Guidelines For Half Moon Terrace

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Guidelines for Half moon Terrace

What it is about?
The half-moon terraces are constructed by cutting land surface in the shape of half-moon to create
circular level bed having basin of 1.0-1.5 m diameter. These are constructed on the slope for planting
the saplings of fruit crops as well as trees in horticulture and agro-forestry land use system. This type
of terraces is made at a distance of planting spacing.
Who is it for?
Half-moon terrace will be encourage in all the project villages where the horticulture and agroforestry
crops are raised by the upland settled farmers. The project will support the orchards or plantations
already raised with the construction of half moon terraces as an effective method for soil and moisture
conservation in high slope areas.
Why it is proposed?
Half-moon terrace is proposed as an effective simple method for enriching the soil and moisture regime
of the basal region of the individual crop. It serves the purpose of weeding and loosening of soil particles
around the stem.
What are the benefits?
Ease in operation as it involves little or minimum soil works around a particular crop. Retention of soil
and moisture in the basal region of the crops.
How do you plan to implement this activity?
Half-moon terrace will be implemented only in horticulture and agroforestry crops in upland settled
farming which have good growth, proper spacing and moderate slope conducive to carry out soil works.
What is the unit cost prepared? Provide a base.
Unit cost for construction/development of half-moon terrace in one hectare area of jhum is estimated to
be ₹. 20,000/- . However, each household will be supported only with an area of 0.50ha.
What is the area and household target?
Half-moon terraces will be constructed/developed in 3225 Ha benefitting 6450 HH.
What is the expected outputs?(Immediate results)
The method is expected to be easily adopted by the farmers in all the project villages. Farmers learned
the easy and simple method of soil and moisture conservation.
What is the expected outcome? (long term results)
The regular practice and adoption of the half-moon terrace will results into conducive microclimate and
better yields in quantity and quality of crops.

Estimate of Half Moon Terrace for One Hectare

As per 2021 NPWD SOR
Assuming the plantation/orchard area of tree/crop having a spacing of 5m plant to plant and row to
No. of plant/crop per ha = 10000/7.5 X 7.5 = 178plants/crops
Circular level bed//Basin diameter (R) = 1.0m i.e. radius (r)
= 0.50m
Slope = 50%
Depth of cut on the upstream (d) = 0.5m
Earthwork/basin = πr2X d/2 = 3.14 X 0.25 X 0.5/2 = 0.20cum
Volume of earthwork/ha = 0.20 X 178 = 35.6cum
Estimated cost/ha @ Rs. 571.70/m3 = 35.6 X 571.70 = Rs. 20,352.52
20,352.52 Say Rs. 20,000/-

(Rupees Twenty thousand) only

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