Cognitive Approach Practice Questions

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1) State one aim of the study (2 marks)
2) Describe the background of the study (4 marks)
3) Describe the psychology being investigated (4 marks)
4) Describe how the participants were recruited for the study (2 marks)
5) Describe the sample of the study (4 marks)
6) Describe the mock telephone call (4 marks)
7) Outline the instructions for the monitoring task given to the participants (4
8) Describe how the doodling condition was operationalized (4 marks)
9) Describe how the control condition was operationalized (4 marks)
10) How was the monitoring performance score calculated? (1 mark)
11) Give an example of a plausible mishearing from the study (1 mark)
12) Compare the results of the doodling group to the control group for the
monitoring task. You must use quantitative data (3 marks)
13) Describe the part of the procedure right after the monitoring task where
the participants were debriefed, before beginning the recall task (4 marks)
14) Describe how the recall task was counterbalanced (4 marks)
15) Outline one result that supports the individual explanation and one that
supports the situational explanation (6 marks)
16a) How was recall of incidental information scored? (1 mark)
b) How was recall of monitored information scored? (1 mark)

17) Outline two real world application of the study (4 marks)

18) Outline one conclusion of the study (2 marks)
19) Describe whether each of the following ethical guidelines were followed or
not in the study:
Informed Consent
Protection from psychological harm
(8 marks)
20) Outline one similarity and one difference between Andrade and any other
core study from the cognitive approach (8 marks)
21) Compare the results of the doodling group to the control group for the
recall task. You must use quantitative data (3 marks)
22) State the range of shapes doodled by the doodling group (1 mark)
23) Two friends Sarah and Sana are discussing the study in terms of its validity.
Sarah says the study is valid while Sana says it is not valid. Outline why both
are correct (6 marks)
24) Explain why the study is part of the cognitive approach (2 marks)
25a) Outline two assumptions of the cognitive approach (4 marks)
b) Describe one result from the study that supports either of the two
assumptions stated in part (a) (2 marks)
26) Evaluate the study in terms of two strengths and two weaknesses. At least
one of your evaluative points must be about independent measures (10

1) Outline one aim of the study (2 marks)
2a) Outline two issues with the original eyes test (2 marks)
b) Describe how each of the two issues mentioned in part (a) were resolved (2
3) Describe the psychology being investigated of the study (4 marks)
4) Describe how the revised eyes test was tested on a panel of judges (4
5) Describe the sample for group 1 (4 marks)
6) Describe the sample for group 2 (4 marks)
7) Describe the sample for group 3 (4 marks)
8) Describe the sample for group 4 (4 marks)
9) Other than the eyes test, the participants completed two more test. Name
these two tests (2 marks)
10) Outline what is meant by a ‘foil’ in the eyes test (1 mark)
11) Describe the AQ test (4 marks)
12) Compare the results of Group 1 to Group 4 for the eyes test. You must use
quantitative data (3 marks)
13) Compare the results of Group 1 to Group 3 for the AQ test. You must use
quantitative data (3 mark)
14) Suggest one real world application of the study (2 marks)
15) Outline one result that supports the individual side of the debate (4 marks)
16) Outline one similarity and one difference between Baron Cohen and any
other core study from the cognitive approach (8 marks)
17) Outline two conclusions from the study (4 marks)

18) Explain whether each of the following ethical guidelines was followed or
Protection from psychological harm
Informed Consent
(8 marks)
19) Two friends Sarah and Sana are discussing the study in terms of its validity.
Sarah says the study is valid while Sana says it is not valid. Outline why both
are correct (6 marks)
20) Two friends Scooby and Shaggy are discussing the study in terms of its
generalisability. Scooby says the study is generalisable while Shaggy says it
is not generalisable. Outline why both are correct (6 marks)
21) Explain why the study is part of the cognitive approach (2 marks)
22a) Outline two assumptions of the cognitive approach (4 marks)
b) Describe one result from the study that supports either of the two
assumptions stated in part (a) (2 marks)
23) Evaluate the study in terms of two strengths and two weaknesses. At least
one of your evaluative points must be about self reports (10 marks)

1) Describe the background of the study (4 marks)
2) Describe the psychology being investigated (4 marks)
3) Outline the aim of the study (2 marks)
4a) Describe three features of children participants (3 marks)
b) Describe three features of the adult participants (3 marks)
5) Describe how consent was taken for the children participants (2 marks)

6) Describe how consent was taken from the adult participants (2 marks)
7) Describe how the female researchers ensured the children were
comfortable with them when they met at the children’s school (2 marks)
8) Outline why it was important for the children to be made comfortable with
the experimenters (2 marks)
9) Name one example of ‘professional-casual’ clothing worn by the
experimenters in the study (1 mark)
10) Explain why wearing ‘professional-casual’ clothing was necessary (2 marks)
11) Describe the video that was shown of the male human target (4 marks)
12) Describe the video that was shown of the female human target (4 marks)
13) Describe the video that was shown of the male cartoon target (4 marks)
14) Describe the video that was shown of the female cartoon target (4 marks)
15a) Describe the line-up presentation for the target-present line up for the
male human target (4 marks)
b) Describe the line-up presentation for the target-absent line up for the male
human target (4 marks)
16a) Describe the line-up presentation for the target-present line up for the
female human target (4 marks)
b) Describe the line-up presentation for the target-absent line up for the
female human target
17a) Describe the line-up presentation for the target-present line up for the
male cartoon target (4 marks)
b) Describe the line-up presentation for the target-absent line up for the male
cartoon target
18a) Describe the line-up presentation for the target-present line up for the
female cartoon target (4 marks)
b) Describe the line-up presentation for the target-absent line up for the
female cartoon target

19) Outline one result that supports the individual explanation and one result
that supports the situational explanation (6 marks)
20a) Outline how the cartoon foils were selected for the photoarrays (4 marks)
b) Outline how the human foils were selected for the photoarrays (4 marks)
21) Suggest one real world application of the findings of the study (2 marks)
22a) Outline how the children participants indicated their response when
making target identifications or rejections (1 mark)
b) Outline how the adult participants indicated their response when making
target identifications or rejections (1 mark)
23) Outline one similarity and one difference between Pozzulo and any other
core study from the cognitive approach (8 marks)
24) Outline one conclusion from the study (2 marks)
25) Outline the instructions given to the children participants prior to the
display of each line up (4 marks)
26a) Outline two assumptions of the cognitive approach (4 marks)
b) Describe one result of the study that supports either of the two
assumptions mentioned in part (a) (2 marks)
27) Describe the part of the procedure for the children participants of ‘free
recall descriptions’ after the videos were shown, and right before the
photoarrays were displayed (3 marks)
29) Explain whether each of the following ethical guidelines was followed or
Right to withdraw
Protection from psychological harm
(8 marks)

30) Two friends Sarah and Sana are discussing the study in terms of its validity.
Sarah says the study is valid while Sana says it is not valid. Outline why both
are correct (6 marks)
31) Outline four hypothesis of the results of the study (4 marks)
32) Compare the results of the children participants to the adult participants
for target-identifications of cartoon faces (3 marks)
33) Compare the results of the children participants to the adult participants of
target-rejections of cartoon faces (3 marks)
34) Compare the results of the children participants to the adult participants of
target-identifications of human faces (3 marks)
35) Compare the results of the children participants to the adult participants of
target-rejections of human faces (3 marks)
36) Evaluate the study in terms of two strengths and two weaknesses. At least
one of your evaluative points must be about quantitative data (10 marks)

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