Course of Action Questions Practice

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~ - so
- .. ~ Cou t ,-s:e of' Action . .



lost bouk111.
· · ·
5. Statement: Indigeneous tribes living near amezon · ·..
Directions : (01·05)": In each question- given
forP.Sts are cutting down lrl!fur to cover their ,bnolc ;,
below a statemf!nt is given followed hy two coune11 of needs, thu.• Mven!ly _:ufe_ctlng the ecological balll.lactt .
actit.m numbered T A-w.l II. A couuo of action is a in the area. · ::·;
preoUcoble and feQtlihlH step or administrollvl! decision
. to be taken for follow-up, improvement or further Course of Action :
ar.tion in·reRa-rd· to tho problem policy ~le.:. On the basis A) All Lhe tribes living Mll-f the Arna.ion roin \

of the jnformation-given in the statement, you have to forests should be forced to shift to urban areas i
· assume everything in the s.tatemeqt to be true, and of the country. '.I
decide which of the s.ugge·s ted courses of act ion b) The tnoes,_sshould be allowed t , ntinue doing 1
logically follow/s for prusuing. - · so as they cut, down tree asic needs -;,
Give answer:
and not for commerc· ,.,.,..-.a.._ ~
1} If on1y I follows Directions .: (06-10) : I given _I'.
below a statement is given fol ses of ;'.
2) If only II follows
action numbered I and . on is a j
3) If either I or II follows practicable and° ( . ... . ·d ve ·decision :f:
A) If ne~ther I nor' II fo}Jows to be taken for i ovement or further ~
l 5) If both I and II follo w ac tion in regi. p icy etc. On the .basis· w
1. St_a tement : An increasing no. of farmers p refe~ l o
avail loans from local moneylenders instead of th e
of the inform
statement, you have to .'
ement lo be true, and ;:
decid s led courses of action i;., .
r banks owing to complica ted paperwo rk involved
in banks . . logical ing. ~
A. ,.-
Course of Action : "G t
a) local mon ey lenders who charge interest rates on ws _ __ ,·
lower th an the banks should be punished . . ows ( ~
};,) · Banks should simplify the procedure to av f cit er I or II foll ows .;;
of ln,ms so a-s to su it the farmers. ) neither I nor II foll ows 00
2. Statement: ./\. ma jor river in the city was ) lf both I and II follo w · ►'
to a polluted and dirty canal after tonnes o Statemen t : According to l;itest statistic.~, tlac no. ::
made way into it over the years. of rhinos k ill ed IJv tiger~ was much more than i
Course of Adi on: the no. of rhinos kl1l ed by poachrrs in a wildlife 0
a) All those y.rho dumped garbagP. an wage into sanctuary. "
th e river sh ould be .,. Course of Ar. ti on : · {1

,b) The governme ~~~ the sewage
systerti ~nd fi ~-ti dump the -_-~ ) _ i:~i~crt~: ;~~~;~t!~;sp i~ii~:/.e r_ram~t/n:11
.. ;·~--- .'. "cfry's w"ast.. ),f ~s done in some san ctuaries, t~e areas ~here ~
3; ··-Statement: - tiger s hu n t· and the are as · with d omma:nt 11·
i'5 ex tracti on
·cal any more.
rhi no p opulatio n s sh ou ld b e artifici ally f
separated. ·•
7. Statement : A mid air collision was na_rrowly
a) ater for any purpose in
~~;QJ.l'h avoided when the pilot of one of the aircrafts .,
anned for some time in neglected the air traffic controller's instructions. ',,
the water table. · Course of Action : ~
· ent should make provisions for a) Pilots of both of the aircrafts should be '
·. alte tive methods. of irrigation so that t he immediately reprimanded by re\'oking their ,
· . f ·ers are not compeHed to use ground water. licenses.
. 4. St ent : A university librarian t~p'orted The training of air traffic controllers should '.~
i~cteased cases of theft of books from the library: . be improved and made more comprehensive
in order to avoid such incidents in future . . c:;
Course of Action:
~ Stricter security arrangements should be put 8. Statement : Oil spill from the oil carriers of one 1
of the biggest oil companies has severally j
·1 in order to prevent such incidents.
b) All the students in the university should be
. ·made to pay a ·hefty fine in order to replace the gulf region.

affected the mart11e life in a large area under the i
-.o;",;"l''l,~1~i~""J,,~- , ">,.~ -:-~· •.-•~! ..l.'JT.~,'~,, .•·-~...,,

2565 1
R ~- Tow~r. 406-4thfloor. Ono. Pantaloons Mall, Lalpur, Ranchi, Ph:· 9798212565,.933465 Page
Course of .Actiori : 12. Statement : A huge trlJck ~vert~1ied ·on ta,
..a) The oil company should be penalised·for the middle of the main road and blocked most part
f 17\ negligence and the harm caused lo the of lhe road causin8 a huge traffic jam.
} \21 environment. Course of Action:
b) Effort s should be made to shift as many a) The traffic department should immediately '
marine animals in the area as possible to (4) deploy its personnel to divert traffic throu gh
safer hobitats . CV ether roads . ;-
:. 9. Statement : Many private schools have been b) The traffic department should immediately .,
reportedly denying admission to studAnls from
se nd men and equipment t o me~ the truck ~:
poor families while preferring tho se with sound ond clear the road . t
financial backgrounrl regardless of their meril.
Course of Action : lJ . Statemen t : Some workers o f t h ~ making ~
diamond jewell ery wen: c ~ h t I were ~
jl) Poor_'.',t \1de nts should be enc, ,uraged to ta ke le.iving the premises a t I w trying to .
ad1111ss1ons only ir. government run schoo ls
smuggle :, 111all pieces o d id in their
where :,ui:;h di~crimination does not . p11rsc!> .
The governmen t should enforce a certain Cnur :. c o f Ac tio n ~ '
perc e ntage of seals for students from po or
families in every school. a) Th£: m.,r.;, J n~ t of company s hould
:mm ,~ pu hol all activities in the •
' 10. Statement : The no . of Malaria cases ha s hec11
rising significantly in the city for lhc la s t few ;}1 em i :;T~~-a foo roo f security systems
months. <-O .ll ~:- 1;, nl
Course of Ac tion : bl j1;$.,,~nn
in s- of all t he worke'rs should '
~ro ug~ y ' sear ched be fore they leave the
2J 'Che municip;il autho riti es should t;.ike ~ p~•~:,e.1.o f the co mpany . ·
imm ed i a le sl cp::; to destroy tb e br ceding 1 :A~~J_!t.·n f)V' huge tit! al wave! swept away many
{j ~laces of mosq uitoes a nd impruv e hy giene ~J.TI~Joa ts and hu_tmP.nfs of the fishermen
I · in 1!11::area . ..A ti\~ ~1'"0 11 g lite co astl1ne.
h) A r.a11 1pa1gn iO c duL<'llC penpl o ~bou t 11.,... ;,,,,\\' , ,<"":r oui•;.. ,: u f Acliu11 .
. ~,?: , t
·1'1,-r":'(t~ \.~:v).1 Ti:c li:-h e_rmc n d 1u ul d hf!n<:c forth bf;l .
lo _prevent the _di se as e !:;!1oul d hr
us 1 ng local m cd1a ,rnd suc1rd vJo rkc: rf\ ' 1 ..__ l l.S! ~ --.: ncd irolll u mstructi!1 g their huts ,tlnng ..
Dire r. lions : (1 J • 15) : In eac}, qu c,),fitn'\:i,tc: .. j : h._. .:.:o:i$ l line
below a statem en t is given followed by · CCJ s~°Jl'U!: ,Ji f Tl~e luc::!I :::dmin is tatio'1 should senci a team
action num beced I anc ll. A course of ;1 on is :1 of off ic1,,ls l o ;1ssess the extent of d amage and
pr;,cti cable and feasible step or ad , , tra tive ~c,j.s ion sugg c:sl re rn edi,d mesu res .
lo be taken fur fu ll ow -11p, im t: nl or rfirthcr 15 . St :d e 111r.nt : :\ large no. of invitees who attended •:.
action in regard to the. proble ~oli .·~the b<1s is the ni:irria ge fu1!cli on fell ill due to food
. of the information given i te t you have lo poisoning anu .ve re rushed to various hospitals
: assume everything in be lrue, ond loca tc<l in thr. area . . ·
.' decide which of th of action Course of Action :
: logically follow/s for ·"""'"""'- a) T he governmenl should ban such marriage ·.
funct ions till further notice.
✓ The local hospitals should be advised by the :
/J government to provide best services to the '
affected people.
,, an Directions : (lG-20) : In each question given ;
, 11. atement. ere has been some sporadic incidents below a statement is given followed by two courses of :
ne- Ling and causing harm to vehicles after action numbered I and II. A course of action is:. a /
quar etween two local clubs last night. practicable and feasible step or administrative decision i
Course of Action: to be taken for follow-up-, improvement or further ~
action in regard to the problem policy etc. On the b~sis · •
.. a) Local police should arrest all those who are
of the information given in the statement, you have to :
@) found involved in such works.
assume everything in Lhe statement to be true, ~nd
,b) Local police administration should call a decide which of the suggested cou rses of act1-on
meeting of leaders of the two clubs to control
logically fol!ow/s for prusuing.
the silltalion.
I ;

f *. .
Course . of Action
Give an swer :
l) U only I fonows
2) I1 ooly 11 follows
~ov · ~xes on essential commodities- with effect.
3 }U eit her l or JI follows b) Farmers should be asked by the govt. to sell ;
4) 1f n e ither J nor II follows their produce at lower prices. :
5 ) If both- I and n fo.llow Directions : (21·25} : In each question given '
below a statement ls given followed by two courses of ·
, 16. Sta!ernenl : Many pilgrims died in a stampede action numbe red I and II . A cour.s.e of action is a ;·
while boardil1g a private ferry tot.he holy place practicable and feasible step or administrative ded.s.iou _
ti on the firs I day of ten days long festival. to be taken for follow-up, hn~rovement or further
~ Course of Action : action in regard to the proble~ poli the basis .
a) ~he go vt. should immediately cancel the of the information given in the stat ave to
licenses of aJI the private ferry to oi)erate with assu me everything in the slatem m'tj~~.:\l: , and
immediate effec t. d ec ide which of the sugges ctio!1
logicall y fol low/s for prusuin
b-) Th ~ govt. should depl oy an adequa te numbe r
Giv e ons wer:
~fits personnel lo guide pilgrim.9 on their
Journ ey to iJ)e holy p Jace. l)If on lylf
:· 17. Statement: Some students of the local coll ege 2) If onl y
were ca u ght travelling in the !rain w i th ou t 3) If eith
purcho s ing voJid tick e ts . 4) If neit
r.n11r s ~ of Action :
IJt-- :i) !he parent s of these st udent s :;houl d be 2 1. do hin po pulalion in India hns
1nformP. d 11bou1 rhe incide nt and requc s led :irply over the past few years.
lo counsel !heir wa rds . A ion:
)<'bJ These students shoul d be p u t b ehind hn~:; n~ sh ou ld be dccla rcd ·an endanger!!<l ;.
for !ravell ing williuu l uu11;ifiJ e c reucnti ~l.~. "l {:ic:, nnd bred in nquarims or protected ·
, 18. Statem enl : A large part of rr.e loc.ilily

• flood e d as the ~ain pip e sup pl yi 11 g :J,C

water burst while the w o rkers of . ul i 1
company were laying cnblcs in rh e 11
·11 :11 Lucais !. hou ld b e cnli:i tcd to prot ec t
~l:ilcr.1enl : Cell phone users have found lhat ;·
Course of Action : 'II.. traffic plans ne not as attractive as promoted i:
a) The c1vJc a urhorit y shou l d , rfi™ 1.:it t· y by t cle ~o m companies an d complained lo ',:
arrange to repair the d flC .1n c . o, lo~s r egu l:i! o r y authori ty ab ou t the same .
of water. Co u r se of AcUon ·
b) The . c iv _i c au th ''ffll•J'J·=!:f} s c r k ;in n) The regulator y authori ty s hould ' dire c t
· explanation a on from the lclccom co mpa n ies · lo be transparent 6n th e· i'
utiJi!y comp oy
C ca us cc! IJriff s truc tur e of all plans, · (
th em. b) The Govt shou ld restric t the no of telecorn ·
". 19. Statem en t : Mil l f s ar e expected to companies opera ting in country. 1
t~kP- a <li . , g.r es a the hol)' place cluring 21 . Sl:ilP.mP.n l : A no . of sc ho ol children in the local :..
the ne x t · ni t. sc hools have fallen ill after the consumption of ·'.
Cou n . '!I" their subsidised liffin provided by the school f.
a) . ould restri c t the number of authority. ·::
o can take dip each day during Course of Action : 2
·I ht. a) The tiffin facility of all sch ools should be }
T . should deploy an adequate number disconti nued with immediate effect. ,
ecurity personnel to maintain law & order b) The government should implement a system !'.
during th e next fortnight at the holy place . to certify that the qua li ty of tiffin provided _
i 20. Statem ent: T he rate of inflation has reached ifs by the school. ~
highes t in last 20 years and there is no sign of 24. Statement : Heavy rains hit the state during
its soft e ning in the coming months . o.ctober just before the state ;lssembly elections i
Course of Action : and caused heavy damage to standing crops in ·
aJ The gov t. s hould initiate ~teps like reducing most parts of the stale. ·
Course of Action :

ft., s,towec, 1P6 4th Floor. Opp. Paotaloons M;;ill, Lafpur, Ranchi, Ph:• 2z2a212s6s. 933465256$ race 1
< . .
' . ,

. .,

running m . pposite (iiredions ·on-tl1e _s_ame- .

a) Elections· should . . be
po,st-p oned to give w h1 e r ·1· d fi b •
. track as the signalling syst~in ,a1 e or · ne
cand~dates the campaign.
period. ·.
b) The government should announce a relief
package for those who are affe.c ted. . Course of Action :
; 25. Statement : An increasing no. of. gr.adtiates a) The services of the motormen of the · trains
produced by Indian universities are should immediately be terminated. · .
unemployable. b) The go~t. should immediately constitue a task ;--.
. Course of Action : forcei' to r€view the function'ing of the
a) Colleges and Institutes of higher learning ,. signalling system.
should be given greater antonomy to dec:de 29. Statement : Almost 90% of th
the course content. tl~e private airline companies ~il:a..c:.a
bf World Class foreign universiti~s should be the fourths consecutive da}'. fused
encouraged to set up campuses in India . to join their duties in pro · st ·ng of .
Directions : (26<!0) : In each question given two of their colic g . s b irline
bel~w a statP-ment is given followed by two courses of managemen l. . •
action numbered I dnd II. A co.urse of action is a Course of Acli ·
practicable-and feasible step or administrative decision
a) The ma f t airline company
to ~a ~aken for follow-up, improvement or further
-: action _in regard to the problem policy etc. On the basis
y the govt. to
the sacked pilots to
_· of the rnformati~n gi_ven in the statement, you havtJ to
. assume everything in the statement to be true and
de~ide which of the s u eges ted courses of a~tion
logically follow/s for prusuing.
GivP. r1nswP.r:

mediately take steps to · ·
etween the management ··
o help Lhe helµless manag-
1) If only I follow s I
2) If only II follows O. e_ : major part of the local market in
. ~ - t 11 1ty was gulled due lo a short circuit causing
3 ) If eit_h er ~ or II follows
4) If ne1the1 I no r II folluws
' , ~~ teo ·ive damage to goods and properly.
~ ~ 5?urse of Action: I
5) If both I and II fo llow ~ _ ~-...-:~ ~ ) The eovt. shoul d issue strict guidelines for !
26. Statement A very large numbex:,-l~p~le 1
'1 all establishments regarding installation and , j

gathered outside th e local police sta~,to~1bm'.it mainten ance of electrical fittings . i

a memorc1ndum on behalf of the r~1:tctents b) The government should relocatP. all the I
highlighting police inaction ~bing i~t!i/Jnls markels lo Lhe outskirts of the city.
of theft and hnrglary in th eig ' bourhocfct for Directions ; (31-35) ; In each question given
the past few months. -•-Ii.._,_. . below a statement is given followed by two courses of
C~urse of A<:tion : action numbered I and II. A course of ac:ion is a
a) -- ThP. polic - rm a team of · pr-acticable and feasible step oradminis.trative decision
officers t ~,rP,S'l>ntatives of the lu taken for Iulluw up, improvement or furthi:ir .
reside e that proper steps action in regard to the problem policy etc. On the basis ,
will to of the information given in the statement. you have to ··
b) ho y should advise the assume everything in the s_tatement to be _true, and ·
tside the police station to decide which of thP. suggested courses of action
omise t_hem quick action. logically follow/s for prusuing .
. 27. . :st five students were killed due Give answer:
e in one city school as the students 1) If only I follows
the school building f~aring short 2) If only II follows
circ · . 3) If either I or II follows
Course of Action : 4) If neither I nor II follows
a) The principal of the school should be 5) If both I and II follow
arrested immediately. 31. Statement: Drinking water supply to many parts .". _·
b) The govt. should immediately order closure of the town has been disrupted due to loss of
of the school permanently. water because of leakage in pipes supplying i
28. Statement: Two local passenger trains .c ollided water.
r \
.. ··• .

Course of Action :·
The government sh 1d
the matter. ou _ord er an. enquiry into · logical1y follow/s for p.rusuing.
Give answer: ·
bJ The civic body sh 1d ·
team ·t ··-··· - ou set up a fact finding 1} If only I follows
steps. o assess the darn-age and
- ta-ke eU'ective 2} If onl:_• II follows
: 32. 3) If either I or 1I follows
Statement: .There is an alarming increase in tlie
4) If neither I nor II follows
No. ·of people suffering from .malaria in .many 5) If both I and II follow
par~; o.Hhe city. ·
Course of Action : 36. Stateme1,t : The local colle8~ principal. has
ordered that all the students mifst ictly adhere
a-J The .municipal corporation has advised all to the dress code _stipulate,t b e college '
the govt hospitals to store adequate supply authority in the admission b
of malaria drugs . . Course of Action : , ··
b) The municipal corporation has urged people a) Those students w h o ~ d vio!ate the ~
-t.o use mosquito repellants and keep their
premises dean. · dress code
term"f.- t from the
'. 33.
Statement: Many people have encroached upon b) Those stude. s h e d to violate the
govt. property a.nd built their houses and dress coc the f ,t time should be ·
business establishment. ' reprimandeci an, e warned against further :'
Course of Action : violati · ··
a} The govt. should take immediate steos to
remove all unauthorised constructio~s on
govt. land.
37. Statement:
the eJ
·. e ays have decided to repair :
ac wi I in the city on the following _.·
sunfiav an a . ecided to suspend operations '
. ,
b) All the encroachers should immediately b
lb r t~?JJ day·. ._
Co s~~tion: !'
put behind bars and also be slapped with
T"llil!Sl.'111.P. railway authority should issue public ;
hefty fine. · .
i 34. Statement : The metrological departm no 1ficatfon well in advance to ease (

·• •·. predicted normal rainfall throughout the §'dlffi<Q~

during the current monsoon.
Course of Action : -
·nconvenience to the passengers.
All the long distance trains entering the city '
during tl1e repair hours should be terminated •
outside the city limit.
a) The govt. should reduce the - c Statement : Many motorists driving on the }
price of foocigrains for the curren . ear. highway with in the city are found to be driving i
b) The govt. should .,..,,,..,,.., ubs1W on much beyond the permissible speed limit. ·
. fertilizers for the cu - ,-; ..._,,,,,.. .. . Course of Action :
~ 35. ~ . . :

Statement: The no. of . schools a) The traffic :police officials should personally ~:
has s1gnificant1 _in . s . l_ an area~ monitor· tl:"e ·movement.of vehicles on the _::
over the ·last . s. . · - - highway in the city._ ;,
L Course of A b) The govt. should immediately put in place a 1 ···
mechanism to identify and punish erring
a) The iediately dose down drivers.
aU e urban areas where 39. Statement: Majority of the city employees in the
d 20 percent. renowned BPO company have left their jobs to
b) e students who dropped pro·test against inhumane treatment mtted out
chools in urban areas should to them by the company.
is Course of Action :
· (36-39) : In each question given a} The govt. should immediately order the BPO
tate ent is given foliowed:by two-courses of Company to close down its operation. .
, action n ered I and I1. A course of action is a b) The BPO company should shift_ its (
. practicable and feasible step or administrative decision operations to some other place to conlmue ;:
to be take.n fot follow-up, improvement or furth~r .its operations. . ,:
1 action in regard to the problem policy etc. On the basis Directions : {40-44} : In each question given i
- of the.information given in the statement, you have to below a statement is given followed by two c~urs~s of f:
1 assume everything in the statement to be true, ~nd
Z action numbered I and IL A course of _action_ i~ a f
Practicable and feasible step or administrative dec1shwn :\
. t d'e cide. which of the suggested courses of action
' to be taken for follow-up, improve~~-~-!,~~,/~.:~,,,~~~ .;
. ,; ---~1"',.("';' . . . 1!. . . ~:,..~~~-"> ~ ·..,"',l-_.;.•,·-::~-:.,.;i1'".H":'-. •"i- •.., : 1·,1 , . ..
~ t.:.- _ • , ____ - - - • - - •'-·· · • • . ·. ~ - ~ . • . ·.-~· _. _._t. a : - • · . ... .. . -. •- ~ ..,._- · . , _

· ·actic;m}n regard to the probiem policy etc. On the-basis'. b} colleges should- .keep the ::;·n·t~ pusi-:/ :
:- of the information given in the statement, ·you liave to
enough with studies. So that they. do not find ·.·
,· as-s ume everything in the statement to be true and
time for other things like fashion. . ;,
1_de~ide which of the suggested courses. of .a~tion
. :, logically follow,ts for prusuing. Directions : (45-49}-': In· each questi9n gi~en {
Give answer : · below a statement is given followed by two courses of :.
1) If only I follows 2) If only II follows
action numbered I and IL A course of action is a
3) If either I or II follows practicable and feasible step or administrative d~cision .
4) If neither I nor II follows
to be taken for follow-up, improvement or further _ ·
action in reg?,:rd to the problem policy etc. On the basis
5) If both I and II follow
of the inforn:iation given in the stateme · you have to
. 40. ~tatem~nt : Cases of road accidents are assume eve°fylhi ng in the stateme to true, and
areas. constantly particularly • in the urban decide which of the suggested c action
Course of Action : logically follow/s for p r u s u i n
· g ~
Give answer :
a) Transport_ Authorities in the ·urban areas
'1) If only I follows~#.•
sh~uld impose stringent norms for
maintenance of vehicles. 2) lf only II foll~w -
3) If either I or ows
b) Traffic police shoul~ severely punish those
4) If neither I no II ows
-.· 41. St t who are found to be-violating traffic rules.
a ement: Despite good economic progress of 5) If both I ~~L. follo
t lu: r. o u n t r y, s i g n i fi c an t numb er o f 45. Statement : e been a spurt of robbery :
undernourished children hr1s hP.P.n ohsP.rvftd in and .k1~~t~rei 'in incidents in one locality
the rural parts of the country. dur'i •~ the ~ l ~Ttnighl. .
Course of Action : e-1i. r , f Acl,ijon :
a) C~ovt. shonlrl inr.rna~P. WP.alth tax/ income e~~ll police st~tion personnel should
tax and use that money for upliftment of th · . ·t--ralrolling Lhe locality al rttgubir
deprived class. · . intervals.
b} Govt. shoult.1;e schemes lik~ l},.he residents in the locality should be asked ·
meals in primary schoois and make p im a by the police authority not to leave their . •·
cduc:1tion compulsory. houses during the night.
· 42. StatP.nrnnl : Launc:hing of new ,hr ds o · 'Mll g Statement : Money has become more imporJant ·
wheelers is adding to the traffk co · on iw,; than the game itself in the casP. oflndian Crir."tcel.· .,
the metro cities. · Course of Action : "'
Course of Action : a) Govt. should put a cap on t4e earnings from ·
a) Pub 1i c sh ou l d be different sources of the Indian Cricket Board. ·~.
private vehicl b) Govt. should put a cap on the earnings from
work .places . different sources of Indian Cricket Players. ,
b) Govt. should; 47. Statement: .Very large numbers-ofpeople:from ·~ .·.:··
r.,m; in Met . - Tiorthcrn p,1.rt
of the city .1re suffering from water-
borne diseases.
' 43. Statement: air 1;
Course of Actiu11 :
creating h . · ople living in the
cities. a) The municipal authority should advise '
people living in the area not to use water :··
supplied through pipeline for drinking :
tn should be shifted to the purpose.
ts he cities.
b} The local hospitals should be put on high .'
t authorities should take steps for alert to tackle the emerging crisis situation. :
ing all public tram:port vehicles to
_r.i_..n CNG.
48. Statement : The Qµality of. foodgrains being .i.
distributed in some parts of the country through :~: •·
~ 44. Statement: Large number of coUege students are .public distribution syst~m is very poQr and l)ot /:
found to be focusing more on fashion than on fit for-human consumptrnn. ,
· studies. Course of Action : .
Course of Action : a) . The entire stock of foodgrains shout~: '.·.
a) Colleges should impose restrictions on use immediately be withdrawn from
of fashionable clothes and accessories. . distribution system.
- ,

I ~ ,
I -
Course 'of Action.· .· · . '

People should be advised to return the food ANSWER
gfains purchased from the system and take
their money back.
'. 4 9. Statement": A large no. of people gathered on 1 1-1' ll 31 ·41
the high w~y, blocking the traffic movemQnt to ·1 2 5 5 2 2
protest the killing -of five locals by a speeding ·2 2 5 1 5
vehicle. · ·3 2 4 2 1
Course of Action : '.4. 1 2 2 4

( .
a) The pJ;tlfoe s.hould fire teargas shells to
dispet-s!e the crowd.
s .4 2 4
-6 2 2 5
b) ·The ptlice authority shuold calm down the
seniirnent of the crowd-, assuring action ·7 4 4
against the culprit . and deploy~police 8 5 5
' personnel ·at the spot. 9 2
.10 .


· ~

I• • ~·


· -2 . .CAl)SE & .EFFECT.
:, lntroductf.on . . _ . . . · U· in ·such-questions. /
. . b f . l fr . tl asked these days-. sua11y . . .
; These types o'f question are beginning to· e air Y. equen y·. ~ the-eff~ct of some other <!vent. .
· ~ the· candidates a~e asked to determine whether a given event l.:> the ~ause or . b "lit
:; The idea behind puttin_g these questions is to ascert~in the analytical reasoning 8 1 Y.
the aspirants~ :·
·: Let us first have a quick look at a sample problem. ·
,· .
: Cause and eff~ct: a theoretical discussion J
. It is a fundamental property of nature that events do not just happe·n; they happen be~aus
· cnllse behind them. These aauses are·the conditions under which these events (or results ·
; As we s11.all see later, something can be said to b"3 a cause of another event only if i ~e · s well
· as s ufficient co~clition fo r that effect to take pl ace. But before that, we must di ing een the
co.m rnonsense vi ew of ca us e and the scientific vi ew of cause. ~ •
You mu s t hav e beard yo ur gra ndmother explaining that you fell down m u cle because a
black cal had cros~ed you r pat~. In other words, sh e is saying that your f....,. •.•"tll.,down n ~he bicycle was
t~e effect and a bl ack ca t crossmg your path was the cau se. Well, your ran m er ha a right to her own
~tews but m os t other people would consider this un scientific and m~~~persti . On the other hand, .
. if a p erson dies because of respiratory fail u re, here de ath is a scienti ~ f respiratory failure, the -·

cau:~re, it wou ld',''l be w rong lo s ay lhis becaus e il is logic I-~

me . d its me hard ~hen it is iogical ' .
t_o e xp ect th ~t I ,-v11l be angry al him , although sci en tis ts n r ed it by experiments that when ·..
!>omebu<ly hits 111e , J 1:t1l a11t',ry. ---~ - ...-~ · ·
Th ere.fore. a sr.im1tifi c view of cause is one whc ,, ' ··

ll rnust be n scient,j,cci/Jy prnvcn ,,..:~

~ } ous e leaJs lo tl:e said effect

(7con~.q ueoce of th e said caus e.

.. . f.{~~:~~
The sa IJ ·e ffec t s bo u Id I, e alY.£

Comi11g_back tn nm nSSP.r tinn ,1hnn t c;hc 1cing a necessary as -..veil Rs sufficient cundition, let us ·nr~t
· understand what is meant L1y a 1 ·• ,os sary ~ gition and whot li y '1 !-iufficient co\.mdition. A nec;css~ry
condition for the occurrence o s1 · ifi ed P.lf.n t is a circumstance in whose absence the t:vent cannot
: occur. l·cir example , Lh e _µrlJs ,! c · 1 ~- ~~ is a necessary condition for ~i.1y fire. Nu finn~a11 take place ·
. withou t oxygen b_e ing pre§ L ~u t, ·, ot .gh it is a necess ary condition, ·the -presence of oxygen is nu,l a ·. ·

sufficient con dition for~ t o is

~. fficien t co ndition for·the O_CCUIT~m.:"e of an event ·a circ.umsfance
in whose pres ence tl -' ev. nt. .. s ccur. The presence of oxygen i-s hot a sufficient condition for fire ·:: .
·• because it is not so tha ·· e r ere is oxygen, there follows a fire. Fire takes place only if the su\)stance .
·_ is (a) c·omb i.1s tib . , · , the s _ ce reaches a minimum temperature and.(c) there is oxygen present. Thus ·:.
. here (a), (b) an · as ficient condition and together they make (he.-cause for the effect of fire . Note i
~ that each of. e thr · a s a necessary coridition for fire to take place!and when th~y are combined they :· ·
. make a suffi ·
---•-• . on. Thus, th.ere may be several necessary cond_itions for the occurrence of an event .:
' and ~1ejr s be included in the sufficient condition. . · :
: Imme~~e ca--w . · .
Some.l im~ use the word cause in the sense of merely a nec~ssary condition and sometimes in the ·
ser1se of a sufficient condition. But.most of the times the word cause is us_ed in th~ sense of prox;imity. T!le :
. fo ll owing illustrations will explain this.
An in sura nce company might send its investigations to determine the cause of a mysterious fire. If the
investigators report that the fire was caused because of oxygen pres~nt in.the atmosphere. So here is an
Event~ (B) Cust~mer~;: ttin - .

. . _ -
· . ._

. . . ·
:·· : ·. . · .
- ·.
ge • g attracted to market branch of Bank M.
5. _Event: {A) Recently_thetraffic. . .. ' .. .

- ·. .
.: ·: -l ~ on MG Road of 9ty 'Z. have not pnly· been reduced but the traffic
·· · ·· has also becom~ manageable. :·_ . _: · ·. . _, . ·. - ·. · · .. . _ _· ·
Event ffi) The;tfyover ·oi:i_·MG Ro . d.. f . . •h . . . .- . . . .~
: · ·· ·_,-,1.,:"!.':<·i>:-·.1.• ·/ , • . a . o City'Z . as r~cently. been~ade operational and the no. pf traffic
·_ p~lla(
.. :
- ... .
increased. ·.-
. .. ; .
.. - .
. :.

·complete solutio~ to-:~ur,:§~pl~ prQbl:~-- · ·_ -·. .· .·-) :;~.. :·:: • . · ·. · : . ·. · . . · - ,.

. Q, · .· Quick

_iii~~: .B~l~
eVents are Ill •present perfect'' tellSe, ;o it carrt b-e definitely~ one is ;
antecedentto,Wliich one. · · . • .' ·. •. ·· · . ~ - · ·

- -~:b::f!_:::::_:~:::1::gn_s::;:;::;:::;_:;,_~Q,:.P~::!~ '.
choice: (e' - , . . _ .· . · · . - ·. · - · ·· ~ ~--- ' ·. , ·

Q: i: flu,clc, chel:~~t
A islll :~~eiit ~eel" te!lS; ~de~ Bis . · " ·. ture~e. So, A is antecedent
. ·: to R this iiiearis ~-can't be a cimse A ~d this e l ~ .choi . . . - d·(c). . . . of
: .: lNext we ch~d'!oi- ~y cau5:al 'cci~ecti~n. Apparenti ·•-~.. an~-. Se ·.·Now, is A the immediate ari.l
. .
·· ·· . '(pri~dpal_.cau~e? Ye~. It is immecliat~ b~ause B folio _·. . A . .. ~n and it is pfincipaJ°bec~u~~ h~d
.>L\ :11bt oc6rried/ F.f would 'aiso not have folio~ :.- -~ , . . .
1' •• • • • • • •• • ••
0 _e: .(bf . - - . . . .
:-. • I . • _. .

·,... -~:. :
Q~ -3::;Quick·~~tl.c: ·Ev~~t.A' i_s _ID _"presen:f perl . '~an·.. : •·':: ~s in 11pr~se~t: :eonii:n~OU$," -Sp_A occ-.ii:~. . .
... _.::

,~;:. ; _

.. •.

<): ·.>..-<</cu .om~_-_: . . ·. :.. --_. pen ~ ;~~cdtiutiµ a:bank .<> -the·bcll;lk is_.c~l~b~afuig.its .-;ilver-J~blleef ~':
>.-;:. ·.. •.:_·. '::ic~- ... ·'. <i .. :-· ~j.:_.'..:.'_·-: _: : .- :,:.: •·.-...":- '.. ·.·.·.··:· .::_ . ~.--·:_. . <- . ·-~. .~<.:.. •,·. i-.,· .· ._:'. c . . : ' .... ,' · , , · ·. · .. · ,·. . . . · ... ·. , ·. ..• ·

' <. Q. ~ ' J::;rn!c:'.'d B in present pcirf~ct te~se. So-which js ante¢ed~t io which, can't b~
··: Nexf;we .~e-~Jot· any
causal µnlcs. Apparently B ca,n cause A ..In fact,: Bis the immediate and-
.. :-~ ;...! : ! .= : ; . . . . .. . \ . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .

;principa,liJ~~~ :b_ehi_n d .A ·because .the··oj:>_

eriing of the flyover has a direct bearing o~ the traffic-.
Correct cliQice: ~) · ·
} . : • I.
:i. .

. . ·.:)
. .

~ ::.~~-~- -- .·
·· ~~~ BIi •• .:r.\~r ·
:2•\\1 :(t·rt:t;ili tlf:'.i~~;~ii,iw#ti~t
, . . . ~tatements, (A) ~nd .(B). 'Ah~se stat~ments may-be either
. ~ •1ndep_endent c~u·ses or ·may be effects of independent
· . stude$·of the state is comparahvely lower thal).. , .
'· ·· that.-clth~ ·n eighbou.r ing sfates. ·
t1~,~~ifIri~J1l!!~t-t!!~lt 4

. •.. · _. · b:us~s or~ comrno~ caus.e. One o~ these statem~~ts 111:ay 7 A) Th~ Municipal authority demolished the tea stall
· · , t e effect ·of the other statement. Read both the · , t d ·.· the footp. ath on the busy road
? st8t :-r_nent$ and decide wh1eh of the following answer 1oca e on · ·· . · .
~ cho1ces correctly depi cts the relationship between these B} A large number of people have been takmg their
:. two statern.~ nts,_, evening tea at the tea stall !ocatedpn the footpath
~-' Marks-answer l) If · on the main road, blockiA ~edestrian
· statement (A) is the cause u~
and statement (B) 1s its effec~. . movement.
f1,irks a,nswer 2) If stat:,frnent (B) is the cause 8. · A) Majority of the stucl~nts ~ool as ·
and statement (A) is its the school building wa idated
effect. condition.
, . Marks answer 3) lf :both th~ statements (A) B) The school au.l i se down the ,,
? .and (B) .are- indepd.n.e'nt.·
( at ly the remaining J
.causes. .. students to . ~shi.fc ool. . . ~~
Mark~ answ(:; 1·) If both the . stat~ments (A) . 9. A) 1'.he av e day · . erature of the city has :'(
and (B) are effects of out2 · ·egreesinthecurrentyear }
independent ·ca 11se. . pa$t 10 years. . · ~
Mai-1~$ answers) .· If. both the st<!te~ents (A) " in rural areas of the state.have i
· and (B) ·are effects of somP. Io ating to the urban areas in \1 ·
. ·common. callse . i ~- n with·the earlier year. ~
1. A) Th~ govE:mmtmt has. decided to ~ake strict: action" the sh.opkeepers in the locality dosed ;
. , agrunst the builder wcpondbl'e for .constructi 11 shops for ·the second continuous day, · . f,
·.-:· :>•:.. .' :· . : . . of br{dge fur hayi0:g used lbw quality ri?,at .. the
0 groupn of popple living l~cality h~'!A i
:·. ·: ~. ~ · · ·. ·. therepy ..s·e yei:allives . · ·.. . . . een fightip.g .wjth,each· oth~r .with bricks arid' ~ .
.. .·, ,,., ?, . The gqvernnierihas d:e·cid~cf.urb~·ild·~: hie P). . ·sl'ones furciiig 'pt:'oplc. co sta.y-_fndoora : . ; . : .:.~ m·,
.. ·/ .>, : .· br'i<lg_1 .dver the riY:er cd.lin~bting ·. ~ ' . · Tlr~ Gov:t: has de_cid~d t,oi~creas~ ~he ban .· pri~e;:,jf ~·_..
. . . : >· :. area tiJ the city:fno:rd~r :to :r'.e<luccy, . . .• PGCy! w. 1th 1mmed.. 1.ate e.f .f.ecL . . . :..· .. rL .
\>:· .. . V .' .on'th~T!i.Mp r9ad :::·.: ·.. : Tl . .. ::sr
. .·.·.·:/:-;,:· ~c-:.. .
1\) .~I.any 1)~ople pr·~Jer::> .. . . . . . . .
·· ····· · . : · · c;llah,~ thi.;,, theltJi' .
jetail . : .t~_e:J)!i.ces .~!-[ : "·
··.. ,. ·· ·. -· . · . , '.fz. :i\). J\ cycl_one.storm· fa e,xpected fifh1t r.o~:c:tl~n'e 1-fi -
. ,~
.·.·.:: ·:·i,•.:.:.:.;:: :.'·..'.~.:

.:,·_,::·~.: ··
,: · :•·,.··:•.·.·.··~.·.·..-. _. B. ·,.l'.··.·.,·:i·Ra'..·s··e_:·:i.c·.~o\·:~1
.. ·.•..t.'.p·.·._..h
',~~· d'.s.·. \.,'·.>";-/
·····.".·.e'· .~

. ·..•:..· h...·.·o:-·.p·,..•.·t.
~•.··h ·.·.:·.a
::...·.': :n
.·. :. 2 5.% . :the ·s tate d:uiiri'g the next
; :'.~)· \A,larniu·i/htit'f>e~n iss:i~~f t4~t .
4 .8 ·years . . . . . ':, ,:: :
~,~~~/ii~fi\[ ;~:
· :·?·'. . 3. A) More ·th~·· ·. oun , n chemicals are exp ected in the coastal regfon in the state during : ·
spew.ed .· . by fnciustdes ·and . . the next 4~: hou:s. . , : · · .· . . >.: j .·
- ·: ..!'. :vehi ~l~~i~ . . . ·' . 13 . . A) Majority of the first ye·ar students .ol the :~ ·
cuull:ul uq~a11i~aliu11 i:; .. · eneine.ei:in.t c::oll P.e~ f::iilFicHn Ma!hP.mritl~.'> iti .tliP. ~ '
.i the ·c oti.ntnes which cross . semester examination. . . . ·. . , .
. ... · .. em..s
.·sion:limits·: : . ·.•. .· ..·.·.· ··. . . . B) .· The coilege authority terminated. the :cont1:act ot : . .
. . : . s. ; m:atginally increased: the. . the .profe.;ssor. wh,o
. . ·.to the first:~;.
taught inathcmatiGs.

- _. · ~~ . :. :p~i?~:?-f:ih~~t for th efW!e?~:~;_r~p'. ·..·14 . ~;\) ·{:a; ,~:~1~tprn~1ded a linfo~Its:~efi~He;•:tq· : ·.~

t\?'· .:. .•~. . ) --.The ·c .,•,·:ent,wh~t' d~p is expected to' o%7· ··• ...
mor . t an the previous.wheat crop. .. . .. .
obtain fe~dback froiri customers:
· · ·· .. · · · · ·
. . ·. b. -·
.. • '-1
,. .
. . . B) Customers have been complaihing ·a o.µt .PQOf,/
··e ..·b.r ak·.1-n
· ·g• e. rrr:'of the touris.t bu.s .¢arryin.g · · s· in
service· .. -·~·\.. .- b ank' s b ranc h es. · •. . · ' .. ·... ·:. . ;); .
. 40 .passe~hgellrs failded while n·egotiating .a· ~tiff . 15. A) the' pro·ci~·~hon ·or pulses ha;dropped· fo.r .t he ; .
climb-on i Y roa · third consecutive year. ·· ·
B) The tourist fell into the gorge killing at least ten B) lndia has decided to import pulses this year. .·
passengers and . seriously injuring all the lfi ;. A) Indian citizens are willing to incur the cO:~t.· of ~;
·· remaining: . . . _ . . . . .. . usin~ erivironrtierit friendly technology: · · .. .. t.
::· · ·i· · . A) r,~e·,~~~~!1~,'~gth'.·$1~.~,;e:~.1.ded t? .?~,.~~Jf.?,~i~~h ~:·:>rs~~.:{.:c_, -~;,,,;,.· .. ..<{ ...',' . .,
lX0.t~ · ~· ~.
ltr:" -,,c..,_ • . ..... ·.:." .,,.......,,s_,,__,, . . .,_,
• I ••

... . .'.:1:SA~Ktt;R'iS;J\D J) ~
•• .• . . ~:1.
. .- :=:--
.. ,..

1 ~ ·4)
~) ··t~nce~;1t~ies are takfug steps to <;u~ ·their
. Au..1ss1ons .. ·
, · , ··· : · h · d
· .
• . as a.inen ed t~ )c;1ws to boost
Four memb;rs o.f a ~fam~ly wer;· an un-identifiedgunmen.

•..·.·.•.•· .:

·. : • :eJC;p01ts~ . ·. . •. · · · . · . • .. · 29. A) There have been sporadic events'of~tone peltjng

li) 'f~e exj,".i:t sector hOs lie en Passing through . ~ughout the day in the affec!ed areas.of the
.. .- ..\. :,._; . ¥!i~t ~ .es Que_fo .heavy.taxbu:rdens.' · . · ·• l>) . . "

.J..8. Al M ld · · · · ·• D~ Ma.n y wo.u nded ·people were brought to the
. : . erly people are co:qtinuouslyh~ssed ·: . ' neaiby ho1pitals froin the affected areas of the
· .. :. ·•n:~\th~ youngest~i-ifin:the locality. : · ;. .. .' ·..• / . . . · . .
•!8) . ~.any. cl:iildren living in the°ioc~lity playtillJate 30. A)·:!~y people 1~ from the cit~or their native
.· · m tlie. l:!verung. · · · . · • · · ' · ..· , C· . · places during the summer mo .
l!f ~) )'he· state govt. has decid~d to change the . B) Many tourists gathered in t h ~ ·d g summer
. syllabtis of Mathematics for Std. IX from·the next months.
· · ·· acadeimc year. · .·.·. ·. · .· · ··. ·. ·.·. ·•· ·. . . . 31 _ A) All the school; declar~o y the next day ·' ·,
.·.'· \.·: ·. ~j .· Many ~tu cl.en.ts .fr6m the
state could not secure of the major f e s t i v ~
, admission·to the colleges of their choice. · B) All the coll~es e e "da on thenextday
20. 1\.)1 Majoritf ofahe ~mployees of the manufacturing of the major al. .
· - .· comp,a:ny :r.eceive'.d a. hefty bonus a.t .the. end .of
32 ~ A) There has n on tin increase in average
: .'."' the cmr~t fina:p..cialyea:r. . · . · · ' . ·. . · . temper ed winter in many parts of the
.;_ .· ··. :I!) J_lu~ ~anMacforip.g : company has m,tde ' the pa ewyears.- .· . . .
. ;· · ~: :··... ·.: :.. · -'. .l . :C~'n.sid,mi.ble profit:1n theCU1Tent financialyeill'- · "ficantchanges in •the win.d '(-,·
. ... ',.\.-:._~:,:
. Zi.:. "i~t·"The·municip~l
> ·· ·;.
authonty dec1ded to .c ~. oudl
iepairworkofthej)ipeline un_der_the lllrun roa .
e c·o untry ever the pasf few
·· · · qf.the city. . . . . _ . .. ,. . ,j- .
tions of all the major roc1ds in the _city
~3" 11
· •BJ Vebicu.Iar i:nove;ment ha~ been divert: d thr?~gh erioated causing hardship to motonsts: ve
,. ;· ~tern~te ro~ds_f?r a penod .offift_e$~ days. · · ) municipal authority has -_san_ction~!l..
22: -4.) There 1~ a s1g1:1fic~t drop m the no. of ~ev .~- _ "gn.i:ficant amount to !'epair all tpe,maJo:r::~?~.d.~·- ( /~:.
., . . . . ' ,ttaveHing by air. ~up~g the la,st 4.u~ters. ·,. .- . .·, :. in·the city. . . . : . ..~ :....? :_,:..·
.· .•.::-)(.• //(·.-'.~r/ 1:~~tf~i:~,si&m~ls?11t.dr_c>pfp:y;1.~~ 0 : · 9 . • - : -· .·:·-: :A} The·BPO s~tor-llas laid i;>ff .al~genuinh~rj>f. , · · .
:~:./ iC ·::.· '>.::;:: trayelling,by)png~i;tancetr~<l_ . th~ t . th f th . :r""'·•::-c=, ·
: .,;
·•·.. BJ . ;::;:!•~:ec~':;::o;o:,in: ;~,~~~4tdJ;
··~._· _: _· · .B:rO·s·ector.· ...::./:: •· · ·.·.·,•A" , ·~·'.::.->> ,
-::2.••· :·

.<fti:1 .)pas,~~ge, cars duiing thelaslfe,,;; mmiili~k::Sj 11

1¥!?Iii :B ·ttrt
... .,:·t:era~t:.e~. •.•e.:-·, ·ct·~
·.·.·c.·.· .:.·m :t t.i1!·:·.:;~.~:.:.:t.~.-~.t.t.: P.!,j.?.i.· ..

!,..i,;·! jl!
:.1~·::·.-::r:.:.•; 36 th 11 5
-)cir: e a· 13s·..e:~d.i!t hne·":~a
' . A) Al:n 1:"r:c.i:~:~i.:s~::r~:~~:.. ~:_,i~·.: 7
~.· .
l .iinmediate effect. .·..· . .C • . ; : :. :.' ••

i. . .··.:.- .: .-.. state · sb di d smcelastweek, ,; . . .B) The.tehaib~~~sµbstaritial _" requ<;tioninavi.~tjo~.-

., . '_:a).< Tne.~ . ·· . .eep the two
tcnv~s:i.n the fuel pricesinlndia d'riring the pastfe'w w:e:~k~~-- /1,
:"·.-:t. .:,:i has· ·. dJQUpted .s ince last wee~ .. ·,, .. :: • · 3 1; . Aj Computer .~duta.tip~.has_.b e~n·in.ade·~o~puls:ory
- ::.-..-.if. . . s ·•~e:. e~ecte·d · 1ri the .c.itJ :~ .e'~ ,. for all the.classe.fbv.~any:schools . .. · .. ·:: .. ··:
. . ili . ext.forty eight hours. . . . . . . . •..•: .· .• . . oB} .ih~ ~mi~riijob rii~t\et" prefe:rs comp'u te:r liter~te.,·
•-duh.dick~ttburnruperit sch-edtile.d for. ,.· work force... ...· .· . .. . .. :
. the ek was·called off. . . . . . 33 A) The stai~dard ·of education in evenfrig coHeges .
ii -~A) . ' resident~ repor.ted .bf increas:d . cri~.nal · oi
the state has been deteriorating: . : . : ·.: ·
· · ·· activities in the aiea to the local pohce station . . · B) The standard .of school education has been fast '5).·
...•. ·:aJ . Many .criininals v;;~r~ arrestecl by searching th e deteriorating in.the state. . ::
;-,,._: -.: ;.: . ;: residence·of the suspected individuals . · .· A) All dom~dtic airlines increased the fares in ~.l
- ·--··. ~ ·
is. A) Govt.h;~ awarded ahigh stake rew~d sche~.e • sectors with immedJ~.te C:8US~:.
-~ . ·. •.·.. ,; . . . for suclrpersons-as -m ay -p roviee any mfoi=mation B} . R~:n~~y;i~-~~~ the fare of all its classes with.
3l:>0ut the su~pect. :· .• immediate effect
i:F-.-~ .O . ~ ~it,,::5-

. ,
,··:... :·
_ ./

~ifw~~)\~~r:11 ~1'~~l'..::~:~•..,.--=::,:s'.;~~~ ~-- - ✓ ~ ~ ~ '~ -~"J;r;.;,.;~a-" ~
";,"':!! .,_.)..,.,.'!;.~r_.;·,._.f i-fHS:i~t~;i,JJ.ifr:u:r.ts-'.:~~.-
,,. - \... ~
Y.:eie----~1i: ;1is::~
:- ~J~7._:••~ ..... -.~ ... .... • .. ......
·•""° •1,,"r ·~,......., -1,.. j,,,; ,, •--- •l"":>":•.,. -• .......
.-<- ~-" .
nn1· :,:5:L'.:;_·A"i~ ~ ~..¥-,h~~~-~
: •• ;.,.

;, . ·: .. ~u j,,! $Ta:.OfuiD;i:o.' ~ ·_··.m···. :1··(.·1··-i:-..! ··•· :~ :: •-·; . . ,-·;·-. ,: ' ,. . .": "'·.-: ·.:.-_c : .:-:j · ·<:,r--<'~"o.'.'
"I' - •
_..... .... ... ;::_~

. ?~ . . ·.:; . ..... -e c~t1t~~

·:.-n ' "e':s ·fra ve'iiicr:ea:sc;u"l-'lt:er ; ' :M ~
JIil... _ . ~

·,'- · • -l.,_.,...;.,:'..J,- ,.t.•"~

•~ -

t ., " "f

__- ..;) _ - ~ -
...,;a::;-f:~~-- -. - ~:..4·'~~-~ ~- - , ,t-:;1:
; · B ~:" ' ·:,;:,: ;,• c,·-:~·:)¥,e. L.~~-=.;:-~?:..t~W.,f .a~.-:. < : . ..
, ··· ,>"'-~·i4.H.1.9i~. w..I.1: ~g._ - · ... · · ·:·, ,~ ·~ . .· : .
· ) 1 he,~jijal1, ty of fruit$:.~rid\(egefabres improved . : :· 1_year, :_-· . . . "· . . .. .• · .•
cons_iderably over the last f~w days. . · B) This year performance of students in Xth final ·
; ' A} Recent flood s in the area changed the nutritional exam was considerably higher th a n the previous
contents of th e soil. .year.. .
B) ~ar~ers in the area s witched over the cultivating 53. A) The conditions of most of the national highways '
nee in stea d of wh ea t. are very bad .
: 4 2. (A} h
T e prices of vege tables have increa sed 13) Govt. has n0w s anc tioned a amo u n t of
substanttiall y during the past few weeks . money lo maintain the national · ~~ays.
(B) Consu_m er pri ce inde x a t the end of lhe previ ous 5-:i . A) Many stud ents of the locals h e failed in
w ae kin c rca scdby2p ercent.. E ngl is h langu 3g e pa er nnual
' 43. (A) Many em of th e company proceeded on exa rninr1tion.
a day's leJ \'e on Frida y. ll) Many stud en ts
(Il) Bot~i Thursday an ci Saturd ay were dec lared Malhema ti cs
j holiday by Lbe company. 55 . A} Rain an
· 44 · (A) Many a_nti-social elemen ts have been caught by during
the police from tb e l oc ality. B) Many ring ti;P, past ti1ree
· (B) M any peop l c in th e locality have bee n dcl;iir. crl days . H
by the ()01ice for qu es tia 11 1·n g. S fi . /\) co nsid erable increasP. in the k
i1 45 . (A) Many pil grims used Gov t. tran sport to lr;iv!' ] 10 , ·
ar ticles. · ,
· the holy s hri n e. · ~ • w pc e ~e ber.ome more conscious about y
". (!3)
Th f ..
e cost o !ravel by pri va te tr ~nspor t 1~; v<:r y r -c~·-.
th e'} ea! 1 co n dition and food habits
. • · . g
~ high. . - -~}:ciLC•~(; □ . the local 11y dec1dec! to-stop sending •.
. .~ 16. (A) 1b~rch • avcbecnuc avyrains in thc:ra t;::J1 n1t-t • 1• \ ¾.~~f~'\ch .
l o school oy private vehicles
• •· · • . -,
· :' { .
•area of !l1e lak es sup p JyJTJ
o . .
• d . i. .
g r m ,,1ng w:t l l: · :ti
v.) H \ rn d d of a priv;i.le va·n
•1d111nr -. . ·. .. scho
· carrying ,"· . o_· I· jl! "
·, the Gil . e> ✓f" f! ll rcn_ 1C l o eat 11S of a f.ew 8Il~ 10)~!.rqs for , :·
~~ · .

. · y many chil d ren . . · _.· . . . . ... ,1• ·

(B) . 1.-~e mu.n ici p ~I ;'.!Uthorit:' h 3 s :.\l~; Jh!ll_ eel 1~ 51 . 1\) Th !:! cily 'observ ed tl: e lowest tehlj:)erature of the i° ,,: .
prnposed cut in wal er Sl, p ply 10 ~~ ~ · !:is l decade accompanied by h'eavy fog during : :
· 47: J\) '."1any_s_choo1~ have ba n;i cd th e ~;1{')1!; ~~1'-t-e1~.
r_;, t hi~ week . . . . •. • , .. _: ·. . .: ~ .
in th~)Jl _p rem1_ses . +.
H) _Mos t ofthefl!ghtsfro ml)~ e l:_iLy\-v~i;eiJ1.d~finitcl.y{ _..
" . B) Ob_esity _in ym.1~gst ers h a;. 11 1inkc~hc ir delayed ca u·sfri'g p anic 'amci~g.t~e pa'i sengers . ·_·: ~ . ·.
,.·. :,. . -p.oor eating hab1ls ._ . · .- ; · , •·. _. !i !l. i\) In the past few years .. the . job--mar~et has · :
.{/18'. . 'Aj: The 'share prices ai_e· . h 'ch i, . ' ~ m e low. improved for the professioiui~ly qualified yi:,iijlt: :
. : Il} Mos·t ~f the o .'hJv~ organi".
Ji groun ding H) Many youths are not.~bie tb'g~t jobs upto tliefr .
terminating lo . ,s a . d·ergoing cost CApcctatioa s. · .· . · ·. ~ ··
cuttinge~er '. ,s' .ssibfe. 60 . A) D:ri_!lg pe~_ k. hours mads are ovetcro_wd_ed, with . t ·
i L.19. A) tin . u ~aJthycompetition ·.v_e hiclescausingfrafficjamsinmostparts_ofthe i ..
~ l...,.,.,u·thc 's tudents. . r.ity. . . . . ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -;,
B) . ed every.year in the cases B) Manycomp~nies are phmning to laun_ch lo~- ;
'·'l ·· de.,,arationhfgrr1rlf!.lOth ·& ·1 2th pri~ed~o-hidc~: - · · · ' ·· :
its. ·. · ·· ASSJGNMEi-iTjYPE .OU.ESTIONS (A.T.Q.) .. ~
(~ _ .~.L~_
.-- ·-~:_p sc;:,_Lthe e_artli'~_re__nielt~g _. . __ .A·) .
· ·. · · · .. ·· · ·.. · · · · ·· ·. · · ·. · · :- ·, · .
.. __ . . . 61 D4;i~'g'-. cf~·,s_toads.· arc _o\/cr . ~itn j
n re .nt.:iimes there ha; been a substa.hti~l vehides c·a·usfng very sl?w·m ·.o'Mmenti( 'of ,: .
ve.rn_tj~s.. · · ·
l ase.i n .. the incide~ts ·of 'earthquakes and
. B} Pollution level in the air h,as substantially ~
. -~_o!c;~-i~.:X;;~'ption_s. · · . · ·rncreis~d the·recent·past. in
1 51 : A) Though ·mobile phone user are large in number 62 . A) State government has decided to increase the
in rural areas yet computer and internet are far · stamp duty with immediate effect o n the
fe tched dreams . purchase of houses . _ ·
B) A large n~171ber of people from rur~l areas have BJ The prkes h()uses has declin~~ drastically_m : of
recen.t!ysh~fted to !Jrban ar_eas·.. •.': ·.: :~ ·. .· . :.,:-, ·. ·J-as.t.1ew.nio!lths . ._·
. ·- .'·-,-_~· ·, ·-::·.~--.:. - -~.:-- · .,,~ ; __p. .. ·
.. . ·
~-~..,....:.:.Ad"'iQS: ~ . ,, ·,:· t· .:: '. (: ·;;.rr~ ·, ~ . . . :· '-; .. _:,.;:· :._.! ,;/',.~-:· . ~ -·.,•... I :

, ....:,M• . - - " '

.. .. . . -.. . - .. - . . . . .. ~ . . ' .

. A). :.Steel ·p~rod · comp · ·- .~h ·,•

. ucing ·· · ·· . :. ,_. '
·._ ·.-~...:?~it in ~ast fiscal !e::es .ave earned ahefty A} High Court f d . ha· w. . . .

_) . .µiy.As1an countries h be . . . . of all road fth SIX~ a tune limit for the repair
ft . . .ave en llllportin teel . .- s o e CJty.
: . . . .. ·, om Jn~ia on a large seal - . . . . : . gs . _. B) Road. development th . . . . . .
, '·.,
. 64 A) 1,f . . .. . .
·. . - ,_ ~y seats a:refelt va~an·t .. ·th.
e. .. .
. . -. ~ . . . .
. . re . . . . .
au . onty 1S domg road
. . . ·. ~8.U:ing work o~ mgent ·b asis. .
•. . . . • ID 1s yearm-pnv te 76 A) M · · ·
. ; .. en_gm _ ~eri_.~g c._.oll_eges 1•n· St t. . .- -· . .. ·. a_ . - • any epidemic' has ~pread th ·. .•__. h. • -·h' ·.· .
. B) S . . .. .: ..._. .. . . , a es. . . . . .._, :'' .·... ,. _ coun .· _ _ - .- roug 1n t e
·.. tate r~n governmenteng··. . . . ;.if··:;' ·,: ·. . . . . ty: . .· .' . . . . .. . .
n~t ~e .able ;t~ ·_eriroff_ tho~:e.:~!!~ :~ :::.! B) This ~as
the.mosfdr~dfu] flb~tf situation till.:
w1llmg to take: ~chnission this yeari : :. .·. . _.- .. • now that in th~most pcrrts_-~fth~ country.
55 · . A) Banks h . d . . "d d . . . .· .. . 77. (A} The-govt. :has recently: open .· - a factory of
· · · c\Ve ec., e ! 0 give l_oans to prirti.ary
- sector _on same rate of mterest as they· dtlin case
. bamboo products in.Agartala a ·a Studio.
. ... .:. ''. ,· £?fhusmess sector. . ... .. (BJ Recent preference· of
. ~-) P~r_.ce~tag·~ :of_· de_.f~ult loans 01ven' b·y.:_ .h-.
:1·0 · productsoverprodu
is_ considered a$ a re
. pnmary s_ector is low compared to business 78. (A) The gov·c. h. as · P'i n
.:sector. · ·. = with new zeal
Gf?. ,4) l_In~an gove:rnnienthas allowed private airlines
_·'. : . ~p~e's t?_fly:~mse1~cted internationa.ltoutes.
::d::~:u:i to
· ·• (B} The.sfat!3.Iffin:i~~
arted· on thelast
. -~) Ther~ is a sjgnificant increase in the ~mnb·er -~ of th ek--!o~ ion in Genev~ during_'
; · foreign tourist: . . - .- abo organisation meeting that . ·i':,
. ·,_-\; -: ~.7'. : 4.-(Public/secto:r :oil ~-o~panies has ;~uc~d:pric~. .0 ore~uce child labour .vhic4 . '. · .
·_ . of petroleum products from immediate effect. -_· · overly ~d Hliteracy, . _·· · .._-
. ~} Government h~s requested public to.d~~~~ gh court has r'e stri~t~dsmoking at
consumpti~:µ of Petroleum products.-, , . . •. _. ·. _ ~ali!b,.,,_, blic places. ·
68; ·. 41 Police has racent_ly arrested a group w'liiG}i'th~ft . _ as siopped smo~ng in house;
.. _ breaking in!o houses: . . : · :·: ' ._ . y _A unhappy over .ih·e· declared·.
_: .·:: ~--.1~) .Local peqple havt!·~ta:ited pati·ouing w~:p_ ·__ . •, ariiamentaryelecfion,swsult; ikUJ?wheic they · '-i\

.~~9.:~c~: . ~::t!:-:f1il :cl~cfded ,to gi_v~

p}'.'. -~~
:_ : ..· ··_.;.;ies ru:n COl?--fSe . ·. . • o··
'~f~:~i; ~) -'J:~al~~=~s:
:g~~:, ~~ (A) The govt.
r.hjet~i¢~le~;;~{~{.;: :: , -·
announced that its share!i~l.di.rig:
':- ..,: -;-. .- ~ i.m.eetirlg,- so¢e.n_e,::e~saiy c . "ti . ... · ... : .. . in all the p:ubHc sector b~s will b~ :reduced

;!;":~1~1i11~!tltrc't;~~;:J~ 'Ii2
:,Ji": ~1r1~~1;±Ji:liifli\iij it·
L. !~ ~Jt:i::~~~:3::J ::: ~~[:o:::::::::~::~::r '

; ' 8
-.:: · ' ·• ~) . ·,has. st.ed people -to ·getiheir .·... ·. behavelwith him in inhuman way. . _. . -. -... - . , .._
.. ·: wards a . occl sch~ol. · - . . .(A): The _.traff:c poiice-re_iµ9yed fue:_.3igrial p_o~:t'at ·· ··
7.2;_ .- A.)'° . 1ig . ·.. w:state: has'.
tig~r rese:nres_ fallm.i: .~. . . Ule inters~cµ,on _ol~o ro~d_s~-~-
ql?._~t Io_i:a,lity._'
. ~-:d~ . b . :,-i _ ·the r~cently .held· popul,at!Qn_ · · .. (B) : Thei-e ·.h:av.e·. been__many ~cciileJ?.l~ M the_ .
I :: --i3$ . _ m.,p#e4 to r~stpopula_t_foµ; _·..·. ·__. . . inte;section involyirig vehicJes movirig at high 1
Gov~r . .• -~-n th~s.iciti~t-ed a decrem~btsto~nsure· speed. , ,: · . · · · - . i ..
a,;:t nu~ber of tigers. · .. . .- 84. (A) The.local steel' company has ta.ken over tlie task
73. A) y ~h~ps 'i~ the area have been clos.e d fo:rthe· of
development and maintenance o~ the civic
whole day. · roads in the to~: _.
B) . Many_~ffi~~s:havebeenclosed for thew_hol~ day. (B) The local civic body requested the corporate
bodies io help them maintain the dvic facilities.
74. -4) Government has .t ightened security ch-eeks at .

_. ·-: 'D
many places of importance_an1 pu~li~_pla.c;_es~ . 85..-{4)
. _) · • · · · · ................ · .. · · · • d- · ·"'t nior
year ~h~-e-t1lQff per_cent~ge_-fl?~-~~~on _ -· .
~ ·~em,.gease~ ove ~la_s~ : ,·'
. o Incidents of terrorist attacks ·areirr~easiilg . ay · --. -
by d·ay. . ..: . . . year. . . ....,__ .. . ,l/'
~ . . .· :,;s_ . - ~ . . ·..._ ~c. . ,. :.,

.·•. :. . .
·.. ;
. ' ..

f ';:!' ,, .
~~,i:·__)'¥ ,_ .. _ . :, ; _., . .•·
,.c,, <' ',·,s·::'".,:c,;,,i.k >'{ (:' . ,
icJ°e·s11p ln;g.u:dh11Jn.gJlr~ V~:Sf foyv .wee_
_=?_/_~_;::j :__~D--f_
. - Jy,~n_,_e:.'___·a.-_. ,::
; :_._.-~=,_~_~-;•_v r_ ·_-::_:i-,--~1:t>,:'.~ ··:.:.--.-/··,_:-.·-._- ,;_,: ·- ',..·.,..-:,··.. ,.: ':: ... ·. :-~N;~R . . .
•i '.• · , .• .. ,
. ~-..·
_8.~. ·{Aj":/ih~ict
.. ·.- ..
·, \lition of ni"o stof
: ·. ... ..
. ·. . ·
.• .
e·n_atio~al lµghw~ys_.
.· /. .
·. ··. . . . . .. . . -,, -··.
"-'-'--~-- ., · 9f
: ate ve:r'y l:i . : /..,.,, . __ · _ . _ _ . .

:(B) ·· Govt, has _noy -. nction~d a huge c!ffiOunt of
. nioi:iey to,Fru1iritairi n~tional highways: -
.. 1 : -1l: 2:i ·-31 _-41 s-1 _ 6.1· 1._1 s-1 r-
87. {A) Ma1:1y ~deh ts of the l~ca · h._ool have passed 1
1. 4 s ·s ·1 f 4 -
} _ jn'~nglish . ·-----... __
~ .~ f-~ !any studen_ts o°r the local school h~-s~~
:' ...,,.,,- mMathematics. · ~~-
-~Bz5 A} Most o~ the students enrolled themselves for the
· ,education tour scheduled for next month .
B) The school Authority cancelled the educational
f .
tour scheduled
' . for Ilext. mo!lth. ~

~· 8~ A) . AH the airlines coinpanie$ in India have _

; .:- ·-iricreas-ed the . air. fares. all' route1> . with - ·in -:
. imine4iate effect. .


r . .·..

r .. .. .. .
._·. i•it?: ·... . --._.... ..·.
. : · .. : . . .
: ·;: ;. ·,· ·:- · ...

.. - . . ·•. ' . ..
·. ·- -~ -· . :

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