Seeking Enlightenment On The

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Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada

A life devoted to the study of antisocial behavior and anomalous sexual prefer-
ences is examined. Although successive ontogenetic intellectual metamorphoses
have yielded theoretical and applied progress, future reincarnations will be nec-
essary for the achievement of full enlightenment.

Key words: forensic psychology; violence; sex offenders; risk appraisal; forensic psychiatric
institutions; autobiography

IN 1971, I LEFT academe, biopsychology, and superintendent of the hospital, Dr. Barry Boyd,
the study of aversive conditioning (Quinsey, was fond of remarking that he knew that half
1970, 1971, 1972) to accept a psychology staff his charges were not dangerous but did not
position at the Oak Ridge maximum security know which half. When I arrived at Oak Ridge,
psychiatric facility in Penetanguishene, Ontario. I was informed that the single most difficult
I made this move from a postdoctoral fellow- problem for the clinical staff was in deciding
ship at Dalhousie University because I wanted how to treat and when to release sex offenders,
to study aggression and to “do good” by particularly pedophiles.
applying scientific knowledge to important but I thus had a research agenda—institutional
understudied applied problems (my former violence, prediction of violent recidivism, and
PhD advisor, on the other hand, more simply the assessment and treatment of sex offenders.
considered a move to a remote “prison” to be a Agenda notwithstanding, my primary initial
form of academic suicide). However, Oak responsibilities involved developing on-ward
Ridge seemed ideal for my purposes because behavioral programs for a heterogeneous
institutional violence was a serious issue there group of forensic patients, many of whom
and involved observable, relatively frequent, exhibited a good deal of institutional aggres-
and serious aggressive behaviors. In addition, sion and misconduct. My previous training,
decisions to release serious offenders held on initial reading of the literature, and experience
an indeterminate basis offered the opportunity of the implosive or flooding variety1 in the
to apply techniques developed by psychologists grim, barren, and claustrophobic Oak Ridge
and statisticians to improve prediction. The forensic psychiatric setting (not to mention my

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Thanks are due to Jon Conte for his kind invitation to submit this article and to Jill Atkinson, Joe Camilleri, Grant
Harris, Martin Lalumière, and Marnie Rice for their comments on an earlier draft. Please address correspondence to Vernon L. Quinsey,
Department of Psychology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6; e-mail:

TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 2008 72-83

DOI: 10.1177/1524838008314936
© 2008 Sage Publications


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juvenile history of minor delinquency) pro- lessons that might help younger colleagues
vided me with a set of beliefs and hypotheses and to assess the degree to which I remain
about each of the items on my agenda. As it unenlightened.
turned out, virtually all of my ideas and beliefs
were wrong, sometimes not totally wrong, but
wrong nonetheless. In high school, I had dis- INSTITUTIONAL VIOLENCE
missed Nietzsche’s aphorism that the “sign of I at first focused on individual highly
a great man is change” on the grounds that it assaultive patients, conducting operant stud-
was possible that a man might have had the ies2 of inhibitory deficits and designing indi-
correct idea in the first place. Given that I have vidualized treatment programs, such as a
changed my mind about so many things in my social skills game that could be used with low-
scientific career, I am now inclined to believe functioning patients (Quinsey & Varney,
that Nietzsche was right (the astute reader will 1977b). Early on, I discovered that hospital
have noticed that my current opinion about records provided serious underestimates of
this aphorism provides further evidence of its institutional assaults, and I designed a method
veracity). to record them through daily interviews of
Despite being proven wrong on so many patient assailants and staff and patient victims
occasions, I persisted in following my research and witnesses (Quinsey & Varney, 1977a). The
agenda. My ability to conduct a program of results of this more accurate tally of assaults
research was in part made possible by a long were unexpected and changed the direction of
series of research grants from the Ontario our research. Institutional violence was related
Mental Health Foundation; this support was to psychopathology, as expected—a small
critical because I was not eligible to apply for number of the lowest functioning patients
funds from the major federal granting agencies committed the majority of assaults. However, it
because I did not hold an academic appoint- turned out that psychopathology could not
ment. Of course, I was also supported by my provide a complete explanation. First, assaults
home institution, although management was were highly lawful, occurring differentially in
usually much more interested in my adminis- certain locations and at certain times. Assaults
trative and clinical service than in my research. were rare in off-ward work areas because
Over considerable bureaucratic resistance, I patients had to exhibit a period of stable behav-
established and became the first director of the ior to be eligible to attend, but assaults were
Department of Research at the Penetanguishene common on wards in situations where patients
Mental Health Centre in 1975 and began a col- mingled together and were not engaged in
laboration with department staff and the two structured activities. Second, the targets of
subsequent directors of the research depart- assaults were not randomly chosen—attendant
ment, Marnie Rice and Grant Harris, that has staff were much more likely to be victims than
lasted until the present. In 1988, I returned to were patients, and some staff were much more
academe by accepting a professorship at likely to be assaulted than other staff working
Queen’s University, Kingston; my collaborators on the same shifts and wards. It soon became
then expanded to include my highly capable clear that certain staff members were likely to
graduate students, many of whom have gone be assaulted because they lacked interpersonal
on to establish successful research careers. skills or were authoritarian and domineering.
The following review focuses almost exclu- Patient respondents often cited staff teasing,
sively on research with which I have been bullying, or abuse as the reason for an incident,
directly involved—it largely ignores the dis- whereas staff usually attributed the assault to
tributed and gargantuan scientific and clinical no apparent reason or the patient’s psychotic
effort of which my work is a tiny part. Still, I condition. These results led to a series of studies,
have been laboring in the dark side of psychol- culminating in the development of a week-long
ogy for more than 35 years, so it is not unrea- staff training program involving the didactic
sonable to consider whether I have learned any teaching of security procedures, coaching and

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74 TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE / April 2008

role-playing to teach de-escalation skills, and patients as potentially treatable with medica-
gymnasium practice of restraint techniques and tion and personality-disordered patients as less
self-defense. An extensive quasi-experimental treatable using any method) and because our
evaluation involving interventions imple- bureaucratic experience showed that adminis-
mented at different times on different wards trators and clinicians lacked a principled
showed the program’s effectiveness in improv- method to organize clinical services.
ing patient morale on the wards, changing staff Our method began with clinicians identify-
behaviors, and reducing work days lost ing and rating the severity of problems, from a
because of staff injury (Rice, Harris, Varney, & lengthy list, that each individual patient exhib-
Quinsey, 1989). ited, a factor analysis of these problems, and a
A related series of studies consisted of some- cluster analysis to assign patients to groups
what sobering evaluations of ward-based based on their pattern of problems. This
token economies. These evaluations involved method was used to capture the clinically rele-
follow-up studies demonstrating that success vant characteristics of all the patients in the
in the program was unrelated to subsequent institution at a point in time. Because programs
recidivism and studies of in-program perfor- are delivered to individuals with problems
mance showing that the most successful rather than to problems per se, because some
patients were those who had performed well problems have security implications (such as
initially (i.e., the program functioned to iden- assaultiveness) and some do not (such as para-
tify patients who were doing well rather than philic interests), and because programs for
to improve their behavior). In studies of indi- some kinds of problems are ward based (e.g.,
vidual patients in which we made tangible token economies) whereas others can be deliv-
rewards contingent on particular targeted ered in programs situated in nonliving areas,
behaviors, improvement occurred in an all-or- these analyses led naturally to an institutional
none fashion, suggesting that the contingencies organizational scheme.
acted in a motivational rather than an instruc-
tional manner. Our behavioral programs were
successful in contributing to rational and more RISK APPRAISAL
humane patient management but not in effect- By the mid-1970s, there was an ambivalent,
ing therapeutic change. if not schizophrenic, attitude toward the pre-
We learned later that highly sophisticated diction of violent behavior. On one hand, many
and meticulously implemented behavioral forensic clinicians endorsed the proposition
programs of the kind developed by Paul and that “of course, one can’t predict dangerousness”
Lentz (1977) were required to achieve the treat- and that the base rate of violent recidivism was
ment effects we sought; in the end, we failed to probably too low to permit meaningful risk
develop behavioral programs of high enough appraisal. At the time, both of these beliefs
quality to achieve them. However, our evalua- seemed to be supported by the widely publi-
tions of behavioral programs eventually led to cized results of the Baxstrom study of offend-
the development of methods to classify ers released from a forensic psychiatric facility
patients according to their individual profiles in New York State because of a judicial decision
of clinical problems and to methods of relating (Steadman & Cocozza, 1974). These beliefs
these profiles to institutional programs so as to notwithstanding, however, forensic practice
facilitate overall treatment system planning remained much as it had for many years—
(Quinsey, Cyr, & Lavallee, 1988; Rice, Harris, forensic clinicians would interview an offender,
Quinsey, & Cyr, 1990). These new methods review the offense description and history of
were developed because our studies (e.g., institutional conduct, read the psychological
Quinsey & Maguire, 1983) had revealed that testing reports, and come up with a qualitative
clinicians showed poor agreement about how opinion about risk. Risk appraisal based on
successfully individual patients could be clinical judgment was a fundamental part of
treated (although they tended to view psychotic the work undertaken by psychiatrists and

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other forensic clinicians, and there were no correlations between actuarial predictors and
feasible alternatives in sight. outcome and the low base rate of violent recidi-
I started a long series of follow-up studies of vism. However, accumulating information
violent recidivism in the early 1970s.3 These soon began to indicate that the base rate prob-
studies appeared to confirm low rates of violent lem was not as intractable as it had appeared.
recidivism, particularly among psychotic offend- It was shown mathematically, for example, that
ers. In addition, we conducted a study of clinical base rates quickly rose among offenders who
judgment that profoundly affected the course of had been repeatedly passed over for release
our work on prediction. Quinsey and Ambtman when held under indeterminate conditions,
(1979) showed that experienced forensic psychi- even when the accuracy of risk appraisal was
atrists appraising risk from précis of clinical files quite modest (Quinsey, 1980). These calcula-
showed poor agreement among themselves but tions subsequently received empirical support
on average made the same risk appraisals as in follow-up research (Quinsey & Maguire,
high school English teachers and based their 1986). Still further follow-up studies demon-
judgments on the same features of the file (the strated that base rates of violent and sexual
nature of the index offense and the offender’s reoffending were high enough in a wide vari-
prior history). Postadmission assessment data ety of offender populations to permit useful
(psychiatric and psychological reports, nursing prediction when the follow-up period was long
notes on institutional conduct, etc.) had no effect enough. The last impediment to a successful
on the appraisals of either psychiatrists or prediction enterprise was removed with the
teachers. These findings were later replicated identification of an appropriate measure of
with other mental health professionals (Quinsey predictive accuracy (the Receiver Operator
& Cyr, 1986) and in a prospective release study Characteristic, or ROC) that could replace the
showing that unaided clinical prediction by sometimes misleading measures of association,
institutional forensic clinicians continued even such as correlations, that investigators had
when more valid actuarial methods were avail- been using (Rice & Harris, 1995). Use of the
able (Hilton & Simmons, 2001). ROC statistic permitted the empirical demon-
I had begun studying clinical judgment stration that actuarial instruments, such as the
mostly ignorant of the already old and large lit- Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (Harris, Rice, &
erature demonstrating the superiority of simple Quinsey, 1993), produce large effect sizes and
actuarial instruments over clinical judgment in were accurate enough to be used in making
the prediction of pretty much anything. Kelly dispositional decisions based on risk.
and Fiske (1951), for example, found in an elab- Further follow-up studies replicated our
orate study that simple and inexpensive mea- findings on the accuracy of actuarial prediction
sures outperformed complex ones in predicting of violent recidivism and generalized them to
the success of clinical psychology trainees. This new populations, such as federally sentenced
kind of finding had been perennially contested sex offenders, developmentally handicapped
and refuted over decades. Although I had individuals, and civilly committed psychiatric
expected that clinical judgment would be far patients (Harris et al., 2003; Quinsey, Harris,
from perfect, it had not occurred to me that Rice, & Cormier, 2006). Lastly, we investigated
there would be absolutely no evidence of any the measurement of variations in short-term
clinical expertise in risk appraisal. This is not to risk occasioned by phenomena that change
assert that clinical judgment is random or com- during periods in which there are opportuni-
pletely useless in the prediction of violence, just ties to reoffend (Quinsey, Jones, Book, & Barr,
that it was likely to be less accurate than actuar- 2006; Zamble & Quinsey, 1997); the dynamic
ial prediction and that clinical training or pro- predictors found in this research can be used in
fessional education was irrelevant. the ongoing management of the risk posed by
Still, it looked as if even meaningful actuar- supervised offenders. Our program of research
ial prediction of violent and sexual recidivism on risk appraisal is more fully described in
was impossible because of the low to moderate Quinsey, Harris, et al. (2006).

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76 TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE / April 2008

It is clear that actuarial assessment methods prediction and theories of violent or sexual
for appraising the long-term risk of recidivism offending. The relationship is not as straight-
are currently more accurate than any other forward as it first seems. An actuarial method
method that has been tried. Although there are simply involves making probabilistic predic-
variations in the accuracy of the many actuar- tions based on outcomes from previous cases.
ial instruments that have been devised, such as But the items of an actuarial instrument need
the Statistical Information on Recidivism Scale not be atheoretical. One could include only
(Nuffield, 1982) and the Static-2000 (Hanson & items that have a demonstrably causal relation-
Thornton, 2000), it is generally true that they all ship to criminal behavior.
correlate positively with one another (varia- At present, theories in psychology, even if
tions in accuracy are partly related to how well developed and consilient with more
accurately the items in them are scored and advanced theories in the harder sciences, sel-
partly to the specific outcomes the instruments dom yield numerical predictions regarding the
are designed to predict). And, although it behavior of individual subjects. With very few
seems that any reasonably diverse set of indi- exceptions, psychological theories are verbal
vidual (as opposed to aggregate) correlates of and relative (they relate to qualitative, ordinal,
crime can be used, those relating to early crim- or relative probabilistic outcomes); they do
inal or aggressive behavior, such as age at first not predict absolute numbers of anything.
arrest, and those relating to the pervasiveness Psychological theories require optimizing or
of antisocial behavior, such as the Psychopathy “actuarializing” in order to generate numerical
Checklist–Revised (Hare, 2003), are among the probability estimates. Actuarial instruments
most useful.4 for the prediction of violent or sexual recidi-
Research on risk appraisal and treatment vism over a period of years achieve ROCs
program efficacy led naturally to a considera- above .80 under optimal conditions (Harris et al.,
tion of the nature of individual differences in 2003). Because outcomes are imperfectly mea-
antisocial propensities. Among the most impor- sured in recidivism research, the ceiling for
tant individual differences relating to both risk accuracy is far less than perfection, with the
of reoffending and resistance to extant methods consequence that it is unlikely that new meth-
of treatment is psychopathy. We have per- ods of prediction of long-term outcome,
formed a number of investigations of psy- regardless of how they are developed, will
chopathy (e.g., Belmore & Quinsey, 1994; Book, result in greatly improved accuracy.
Quinsey, & Langford, 2007) and have consid- On the other hand, causal theories are attrac-
ered psychopathy in the context of Darwinian tive because they may suggest interventions to
life history theory (Barr & Quinsey, 2004; Seto, reduce the likelihood of an individual engaging
Khattar, Lalumière, & Quinsey, 1997). Our in criminal behavior. Indeed, program evalua-
group found evidence that items from the tion research can serve to test causal theories of
Psychopathy Checklist–Revised (Hare, 2003), criminal recidivism. These uses of causal theo-
items formed from the criteria for antisocial ries, however, are quite different from those of
personality disorder from the Diagnostic and actuarial prediction models and do not depend
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American on a precise estimate of an individual’s risk.
Psychiatric Association, 1994), were taxonic
(Harris, Rice, & Quinsey, 1994; Skilling, Harris,
Rice, & Quinsey, 2002)—thus, highly antisocial
individuals are different in kind rather than First, some background about the past zeit-
degree from others. The identification of a nat- geist concerning the nature of sexual behavior.
ural class, or taxon, has potentially important Kinsey, Pomeroy, Martin, and Gebhard (1953)
implications for the identification of the etiol- asserted that
ogy of this condition. learning and conditioning in connection with
Advances in theory raise questions per- human sexual behavior involve the same sorts of
taining to the relationship between actuarial processes as learning and conditioning in other

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types of behavior. But man, because of his highly rapists from nonrapists. This controversy was
developed forebrain, may be more conditionable eventually laid to rest with a meta-analysis
than any of the other mammals. . . . The sexual
demonstrating the discriminant validity of
capacities which an individual inherits at birth
appear to be nothing more than the necessary phallometric assessments (Lalumière & Quinsey,
anatomy and the physiologic capacity to respond to 1994; Lalumière, Quinsey, Harris, Rice, &
a sufficient physical or psychologic stimulus. All Trautrimas, 2003).
human females and males who are not too greatly Phallometric technology appeared to offer
incapacitated physically appear to be born with an objective way to assess treatment needs and
such capacities. . . . But apart from these inherent
capacities, most other aspects of human sexual
therapeutic progress. British psychiatrists
behavior appear to be the product of learning and Marks and Gelder (1970) published a series of
conditioning. . . . The type of person who first intro- case studies of fetishists and transvestites,
duces an individual to particular types of socio- showing spectacular changes in phallometri-
sexual activities may have a great deal to do with cally measured sexual interest as a function of
his or her subsequent attitudes, his or her interest in
aversion therapy. These methods were then
continuing such activity, and his or her dissatisfac-
tions with other types of activity. (pp. 644-645) applied to homosexual men, pedophiles, and
(subsequently) rapists. By the early 1970s,
In sharp contrast to Kinsey et al.’s tabula many treatments for sex offenders were
rasa view of the development of sexual inter- inspired by the view that sexual interests were
ests, Kurt Freund (1967) was inspired by learned and malleable and could be measured
European ethological and nativist theories, with phallometric technology and altered with
leading him to a deep pessimism about the standard classical conditioning techniques
prospects of treatment for altering anomalous using electrical aversion therapy or operant
sexual preferences. Freund developed the techniques involving a signaled punishment
phallometric method of measuring sexual pref- procedure. I shared these views and was opti-
erences for partners of different ages or sex. mistic about the prospects for treatment.
Variants of this method were extremely suc- In my laboratory, pre–post measures of
cessful in differentiating homosexual from het- changes in sexual preference looked quite
erosexual men, sex offenders against children promising in that procedures such as signaled
from men who preferred adults, and sex punishment used in aversion therapy reliably
offenders against children among themselves decreased sexual responding to deviant cues
according to their histories of victim choice. (Quinsey, Chaplin, & Carrigan, 1980). Never-
The ease of replication and magnitude of theless, difficulties soon became apparent.
effects were remarkable and often provided First, the actual parameters of aversion ther-
information at variance with offenders’ self- apy, such as shock intensity, were insufficient
reports (Quinsey, Steinman, Bergersen, & to produce conditioning in human subjects,
Holmes, 1975). Later, phallometric assessment bringing a straightforward theoretical account
methods were developed that successfully of the changes occasioned by such therapy into
used audiotaped stimuli both for rapists doubt (Quinsey & Varney, 1976). More impor-
(Quinsey, Chaplin, & Varney, 1981) and for sex tantly, however, our follow-up studies of
offenders against children (Quinsey & Chaplin, treated sex offenders against children revealed
1988a), new methods were developed to elimi- no effect of treatment on recidivism, despite
nate faking (Quinsey & Chaplin, 1988b), and promising pre–post comparisons on various
covertly measured viewing time was devel- treatment targets such as phallometrically
oped as an alternative method of measuring measured sexual deviance (Rice, Quinsey, &
sexual preferences (Harris, Rice, Quinsey, & Harris, 1991). Indeed, it appeared as if pretreat-
Chaplin, 1996; Quinsey, Rice, Harris, & Reid, ment phallometric assessment was more
1993). Although assessment of sexual age and closely related to outcome than was posttreat-
gender preferences was never controversial, ment assessment. It is important to understand
there was a continuing controversy about the that the evaluation of the Oak Ridge treatment
ability of phallometric methods to discriminate program for sexual offenders against children

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78 TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE / April 2008

found an effect on recidivism in the wrong result from a well-implemented state-of-the-art

direction, not a small effect of treatment that treatment program for sex offenders.
failed to reach statistical significance because of In sum, most of the initial assumptions of
insufficient power. This finding was replicated investigators and clinicians (including myself)
in an evaluation of the Regional Treatment regarding sexual anomalies were not con-
Centre Sex Offender Treatment Program at firmed by subsequent work. Sexual age and
Kingston Penitentiary with a larger and more gender preferences do not appear to be learned
heterogeneous sample of sex offenders (Quinsey, and malleable (e.g., our attempts to increase
Khanna, & Malcolm, 1998). sexual arousal of normal subjects to slides of
Meanwhile, treatment programs for sex women through Pavlovian conditioning by
offenders continued to become more complex pairing the slides with highly arousing video-
and eclectic. Our program added heterosocial tapes were vitiated by habituation; Lalumière
skills training as a treatment modality on the & Quinsey, 1998). Although sexual age and
grounds that men with anomalous sexual age gender preferences can be measured with phal-
preferences who could establish relationships lometric technology (for reviews of the assess-
with appropriately aged partners might learn ment and treatment literature on sexual
to prefer or at least tolerate them as sexual offenders against children, see Camilleri &
partners and that sexually aggressive men Quinsey, in press; Quinsey & Lalumière, 2001)
might learn to behave more appropriately (e.g., and responses to deviant categories can be
Whitman & Quinsey, 1981); we also added sex reduced with standard conditioning tech-
education with an emphasis on values and a niques, these alterations now appear not to
pretreatment problem identification group involve the preferences themselves but only
program (Quinsey, Chaplin, Maguire, & their measurement. Fifty years after Kinsey
Upfold, 1987). Other sex offender treatment et al. (1953) wrote the passage quoted at the
programs also added a variety of psychothera- beginning of this section, it appears that the
peutic or evocative treatments, such as empa- role of learning in the development of sexual
thy training, dealing with victimization, and so age and gender preferences is limited or
forth. It now seems incongruous that prior to nonexistent (for a review, see Quinsey, 2003).
and during the time these changes in treatment Particularly important in this regard was the
programs for sex offenders were being demonstration of the fraternal birth order
effected, treatment to modify homosexual pref- effect—the finding that men were more likely
erences among men were first restricted to to have homosexual interests the more older
“ego-dystonic” homosexuals and then largely brothers they had (Blanchard & Bogaert, 1996)
abandoned when homosexuality was removed and the subsequent demonstration that only
as a diagnosis from the American Psychiatric brothers born to the same mother (whether
Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. they were known to the subject or not) were
The new consensus was not only that it was responsible for the effect (Bogaert, 2006). The
unethical to attempt to modify homosexual fraternal birth order effect provided com-
preferences but that is was impossible as well pelling evidence for a neurohormonal explana-
(the latter a belated confirmation of Kurt tion of homosexual sexual preferences (and, by
Freund’s long-held opinion). extension, for a similar mechanism in other
The augmented sex offender programs anomalies of sexual preference) over and
did not produce large treatment effect sizes in above that provided by genetic studies. These
follow-up evaluations, and the efficacy of empirical results led my colleagues and me to
treatment for sex offenders in reducing recidi- fundamentally reconsider theories of sexual
vism remains moot (e.g., Rice & Harris, 2003). anomalies and sexual coercion. I had acciden-
Notably, the best controlled evaluation of tally acquired Symons’s (1979) book on human
sex offender treatment to date (Marques, sexuality, and it first inspired us to frame ques-
Wiederanders, Day, Nelson, & van Ommeren, tions concerning the etiology of anomalous
2005) found no reduction in recidivism to sexual preferences in terms of the theory of

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natural selection (Quinsey & Lalumière, 1995). because of sexual coercion other partners are
We have since developed these theories further readily available (Lalumière et al., 1996).
and applied them to sexual coercion (Harris, Although women show greater preference
Rice, Hilton, Lalumière, & Quinsey, 2007; than men for traits in sexual partners associ-
Lalumière, Harris, Quinsey, & Rice, 2005). ated with long-term mating strategies and
Although a Darwinian approach now seems parental investment, such as resources and
to me to provide the best set of overarching status, and less in partner novelty, they never-
theoretical concepts within which to under- theless vary in their degree of interest in casual
stand sexual behavior, I was slow in adopting relationships (e.g., Landolt et al., 1995).
it because of the major conceptual shift that Provost, Kosakoski, Kormos, and Quinsey
was required. Because it is so frequently mis- (2006; Provost, Troje, & Quinsey, 2008) found
understood, I will summarize some of the main that women using short-term mating strategies
points in the next few paragraphs. appear to prefer genetic over parental contri-
One of the key ideas in an evolutionary butions of mating partners more than women
theory of sexual behavior is that human male using long-term mating strategies (in ultimate
and female reproductive interests are corre- terms because short-term partners were
lated but not identical. There is, therefore, unlikely to have made parental contributions
potential and real sexual conflict in humans at in ancestral environments).
the genomic and behavioral levels, as in most Although men can interfere with women’s
other sexually reproducing species. Sexual reproductive strategies through sexual coer-
coercion can therefore be situated in the cion, women can interfere with men’s repro-
broader context of sexual conflict caused by ductive strategy of paternal investment
sexually dimorphic reproductive strategies: in through cuckoldry. On average, ancestral men
particular, men’s greater interest in partner who invested in children who were unrelated
novelty and women’s interest in male invest- to them were less reproductively successful
ment in relationships and parental assistance then men who invested only in their own
(e.g., Landolt, Lalumière, & Quinsey, 1995). As children. Because there is evidence for genetic
noted earlier, greater male mating effort, risk contributions to female infidelity and cuck-
acceptance, and dominance striving is related oldry is not extremely rare, men may well have
to greater male than female variance in repro- developed psychological adaptations to the
ductive success. threat of it. Volk and Quinsey (2002) showed for
Because sexual behavior and interests have example that men but not women are more
been shaped by reproductive success in ances- willing to adopt babies that they believe resem-
tral environments, rape is expected to be ble them. In an offender sample, Camilleri and
directed at reproductively relevant targets and Quinsey (2007; Camilleri, Quinsey, & Tapscott,
involve reproductively relevant behaviors in press) found that partner rapists experienced
(Quinsey, 2003). Anything that causes men to more cuckoldry risk events prior to committing
disregard the preferred mating strategies of their offenses than did non–sexual partner
women is expected to increase the likelihood of assaulters, supporting the idea that men in
rape. Anthropological, historical, and psycho- committed relationships may use sexual coer-
logical evidence suggests that warfare, alcohol cion in response to cues indicating sperm com-
intoxication, psychopathic personality charac- petition. In a community sample, direct cues of
teristics (Harris et al., 2007), misogynist atti- infidelity predicted self-reported propensity for
tudes, and hyperdominant or sadistic sexual partner-directed sexual coercion.
interests (Lalumière et al., 2003) contribute to
rape. Perhaps unexpectedly, men who perceive
themselves as highly successful with women ENLIGHTENMENT?
are more likely than other men to engage in Enlightenment is evidently an ongoing
date rape, presumably because if a current dat- process. Who would have guessed 35 years
ing partner breaks off their relationship ago that individual differences in antisociality

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80 TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE / April 2008

would have substantial genetic loadings (much 1998). As a reviewer remarked when recom-
less that interactions between particular genes mending rejection of a literature review I had
and childhood environmental influences would submitted—“There’s something here to offend
be identified), that the influence of shared fam- just about everyone.”
ily environment (such as social class) would Turning to basic as opposed to applied
have negligible effects on most traits of interest science, I was originally trained as a behaviorist,
to psychologists, that cumulating evidence albeit in a biopsychology program. Very slowly
would suggest so strongly that adult sexual ori- I became convinced of the limitations of purely
entation was a result of neurohormonal influ- behavioral and, more broadly, psychological
ences in utero, that the effects of behavior explanations of behavior, as admirable as
modification programs would depend so com- some of these are. I changed my mind mostly
pletely on precision of implementation, that sex because theories of behavior appear to advance
offender treatment programs would have such more quickly the more they are consilient with
small effects on recidivism, and that empirically more advanced areas of science—that is, rather
developed actuarial models would still, in 2008, than remaining at the behavioral or cognitive
be outperforming not only clinical judgment as level, involving concepts and methods from
in the past but also theoretically informed genetics, neuroscience, and the new science of
methods of predicting violent recidivism? development for proximal explanations and
By induction, we may infer that many of the from Darwinian theory for ultimate explana-
things we now believe to be true will be shown tions. Psychology, I now believe, is most use-
to be either incomplete or plain wrong. But sci- fully considered to be one of the life sciences.
entific change creates problems for social poli- It really is dark on the dark side of psychol-
cies and clinical practices based, even loosely, ogy (dealing with violence and sex offending is
on past scientific conceptions. These problems not for everyone). Although mountains of data
are exacerbated because such change is almost must be examined to find out anything (even
always contested. It is not usually clear to then, it is easy to be mistaken) and conclusions
bureaucrats, practitioners, and sometimes are always provisional, it is still usually easier
researchers that the field has actually changed to make policy-relevant scientific findings than
until long after the fact. The most difficult situ- it is to use these finding to effect changes in
ation in the applied area is one in which scien- policy and practice. For all the difficulties,
tific evidence shows that a practice is ineffective however, it should be clear from the foregoing
but does not show how it might be improved. that we have made some theoretical progress
Moreover, “doing good” is harder than it not only in understanding antisocial behavior
looks. The application of scientific findings to and sexual anomalies but also in applied areas,
social policy and clinical practice is seldom such as risk appraisal. Research on the dark
straightforward. Not only is the science of side is a worthwhile and often rewarding
varying quality and seldom directly on target endeavor, as well as a subject of endless intel-
(unless one does it oneself), but its interpreta- lectual fascination. Nevertheless, many of the
tion is affected in important ways by bureau- most important rewards in my career have
cratic practice, professional guilds, and the come more from my companions on this intel-
changing priorities of advocacy and ideologi- lectual journey than from the journey itself.
cal groups (cf. Weiss & Bucuvalas, 1980). For I look forward to future reincarnations in
applied researchers, there is always the possi- order to learn more.
bility of alienating one’s practitioner or social
policy constituency by producing data at odds
with prevailing beliefs and practice. Naturally, NOTES
those who deliver services cannot be expected
1. Oak Ridge was designed with no thought that there would
to embrace findings implying that what they have be professional staff in any numbers. When hired, I was the only
spent their careers doing is ineffective, much psychology staff member in the 300-bed institution. My tiny
shared office was on an admission ward. One worked trying to
less to embrace the bearer of such findings (for ignore upset patients endlessly banging the metal doors of their
an extensive historical illustration, see Debré, cells. This was a very energetically cheap behavior—patients

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needed only to face backward and strike the door with their Camilleri, J. A., & Quinsey, V. L. (in press). Pedophilia:
heels, making the door slam into the track in which it slid; the Assessment and treatment. In D. R. Laws &
ward acted as an echo chamber. After windy nights in winter, I
would sometimes arrive at work to find snow on my desk. The
W. O’Donohue (Eds.), Sexual deviance (2nd ed.).
150-bed unit to which I had been assigned was riven with con- New York: Guilford.
troversy about whether “programs” should be instituted. The Camilleri, J. A., & Quinsey, V. L. (2007, May-June).
attendant union was largely against these practices. There were, The psychology of male in-pair sexual coercion in foren-
however, advantages to working in a rural setting. For example, sic and non-forensic samples. Paper presented at the
in summers during the early 1970s, I would canoe across the nar-
row mouth of Penetanguishene Bay to get to work (for reasons Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference,
that I cannot now fathom, I would tie my life jacket to my brief- Williamsburg, Virginia.
case). In winter I would snowshoe, but in late fall and early Camilleri, J. A., Quinsey, V. L., & Tapscott, J. L. (in press).
spring it was more than a half hour (long!) drive to work. Oak Assessing the propensity for sexual coaxing and coercion
Ridge was extensively renovated over the years; the research
department’s current quarters owe their existence to Dr. Malcolm
in relationships: Factor structure, reliability, and validity of
MacCulloch, a British psychiatrist who was medical director the Tactics to Obtain Sex Scale. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
in 1987. Debré, P. (1998). Louis Pasteur (E. Forster, Trans.).
2. Shortly after I started work at Oak Ridge, Ray Berry, the Baltimore: Hopkins Fulfillment Service.
advisor for psychology in the provincial government, alerted us Freund, K. (1967). Erotic preference in pedophilia.
to the existence of a fund created from money that the provincial
psychiatric hospitals had failed to spend (these were apparently Behaviour Research and Therapy, 5, 339-348.
the good old days!). In true bureaucratic fashion, I was given a Hanson, R. K., & Thornton, D. (2000). Improving risk
couple of days to create a list of equipment to buy. I was sur- assessments for sex offenders: A comparison of three
prised to have my complete wish list approved, and I shortly set actuarial scales. Law and Human Behavior, 24, 119-129.
up an operant lab and a psychophysiological lab, both controlled
by electromechanical equipment. My relay racks remained in
Hare, R. D. (2003). Hare PCL-R (2nd ed.). New York:
service long after the rest of the world had adopted computers. Multi-Health Systems.
However, we eventually switched to computers, rendering one Harris, G. T., Rice, M. E., Hilton, N. Z., Lalumière, M. L.,
of my few skills totally obsolete. & Quinsey, V. L. (2007). Coercive and precocious sexu-
3. Over time, these studies involved increasingly large data ality as a fundamental aspect of psychopathy. Journal
sets. At first we could perform the analyses by hand, especially
when I became the proud owner of an electronic calculator that of Personality Disorders, 21, 1-27.
could cumulate sums of squares. Later we had our data punched Harris, G. T., Rice, M. E., & Quinsey, V. L. (1993). Violent
into computer cards in Toronto. I contracted a computer scientist recidivism of mentally disordered offenders: The
at York University who would run our analyses on the main- development of a statistical prediction instrument.
frame there.
4. These observations explain the commonly made finding
Criminal Justice and Behavior, 20, 315-335.
that murderers are not as a group the individuals most likely to Harris, G. T., Rice, M. E., & Quinsey, V. L. (1994).
commit postrelease violent offenses. For example, men who have Psychopathy as a taxon: Evidence that psychopaths
committed spousal homicides often score low on actuarial pre- are a discrete class. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
dictors of violent reoffending and show profound deficits in psy- Psychology, 62, 387-397.
chometric and behavioral measures of assertion (Quinsey,
Maguire, & Varney, 1983). Harris, G. T., Rice, M. E., Quinsey, V. L., & Chaplin, T. C.
(1996). Viewing time as a measure of sexual interest
among child molesters and normal heterosexual men.
Behaviour Research and Therapy, 34, 389-394.
REFERENCES Harris, G. T., Rice, M. E., Quinsey, V. L., Lalumière, M. L.,
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and Boer, D., & Lang, C. (2003). A multi-site comparison of
statistical manual of mental disorders (4th ed.). actuarial risk instruments for sex offenders.
Washington, DC: Author. Psychological Assessment, 15, 413-425.
Barr, K. N., & Quinsey, V. L. (2004). Is psychopathy a Hilton, N. Z., & Simmons, J. L. (2001). Actuarial and clin-
pathology or a life strategy? Implications for social ical risk assessment in decisions to release mentally
policy. In C. Crawford & C. Salmon (Eds.), Evolutionary disordered offenders from maximum security. Law and
psychology, public policy, and personal decisions (pp. 293-317). Human Behavior, 25, 393-408.
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Kelly, E. L., & Fiske, D. W. (1951). The prediction of perfor-
Belmore, M. F., & Quinsey, V. L. (1994). Correlates of psy- mance in clinical psychology. Ann Arbor: University of
chopathy in a non-institutional sample. Journal of Michigan Press.
Interpersonal Violence, 9, 339-349. Kinsey, A. C., Pomeroy, W. B., Martin, C. E., & Gebhard, P. H.
Blanchard, R., & Bogaert, A. F. (1996). Homosexuality in (1953). Sexual behavior in the human female. New York:
men and number of older brothers. American Journal of Saunders.
Psychiatry, 153, 27-31. Lalumière, M. L., Harris, G. T., Quinsey, V. L., & Rice, M. E.
Bogaert, A. F. (2006). Biological versus nonbiological (2005). The causes of rape: Understanding individual
older brothers and men’s sexual orientation. differences in the male propensity for sexual aggression.
Proceedings of the New York Academy of Sciences, 103, Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
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Psychopathy and the perception of affect and vulnera- lometric measures: A meta-analysis. Criminal Justice
bility. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 34, 531-544. and Behavior, 21, 150-175.

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82 TRAUMA, VIOLENCE, & ABUSE / April 2008

Lalumière, M. L., & Quinsey, V. L. (1998). Pavlovian con- Quinsey, V. L., & Chaplin, T. C. (1988a). Penile responses
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of Sexual Behavior, 27, 241-252. encounters with children involving sex and violence.
Lalumière, M. L., Quinsey, V. L., Harris, G. T., Rice, M. E., Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 3, 259-274.
& Trautrimas, C. (2003). Are rapists differentially Quinsey, V. L., & Chaplin, T. C. (1988b). Preventing faking
aroused by coercive sex in phallometric assessments? in phallometric assessments of sexual preference. In
In R. A. Prentky, E. S. Janus, & M. C. Seto (Eds.), Annals R. A. Prentky & V. L. Quinsey (Eds.), Annals of the
of the New York Academy of Sciences: Vol. 989. New York Academy of Sciences: Vol. 528. Human sexual
Understanding and managing sexually coercive behavior aggression: Current perspectives (pp. 49-58). New York:
(pp. 211-224). New York: New York Academy of New York Academy of Sciences.
Sciences. Quinsey, V. L., Chaplin, T. C., & Carrigan, W. F. (1980).
Landolt, M. A., Lalumière, M. L., & Quinsey, V. L. (1995). Biofeedback and signaled punishment in the modifica-
Sex differences in intra-sex variations in human mat- tion of inappropriate sexual age preferences. Behavior
ing tactics: An evolutionary approach. Ethology and Therapy, 11, 567-576.
Sociobiology, 16, 3-23. Quinsey, V. L., Chaplin, T. C., Maguire, A. M., & Upfold,
Marks, I. M., & Gelder, M. G. (1970). Transvestism D. (1987). The behavioral treatment of rapists and
and fetishism: Clinical and psychological changes dur- child molesters. In E. K. Morris & C. J. Braukmann
ing faradic aversion. British Journal of Psychiatry, 113, (Eds.), Behavioral approaches to crime and delinquency:
711-729. Application, research, and theory (pp. 363-382). New
Marques, J. K., Wiederanders, M., Day, D. M., Nelson, C., York: Plenum.
& van Ommeren, A. (2005). Effects of a relapse pre- Quinsey, V. L., Chaplin, T. C., & Varney, G. W. (1981). A com-
vention program on sexual recidivism: Final results parison of rapists’ and non–sex offenders’ sexual prefer-
from California’s Sex Offender Treatment and ences for mutually consenting sex, rape, and physical
Evaluation Project (SOTEP). Sexual Abuse, 17, 79-107. abuse of women. Behavioral Assessment, 3, 127-135.
Nuffield, J. (1982). Parole decision-making in Canada: Quinsey, V. L., & Cyr, M. (1986). Perceived dangerousness
Research towards decision guidelines. Ottawa, Ontario: and treatability of offenders: The effects of internal
Supply and Services Canada. versus external attributions of crime causality. Journal
Paul, G. L., & Lentz, R. J. (1977). Psychosocial treatment of of Interpersonal Violence, 1, 458-471.
chronic mental patients: Milieu versus social learning Quinsey, V. L., Cyr, M., & Lavallee, Y. (1988). Treatment
programs. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. opportunities in a maximum security psychiatric hos-
Provost, M. P., Kosakoski, G., Kormos, C., & Quinsey, V. L. pital: A problem survey. International Journal of Law and
(2006). Female sociosexuality and preference for Psychiatry, 11, 179-194.
male masculinization. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 35, Quinsey, V. L., Harris, G. T., Rice, M. E., & Cormier, C.
305-312. (2006). Violent offenders: Appraising and managing risk
Provost, M. P., Troje, N. F., & Quinsey, V. L. (2008). Short- (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological
term mating strategies and attraction to masculinity in Association.
point-light walkers. Evolution and Human Behavior, 29, Quinsey, V. L., Jones, G. B., Book, A. S., & Barr, K. N.
65-69. (2006). The dynamic prediction of antisocial behavior
Quinsey, V. L. (1970). Some applications of adaptation- among forensic psychiatric patients: A prospective
level theory to aversive behavior. Psychological Bulletin, field study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 21, 1-27.
73, 441-450. Quinsey, V. L., Khanna, A., & Malcolm, B. (1998). A retro-
Quinsey, V. L. (1971). Conditioned suppression with no spective evaluation of the Regional Treatment Centre
CS-US contingency in the rat. Canadian Journal of Sex Offender Treatment Program. Journal of Interpersonal
Psychology, 25, 54-67. Violence, 13, 621-644.
Quinsey, V. L. (1972). Lick-shock contingencies in the Quinsey, V. L., & Lalumière, M. L. (1995). Evolutionary
rat. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 17, perspectives on sexual offending. Sexual Abuse, 7,
119-125. 301-315.
Quinsey, V. L. (1980). The base rate problem and the pre- Quinsey, V. L., & Lalumière, M. (2001). Assessment of
diction of dangerousness: A reappraisal. Journal of sexual offenders against children (2nd ed.). Thousand
Psychiatry and Law, 8, 329-340. Oaks, CA: Sage.
Quinsey, V. L. (2003). Etiology of anomalous sexual Quinsey, V. L., & Maguire, A. (1983). Offenders remanded
preferences in men. In R. A. Prentky, E. S. Janus, & M. for a psychiatric examination: Perceived treatability
C. Seto (Eds.), Annals of the New York Academy of and disposition. International Journal of Law and
Sciences: Vol. 989. Understanding and managing sexually Psychiatry, 6, 193-205.
coercive behavior (pp. 105-117). New York: New York Quinsey, V. L., & Maguire, A. (1986). Maximum security
Academy of Sciences. psychiatric patients: Actuarial and clinical prediction
Quinsey, V. L., & Ambtman, R. (1979). Variables affecting of dangerousness. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1,
psychiatrists’ and teachers’ assessments of the danger- 143-171.
ousness of mentally ill offenders. Journal of Consulting Quinsey, V. L., Maguire, A., & Varney, G. W. (1983).
and Clinical Psychology, 47, 353-362. Assertion and overcontrolled hostility among mentally

Downloaded from at NORTH DAKOTA STATE UNIV LIB on March 10, 2015

disordered murderers. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Antisocial personality disorder criteria. Psychological
Psychology, 51, 550-556. Assessment, 14, 27-38.
Quinsey, V. L., Rice, M. E., Harris, G. T., & Reid, K. S. Steadman, H. J., & Cocozza, J. J. (1974). Careers of the crim-
(1993). Conceptual and measurement issues in the inally insane: Excessive social control of deviance. Toronto,
phylogenetic and ontogenetic development of sexual Canada: Lexington Books.
age preferences in males. In H. E. Barbaree, W. L. Symons, D. (1979). The evolution of human sexuality. New
Marshall, & S. M. Hudson (Eds.), The juvenile sex York: Oxford University Press.
offender (pp.143-163). New York: Guilford. Volk, A., & Quinsey, V. L. (2002). The influence of infant
Quinsey, V. L., Steinman, C. M., Bergersen, S. G., & facial cues on adoption preferences. Human Nature, 13,
Holmes, T. F. (1975). Penile circumference, skin con- 437-456.
ductance, and ranking responses of child molesters Weiss, C. H., & Bucuvalas, M. J. (1980). Social science
and “normals” to sexual and nonsexual visual stimuli. research and decision-making. New York: Columbia
Behavior Therapy, 6, 213-219. University Press.
Quinsey, V. L., & Varney, G. W. (1976). Modification of Whitman, W. P., & Quinsey, V. L. (1981). Heterosocial
preference in a concurrent schedule by aversive condi- skill training for institutionalized rapists and child
tioning: An analog study. Bulletin of the Psychonomic molesters. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 13,
Society, 7, 211-213. 105-114.
Quinsey, V. L., & Varney, G. W. (1977a). Characteristics of Zamble, E., & Quinsey, V. L. (1997). The criminal recidivism
assaults and assaulters in a maximum security psychi- process. New York: University of Cambridge Press.
atric unit. Crime and Justice, 5, 212-220.
Quinsey, V. L., & Varney, G. W. (1977b). Social skills game:
A general method for the modelling and practice of Vern Quinsey received his PhD in biopsychology from
adaptive behaviors. Behavior Therapy, 8, 279-281. the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1970. He
Rice, M. E., & Harris, G. T. (1995). Violent recidivism: was first a psychologist and later director of research at
Assessing predictive validity. Journal of Consulting and the maximum security Oak Ridge Division of the Mental
Clinical Psychology, 63, 737–748. Health Centre in Penetanguishene, Ontario. In 1988,
Rice, M. E., & Harris, G. T. (2003). The size and sign of he moved to Queen’s University, where he is currently
treatment effects in therapy for sex offenders. In R. A. professor of psychology, biology, and psychiatry and
Prentky, E. S. Janus, & M. C. Seto (Eds.), Annals of the head of the psychology department. He is a Canadian
New York Academy of Sciences: Vol. 989. Understanding Psychological Association fellow and has served on the
and managing sexually coercive behavior (pp. 428-440).
editorial boards of the Journal of Interpersonal Violence,
New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
Rice, M. E., Harris, G. T., Quinsey, V. L., & Cyr, M. (1990).
Sexual Abuse, the Journal of Forensic Psychiatry,
Planning treatment programs in secure psychiatric Aggression and Violent Behavior, among others. He
facilities. In D. Weisstub (Ed.), Law and mental health: has chaired National Institute of Mental Health and
International perspectives (Vol. 5, pp. 162-230). New Ontario Mental Health Foundation research review pan-
York: Pergamon. els. He received a Significant Achievement Award of the
Rice, M. E., Harris, G. T., Varney, G. W., & Quinsey, V. L. Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers in 1994
(1989). Violence in institutions: Understanding, preven- and a Career Contribution Award from the Canadian
tion, and control. Toronto, Canada: Hogrefe and Huber. Psychological Association in 2005. He held a senior
Rice, M. E., Quinsey, V. L., & Harris, G. T. (1991). Sexual research fellowship from the Ontario Mental Health
recidivism among child molesters released from a Foundation from 1997 to 2003. His research interests
maximum security psychiatric institution. Journal of
include the prediction, modification, and management of
Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 381-386.
Seto, M. C., Khattar, N. A., Lalumière, M. L., & Quinsey,
antisocial and violent behavior; applied decision making;
V. L. (1997). Deception and sexual strategy in psychopa- program development and evaluation; sexual preference
thy. Personality and Individual Differences, 22, 301-307. assessment; sex offenders; and evolutionary explanations
Skilling, T. A., Harris, G. T., Rice, M. E., & Quinsey, V. L. of sexual and aggressive behaviors. He has published
(2002). Identifying persistently antisocial offenders more than 130 refereed articles and eight books on
using the Hare Psychopathy Checklist and the DSM these topics.

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