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Commissions and their

Many commissions and their recommendations have been constituted in India with the intention
of attentively studying the current economic issue. Additionally, they organize and carry out the
necessary pragmatic reforms to deal with the identified problems. Numerous reformative actions
have been performed in response to the different commissions and their recommendations.

Some commissions are permanent, while others are temporary. Various commissions and their
recommendations are created for a specific purpose and abandoned as soon as the mission is
finished and the government has received the report. Check the list of Important Committees
and Commissions in India

• Sarkaria Commission Recommendations

• Centre State Relations Commission
• NCRWC - National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution
• Venkatachaliah Commission
• Rajmannar Commission, 1969

What is Sarkaria Commission?

In 1983, the Indian central government created the Sarkaria Commission against M.
Karunanidhi. The Sarkaria Commission was tasked with examining the central-state relationship
across a range of portfolios and making adjustments within the constraints of the Indian
The Commission was so named because Justice Ranjit Singh Sarkaria, a retired Supreme
Court of India judge, served as its chairman. The committee also included Rama Subramaniam
(Member Secretary), Dr. S.R. Sen (the former executive director of the IBRD), and Shri B.
Sivaraman (Cabinet Secretary).

Sarkaria Commission Recommendations

In 1988, the Sarkaria Commission eventually turned in its report. The Sarkaria Commission was
charged with examining the dynamic and distribution of power between the nation's central and
state administrations and making reforms within the restrictions of the Indian Constitution.
The Sarkaria Commission Report covers 247 recommendations for preserving national integrity
and unity, regarded as the major issues in India. Article 263 of this commission indicated that
the president carried out the councils' duties.
A few recommendations of Sarkaria Commission are mentioned below.
• All India Services should be institutionalized, and additional similar services should be
• According to article 263, a permanent interstate council, to be known as the
intergovernmental council, should be established.
• The state government should be informed of the reasons why the President refuses to
contribute to state costs.
• Sarkaria Commission Recommendations also included that Article 356 (the President's
Rule) should only be invoked in the most extreme situations and as a final resort if all
other options have failed.
• The National Economic and Development Council (NEDC) should replace the National
Development Council (NDC) and be reformed..
• To advance the federalist spirit, the zonal councils should be reconstituted and renewed.
• Before passing legislation on a topic on the concurrent list, the centre should contact the
• Another recommendation of Sarkaria Commission was that without the parliament's
request, a commission of inquiry shouldn't be established against a state minister.

Centre State Relations Commission - Rajamannar Committee

The Rajamannar committee was established to study the centre and state relations in India. The
recommendations of the Rajamannar committee are given below. This is one of the notable
Centre State Relations Commission in India.
• There has to be an Inter-State Council created right away.
• Make the Finance Commission a permanent entity.
• A formal organization should be established to take the position of the Planning
• The President's Rule sections of Articles 356, 357, and 365 should be completely
• It is necessary to eliminate the clause that states that the governor appoints the state
• The Concurrent List and Union List should shift some topics to the State List.
• The states should be given residual authority.
• IAS, IPS, and IFS, among other all-India positions, should be phased out.

National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution

The NDA Government of India, headed by Atal Bihari Vajpayee, established the National
Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution (NCRWC), also known as the Justice
Manepalli Narayana Rao Venkatachaliah Commission, on February 22, 2000, to propose
potential constitutional amendments.
The following are a few of the novel NCRWC recommendations:
• According to Article 307, a statutory organization known as the Inter-State Trade and
Commerce Commission should be created.
• A committee made up of the Prime Minister, the Home Minister, the Speaker of the Lok
Sabha, and the Chief Minister of the relevant state should nominate the Governor.
• The issues to be covered during the meetings should be specifically stated in the 1990
Inter-State Council guideline.
• The Concurrent List of the Seventh Schedule should cover the management of crises
and disasters.

Anandpur Sahib Resolution

The Indian Constitution should be made truly federal, according to this 1973 Akali Dal
resolution. It stated that only the areas of defence, foreign policy, communications, and currency
should fall within the centre's control. States should be given full authority over all remaining and
residuary powers. At the federal level, each state should have equal power.

West Bengal Memorandum

In 1977, the communist administration in West Bengal released a memorandum and forwarded
it to the federal government. The West Bengal Memorandum, a declaration released by the
Communist administration in West Bengal in December 1977, includes the following
• The word federation should be used in place of the union in the constitution.
• Limit the centre's authority to just dealing with issues related to defence, foreign policy,
money, communications, and economic coordination.
• The states should have ownership of all other subjects, including the residue.
• Articles 356, 357, and 360 should be abolished.
• For the creation of new states or the reorganization of existing states, the consent of the
state should be required.
• The Rajya Sabha needs to have the same authority as the Lok Sabha.
• All-India services should be eliminated, leaving only central and state services available.

Punchhi Commission
In light of the changes to India's polity and economy, the Punchhi Commission was established
to look into the contemporary issues of Centre-State relations. The key recommendations of the
Punchhi Commission are mentioned below.
• For legislation on similar matters, there should be a consultation procedure between the
union government and the states through the Interstate Council.
• States should have more say in agreements that affect their interests, and the powers of
the union to make treaties should be limited.
• For the Governor to avoid misusing his discretion in this matter, he should get precise
instructions for the nomination of Chief Ministers.
• Both Articles 355 and 356 need to be revised. Through these revisions, the centre
should be able to temporarily subjugate particular troublesome areas, allowing for
localized emergency provisions rather than state-wide ones.
• The National Integration Council needs more authority so that it may intervene if there is
inter-communal violence.

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