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Roll Number:

Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology, Patiala

(Deemed to be University)
School of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Mid Semester Examination (MST)
B.E/B.Tech(Semester-I1) Course Code: UCB008
Course Name: Applied Chemistry
Date: Tuesday l 4th March, 2023 Time: 2 Hours, M. Marks: 40
Name of Faculty: Satnam .Singh, Ranjana Prakash, Manmohan Chhibber, Vijay Luxami, Bhupesh Goyal,
Davinder Kumar, Vikas Tyagi, RajKumar Das, Banibrata Maity, Priya Vashisht.
Note: Attempt all the questions. Assume missing data, if any, suitably. Be brief and to-the-point to save
time. Use graph paper to answer the question 4a. Given Values: M.W. of CaSO4 =136 g/mol, speed of light
(c) = 3 x108 m/s, Plank's Constant (h) = 6.62x10-34 m2kg/s

Q.1 (a) Draw a well libelled diagram of hot lime soda process. Why coagulants are not
required in this process? (4)
(b) A water contains 200 mg of CaSO4 per litre. Calculate the hardness in terms of
CaCO3 equivalents in mg/I, ppm, °Cl, and °Fr.
Q2. (a) Calculate the frequency (in Hertz) of radiation whose wavelength is 400 nm.
Express this given wavelength in wave number (cm"). (4)
(b) Predict the type(s) of alkalinity present in water from the following table:
(I) P=M
(ii) P=M
(iii) P>M
(iv) P<M
Where P = phenolphthalein end point, M = methyl orange end point

Q3 (a) A 0.01 M solution of a compound absorbs 80% of the radiation in a container with
path length equil to L5 cm. Calculate the molar extinction coefficient of the (4)
(b) Define Beer-Lambert Law and write any two limitations of Beer Lambert Law. (4)

Q4 (a) A series of five standard copper solutions is prepared and their absorbances
measured as indicated below. Use graph paper to plot the data and determine the
concentration of the unknown (Z).
Absorbance Concentration (ppm)
0.104 1
0.198 2
0.310 3
0.402 4
0.500 5 (4)
0.334 Z
(b) Draw a well labelled
process of sputtering.

Q5 (a) Write down any four differences between Total consumption burner and Laminar
flow burner. (4)
(b) List various steps and draw a flowchart showing the sequence of events from
sample solutior. until the detection of analyte using Atomic Emission Spectrometry (4)

All the Best

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