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Week -10

Student Name :Tinku

Student ID:500220720
Course Code: COMP1029
Instructor Name : MICHAEL DEL

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Please research and answer the following questions:

1. Research and describe the different application environments supported by

Windows 10. Give examples of each.

Windows can support several application environments, including:

2. Desktop Applications: Traditional software like Microsoft Office.

3. Universal Windows Platform (UWP): Apps that will work across various
Windows devices.
4. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): For running Linux applications on
Windows like Debian.
5. Windows Store Apps: Downloaded from the Microsoft Store, like
6. Command-line & Scripts: Using PowerShell or Command Prompt for tasks.
7. Containers: Using Docker for app deployment.
8. Virtualization: Using Hyper-V for running virtual machines.
9. Gaming: Using DirectX for game development.
10. Mixed Reality: For VR and AR applications.

2. Discuss the procees of Modifying and backing up the registry in Windows 10. Give
The Windows 10 vault can be changed and upheld with a couple of mindful systems.
Here is a fast reference:

Making a Library Reinforcement:

1. Type regedit into the Beginning menu to send off Vault Proofreader.
2. Pick Product when you right-click on PC to make a full library reinforcement.
Explore to the key you need to trade, then right-click and pick it.
3. Save the.reg record in the wake of choosing an area and composing in a
4. Changing the Library:

5. Find the key you need to change in Vault Proofreader.

6. Double tap a worth, change the information, then click alright to roll out the
7. Right-click on the parent key, select New, and select the ideal sort (e.g.,
DWORD, String) to make another key or worth.
For example: To change the organization of the time:

Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International by exploring there.

Change Time Format.

3. Discuss how the process of installing various types of applications in Windows 10.
Give examples
Introducing applications in Windows 10 should be possible through a few strategies,
contingent upon the sort of utilization:

• Microsoft Store Applications:

1. Open the Microsoft Store from the very outset menu.
2. Look for the application you need to introduce.
3. Click on the application, then, at that point, select Get or Introduce.
4. Model: Introducing Netflix or Spotify from the Microsoft Store.
• Work area Applications:
1. Download the installer (normally an .exe document) from the authority site.
2. Double tap the downloaded document to begin the establishment cycle.
3. Adhere to the on-screen guidelines to finish the establishment.
4. Model: Introducing Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Office.
• Order Line Applications:
1. Use PowerShell or Order Brief to introduce applications by means of order
2. For instance, you can utilize winget to introduce applications from the order
line in Windows 10.
• Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Applications:
1. To start with, empower WSL through the Windows highlights.
2. Introduce a Linux conveyance by means of the Microsoft Store.
3. Use Linux bundle administrators (able, yum, and so forth) to introduce Linux
4. Model: Introducing Apache or MySQL inside the Linux climate.
• Versatile Applications:
1. Download the versatile application, which doesn't need establishment.
2. Unfasten the document if vital and run the application straightforwardly from
the organizer.
3. Model: Running a versatile variant of VLC Media Player.
• Applications from Different Sources:
1. A few applications might be downloaded from different sources outside the
Microsoft Store.
2. Guarantee the source is trusted, download the installer, and follow the
3. Model: Downloading and introducing a game from Steam.
4. Make sure to continuously download programming from official or confided
in sources to keep away from security gambles.

Citation :

4. Discuss how to implement options for app compatibility in Windows 10. Give
To carry out application similarity choices in Windows 10:

1. Use Similarity Mode: Change settings to match the application's necessities.

2. Use Similarity Investigator: Let Windows naturally identify and fix similarity
3. Utilize the Application Compat Tool compartment (ACT): Make custom fixes
for explicit applications.
4. Virtualization: Run more established renditions of Windows inside Windows
10 utilizing Hyper-V.
5. Remain Refreshed: Consistently check for similarity refreshes from Microsoft.

5. Discuss how to configure clients for virtual desktops and remote applications. Give

To set up clients for remote apps and virtual desktops:

1. Utilize Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) by installing a client and establishing a

connection to the application server or remote desktop.
2. Make use of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI): To access virtual desktops,
install a VDI client and establish a connection to the VDI infrastructure.
3. Put Application Virtualization into Practice: Install virtualized apps and set up
clients to use them.
4. Configure RDS, or remote desktop services: Publish standalone or remote
desktops, and set up clients to establish connections with the RDS system.
5. Example: Workers can access virtualized apps that have been deployed using
application virtualization solutions, or they can utilize RDP clients to connect
to a remote Windows Server hosting virtual desktops.
Citation :
Note: Use the assignment template in answering the questions. Submit in PDF
format. Cite your references using APA style. Please answer in your own words and
do not just copy and paste answers from the internet.

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