sail to Bremerhaven, where the ship the Finally destroyed
consequence fire in 1941 .

Service transportation NDL passengers resumed in 1954 with boat The previous
Gripsholm owned by Swedish American Line ( name boat the Then replaced
become MS Berlin ). NDL then bought two ships other former , viz SS Bremen ( prev
named Pasteur ) and MS Europa ( formerly owned by Swedish American Line with
Name Kungsholm ). NDL grabbed a number record speed . One of them is record For
cruise between Southampton and New York during eight day in 1881 , which was
scored by the ship Elbe ; and record cruise transatlantic fastest scored by a
ship Bremen in 1929 .

Hapag-Lloyd Hapag and the NDL initially compete , up to finally in 1967 , they
establish A joint venture engaged in business transportation chest pack named
"Hapag-Lloyd Container Line". Hapag and NDL finally official joined on September
1, 1970 for form Hapag-Lloyd . In 1998 , Hapag-Lloyd was acquired by Preussag AG
(which since in 2002 named TUI AG ( Hanover )), a conglomerate tourist . In 2008 ,

TUI announced the plan For sell all Hapag-Lloyd shares that they hold . Observer
predict the total price Hapag-Lloyd's stake is $US5.9 billion .

Crate ship pack Hapag -Lloyd's Düsseldorf Express

Colombo Express , ship chest pack capacity

8,700 TEU owned by Hapag-Lloyd

Transportation air Hapag-Lloyd founded airline flight rent named Hapag-Lloyd

Flug in 1972 , with buy a number Boeing 727 For transport passenger from Germany
to harbor closest . Airline the Then start serve flight scheduled . The IATA code of
Hapag-Lloyd Flug is HF and is official become child business Preussag AG in 1999 .

B. Mergers and acquisitions

 CP Ships Limited

On 21 August 2005, TUI AG agreed For acquire CP Ships Limited with price € 1.7
billion ( US $ 2.0 billion ) in cash . Acquisition This making Hapag-Lloyd the
company shipping chest pack with total capacity boat biggest fifth in the world.

 Hamburg Sud

At the end in 2012, Hapag-Lloyd announced that they currently consider For join
with Hamburg Sud . However merger Finally canceled Because owner and holder
Hamburg Süd shares failed reach agreement with holder Hapag-Lloyd shares .
Hamburg Süd finally acquired by Maersk Line in December 2016. [17]

 Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores (CSAV)

In 2014 , Hapag-Lloyd took switch business chest pack from Chilean Compañía Sud
Americana de Vapores SA ( CSAV ) , with CSAV receiving a number Hapag-Lloyd
shares . With takeover this , Hapag-Lloyd also became company shipping chest pack
biggest fourth in the world at the time That .

 United Arab Shipping Company (UASC)

In April 2016, Hapag-Lloyd announced that they currently in negotiation merger with
United Arab Shipping Company (UASC). Merger Finally approved in 2016 and
official completed in 2017. At the time that is , UASC is called as company shipping
biggest tenth in the world, with 56 vessels and a 2.7% market share . As results
merger , Hapag-Lloyd strengthens position as company shipping chest pack with total
capacity boat biggest fifth in the world, at the top Evergreen Line . As results merger ,
ex holder UASC shares will hold a number Hapag-Lloyd shares , and Hapag-Lloyd
will take switch all assets and business belongs to UASC. United Arab Shipping
Company founded in a way together in July 1976 by the countries of the Arabian

Peninsula ( Bahrain , Iraq , Kuwait , Qatar , Saudi Arabia , and the United Arab
Emirates ). Initially office center in Kuwait, UASC later move office the center to
Dubai because the outbreak of the Iraq War , and only a number returning department
moved to Iraq after war end .

UASC operates more of 45 lines cruise , for connect the middle East to Europe ,
Mediterranean , India, Far East , West Africa and America. UASC stop by more from
220 ports , and offers service shipping chest pack nor cargo with 58 ships . On 29
June 2016, six countries held UASC stock agrees For merged UASC with Hapag-
Lloyd. When combined , 51% of UASC shares are held by Qatar and 35% of UASC
shares are held by Saudi Arabia, while the rest held by four other Arab countries.

MV Al Abdali belongs to UASC

C. Services and business areas

Transportation chest pack ;

 Total capacity Hapag-Lloyd ships occupied ranking fifth in the world, beating
Evergreen Line and Cosco Shipping.
 Hapag-Lloyd moment This is member biggest from alliance shares the
Transport High Efficiency ship slot which was formed in April 2017, with its
members including Yang Ming Line and Ocean Network Express .


Kludas , Arnold (1991). Die Seeschiffe des Norddeutschen Lloyd 1857 bis 1919, Vol.
1. Herford. p . 10.
Drechsel, Erwin (1994). Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen 1857-1970. History, Fleet,
Ship Mails, Vol. I. Vancouver. p . 410.
Drechsel, Edwin (1995). Norddeutscher Lloyd Bremen 1857-1970. History, Fleet,
Ship Mails, Vol. II. Vancouver. p .
Kenneth T. Jackson (1995). The Encyclopedia of New York City . The New York
Historical Society; Yale University Press. p . 854 .
NDL Annual Report 1939-1948. P. 4. Huchthausen , Peter A. (2005). Shadow
voyage : the extraordinary wartime escape of the legendary SS Bremen . Hoboken,
NJ: J. Wiley & Sons. ISBN 0-471-45758-2 . OCLC 55764562 .
Drechsel, Erwin (1995). Norddeutscher Lloyd, Vol. II. Vancouver. p . 493.
"Hapag-Lloyd CEO: reduction in operational costs needed" Archived 2017-06-29 at
the Wayback Machine ., Arabian Supply Chain , 30 March 2015. Accessed 23 July
"Talks between Hapag-Lloyd and United Arab Shipping Company" . April 21, 2016.
Archived from version original date 2016-05-26. Accessed 26 May 2016.
"United Arab Shipping joins the frontline as other shipping companies retreat" . The
Express Tribune. December 16, 2012. Archived from version original date 2018-10-
23. Accessed date 2020-12-07.
"UASC MOVING BACK TO KUWAIT SOME DIVISIONS TO STAY IN DUBAI" . June 30, 1992. Archived from version original date 2022-05-15.
Accessed date 2020-12-07.

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