Further Trigonometry

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Mathematics Stage 5

Further Trigonometry
Table of contents
Mathematics Stage 5 1
Further Trigonometry 1
Lesson 1- Reading and giving directions 2
Bearings 2
Compass bearings 2
True bearings 1
Compass rose 2
Measuring true bearings 2
Activity 1 2
Applying trigonometry to bearings 3
Example 4
Activity 2 2
Return bearings 3
Activity 3 2
Activity 4 1

Lesson 2 - Using the sine rule 3

Investigating angles and side lengths 3
Activity 1 3
Labelling a triangle 4
Introducing the Sine rule 5
Using the sine rule to find a missing side length 5
Example 5
Activity 2 7
Using the Sine rule to find missing angles 2
Example 3
Activity 3 4
Lesson 3 – Using the Cosine rule 1
Introducing the Cosine Rule 1
Using the Cosine rule to find a missing side length 1
Example 1
Activity 1 3
Using the Cosine rule to find a missing angle 2
Example 3
Activity 2 4
Activity 3 4
Outcomes 5
Appendix A – Proofs 6
The Sine rule 6
The Cosine rule 7
Appendix B – Supplementary digital material 9
Lesson 1 9
Activity 1 9
Activity 2 11
Activity 3 11
Lesson 2 12
Activity 1 12
Activity 3 14
Activity 4 14
Lesson 3 15
Activity 1 16
Activity 2 16
Activity 3 16


All outcomes referred to in this booklet are from Mathematics K-10 syllabus © 2012 NSW
Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State
of New South Wales.
Lesson 1- Reading and giving
During this lesson you will learn how to give more sophisticated directions than left, right,
forward, back, up and down. In doing so, you will be able to read and communicate
directions from one position or place to another.

The mathematics learnt in this topic is critical to industries like aviation and pastimes like
orienteering which require very accurate directions and the ability to locate positions.

Search your phone for a compass app and determine which direction you are facing now.

All directions must have a reference. For example, instructing somebody to go left has
different results depending on which way they are facing. If they are facing in the wrong
direction they’ll end up in the wrong spot. Bearings reference compass directions North,
South, East and West for directions.

There are two main types of bearing: Compass bearing and True bearing.

Compass bearings
Compass bearings are a method of communicating direction accurately as an angle from
North or South towards either East or West. The angle measured must be an acute angle.

N55°W is an example of a compass bearing. This is read as “starting at North (N) turn 55°
in the direction of West”. Only North and South are used as the starting directions. E40°N
is not considered a compass bearing as it does not start at North or South.

Here are four examples of compass

True bearings
True bearings are a method of communicating direction accurately as an angle, measured
clockwise, referenced from magnetic north.

The angle used can be acute, obtuse or reflex but must always be shown as three digits.
For example, a 34° angle from North is a bearing of 034°. The examples below show
different angles:
Compass rose
A compass rose, like the one shown below, shows all the major compass directions and
their true bearings. It is useful to know these when determining true bearings such as ones
with a reflex angle and applying trigonometry to find how far North, South, East or West
places are.

Measuring true bearings

Consider the bearing from A to B shown.

Centre your protractor at the point A and
then line it up in a Northerly direction, as
shown below.

Measure the angle clockwise from North

to the line AB, reading the scale starting
from zero.

Therefore, the true bearing is 124°.

Consider this second bearing from C to D

Draw a reference line from C directly
South as shown.

Centre your protractor at the point C and

then line it up in a Northerly direction, as
shown below.

Measure the angle from due South to the

line CD. This angle is only part of the true

Calculate the true bearing by adding 180° to this angle. The true bearing is 305°.
Activity 1
Use the map of NSW below, with a protractor, to determine the compass and true bearings
from the places in the first column to the places listed in the second column.


From To Compass bearing True bearing

Tumut Sydney
Mudgee Maitland
Walgett Gosford
Forster Forbes
Nowra Parkes
Applying trigonometry to bearings


The location of places affects things like time zones, climate and daylight hours. Time
zones for places are determined by how far east they are. For example, sunrise in Sydney
is about 3 hours before Perth because Perth is much further west of Sydney. The rotation
of the earth means Sydney will receive the first rays of sunlight before Perth.

Climate and daylight hours for places are dependent on how far north they are. During
summer, the further south you go the longer the daylight hours. For example, in summer
the number of daylight hours in Hobart is over 15 hours whereas in Brisbane it is under 13
hours. This is because Hobart is further south and is exposed to more sunlight due to the
tilt of the earth.

Determining how far north, south, east or west one place is in relation to another is
important in determining information like time zones, climate or daylight hours.
In the diagram below, the towns of Alice Springs and Bourke are represented as the points
A and B respectively.

The bearing from Alice Springs to Bourke is 123° and Bourke is 820 km from Alice

Calculate how far south is Bourke from Alice Springs.

1. Form a right-angle triangle using the major compass directions

There are two suitable options:

2. Calculate the acute angle inside the right-angled triangle

Using the known true bearings for east and south the acute angle can be calculate for
each option


3. Referring to the right-angle triangle only, identify and label the relevant missing side in
the question

Label the side in a southerly direction 𝑥


4. Use trigonometry to calculate the length of 𝑥

𝑥 𝑥
sin(33°) = cos(57°) =
820 820
𝑥 = 820 × sin(33°) 𝑥 = 820 × cos(57°)
𝑥 = 446.6 𝑘𝑚
𝑥 = 446.6 𝑘𝑚
5. Finally, state the solution as a written response

Bourke is 446.6 km south of Alice Springs.

Activity 2
1. In the diagram below, the cities of Adelaide and Brisbane are represented as the points
A and B respectively.

The bearing from Adelaide to Brisbane is 064° and Brisbane is 955 km from Adelaide.

Calculate how far north is Brisbane from Adelaide.

2. In the diagram below, the cities of Canberra and Darwin are represented as the points
C and D respectively.

The bearing from Canberra to Darwin is 327° and Darwin is 1865 km from Canberra.

Calculate how far north is Darwin from Canberra.

3. The bearing from Melbourne to Perth is 327° and Perth is 1820 km from Melbourne.

Calculate how far north is Perth from Melbourne.

4. Try using an alternative method to find the solutions for questions 1 to 3.

Return bearings
If a person has followed a bearing starting at A and ending up at B, then the return bearing
is the direction in which you must travel to return to A starting at B.

Consider the bearing A to B shown.

The return bearing from B to A is shown

in the diagram left.
Activity 3
Use the map from activity 1 to calculate the true bearings and complete the table below.

Starting bearing Return bearing

Bearing True Bearing True

Bearing to Bearing to
from bearing from bearing

Armidale Ballina Ballina Armidale

Cobar Deniliquin Deniliquin Cobar

Forster Glen Innes Glen Innes Forster

Maitland Narrandera Narrandera Maitland

Look for connections between the bearings and their return bearings. Write down what you

The difference between the starting bearing and the return bearing is 180°

If the starting bearing is less than 180° then the return bearing is 180° bigger (add 180°).

If the starting bearing is greater than 180° then the return bearing is 180° smaller
(subtract 180°).
Activity 4
During an orientation activity, two friends Harry and Leone have become disoriented. They
don’t know where they are. From their position they can see the landmarks of Mount
Wilson, Wentworth Falls and Jenolan Caves.

Photo courtesy - Tourism NSW

They use their compass to measure the bearings to these landmarks. These are shown in
the table below.

Landmark Bearing to landmark Return bearing

Mount Wilson 034

Wentworth Falls 117
Jenolan Caves 230

1. Calculate the return bearings from each of the landmarks. Record your results in the
table above.
2. Draw lines for the return bearings from each of the landmarks to locate the position of
Harry and Leone. Show this position on the map.
3. Using the map, determine the closest town to Harry and Leone.
4. Use bearings to direct Harry and Leone to the closest town.
Lesson 2 - Using the sine rule
So far you have learnt to finding missing information for right-angled triangles. In this
lesson, you will learn how angles and side lengths are related and how to use three pieces
of information (including one side length) to find any missing information for any triangle.

Investigating angles and side lengths

In this activity you will investigate how changing an angle in a triangle effects one of the
side lengths.

Activity 1
In this activity the position of the point 𝑃 moves along the circumference of a circle.

For each point 𝑃1 to 𝑃6, connect points 𝐴 and 𝐵 to form a triangle, ∆𝐵𝐴𝑃. The first and last
have been shown for you.

Use a protractor and a ruler to complete the table below.

Triangle Angle Side length

∆𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟏 ∠𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟏 = 18° 𝑨𝑷𝟏 =

∆𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟐 ∠𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟐 = 𝑨𝑷𝟐 =
∆𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟑 ∠𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟑 = 𝑨𝑷𝟑 =
∆𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟒 ∠𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟒 = 𝑨𝑷𝟒 =
∆𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟓 ∠𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟓 = 𝑨𝑷𝟓 =
∆𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟔 ∠𝑩𝑨𝑷𝟔 = 131° 𝑨𝑷𝟔 =
Write a statement below to describe the relationship between the angle ∠𝐵𝐴𝑃 and the side
length 𝐵𝑃.

Each angle in a triangle is connected to the side length opposite.

The larger the angle, the longer the side length.

Labelling a triangle
For the purposes of the activities that follow, we need to be clear about which angles and
sides we are referring to. Consistently labelling a triangle allows us to do that.

Here are the rules

• All angles (same as vertex) are labelled using the capital letters 𝐴, 𝐵 or 𝐶

• All side lengths opposite the angles 𝐴, 𝐵 or 𝐶 are labelled using the lower-case letter
equivalent to the angle

The diagram below shows an example

Introducing the Sine rule
The Sine rule uses the connections between the angles of the triangle and the side
lengths opposite.

The Sine rule

𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
= =
sin (𝐴) sin(𝐵) sin(𝐶)

Proof of this rule can be found in Appendix A.

Using the sine rule to find a missing side

The Sine rule can be used to find any missing side length if two angles and one side
length are known. If we consider the missing side length as part of the information in the
question, the Sine rule is used when we have two angles and two side lengths.

Consider the following.

Find the missing side length 𝑥.

1. Label the triangle

2. Only use the parts of the Sine rule relevant to the information in the question
𝑎 𝑏
sin(𝐴) sin(𝐵)
(There is no information for angle 𝐶 or side 𝑐)

3. Substitute in the relevant information and solve

𝑥 12
sin (40°) sin (110°)
12 sin(40°)
sin (110°)
𝑥 = 8.2 𝑐𝑚
Activity 2
Find the missing side length 𝑥 shown in each diagram

Consider the following question. Think about how to solve it before reading the tip on the
next page.
Tip: Using the angle sum of a triangle, find the angle B first before using the Sine rule.

Using the Sine rule to find missing angles

The Sine rule can be used to find any missing angle if two side lengths and one angle are
known. If we consider the missing angle as part of the information in the question, the Sine
rule is used when we have two angles and two side lengths.

The Sine rule stated earlier is easy to use when finding missing side lengths as they are
the numerator in each of the ratios.

We can easily manipulate the Sine rule to make it easier for finding angles by flipping it
upside down, as shown:

The Sine rule (flipped for finding angles)

sin(𝐴) sin(𝐵) sin(𝐶)

= =
𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
Consider the following.

Find the missing angle 𝛼.

1. Label the triangle

2. Only use the parts of the Sine rule relevant to the information in the question
sin(𝐴) sin(𝐶)
𝑎 𝑐
3. Substitute in the information from the question and solve
sin(86°) sin(𝛼)
15 8
8 × sin (86°)
sin(𝛼) =
8 × sin (86°)
𝛼 = sin ( )
𝛼 = 32.1°
Activity 3
Find the missing angle 𝛼 shown in each diagram

Consider the following question. Think about how to solve it before reading the tip at the
bottom of the page.

Find the unlabelled angle first, call it 𝛽. Then use the angle sum of the triangle to find 𝛼.
Lesson 3 – Using the Cosine rule
Introducing the Cosine Rule
The Cosine rule for finding a missing side length

𝑐 2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑏2 − 2𝑎𝑏 cos 𝐶

Similar rules can be written with side 𝑎 or 𝑏 as the focus.

𝑎2 = 𝑏2 + 𝑐 2 − 2𝑏𝑐 cos 𝐴


𝑏2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑐 2 − 2𝑎𝑐 cos 𝐵

Proof of these rules can be found in Appendix A.

Using the Cosine rule to find a missing

side length
The Cosine rule can be used to find any missing side length if the two side lengths and
their included angle are known. If we consider the missing side length as part of the
information in the question, the Cosine rule is generally used when we have one angle
and three side lengths.

Consider the following.

Find the missing side length 𝑥.

1. Label the triangle (Tip: label the angle as 𝐶)

2. Choose the appropriate form of the Cosine rule according to the missing side and the
angle labelled.
𝑐 2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑏2 − 2𝑎𝑏 cos 𝐶

3. Substitute in the relevant information and solve

𝑐 2 = 7.92 + 8.12 − 2 × 7.9 × 8.1 × cos(108)
𝑐 2 = 167.568
𝑐 = √167.568
𝑐 = 12.9 𝑐𝑚
Activity 1
Find the missing side length 𝑥 shown in each diagram

Consider the following question. Can you use the Cosine rule? If not, why not? How would
you find the missing side length 𝑥? Which method would you use?
Using the Cosine rule to find a missing
The Cosine rule can be used to find any missing angle if the lengths of all three sides are

To support finding missing angles, the Cosine rule can be rearranged as follows.

The Cosine rule for finding the missing included angle

𝑎2 + 𝑏2 − 𝑐 2
cos 𝐶 =

As before, there are alternative forms of the Cosine rule depending on how the triangle is
labelled. These forms can be rearranged as

𝑏2 + 𝑐 2 − 𝑎2
cos 𝐴 =


𝑎2 + 𝑐 2 − 𝑏2
cos 𝐵 =
Consider the following.

Find the missing angle 𝛼.

1. Label the triangle (Tip: label the angle as 𝐶)

2. Choose the appropriate form of the Cosine rule according to the missing side and the
angle labelled.
𝑎2 + 𝑏2 − 𝑐 2
cos 𝐶 =

3. Substitute in the relevant information and solve

82 + 122 − 152
cos 𝛼 =
2 × 8 × 12
cos 𝛼 = −
𝛼 = cos −1 (− )
𝛼 = 95.1°
Activity 2
Find the missing angle 𝛼 shown in each diagram

Activity 3
The town of Katherine is 1255 km from Kalgoorlie on a bearing of 028°. The town of
Mackay is 1145 km from Katherine on a bearing of 116°.

i. Find the distance from Mackay to Kalgoorlie.

ii. Find the bearing of Kalgoorlie from Mackay.
• MA5.1-1WM uses appropriate terminology, diagrams and symbols in mathematical
• MA5.1-2WM selects and uses appropriate strategies to solve problems
• MA5.1-3WM provides reasoning to support conclusions that are appropriate to the
• MA5.2-1WM selects appropriate notations and conventions to communicate
mathematical ideas and solutions
• MA5.2-2WM interprets mathematical or real-life situations, systematically applying
appropriate strategies to solve problems
• MA5.2-13MG applies trigonometry to solve problems, including problems involving
• MA5.3-1WM uses and interprets formal definitions and generalisations when explaining
solutions and/or conjectures
• MA5.3-2WM generalises mathematical ideas and techniques to analyse and solve
problems efficiently
• MA5.3-3WM uses deductive reasoning in presenting arguments and formal proofs
• MA5.3-15MG applies Pythagoras’ theorem, trigonometric relationships, the sine rule,
the cosine rule and the area rule to solve problems, including problems involving three
Appendix A – Proofs
The Sine rule
Consider the triangle ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 below.

The segment 𝐵𝑃 has been added so that it creates two right-angled triangles ∆𝐴𝐵𝑃 and
∆𝐵𝐶𝑃. The length of 𝐵𝑃 has been shown as 𝑥. 𝐵𝑃 is known as an altitude.


sin(𝐴) =

𝑥 = 𝑐 × sin (𝐴)


sin(𝐶 ) =

𝑥 = 𝑎 × sin (𝐶)

Connecting these two statements gives

𝑎 × sin (𝐶) = 𝑐 × sin (𝐴)

𝑎 𝑐
sin (𝐴) sin(𝐶)
This is the start of the Sine rule. If altitudes were created on 𝐵𝐶 and 𝐴𝐵, we could use a
similar method to find two more rules. There are three such rules that are shown using one
statement below

The Sine rule

𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
= =
sin (𝐴) sin(𝐵) sin(𝐶)

The Cosine rule

Note: The following constructs the Cosine rule from the start. Part of the proof uses the
identity sin2 𝛼 + cos 2 𝛼 = 1.

Consider the triangle ∆𝐴𝐵𝐶 below. Then point 𝑃 lies on 𝐵𝐶 such that 𝐴𝑃 is the altitude of
the triangle.

In the right-angled triangle ∆𝐶𝐴𝑃, 𝐴𝑃 = 𝑏 sin 𝐶, 𝐶𝑃 = 𝑏 cos 𝐶 and 𝑃𝐵 = 𝑎 − 𝑏 cos 𝐶.

Using Pythagoras’ theorem in the right-angled triangle ∆𝐴𝐵𝑃,

𝑐 2 = (𝑎 − 𝑏 cos 𝐶)2 + (𝑏 sin 𝐶)2

𝑐 2 = 𝑎2 − 2𝑎𝑏 cos 𝐶 + 𝑏2 cos 2 𝐶 + 𝑏2 sin2 𝐶
𝑐 2 = 𝑎2 − 2𝑎𝑏 cos 𝐶 + 𝑏2 (sin2 𝐶 + cos 2 𝐶)
𝑐 2 = 𝑎2 − 2𝑎𝑏 cos 𝐶 + 𝑏2

In the proof above, the angle was labelled as 𝐶. Similar proofs could have been formed
using angles labelled as 𝐴 or 𝐵. In these cases, the Cosine rule would present as

𝑎2 = 𝑏2 + 𝑐 2 − 2𝑏𝑐 cos 𝐴


𝑏2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑐 2 − 2𝑎𝑐 cos 𝐵
Appendix B – Supplementary digital
Lesson 1
Explore Compass and True bearings using this GeoGebra app


Activity 1
Use the Desmos activity below to complete the table of compass and true bearings. Drag
the red dot to place the compass on the starting point or place (from) of the bearing; then
drag the green dot to line up the guideline with the end point or place (to).


From To Compass bearing True bearing

Adelaide Brisbane
Alice Springs Perth
Darwin Mackay
Port Macquarie Melbourne
Cairns Adelaide

This video will summarise compass and true bearings before using them to determine how
far North, South East or West a place is from another.
Activity 2
Use the following Desmos activity to read the true bearing and distance between the two
locations listed in the From and To columns. Drag the red dot to centred the compass;
drag the green dot to determine the bearing; and drag the purple dot on the guideline to
determine the distance.


True How far How far

From To Distance
bearing north/south? east/west?

Kalgoorlie Mount Isa 057° 1255 km 684 km 1053 km

Adelaide Hobart
Brisbane Perth
Sydney Alice Springs

Activity 3
Use the Desmos activity to determine the starting and return bearings shown in the tables


Bearing from Bearing to True bearing

Adelaide Brisbane

Alice Springs Perth

Bearing from Bearing to True bearing

Darwin Mackay

Port Macquarie Melbourne

Bearing from Bearing to True bearing

Brisbane Adelaide

Perth Alice Springs

Mackay Darwin

Melbourne Port Macquarie

Lesson 2
Activity 1
Use this Desmos activity to complete the table below. Drag the green point P to set the
angle in the table and record the length of the side BP in the table.


Side length AP
Angle ∠𝑩𝑨𝑷

Side length AP
Angle ∠𝑩𝑨𝑷


Write a statement below to describe the relationship between the angle ∠BAP and the side
length BP.
Video explaining how to use the sine rule to find missing sides


Video explaining how to find an acute angle using the sine rule


Video explaining how to find an obtuse angle using the sine rule


Activity 3
Use the following GeoGebra app to generate different triangles and use them to calculate
the missing angle. Drag the sliders to change the known side lengths and known angle


Activity 4
Use the following GeoGebra app to generate questions to reinforce your skills with using
the Sine rule to find angles. Use the checkboxes to check your answers and then generate
some new questions.

Lesson 3
Video explaining how to find sides using the cosine rule

Activity 1
Use the following GeoGebra App to generate different triangles and use the Cosine rule to
calculate the missing side length, labelled 𝑝. Drag the vertices of the triangles or drag the
slider to create new triangles with different angles and side lengths. Check your answers
against the side length shown in the bottom bar.


Video explaining how to rearrange the cosine rule


Video explaining how to use the cosine rule to find angle


Activity 2
Use the following GeoGebra App to generate different triangles and use the Cosine rule to
calculate the missing side length, labelled 𝑝. Drag the vertices of the triangles or drag the
slider to create new triangles with different angles and side lengths. Check your answers
against the side length shown in the bottom bar.


Activity 3
In this final activity, use the Sine rule and/or the Cosine rule to find as many missing
pieces of information as possible. Your goal is to find all of them, if possible. Use the check
boxes on the right-hand side to check your answers. In this activity, ignore the area check
box as it is not relevant.


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