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Quality PAGE 1 of 5

Assurance Manual REV 00

DATE 09/20/2023

SOP Market Study


No. Description Page

1 Purpose 3
2 Scope 3
3 Definitions 3
4 References 3
5 Responsibility 3
6 Activities 3
6.1 Quality system 3
6.2 Quality system planning 3
6.3 Quality costing 3
6.4 Change requests 4
6.5 Quality planning for contracts 4
6.6 Outsourced Processes 4
7 Records 4
8 Formats 4

Quality System Documentation

Quality PAGE 2 of 5

Assurance Manual REV 00

DATE 09/20/2023

SOP Market Study


Rev Date Prepared Reviewed Approved Description Of Revision

00 09/20/23 F.M Original document

Quality System Documentation

Quality PAGE 3 of 5

Assurance Manual REV 00

DATE 09/20/2023

SOP Market Study

1. Purpose
To ensure the quality management system is customer requirements and customer
expectations driven.

2. Scope
Applies to all SRG products and services provided. SRP to apply ISO 9001/2015
requirements in the QMS Policy.

3. Definitions
NCR Non-conformance Report
PQP Process Quality Plan- a document specifying process of the QMS (incl product
realization processes) and the resources to be applied
QCP Quality Control Plan- a document that specifies processes of the QMS that ensure
organizations objectives are met
SRR Stakeholders Risk Register
COP Customer Oriented Process
CFA Customer Failure Analysis
SRP Southland Regional Properties
QMS Quality Management System (SRP Quality Management System)

4. References
ISO 9001:2008 Sections 4.1, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 5.4.2 & 7.1

4.1 Understanding the Organizations Context

SRP shall determine external and internal issues that can have an effect in
developing and achieving its strategic direction and that affect its ability to
achieve the intended result of its quality management system. It is also known as
business environment / organizational environment. Issues can include positive
and negative factors or conditions for considerations.
SRP shall monitor and review information about these external and internal
Reference SR-MESOP-00-AUDIT, SRP-All stakeholders Risk Registry and Risk
Analysis template SR-ARRA-00-RISK.
4.2 Understanding the Needs & expectations of the interested parties in the
Organizational Context
SRP has determined the needs of interested parties and listed as follows
a. Customers/Clients/Landowners/Buyers- Quality & delivery performance
of products & services,
b. Employees- Job security, recognition, training, rewards
c. Shareholders- Profitability, growth, contractual risk reduction, legacy
d. Suppliers- Beneficial relationship, business,
e. Authorities-Compliance, good co-corporate governance, environmental
protection and smart sustainable development, reduction of housing
f. Financiers- assured return in quick time, increase land investment

Quality System Documentation

Quality PAGE 4 of 5

Assurance Manual REV 00

DATE 09/20/2023

SOP Market Study

g. Development Partners- Unlock funds from their assets, growth of land
portfolio, investment opportunities
SRP shall monitor & review regularly these needs and requirements with an aim of
improving the processes.
5. Responsibility
The employee is responsible for producing and or agreeing with immediate superior the
PQP’s, QCPs & COPs.

6. Activities

6.1 Quality System

The quality management system is documented in the form of a seven-tier system, and
covers all aspects of SRP namely: Organizational Context, Planning, Leadership,
Support, Operations, and Monitor & Evaluate, Improve.

6.2 Quality System Planning

The policy and procedures will ensure that all processes needed for the quality
management system are controlled. Refer to SR-MQP-00 Product Quality Plan that
outlines control measures that will ensure that each process is monitored, measured and
recorded. The records from the measurement of the processes will be analysed to
ensure that they are improved.

6.3 Quality Costing

All costs such as non-conformities, customer claims and rework will be reported and
reviewed during the management review meetings. The management representative will
keep senior management informed of quality costs on an ongoing basis.

6.4 Change Requests

Customer may request a Correction or Change Order by submitting them in writing to
the management representative. The request is to be costed and documented, sent
back to the customer informing them of the risks associated with the change. If the
customer accepts these (IN WRITING), then and only then can the changes to the
product be implemented.

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Quality PAGE 5 of 5

Assurance Manual REV 00

DATE 09/20/2023

SOP Market Study

6.5 Quality Planning for Product
Quality Control Plans will be drawn up as and when required and list the activities as
well as the type of control by the various parties involved in the contract. These will be
agreed with the client and or his agent where applicable.

6.6 Outsourced Processes

Where it is deemed necessary to use an outsourced process e.g. (Sub-contractor) the
controls required will be identified in the Product Quality Plan for that contract or in
the approved Quality Control Plan for that process. Where an existing Work Instruction /
Method Statement or specification exists covering the process this will be also used to
monitor the process.

7. Records
PQP’s, COPs and QCPs are to be kept in the contract files.

8. Formats
QCP Formats to be designed in accordance with contractual requirements.

Quality System Documentation

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