HRA Max Effective

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Maximizing the Impact and

Effectiveness of HR Analytics
to Drive Business Outcomes
By Scott Mondore, Siiane Douti^itt and Marisa Carson, Strategic Management Decisions
The topic of HR analytics has been given a lot of press lately—and rightfully so. It affords HR
leaders an opportunity to show the direct impact of their processes and initiatives on business
outcomes. Unfortunately, as with many concepts that were once new to HR (e.g. engagement,
quality circles, etc.), the definitions and process details associated with doing analytics the right
way have not been well-articulated.

e will help remedy this by taking Chief financial officers (CFOs) do the same
you through a step-by-step pro- thing when they produce financial forecasts
What HR Analytics
cess of conducting HR analytics or conduct a cost/benefit analysis. The goal is Is Not
for maximum impact and effectiveness, to understand the past and present to predict
while making sure that we give you the the future, basing these assessments on facts It is also important to try to put a halt to some
details, via case studies, to get it done right. and data. Therefore, the idea, for example, of the misconceptions about analytics before
We will clearly articulate a step-by-step pro- that employees' attitudes can be scientifically HR leaders go down those paths. HR analyt-
cess for making these connections so that and rationally related to tangible business ics is not the following:
HR can clearly articulate a business-case outcomes is not ridiculous. In fact, based on
and show the business impact of its invest- our experience with organizations of all sizes,
ments—like other departments/functions it is quite feasible—and in this age of intense Efficiency Metrics/Scorecards
within organizations. competition, failing to discover the cause- For some, HR analytics have come down to
effect drivers hidden in your employee-related tracking more efficiency metrics around HR
Specifically, we will focus on process analytics data could be quite dangerous to your busi- activities. There is nothing wrong with mea-
that focus on conducting cause-effect analyt- ness's long-term viability. suring time-to-hire as an HR efficiency metric,
ics on individual HR processes, and but it likely does not excite your CEO—
integrated analytics that focus on pulling unless you have shown the direct connection
multiple HR processes together to tackle
strategic issues such as succession planning.
The Benefits of between time-to-hire and the quality of peo-
ple that are hired. Yet many just track it
Analytics anyway and call it analytics. Tracking effi-
We define HR analytics as demonstrating the ciency metrics on a big HR scorecard is
direct impact of people data on important Let's consider the benefits of HR departments important, but call it what it is—a scorecard.
business outcomes, but landing on a proper making an investment in stronger analytics. More metrics and a scorecard do not show
definition of HR analytics is less important business value and do not mean much outside
than using the process to affect the overall 1. They can redirect the money they spend of HR. More data collection does not equal
role of HR in an organization. The reality is today on the wrong employee initiatives analytics, it just means more collection.
that organizations already spend significant to more beneficial employee initiatives.
dollars on employees. The problem isn't that Specifically, those initiatives that impact
senior executives are not willing to invest in critical business metrics and outcomes Alignment
people. The problem is that those invest- instead of the latest un-quantified HR leaders often say that they are aligned to
ments: 1) lack data to justify their worth, HR fads that promise to make employees the business. They should be. In fact, it would
2) use the wrong data, or 3) produce unquan- happier, more engaged and satisfied. be strange if what HR was doing was com-
tifiable returns. pletely disconnected from the line-of-business
2. The investments that they decide to make (LOB) that it was supporting. If the sales
The HR function can implement a practical that focus on employees will result in tan- function is hiring, then HR should be helping
approach to help executives make the right gible outcomes that benefit shareholders, the sales function hire people. That's align-
investments based on effective analysis and customers and employees themselves. ment. No analyses are needed, nor does it
practical initiatives. Yes, there is the need for show a cause-effect relationship with
advanced statistical knowledge, but for the 3. The returns on such investments, via their
increased sales to say that you are aligned.
most part, the process is fairly straightfor- impact on the top and/or bottom lines,
ward. Today, the types of analytics required can be quantified.
to discover the drivers of tangible business 4. HR departments can be held accountable Gap Analysis
outcomes are frequently used in different set- for impacting the bottom-line the same Showing gaps between survey scores between
tings. For example, banks use predictive way business or product leaders are held two different departments is a way of analyz-
models to assess consumer and commercial accountable. ing data. Demonstrating improvements from
credit risk. Market researchers utilize cus- year-to-year is also an interesting perspective.
tomer demographics to predict buying 5. HR executives will be included in the However, if we aren't showing the business
liehaviors. These approaches make an edu- conversation, because they can now quan- impact of that gap, then all we are doing is
cated, predictive assessment based on facts tify their numerous impacts on business ranking departments on scores—i.e., looking
and data. outcomes. at data. >

VOLUME 34/ISSUE 2 — 2011 I 21

Correlations • Give evidence-based advice on how to impact of people data on business outcomes.
Correlating people data and business data is drive the business from a people- Regression is used to show the connection
definitely a step in the right direction. It perspective. from attitudes to attitudes on an employee
shows the organization that we are pulling opinion survey, e.g. connecting survey items
• Be pursued by line-of-business leaders to to turnover intentions. Regression does not
information together and making important help them reach business targets.
connections. The downside is that correla- show a cause-effect relationship; however, it
tions do not help us make important decisions • Take accountability for a portion of the is a step in the right direction to help you
about what to invest in from an HR perspec- organization's financial health. prioritize impact.
tive—because correlations may only represent • Show results and not just HR activity
coincidences in the relationship between A key message that we constantly communi-
completion (e.g. survey response rates). cate to HR leaders is: Don't let the statistics
people data and outcome data. The classic
example is the correlation between shark • Create an HR strategy that has direct be a barrier; you can hire a firm, a graduate
attacks and ice cream sales. Shark attacks do impact on the bottom-line. student or professor to help you do the anal-
not cause people to buy ice cream, nor does ysis, or use an internal resource within the
eating ice cream make you any more a target organization with these skills.
to be attacked by a shark. It is not a wise Cause-Effect Analysis
investment for Baskin Robbins to spend mil-
lions of dollars to chum the waters at
Rather than get mired too deep in the statisti- Key Approaches
cal aspects of cause-effect analysis, we will
beaches that are close to their stores. They are focus on the benefits of this approach. Struc- to Analytics
correlated because they both increase during tural equations modeling (SEM) is a statistical
the summer time. Plus, bringing a correlation analysis approach that econometricians and Now that you know more about analytics,
analysis to a senior team with a moderate market researchers have used for decades and let's take a look at two key strategies that
level of statistical expertise will result in more recently by industrial/organizational show HR's value.
quickly debunking an analysis. psychologists. This approach allows you the
opportunity to: As mentioned above, many HR processes
have become ubiquitous in nearly all organi-
1. consider multiple independent & depen- zations (e.g. employee opinion surveys and
Benchmarking dent measures concurrently; 360s). The opportunity is now to assess and
A key factor that many executives examine, demonstrate the actual business value of
particularly with employee opinion surveys, 2. imply cause-effect relationships; these processes. To that end, two strategies to
is the ability to benchmark how their organi- 3. calculate a more robust ROI; and analytics should be taken to maximize their
zations are doing versus the outside world. effectiveness and influence in organization.
It's an important metric and valuable in 4. correct for measurement errors.
benchmarking; what is not apparent is the Eirst, HR Process Analytics helps connect an
connection to business outcomes of being The first point is important because we know individual process, such as those listed in
well-ahead or well-behind on benchmarks that each individual piece of employee-related Sidebar 1, to important business outcomes.
and the actual return-on-investment (ROI) data does not exist in a vacuum and organiza-
on spending money to improve on a certain tions measure numerous outcomes. The
benchmark. Again, it is a way of looking at second point is critical because, as mentioned
data, but benchmarking is not analyzing data earlier, correlations do not tell you which came
first, for example, didfinancialimprovements
Examples of
or showing its business value.
happen after we had employee satisfaction? By Process Analytics
following the guidelines of SEM, we can
How HR Analytics uncover cause-effect relationships. By demon-
• On-boarding
• Selection
strating cause-effect relationships, the third
Should Be Executed point becomes much more défendable to other • Performance Management
senior leaders, because ROI will be shot down • Employee Opinion Surveys
The key reason to conduct effective HR ana-
if based on correlations (we've seen it happen). • Competencies
lytics is to conclusively show your business
Einally, point four is technical, but important. • Leadership Deveiopment
impact within the organization. Again, terms
People-data collection brings with it a portion
like "business partner" and "seat-at-the- • 360 Assessments
of measurement error that is typically shown
table" have been overused in the HR world • Work-life Balance Initiatives
through a reliability assessment. Unfortunate-
and HR literature. But showing the actual
ly, correlation analysis assumes that everything
cause-effect relationship among what you do
and business outcomes and building a strat-
was measured without error, which begins Examples of
the process with a significant flaw.
egy based on that information, will allow you Integrated Analytics
to make those terms a reality. An HR leader
that uses analytics properly to show business • Succession Planning
Regression Analysis
value will: • IHR Strategy Development
Regression analysis does afford HR leaders
• CEO People Dashboard
• Calculate return-on-investmentfor (nearly) an opportunity to look at multiple pieces of
everything that they do. data simultaneously and help prioritize the


Each process can be analyzed separately to utive buy-in, cross-functional interaction, ers become the key members of a
show the return-on-investment and drive targeted initiative-building and a discipline of cross-functional data team (CFDT) that
action and a sense of urgency for the results measurement and re-focusing. needs to be organized. This team should con-
across the organization. Second, HR Inte- sist of measurement experts, key
grated Analytics combines the key business line-of-business leaders or metric owners,
drivers from the Process Analytics approach Step 1: Determine and HR leadership. The measurement experts
into an integrated business-focused strategic
plan. Succession is an important area that
Critical Outcomes are needed to determine data requirements,
to scientifically link the necessary datasets,
consists of several processes, but can be and to conduct the requisite statistical analy-
An organization must first determine the top
focused upon by an integrated analytics ses. It is important to have influential
two to three most critical outcomes on which
approach. We will illustrate both types of company leaders and decision makers par-
to focus. For example, outcomes such as pro-
analytics with the following case studies. ticipate in this process—to generate a sense
ductivity, turnover and customer satisfaction
are commonly desired outcomes—but those of urgency. Warning: There can be instances
A Comprehensive, are not the end of the list. Financial indica-
tors, costs and safety-related data are all
of turf-battles over data and suspicion about
turning over business data to another func-
Practical Road Map outcomes that can be connected to employ- tion—for this reason, additional senior
ees. Key stakeholder interviews of the board, leader participation is critical.
to Conducting CEO, CFO or other business leaders are very
HR Analytics helpful in the process—this is also a great
chance to generate buy-in. Step 3: Assess Measures
We have refined a practical roadmap over of Critical Outcomes
many years that boils down to a straightfor-
ward six-step process shown in Exhibit 1 that
Step 2: Create Cross- The next step is to determine how data are
drives HR strategy by connecting what is Functional Data Team currently captured in the organization. This
done in HR directly to business outcomes. step gets into the details of the actual analysis
HR analytics moves beyond conducting Next, you will need to identify the various process, but several measurement character-
analysis and creates an environment of exec- owners of the outcome data. These data own- istics of each outcome measure must be

EXHIBIT 1 : THE BUSINESS PARTNER ROADMAP^ • Frequency of measurement (e.g., monthly,

quarterly, annually).
• Level of measurement (e.g., by line of
1. Determine business, by work unit, by manager, at the
Critical store level, at the department/function
Outcomes level).
• Organizational owners of each of the
outcome measures (e.g., the department or
2, Create leader of the particular measurement).
6. Measure &
Adjust Understanding each of these measurement
Data Team
characteristics is important before any link-
ages to employee data can be made. The goal
is to have apples-to-apples comparisons of
the data—which means that if you want to
look at productivity numbers, you need to
have productivity data that is measured at the
same interval (e.g., monthly) and at the same
level for each manager.
5. Build 3. Assess
Program &
Step 4: Conduct
Objective Analysis of
Key Data
4. Analyze This part of the process will require advanced
Data statistical knowledge to link the data. If inter-
nal resources don't exist in your organization,
then hiring a consultant, graduate student,
professor or full-time statistician for this role

VOLUME 34/ISSUE 2 — 2011 23

ment results. However, it is not advisable to
make frequent, wholesale changes to the
strategic focus of the interventions. Pick two

to three priorities and build action plans
around those priorities. Measure progress
1 Quality against those plans two to three more times,
and then re-calculate the dataset linkages
Item-Level Quality Drivers: ^v^,^^ and re-prioritize.
• Service and quality in my department are not ^^*^k
compromised due to insufficient staffing
• My coworkers are committed to quality ^01^'
HCAHPS 1 HR Process Analytics
Case Study: Employee
1 Safety
Item-Levei Safety Driver:
* 1 feei safe at work (building, parking lot)
r Opinion Surveys
Employee engagement/satisfaction/commit-
ment is not a business outcome, but it can be
a driver of business outcomes. HR analytics
will allow you to link the survey data that you
collect to important business results and then
focus your initiatives on those key areas that
drive results. The key questions to ask at each
is necessary. Using structural equations mod-
eling affords us the ability to determine, for Step 5: Build the step in the Business Partner RoadMap" (see
page 23) are as follows:
example, whether employee attitudes about
work-life balance are a cause-and-effect
Program and Execute 1. On what outcomes/metrics are the senior
driver of increased customer satisfaction. Create interventions that will have the desired leaders in this organization most focused?
This implied cause-effect relationship is effect. At this action-planning stage you can
important for understanding how these dif- 2. Who owns the specific data/metrics that
focus activities at the systemic, organization- senior leaders are focused? How do 1
ferent measures relate to each other as well wide, line of business or work-unit level. The
as for calculating an expected return-on- connect with those individuals to obtain
big opportunity is that the investments focus the data?
investment for the initiatives. on those employee processes/skills/attitudes/
demographics, that have been shown to have 3. Are the important business data/metrics
The statistical component of this step accom- a direct impact on the organization's desired collected at the appropriate level for me
plishes three things: business outcomes—and not just an assumed to make apples-to-apples comparisons
impact or a feeling that it is the right thing to (i.e. department level/district level)?
1. Understanding the relationship between
do. An expected return will now be used to
employee initiatives, skills, behaviors, 4. Do I have the statistical capabilities in-
guide the HR strategy, and initiatives must be
attitudes and meaningful business out- house or do I need to look at a university
customized and placed in the context of each
comes. or consulting firm to help me analyze the
unique organization.
2. Prioritizing types of interventions (i.e., data?
determine where to spend time, money). 5. Based on the linkage analysis, what is the
3. Calculating expected ROI to determine
Step 6: Measure and highest priority/ROI project that I should
levels of investments and returns . Ad j ust/Re-prioritize execute first?
6. How do I assess the change that has
This work is designed to allow you to deter- In the last step, re-measure to assess progress occurred and make adjustments to maxi-
mine your HR priorities and how much to and calculate actual return-on-investment. mize effectiveness?
invest in them. Thefinalresult generated from Business leaders understand the importance
the data analysis step is a list of priorities that of goal setting and measurement. They also We had the opportunity to help Baptist
have data and analysis behind them to ensure understand the importance of creating a Health Care analyze their employee survey
an impact on the business. It will also show culture of measurement and accountability. data to make it business-focused. Due to the
which initiatives are not having their desired Like other organizational decisions, leaders healthcare reform law, a patient survey
impact(s) and could be candidates for cost- should make slight adjustments to initiatives known as HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer
cutting. along the way based on regular measure- Assessment of Health Providers and Systems
survey) has become a critical business out-
come with important financial implications
for the organization. The organization typi-
Employee engagement/satisfaction/commitment is cally viewed their employee survey as a way
to gauge their level of engagement, which is
not a business oucome, but it can be a driver... common in many organizations. However,
they needed new tools to improve HCAHPS


scores and viewed their people as an oppor-
tunity. We took their survey data at the
manager level and directly linked it to Making HR analytics available and actionaoie lo Troni-iine
HCAHPS scores at the manager level, using
structural equations modeling. On a tactical
leaders will expand your impact in the organization.
level for the analysis, we lined up the survey
results for each manager and then aligned
their year-to-date HCAHPS scores. We then emergency department. As a result of the link- survey data more business-focused is the use
used the AMOS program in SPSS statistical age analysis. Baptist raised the sense of of analytics-driven HeatMaps. We created
software to analyze the data using structural urgency around safety even higher. Survey Strategic Survey HeatMaps'" (Exhibit 3) to
equations modeling. What we discovered results that were not high on the to-do list provide each leader with an easy-to-under-
from these senior level analytics is in Exhibit 2. now had the full support of the entire senior stand chart that summarizes their local survey
team, including the CFO, because of tbe dem- data into four areas that prioritize action—
Exhibit 2 shows that Quality and Safety are onstrated impact on financial outcomes. based on cause-effect business impact.
the two survey categories that significantly Having the facts and data to support the Front-line leaders simply do not have the time
drive HCAHPS at Baptist. More specifically improvement of a critical business outcome to pore over numerous survey items with
for Safety, it was that employees at Baptist felt (HCAHPS), and the ability to show the level
average scores, percentile favorable scores,
safe at work, literally in the building and of impact and specifically on what needs
and benchmark scores prior to making any
walking to their car. The beta-value (impact work creates impact opportunities for HR.
informed decisions on strengths, weaknesses
measure) of 0.12 was statistically significant,
and what needs their work to see an improve-
meaning that feeling safer at work was a
direct cause of employees treating patients Bringing Analytics ment or a business impact).
more effectively. This result made sense as it
is difficult to focus on making patients feel
Results to Front-line The HeatMaps allow you to provide all lead-
cared for if you are looking over your shoul- Leaders ers, at all levels a quick way to incorporate
analytics to prioritize exactly what needs
der or feel uncomfortable in your
surroundings. Making HR analytics available and action- their attention to impact results.
able to front-line leaders will expand your
Furthermore, the hospital had recently expe-
rienced a significant safety incident in the
impact in the organization. An important
approach/tool that makes employee opinion
The Mechanics of the
Strategic Survey
In this example, the outcome were the
* Mgmt Reiatlons K Growth Strategy + Change iWgmt HCAHPS results. Using structural equations
• Mgmt Communication * Engagement 0 Safety Factor modeling, we lined up each manager's
A Career Development • Compensation * Automotive Factor employee opinion survey data with their
year-to-date HCAHPS data. The vertical axis
on the heatmap is the percent favorable score
Maintain ' Promote
that was achieved on each of the categories
from the survey. The horizontal axis shows
the level of impact that each of the survey
categories had on the business outcome
(HCAHPS). The vertical bolded line near the
middle of the heatmap reveals the cutoff
where the impact was significant or not sig-
nificant. Every survey category to the right of
the vertical bold line had a significant impact.
Every survey category to the left of the verti-
cal bold line did not have a significant impact.

The horizontal bold line represents the aver-

age "overall percent favorable goal" for the
entire organization. We determined this aver-
age by bolding a meeting witb senior leaders
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
to gain their input. Any survey categories that
are above the horizontal bold line are consid-
ered strengths. Any survey categories that are
below the horizontal line are considered a
developmental area. >•

VOLUME 34/ISSUE 2 — 2011 25

The four quadrants of the HeatMap help Maintain • Assessing the health of the talent pool.
leaders to determine how to combine the level The top-left quadrant of the HeatMap is • Creating leadership programs based on
of impact and the level of strength of each called Maintain—this represents the areas in true talent pool development needs and
survey category and turn those results into a which the leader is doing a great job, but these individual development needs that are
business-focused action plan. survey categories are not highly impactful on driving business outcomes.
the HCAHPS outcome.
Focus Using Analytics to
The bottom right quadrant is labeled Focus. HR Integrated Drive Succession/
This quadrant is the most important because
any survey category that falls into this area is
Analytics Case Study: Talent Planning
1) scoring below the organizational average Succession/Talent
as measured by percent favorable, and 2) a Building on the Baptist Health Care case
significant driver of HCAHPS. Simply put, Planning study, we will again focus on HCAHPS as the
these two survey categories (Career Develop- critical business outcome. An analytics-based
ment and Management Communication) are Employee surveys and 360s are two of many
approach to succession planning infuses the
important, and this particular leader is not opportunities to apply process analytics to
appropriate amount of scientific rigor into
very good at either of them. It makes sense important HR initiatives. Integrated analyt-
the process while still allowing the program
that this particular leader should put these ics bring multiple processes under one
umbrella and can have even larger strategic to be customized to best meet the needs of
two categories on his or her action plan. The individual organizations. Like the other pre-
HeatMap is designed to help the leader get impact in your organization—as evidenced in
the following paragraphs. vious examples, we used the six-step roadmap
very detailed quickly by providing the spe- as a guide for the process.
cific items that make up each of these survey
categories. Then, he or she can see specifi- Succession/talent planning is critical to build-
Our specific approach to analytics-based suc-
cally where to spend the most time. If you ing that long-sought-after pipeline of
cession planning is depicted in Exhibit 4.
think back to any past employee surveys that leadership for the organization. Unfortu-
you have conducted, you will remember that nately, this process has been plagued by
favorites being selected as high potentials and The analysis of key business drivers serves as
it would be difficult to reach such quick con- the foundation for a talent/succession score-
clusions on where to spend your time to have ratings of performance/potential that are not
based on any type of rigorous measurement. card. Integrating the business drivers from
a business impact. Most standard reports key HR process analytics and applying them
Many components of succession planning
only list performance on each survey item. to individuals across the organization will
can and should be made more rigorous and
Front-line leaders love the four-quadrant neutralize the biases that come into play
scientific to reap the greatest benefit for the
approach, because it significantly reduces when creating succession/talent plans.
organization. These include:
their data analysis time and allows them to
get down to creating plans quickly. When • Discovering what aspects of employee A sample of our Talent/Succession Score-
they realize that these are not just low scores, performance drive business outcomes. card'" is provided in Exhibit 5.This scorecard
but are also elements critical to a perfor-
mance metric that directly impacts their
bonus, they buy-in on a personal level and a EXHIBIT 4: ANALYTICS-BASED SUCCESSION PLANNING
business level.
1. Assess
1 12. Buiid and
Customize the
3. Conduct
The upper-right quadrant of the HeatMap is
labeled Promote, because these are the survey
Impact of
People Data
k Succession
Pian and
Ready Now
Program &
categories on which the leader is scoring well;
and they are important drivers of business
outcomes. For these survey categories, the
1 ^ H • Review business ^m • Incorporate H • 9-box rating ^H

• Leadership
^H strategy and key H stakeholder ratings ^M exercise ^ | Development
leader would want to get the word out to his ^H business metrics H of performance
^M • Calibrate ratings
^H Program can
or her people and brag about the outcomes ^M and potential ^M inciude:
^M - Link people ^M distributions
the outcomes that people have achieved as a ^H assessments ^M • Analytics may I . Create customized • " Executive
^ 1 (competencies. ^M eliminate Ready ^M Assessments
result of his or her actions. ^B performance. ^B Now's from the ^B eve opmeti ^ ^ (personaiity.
attitude surveys) pool and may 360, experience)
to business uncover overlooked
investments based - Action Learning
metrics Ready Now's
Monitor • Focus on people • Reveals strengths
on performance
and potential
Teams focused
business issues
The bottom-left quadrant of the HeatMap is assessments that and gaps across
• Map plans - Group Learning
drive business the talent pool
called Monitor, because the survey categories against current
outcomes career pathing - Individual
• Assess Talent
that land here represent areas of weakness for Pool Health

this leader; but they are not highly significant

to driving the HCAHPS business outcome.
v y
EXHIBIT 5: BUSINESS FOCUSED TALENT/SUCCESSION SCORECARD" participation rates on their initiatives. The
proper implementation of analytics is a key
Critical Comp«t»nclei' Pirforminca In Exptricnc«' Cog: Ability' initiative to making HR a strategic function
in any organization. I
1 '11 ». 1 ... ~ ^
. 1 ., • . [ nh •.sen i: M«

" • '
Scott Mondore, Ph.D., is currently a

9A% a';^ 78H 78H 7SS SI« >1K

managing partner of Strategic Man-
agement Decisions (SMD) and is the
co-author of "Investing in What Mat-
1. Current This metric is a summation of current effectiveness-to-goai on business ters: Linking Employees to Business
Performance outcomes as demonstrated on tiie current performance review. Outcomes" and the upcoming book:
2. Critical This metric displays the competencies that have been shown to have the "Business-focused HR: 11 Processes to
Competencies greatest cause-effect impact on overall business performance. Drive Results" both published by
3. Critical
SHRM. Mondore has significant expe-
This metric shows the overall business performance achieved in each of
Experiences the critical experiences on the career path. rience in the areas of strategy, talent
management, measurement, customer
This score is the percentile achieved by the individual on a validated experience and organizational devel-
cognitive ability assessment.
opment across numerous industries.
5. Employee This metric shows the previous 5-year average that the leader achieved on
Survey the employee opinion survey. Mondore holds a master's degree
6. Potential ^ ^ H This metric is the current assessment of the individual's potentiai by senior and doctorate in Industrial/Organiza-
leadership. tional Psychology from the University
7. Individual Talent
of Georgia. He can be reached at
This metric displays the overall 'health' of the individual leader. It averages
Health their scores horizontally across all of the scorecard elements.
8. Average Element This metric allows senior leadership to view strengths and weaknesses
Score across the organization in each of the critical talent areas. This score is
Shane Douthitt, Ph.D., is currently a
averaged vertically on each critical area. managing partner of Strategic Man-
9. Overall Talent/
agement Decisions (SMD) and is the
This metric is a stand aione measure of the overall 'health' of the talent
Succession population, on a scale of 0 -100% co-author of "Investing in What Mat-
Pool Health ters: Linking Employees to Business
Outcomes" and "Business-focused
HR: 11 Processes to Drive Results."
allows you to focus exclusively on factors By incorporating information from all lead- Douthitt has significant experience in
that drive the business because it only dis- ers in an organization beyond the the areas of measurement, training,
plays those key areas of performance and high-potentials, the scorecard will reveal talent management, executive assess-
behaviors that were proven to have a cause- individuals who are high-performers on the ment and c o a c h i n g , and
effect impact on business outcomes. This critical business drivers who may not have organizational development across a
approach helps to calibrate "9-box" ratings been considered part of the original pool of variety of industries. Douthitt holds a
and reduce tbe amount of bias inherent to less future leaders. Reconsidering talent will master's degree and doctorate in
rigorous succession planning approaches. help the organization to avoid missing Industrial/Organizational psychology
opportunities to develop talent that may from the University of Georgia. He can
If you read the scorecard from left to right for have been overlooked. This highly objec- be reached at
each leader, you can see very quickly the spe- tive, analytics-based approach also helps
cific areas in which they need individual reveal high-potential leaders who are vastly Marisa Carson, Ph.D., is a senior con-
development help. Additionally, if you read underperforming on competencies/results sultant with Strategic Management
top-to-bottom for each area that was assessed, that are critical to the business. Reconsider- Decisions (SMD) and is the co-author
you can quickly identify key development ing the placement of such individuals in the of "Business-focused HR: 11 Process-
needs across the entire talent pool. Eor exam- future leader pool can save the organization es to Drive Results." Carson has
ple, the most glaring issue raised by the from over-investing in under-performing extensive experience in the areas of
scorecard in Exhibit 5 is employee attitudes. employees. HR data analytics, leadership devel-
The scorecard gives you the opportunity to opment and coaching, employee
identify both individual and organizational selection and assessment, perfor-
development needs. Another key outcome Final Thoughts mance management and succession
planning. She holds a master's degree
from this scorecard is the ability to calculate
an overall Talent Pool Health Score that can The analytics process presented here is in Industrial/Organizational Psychol-
be used to track progress in developing the straightforward and numerous organizations ogy and a doctorate in Organizational
key talent in your organization. The Talent have used it to gain competitive advantages. Science from the University of North
Pool Health Score represents a summation of It is time for HR leaders to start attacking Carolina at Charlotte. She can be
all of the talent health scores for each indi- business outcomes versus trying to improve reached at
vidual being assessed. an employee engagement score or increase

VOLUME 34/ISSUE 2 — 2011 27

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