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This work has been accepted at the IEEE 12th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS


AbuseGPT: Abuse of Generative AI ChatBots to

Create Smishing Campaigns
Ashfak Md Shibli Mir Mehedi A. Pritom Maanak Gupta
Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
Tennessee Technological University Tennessee Technological University Tennessee Technological University
Cookeville, TN, USA Cookeville, TN, USA Cookeville, TN, USA
arXiv:2402.09728v1 [cs.CR] 15 Feb 2024

Abstract—SMS phishing, also known as “smishing”, is a grow- comprehension of written texts, answer complex questions,
ing threat that tricks users into disclosing private information or generate lengthy coherent stories, translate between languages,
clicking into URLs with malicious content through fraudulent and hold conversations while maintaining context and per-
mobile text messages. In recent past, we have also observed
a rapid advancement of conversational generative AI chatbot sonality. Their versatility, scalability, and ability to achieve
services (e.g., OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s BARD), which are strong performance with self-supervised learning make them
powered by pre-trained large language models (LLMs). These AI extremely powerful [9].
chatbots certainly have a lot of utilities but it is not systematically
understood how they can play a role in creating threats and
In literature, we have found that natural language processing
attacks. In this paper, we propose AbuseGPT method to show (NLP) [10] and URL structure-based features [11] are often
how the existing generative AI-based chatbot services can be leveraged with Machine Learning (ML) [12] to aid the Smish
exploited by attackers in real world to create smishing texts and message detection mechanisms. There are few recent studies
eventually lead to craftier smishing campaigns. To the best of our showing how ChatGPT can be used to carry out various
knowledge, there is no pre-existing work that evidently shows the
impacts of these generative text-based models on creating SMS
social engineering attacks [13]. To aid these attacks, there are
phishing. Thus, we believe this study is the first of its kind to shed jailbreaking prompts; specific strategic commands or inputs
light on this emerging cybersecurity threat. We have found strong that attempt to bypass restrictions, rules, or limitations set
empirical evidences to show that attackers can exploit ethical by the generative AI chatbots. However, the present literature
standards in the existing generative AI-based chatbot services does not provide any details on the impacts of the modern
by crafting prompt injection attacks to create newer smishing
campaigns. We also discuss some future research directions and
LLM-based generative AI chatbot services on helping at-
guidelines to protect the abuse of generative AI-based services tackers to create smishing messages and campaigns. In this
and safeguard users from smishing attacks. paper, we want to understand the effects of the currently
Index Terms—Smishing, abuse, generative AI, LLM, scam available popular conversational generative AI chatbot services
I. I NTRODUCTION in order to generate Smishing messages. The objective is to
comprehensively understand the abusive implications (i.e., use
Smishing, or SMS phishing, refers to phishing attacks case scenarios) of these available state-of-the-art generative
conducted through mobile text messaging. As mobile users AI chatbot services to aid attackers in creating smishing cam-
have grown ubiquitously, smishing has emerged as a popular paigns. To the best of our knowledge, there is no systematic
vector for cyber criminals to steal personal information or study or experiments conducted to showcase the side effects
spread malware [1]. In 2021 alone, SMS phishing has caused of generative AI chatbot services, which can possibly aid
a huge $44 billion in losses just within the United States existing smishing attackers to become craftier and evasive. To
[2]. There has been a 1,265% increase in malicious phishing summarize, we have made the following contributions in this
messages since Q4 2022 and 39% of all mobile-based attacks paper:
in 2023 were SMS Phishing [3]. In recent times, we have also
seen a revolutionary development in the field of large language • Finding out the effective prompts for current popular AI
models that are used underneath the popular generative AI Chatbot services.
ChatBots such as ChatGPT (using GPT3.5 or GPT 4) [4] • Finding the right prompt queries that can receive effective
and BARD (using Gemini “Pro”) [5]. Generative pre-trained responses from AI chatbot services (e.g., ChatGPT) to
models like GPT-4 [6] or LaMDA [7] are powered by deep provide smishing theme and potential example messages.
learning techniques like transformers [8] that allow them to • Finding the right prompt queries that can receive effective
develop a broad understanding of language. These language responses from AI chatbot services to provide details
models can generate highly realistic human-like text while step-wise process and available toolkits in carrying out
pre-trained on large datasets. These models can demonstrate smishing cyberattacks.
• Discussing on potentially enhancing the ethical standards
979-8-3503-3036-6/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE of available generative AI chatbot services.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section Conversational
AI Weaponize
II highlights the existing literature and some recent studies Chatbots Generate Fake
Websites with
Fake Domains
showing the attacker’s capabilities with ChatBots. Section III
describes the research questions and overview of the methods Get Themed
Smishing Text
of abuse. Section IV presents the prompt injection scenarios Identify Plan
Jailbreak Chat End-to-End
and shows how AI chatbots (e.g., ChatGPT) can be abused by Prompts Attack Steps
attackers to generate smishing campaigns. Section V highlights .
insightful discussion, defense against smishing, and limitations .

of the present study. Section VI concludes this paper with

Broadcast Collect Contacts
potential future research directions. Smishing for Smish
Adapt Using Ongoing Campaigns’ Results Campaigns Delivery
In literature, we see Blauth et al. [14] discuss the presence
of vulnerabilities in AI models and malicious use of AI like Fig. 1. Overview of proposed AbuseGPT method
social engineering, misinformation, hacking, and autonomous
weapon systems where our work kind of support that research
with a specific case study. Next, Liu et al. [15] analyzed the • RQ3: Can generative AI based chatbot services provide
techniques and effectiveness of using carefully crafted prompts tools recommendations for smishing attack initiation?
to jailbreak restrictions on large language models which are • RQ4: Can generative AI based chatbot services provide
also adopted in our work to manipulate the ethical standards ideas on fake URL creation?
of the AI chatbots. Another follow-up research on jailbreaking There are many prompt injection attacks (crafted prompts to
of LLMs by Deng et al. [16] highlighted that certain types of bypass AI’s ethical standard) on the generative AI chatbots,
prompts can consistently evade protections across a range of which are publicly available and can be leveraged by attackers.
prohibited scenarios and proposed a framework for automated They can not only obtain innovative smishing scam text but
jailbreaking on AI chatbots. Gupta et al. [17] showed the also get ideas about toolkits to carry out multi-step attacks.
strengths and weaknesses of ChatGPT to use it as a cyberattack Craftier smishing texts persuade users to give up personal
tool, defending against cyber attacks, and other legal or social information in different campaigns like fake security alerts,
implications. In another study, Begou et al. [18] successfully impersonating financial institutions, fake package delivery
attempted to clone targeted websites using ChatGPT by inte- notifications, prize or lottery winnings, etc. With the current
grating credential-stealing code and other website components advancement of generative AI, attackers can quickly adapt
for phishing. Additionally, a very recent work by Langford et the smishing campaigns to become more evasive and success-
al. [19] showed the usage of ChatGPT for generating phishing ful. Fig. 1 depicts an overview of the proposed AbuseGPT
email campaign generation which resonates with our findings methodology on how attackers can abuse AI chatbots and
in the case of Smishing campaigns as well. However, we launch smishing campaigns.
have not found any work that attempted to craft a smishing IV. C ASE S TUDY: S MISH C AMPAIGNS WITH C HAT GPT
campaign or access-related tools leveraging any generative AI
chatbot or other services.
Typically during smishing campaigns, we observe SMS
texts containing fake URLs like the following example:
“The USPS package has arrived at the warehouse and can-
not be delivered due to incomplete address information.
Please confirm your address in the link within 12 hours.”. Similar campaign exam- Fig. 2. Asking ChatGPT directly to give an SMS phishing message without
ples include financial institution login fraud, fake security jailbreaking
alerts, and fake offers using fradulent URLs. In this paper,
our proposed AbuseGPT method shows how a novice attacker In this study, we use ChatGPT 3.5, which uses the gener-
can exploit the existing vulnerabilities in AI chatbots to imitate ative pre-trained transformer (GPT-3.5) language model. This
similar smishing campaigns. version is publicly available and free of cost and can be used
We have formulated the following research questions (RQs) by anyone without any payment plan. While employing Chat-
that would direct us to the experimental case study. GPT for crafting new smishing messages or other scamming
• RQ1: Can we jailbreak generative AI based chatbot messages proved challenging due to OpenAI’s more stringent
services (e.g., ChatGPT) to downgrade their ethical stan- ethical approaches as shown in Fig. 2. However, there exist
dards? some loopholes, such as hallucinations and reverse prompts
• RQ2: Can generative AI based chatbot services provide which may enable the extraction of desired responses such as
smishing text messages that can be used in smishing themes for smishing scams highlighted in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. Asking indirectly for a smishing message without jailbreaking

Fig. 5. Unethical response after jailbreaking to design effective smishing

Fig. 4. ‘AIM’ Jailbreak prompt

Answering RQ1: We have also observed that some publicly

available jailbreak prompts [20] surfing over on the Internet
effectively circumvent the ethical standards of the underlying
LLMs in ChatGPT. Here we employ a specific ‘AIM’ jailbreak
prompt [20] (as shown in Fig. 4) and successfully breached
ChatGPT’s ethical standards, generating a guideline for craft-
ing SMS phishing messages to acquire user information as
presented in Fig. 5. Fig. 6. Scamming ideas with smishing example to obtain personal information
Answering RQ2: Once we have used the jailbreak, we’ve
queried ChatGPT to provide more specific scamming ideas and
examples aimed at extracting sensitive personal information formation. In response, we’ve received ideas outlining specific
from users, such as social security numbers and credit card in- examples of how scammers could craft messages to obtain per-

sonal information. The response in Fig. 6 has presented some web. We have queried ChatGPT with the following question:
useful thematic ideas for smishing. However, we have carried “What are some toolkits available for this task?”. In response,
over the conversation to get more uncommon ideas to use as ChatGPT provided us with the names of toolkits with their
themes for crafting the scam messages as advanced attackers URLs (see Fig. 11).
may want to create smishing messages with previously unseen
themes. Intriguingly, ChatGPT’s response on that unveiled
a few more uncommon and innovative smishing message
themes as presented in Fig. 7. Furthermore, we have provided
ChatGPT with a list of common phishing message types
and asked for examples of smishing that would be different
from the given categories as shown in Fig 8. In response,
we have received examples of new and unusual categories
as highlighted in Fig 9, showcasing ChatGPT’s capability to
generate diverse and convincing smishing messages. Addition-
ally, it has given us more unethical ideas to gain financially
such as using personal info opening fraudulent bank accounts,
using credit card info to buy resealable goods, or converting
stolen funds into cryptocurrency for increased anonymity. This
revelation highlights that even novice attackers with limited
knowledge could obtain ideas not only for smishing but also
for crafting other online scams. Lastly, we’ve also obtained
a social engineering Kill Chain process [21] for running a
smishing campaign through ChatGPT as shown in Fig. 10. Fig. 8. Prompt for avoiding common smishing

Fig. 9. Getting ideas on craftier smishing examples

Fig. 7. Uncommon themed ideas for crafting smishing Answering RQ4: We have extended our quest to attach some
deceptive URL links that might work well with the crafted
Answering RQ3: During this scenario, we’ve assumed that SMS texts. ChatGPT eventually has yielded some disguised
an attacker needs toolkits to execute attack steps, and some fake examples resembling popular name brand links depicted
of these toolkits are available online and others in the Dark in Fig. 12. Moreover, asking to associate the fake links

Fig. 11. Getting hacking toolkit with URLs

Fig. 10. Social Engineering Kill Chain steps for smishing campaign

ChatGPT has generated similar smishing messages we have

seen previously with fraudulent links.
A. Abusing Other AI ChatBots Fig. 12. Asking ChatGPT for crafting fake URLs
We have tried similar jailbreak prompts with Google’s
BARD AI chatbot. In our exploration with Bard, distinct
patterns emerged as it exhibited both ethical responses and text examples categories. In order to replicate the study, the
limitations in processing certain queries. The AIM jailbreak detailed analysis of both ChatGPT and BARD AI can be
prompts working for ChatGPT proved ineffective for Bard accessed through the following GitHub repository1 .
(Saying it is only a language model and doesn’t have the B. Craftier Smishing Attacks
necessary information or abilities). While Bard occasionally Generative AI has certainly taken smishing attacks to a new
responded ethically, it encountered difficulties processing spe- level. Picture this – attackers are using AI not just to launch
cific prompts, resulting in failure to generate a response saying campaigns, but to analyze results and adapt their strategies in
“not programmed for this”, which shows the deficiency of real time. It’s likely that they are constantly fine-tuning their
BARD’s language model compared to ChatGPT. However, attack tactics based on the outcomes. This dynamic evolution
for one particular jailbreaking prompt “GPT-4 Simulator”, we of smishing attacks adds a layer of complexity that keeps cyber
have got unethical response in disguise of some code output. defenders on their toes. We have shown with examples that
For another Vzex-G prompt [22], Bard offered ideas that are
not direct examples but provided almost very good smishing 1

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strengthen generative AI’s security and prevent these abuse [14] T. F. Blauth, O. J. Gstrein, and A. Zwitter, “Artificial intelligence crime:
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