Official Letter From The Prime Minister's Office

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Dear Julie Seager

I am Writing to you today on the subject of your garden.

As prime minister of the United Kingdom of the Boomer (UKB) i would
like to propose to you that your garden becomes dedicated land of the
UKB. We will not do anything to your garden in any way, the only thing
we will do is say that it is part of our country. This land ecases your
house which means you need to apply for citizenship. At the point of
your citizenship you will cease paying UK taxes and will instead pay
‘foreign aid’. This will be paid in exactly the same way as your usual
taxes and will be exactly the same amount as your usual taxes. In fact
the UK will not even know its foreign aid.

As you are a land donor you will pay no extra taxes toward the United
Kingdom of the Boomer. To gain citizenship please sign the contract
of citizenship on the second page of this letter.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of the Boomer; Lord E

And his majesty the King of the United Kingdom of the Boomer Mr H
Contract of Citizenship:

Article 1) I will allow my Garden, Decking and patio to be official land

of the state, whilst recognising that you can reclaim your land at

Signed: ________ Miss/Mrs J Seager

Article 2) I will allow the decking to be a government facility**.

Signed: _________ Miss/Mrs J Seager

Article 3) I will agree to pay virtual taxes using STATE MONEY. We will
not be giving any validated currency*** and will not have to do
anything to pay our taxes using STATE MONEY.

Signed: _________ Miss/Mrs J Seager

Signed: _________ Prime Minister Lord E Seager

T’s & C’s:

* Given sufficient reasoning and at least 3 days after having validated it to the state.
** It shall not be touched at all and will only be the mint office. No one has to go in there.
*** This is to the state and does not include any jobs done, donations made or loans taken out. This also
doesn't include any money donated to the state by either you or anyone else. The state money is not yet a
validated currency and no money transactions need to happen to use state money.

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