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6 Test A Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

Listening 3 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami.

1 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z Claire
3.37 Pierwsze litery wyrazów zostały podane.
Jones – nauczycielką, która organizuje 1 When you have good c
w szkołach warsztaty dotyczące poszukiwania skills, you are good at talking to people and
pracy. Na podstawie informacji zawartych explaining what you want.
w nagraniu uzupełnij luki (1–5) w poniższej
2 If you get p at work, it means
notatce. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku
that you get more money, but also more difficult
tasks to do.
1 When looking for their first job, young people 3 People who work i , do their
are most afraid of the . jobs inside a building.
2 Many young people think you need 4 If somebody works a , it means
to get a job. that they leave their country to work somewhere
3 During the workshops, students can learn how else.
, what to 5 If you get a teaching q ,
wear, and what to say at a job interview. it means that you have an official certificate
which says that you know how to teach.
4 So far, students have
taken part in the workshops. /5
5 In the future, Claire hopes to invite Grammar

to the workshops.
4 Uzupełnij brakujące fragmenty zdań tak, aby
zachować znaczenie zdania wyjściowego.
/5 W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie
cztery wyrazy.
1 ‘Have you ever been to a football match?’
2 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrażeniami. Jack asked me.
1 Winning a tennis match against his older brother Jack asked me been
was a very satisfying / boring / well-paid to a football match.
experience for Philip.
2 ‘Are you going to change your job, Stephen?’
2 I’ve had a really exciting / tiring / boring day, Tim asked.
so turn the music off, please.
Tim asked Stephen
3 My mum works eight hours a day from Monday to change his job.
to Friday so she has got a full-time / well-paid /
3 They asked me if it was a well-paid job.
part-time job.
‘ job?’ they asked me.
4 As a/an social media influencer / app developer
/ e-sports gamer, Martin often writes about new 4 Joe asked his mum what time she was coming
products on his website. back from work.
5 Joanna really gets on well with children, so she’s ‘What time from
going to be a great app developer / dog walker work, mum?’ asked Joe.
/ babysitter, I think. 5 ‘When is your job interview?’ Harry asked me.
/5 Harry asked me
6 ‘Will you send them your CV?’ Suzie asked Tom.
Suzie asked Tom
them his CV.
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6 Test A Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

5 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane Functions

w nawiasach na język angielski. 7 Uzupełnij luki w poniższym dialogu tak, aby był
1 Peter and Jack (pomagają sobie nawzajem) on spójny i logiczny.
with their maths X: Hello, I ¹
homework. (wondering) any vacancies here at the sports
2 (Nie wolno ci) use your centre.
mobile phone here. Y: Are ²
3 My mum (mówi do siebie) (looking) or part-time job?
when she’s driving. X: I can only work weekends so it would be
4 Sid (mógł jeździć na rowerze) a part-time job for me.
when he was Y: ³ (tell) you have
four years old. any experience in customer service?
5 Jack (nie musiał) X: Yes, I’ve already worked at a cinema.
wear a uniform when he was at school. Y: Sounds great! Can you ⁴
/5 (application) form and then send
your CV to the managers?
Use of English
X: Yeah, no problem.
6 Uzupełnij zdanie z luką tak, aby zachować Y: Great! Now, I’d like to know when
znaczenie zdania wyjściowego. Wykorzystaj

podane wyrazy, nie zmieniając ich form. W każdą
lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.
X: Any day after 3 o’clock would be fine with me.
1 Tom never thinks about other people. HIMSELF
Tom only .
2 Kate likes Mary and Mary likes Kate. EACH
Mary and Kate .
3 ‘Have you taken the dog for a walk?’ Gene asked
me. HAD
Gene asked me
the dog for a walk.
4 It’s not necessary to come to the office every
day. TO
You come to the office
every day.
5 You’re not allowed to cross the street here. NOT
You the street here.

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6 Test A
UNIT Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

Reading Writing
8 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery zdania. 9 Niedawno rozpocząłeś/rozpoczęłaś pracę jako
Wpisz w każdą lukę literę, którą oznaczono opiekun/opiekunka do dzieci. Zredaguj wpis
brakujące zdanie, tak aby otrzymać spójny na blogu.
i logiczny tekst. Uwaga! Jedno zdanie zostało
We wpisie:
podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej luki.
• opowiedz, w jaki sposób znalazłeś/znalazłaś
tę pracę i jak przebiegała rekrutacja;
• opisz czas pracy i swoje główne obowiązki;
When I started university last year, I quickly
• podziel się opinią na temat pracy, pracodawców
realised that studying away from home costs
i twoich podopiecznych.
quite a lot of money. My parents told me that
they would pay for my flat and food, but I still Podpisz się jako XYZ. Użyj od 50 do 120 słów.
needed some extra cash for clothes and
entertainment. ¹ _____ My first idea was to
work at a café or clothes shop. ² ____ Then,
one day, my classmate asked me if I had any
experience in working with children. Her
parents’ friends were looking for someone to
babysit their two daughters. I told her that
I was interested in the job very much because
I had always loved spending lots of time with
my young cousins.
Last Monday, I had an interview with the family.
It went well, but I was very surprised when
the mother suddenly asked me what was 30%
of 150. ³ ____ The father later explained that it
was very important for them that
the babysitter could help the girls with their
maths homework. Fortunately for me, both the
children and the parents liked me so much that
the parents called me the next day and asked if
I could start babysitting the following month.
I’m going to work three days a week plus some
weekends. ⁴ ____ And perhaps I will finally be
able to buy myself a nice winter jacket without
my parents’ help.

A But to do these jobs, you must serve customers

and I didn’t want to do that.
B I don’t think it’s going to be a really well-paid job.
C Hopefully, it’s not going to be too difficult for me
to work and study at the same time.
D That’s why I decided that I had to find a part- / 10
time job.
E And it took me some time to answer the question Total: / 50

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6 Test A
UNIT Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

Extra task
10 Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty zdań podane w nawiasach tak, aby otrzymać zdania
logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych
fragmentów zdań. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.

1 The fire alarm (sam się wyłącza) when we’re at home.

2 The students asked (czy oni musieli) wear special clothes at the gym.
3 (Nigdy nie wolno nam) to speak to strangers.
4 I’d like to know if I (muszę przejść) a training course.
5 (Nie mogę narzekać) about my new workmates
because they’re all so kind and helpful!

Total : / 55

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